Cell and Neoplasm Biology Cell and Neoplasm Biology


Cell and Neoplasm Biology Cell and Neoplasm Biology
rok akademicki rozpoczynający cykl kształcenia 2016-2019
modułu/przedmiotu :
Kod modułu
Cell and Neoplasm Biology
Kierunek studiów:
Poziom studiów:
Forma studiów:
stacjonarne X
Rok studiów:
Typ modułu/
obowiązkowy X
Język wykładowy:
Forma realizacji
Wykład (W)
obcy X
Seminarium (S)
Ćwiczenia (C)
E-wykłady (eW)
Zajęcia praktyczne (ZP)
Praktyki zawodowe (PZ)
Forma nakładu pracy studenta
Obciążenie studenta (h)
(udział w zajęciach, aktywność, przygotowanie sprawdzenie, itp.)
1. Godziny kontaktowe
2. Czas pracy własnej studenta
Sumaryczne obciążenie pracy studenta
Punkty ECTS za moduł/przedmiot
Cele kształcenia:
Cell and Neoplasm Biology course provides essential knowledge on several topics concerning
physiology of human cells with its clear relationship to human disease and particularly cancer
pathogenesis. The course will cover not only well-established findings but also recent advances that
have a particular importance in medicine. The course will concentrate on specific aspects of cell
physiology including regulation of gene expression and role of epigenetics in cell function and
human disease, intercellular and intracellular signaling, the cell cycle, and cell death. Students will
also gain an understanding of stem cells and their significance in medicine. Through these course
components we aim to provide students with a strong foundation, and the tools to understand the
role that cell biology will have on the future practice of medicine. The course will be taught using
lectures, and case-based, small group laboratory sessions. During the course students will work in
teams on the course project. Teams will present their projects at the end of the course to a panel of
invited scientists and faculty members.
Macierz efektów kształcenia dla modułu /przedmiotu w odniesieniu do metod weryfikacji założonych efektów
kształcenia oraz formy realizacji zajęć.
Student, który zaliczy moduł ( przedmiot) wie/umie/potrafi:
Metody weryfikacji
realizacji zajęć
* wpisz symbol
knows the structure of amino acids, of nucleosides, of
monosaccharides, of carboxyl acids and of their
derivatives, being included in current macroparticles in
cells, extracellular matrix and bodily fluids; recognizes
can characterize structures I-, II-, III- - and IV-grade
proteins; knows significance of the correct folding of
protein molecule for its function; can mention types of
the post-translation and functional alteration of proteins
and its significance for functioning of cells and tissues;
knows functions of nucleotides in the cell; describes I-,
II-structures of DNA and RNA, can mention influences
stabilizing these structures; can describe the structure of
knows functions of the genome, transcription and
proteome of man and essential methods applied in
examining them; can describe processes of the
replication, repair and the recombination of the DNA, the
transcription and the translation, and the degradation of
DNA, RNA and proteins; knows essential concepts of
regulation of the expression of genes, including of
epigenetic regulation
can describe ways of the intercellular communication and
Test MCQ
the communication between the the cell and the
extracellular matrix; knows functions of basic surface
and internal receptors;
knows functioning of basic pathways of sending signals
in the cell, as well as examples of disorders of action of
these pathways causing development of cancers and
other illness;
Test MCQ
Test MCQ
Test MCQ
Test MCQ
Test MCQ
knows such processes as: the cellular cycle, the
proliferation, diversifying and aging of cells, apoptosis
and the necrosis and their significance for functioning of
the organism; can explain differences between the
mitosis and the meiosis;
is able to determine the chemical basis of intermolecular
and intramolecular interactions and with reference to
biological structures and to determine functions of
macromolecules in cells and in extracellular systems
can use basic laboratory techniques, so as the qualitative
analysis, titrating, colorimetry, pH metry,
chromatography, electrophoresis of proteins and nucleic
student observation
is using databases, in Internet and searches for the
needed information with the use of available tools
project presentation
can plan and carry out research and interpret his results
and draw conclusions
project presentation
Test MCQ
Test MCQ
w zakresie wiedzy: Egzamin ustny (niestandaryzowany, standaryzowany, tradycyjny, problemowy);
Egzamin pisemny – student generuje / rozpoznaje odpowiedź (esej, raport; krótkie strukturyzowane pytania /SSQ/; test
wielokrotnego wyboru /MCQ/; test wielokrotnej odpowiedzi /MRQ/; test dopasowania; test T/N; test uzupełniania odpowiedzi)
w zakresie umiejętności: Egzamin praktyczny; Obiektywny Strukturyzowany Egzamin Kliniczny /OSCE/; Mini-CEX (mini –
clinical examination) ; Realizacja zleconego zadania; Projekt, prezentacja
w zakresie kompetencji społecznych:
Esej refleksyjny; Przedłużona obserwacja przez opiekuna / nauczyciela prowadzącego; Ocena 360° (opinie nauczycieli,
kolegów/koleżanek, pacjentów, innych współpracowników); Samoocena ( w tym portfolio)
Treść zajęć:
Lecture Sessions:
1. Introduction to internet based, free resources for cell biology studies.
2. Cell biology: high yield facts. Revision of cell structure.
3. Nucleic acids research.
4. Regulation of gene expression and its implication for human diseases.
5. Cell signaling. Cancer Pathways.
6. Cell adhesion and extracellular matrix. Implications in cancer invasion and metastasis.
7. Cell cycle and cancer
8. Programmed cell death and its alterations in human diseases
9. Stem cells. Stem cells theory in cancer. Novel therapeutics targeting or using stem cells. Aging on the cellular
10. Project presentations
Laboratory sessions:
LAB No. 1.:Introduction to internet based, free resources for cell biology studies. USMLE type questions.
Wet lab: Starting cell culture from frozen cells
 Protocol: Cell culture
 Product Sheet AN3 CA (ATCC® HTB-111™)
LAB No. 2. Cell biology: high yield facts. Revision of cell structure
Wet lab: Cell culture. Cells under microscope.
 Essential Cell Biology, Alberts, Bray, Hopkin, Jonson, Lewis, Raff, Roberst, Walter, 4th edition Chapter 1
Cells: The Fundamental Units of Life, pages 1 - 12; 15 - 26
 Guide to subculturing cell line monolayers
LAB No. 3 Nucleic acids research
Wet lab: Breaking cells and tissues: practical aspects of DNA and RNA isolation
 Essential Cell Biology, Alberts, Bray, Hopkin, Jonson, Lewis, Raff, Roberst, Walter, 4th edition Chapter 5
DNA and Chromosomes, pages: 171 - 193
 Chapter 10 Modern Recombinant DNA Technology, Gel Electrophoresis Separates DNA Fragments of
Different Size , pages: 327 – 329; RNA interference (RNAi) inhibits the activity of specific genes, pages: 349
– 350
 Chapter 4, panel 4 - 3 Cell breakage and initial fraction of cell extracts, pages 164 - 165
 mir Vana ™ PARIS ™ Kit: I. Introduction and II. mirVana PARIS Procedure sections (isolation of
microRNA from cultured cell samples, total RNA isolation procedure)
Suggested readings:
 Thalia A Farazi, et al. miRNAs in human cancer. J Pathol 2011; 223: 102–115
LAB No. 4. Regulation of gene expression and its implication for human diseases.
Wet lab: Techniques for gene expression research: quantitative PCR
 Essential Cell Biology, Alberts, Bray, Hopkin, Jonson, Lewis, Raff, Roberst, Walter, 4th edition Chapter 8
Control of Gene Expression, pages: 261 - 285
 Chapter 10 Modern Recombinant DNA Technology; cDNA libraries represent the mRNAs produced by
particular cells, pages: 334 - 335; DNA cloning by PCR, pages: 335 - 338;
 Gene expression analysis
 High Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription Kits p. 6-9
 TaqMan Small RNA Assays pages 7-8; 16-18, Appendix A Chemistry Overview p. 21-23
Suggested readings:
 Real-time qPCR data analysis
 Inbar-Feigenberg M, Choufani S, Butcher DT, Roifman M, Weksberg R. Basic concepts of epigenetics. Fertil
Steril. 2013 Mar 1;99(3):607-15.
 Tie-Zhong Yi et. all DNMT Inhibitors and HDAC Inhibitors Regulate E-Cadherin nad Bcl-2 Expression in
Endometrial Carcinoma in vitro and in vivo. Chemotherapy 2012; 58: 19-29
LAB No. 5. Cell signaling. Cancer Pathways.
Wet lab: Protein expression studies: protein isolation
 Essential Cell Biology, Alberts, Bray, Hopkin, Jonson, Lewis, Raff, Roberst, Walter, 4th edition Chapter 16
Cell signaling, pages: 525 - 563
mir Vana ™ PARIS ™ Kit: I. Introduction and II. mirVana PARIS Procedure sections (protein isolation from
cultured cell samples
Suggested readings:
 LEONEL F. HERNANDEZ-AYA, ANA M. GONZALEZ-ANGULO Targeting the Phosphatidylinositol 3Kinase Signaling Pathway in Breast Cancer, The Oncologist, 2011;16:404 - 414
LAB No. 6. Cell adhesion and extracellular matrix. Implications in cancer invasion and metastasis.
Wet lab: Protein expression studies: SDS-PAGE electrophoresis
 Essential Cell Biology, Alberts, Bray, Hopkin, Jonson, Lewis, Raff, Roberst, Walter, 4th edition Chapter 20
Cell Communities: tissues, Stem Cells, and Cancer, pages: 683 - 685, 688 – 702 Chapter 4, panel 4–5 Protein
separation by electrophoresis, pages: 167. SDS PAGE cytophysiology
Suggested readings:
 Wang H, Wu C, Wan S, Zhang H, Zhou S, Liu G. Shikonin attenuates lung cancer cell adhesion to
extracellular matrix and metastasis by inhibiting integrin β1 expression and the ERK1/2 signaling pathway.
Toxicology. 2013 Jun 7;308:104-12.
LAB No 7. Cell cycle and cancer
Wet lab: Protein expression studies: western blotting
 Essential Cell Biology, Alberts, Bray, Hopkin, Jonson, Lewis, Raff, Roberst, Walter, 4th edition Chapter 18
The Cell-Division Cycle, pages: 603 - 633
 Chapter 4, panel 4–2 Making and using antibodies pages: 146 - 147;
 Western Blotting cytophysiology
Suggested readings:
 Bin Jia, et al. Cyclin-dependent kinase 11 (CDK11) is crucial in the growth of liposarcoma cells, Cancer
Letters 342 (2014) 104–112
LAB No 8. Programmed cell death and its alterations in human diseases.
Wet lab: analysis of apoptosis and anoikisis: most common methods (luminescence, fluorescence and colorymetric
methods; flow cytometry); live, dead and apoptotic cells – cell counter.
 Essential Cell Biology, Alberts, Bray, Hopkin, Jonson, Lewis, Raff, Roberst, Walter, 4th edition Chapter 18
The Cell-Division Cycle, Apoptosis helps regulate Animal cell numbers, pages: 634 - 642
 CytoSelect 96-well anoikis assay \
 ApoTox-Glo Triplex Assay
Suggested readings:
 S Leena Sankari et al. Apoptosis in Cancer - An Update, Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, Vol 13,
2012, 4873 - 4878
 M. Ocker et al. Apoptosis-Modulating Drugs for Improved Cancer Therapy, Eur Surg Res 2012;48:111–120
 Keiko Takaki et al. Induction of apoptosis associated with chromosomal DNA fragmentation and caspase-3
activation in leukemia L1210 cells by TiO2 nanoparticles, Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering VOL.
117 No. 1, 129e133, 2014
LAB No 9. Stem cells. Stem cells theory in cancer. Novel therapeutics targeting or using stem cells. Aging on
the cellular level.
Wet lab: flow cytometry
 Essential Cell Biology, Alberts, Bray, Hopkin, Jonson, Lewis, Raff, Roberst, Walter, 4th edition Chapter 20
Cell Communities: tissues, Stem Cells, and Cancer, Tissue maintenance and renewal, pages: 702 - 712
 FITC Annexin VDead Cell Apoptosis Kit with FITC annexin V and PI, for flow cytometry
LAB No 10. Project presentations.
1. Essential Cell Biology, Alberts, Bray, Hopkin, Jonson, Lewis, Raff, Roberst, Walter, 4th edition
Literatura uzupełniająca:
1. Materials available on imul.pl website in teaching aids tab
1. Essential Cell Biology, Alberts, Bray, Hopkin, Jonson, Lewis, Raff, Roberst, Walter, 4th edition
Literatura uzupełniająca:
1. Materials available on imul.pl website in teaching aids tab
Wymagania dotyczące pomocy dydaktycznych (np. laboratorium, rzutnik multimedialny, inne…)
1. Projector and computer
2. Complete laboratories for basic molecular biology experiments
3. Cell culture laboratory
4. Chemicals essential for basic molecular biology experiments
Warunki uzyskania zaliczenia przedmiotu:
1. Students must attend all lab sessions.
2. Students should come to lab sessions prepared and on-time. Students MUST participate in labs and
lectures in an active way. Students late more than 15 minutes for the class are not allowed to enter
3. Exceptionally students are allowed to miss one lab session but the absenteeism has to be justified by
the medical excuse note or an explanation note certified by the office of the Dean.
4. If the student is absent due to hospital admission his/her absenteeism has to be reported to the
course coordinator within 5 working days and proven with the hospital excuse note.
5. All excuse notes must be submitted in Prof. A. Torres’s office within 5 working days following the
absence or in an electronic way to the email: [email protected]
6. Failure to obey attendance policy may result in the student not being allowed to pass the course.
7. Students must participate in lab sessions according to the schedule; any changes have to be
discussed with the course coordinator.
8. Students are obliged to be prepared for the classes and actively participate in the discussion.
9. During all quizzes and final exam answers to test questions must be written with pens (not pencils).
Correct answers must be marked in the answer sheet according to the instructions given by
the teaching staff. Answer sheets filled out in the different way will not be taken under consideration
and will not be checked.
10. Cheating on quizzes will result in fail mark and referral to faculty and administration officials.
Passing the laboratories:
1. Obtain at least 50% of the total points from all quizzes that is 20 points
2. Obtain a positive evaluation from the Human Anatomy Department Faculty Council Meeting.
3. List of students who completed the course and can take the final exam is posted after final
evaluation of the student’s achievements, which takes place during Human Anatomy Department
Faculty Council Meeting.
1. Attending lectures is obligatory.
In order to complete and pass the course students have to
1. Obey attendance and behavior policy
2. Actively participate in the class: be prepared for discussions
3. Successfully complete the course project
4. Obtain at least 50% of the total points from all quizzes and obtain a positive evaluation from the
Human Anatomy Department Faculty Council Meeting. List of students who completed the course
and can take the final exam is posted after final evaluation of the student’s achievements, which
takes place during Human Anatomy Department Faculty Council Meeting.
5. Pass the final examination
1. During every session teachers will individually evaluate performance and knowledge of
each student and the results of this assessment will be considered during final evaluation
at the end of the course and may influence the final grade.
2. Activity points that student collect during the course will not be added to the final points or
final exam result.
1. Final exam takes place in the Lecture Hall of Aula Maius on 30th of January 2017 at 11:00am. The
date of final exam is not to be changed. Students who do not attend final exam obtain ‘Fail’ score
and have to take the exam during the retake session. The only exception regards absence justified by
medical excuse note and approved by the Dean. In such cases students do not obtain the ‘Fail’ score
and have the opportunity to take the exam during the retake session.
2. To enter final exam session students must identify themselves with the students’ IDs.
3. Final exam consist of 30 multiple choice questions, during which students can obtain maximum of
30 points (students obtain one point for one correctly answered question).
4. Students have 30 minutes to answer examination questions.
5. To pass final exam students have to answer at least 60% of questions correctly.
6. In case of not passing final examination student has a possibility to retake the exam:
 1 st retake on 6th of February 2017 at 10:00 a.m in Anatomy Dpt.
7. Dates of the final exam retakes are not to be changed
8. there will be no exceptions made.
9. Students who do not attend final exam retakes on given dates obtain a ‘Fail’ score.
10. The only exception regards absence justified by medical excuse note and approved by the Dean.
Final examination’s grading scale:
Less than 18 points 2,0(fail)
18 – 21 points 3,0(pass)
22 – 23 points 3,5(satisfactory) 24 – 25 points 4,0(good)
26 – 27 points 4,5(better than good)
28 – 30 points 5,0(very good)
Final results for passing the course will be posted after evaluation of student’s achievements, which
takes place during Faculty meeting and will consist of student’s final exam grade and students’ performance
during the course.
Nazwa i adres jednostki prowadzącej moduł/przedmiot, kontakt (tel./email
Zakład Dydaktyki i Symulacji Medycznej, ul. Chodźki 19
Tel: 81742 6050; e-mail: [email protected]
Imię i nazwisko osoby przygotowującej sylabus/osób przygotowujących sylabus
dr Joanna Kozak
Imię i nazwisko osoby prowadzącej/osób prowadzących zajęcia
dr Joanna Kozak
Podpis Kierownik jednostki prowadzącej zajęcia
Podpis Dziekana
Data sporządzenia sylabusa……………………………………………

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