Philip K. Dick Simulacra


Philip K. Dick Simulacra
Philip K. Dick
Title: Simulacra
Author: Philip K. Dick
Format: Rústica con solapas
Language: Spanish
Pages: 224
Publisher: , 0
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 8.8 MB
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A mediados del siglo XXI, el gobierno de los EUAE (Estados Unidos de América y Europa) es
un fraude, y su presidente, un androide; queda un solo psicoanalista sobre la faz de la Tierra,
plagada de enfermos mentales, y la humanidad ha sufrido una regresión evolutiva que ha
originado una nueva raza de neandertales. Por este inquietante panorama desfilan personajes
tan insólitos como un pianista que toca sin manos y un Göring rescatado del pasado para
atentar contra su Führer .
Con su habitual derroche de imaginación e irreverencia, Dick ha creado un asombroso thriller
político ubicado en un mundo donde nada es lo que aparenta, ofreciéndonos una visión radical
del futuro que podríamos estar labrándonos. Una novela repleta de perspicacia, vivacidad y
genio literario.
Insightful reviews
Pablos: Na pierwszy rzut oka "Simulacra" wydaje si? by? powie?ci? pe?n? chaosu. Bez
w?tpienia jest lektur? trudniejsz? od "Ubika", "Blade Runner" czy "Cz?owieka z Wysokiego
Zamku", czyli od tych trzech, które zna?em. Jej trudno?? polega na tym, ?e nie tylko ?wiat
przedstawiony jest dziwnym efektem rozmy?la? autora, ale bohaterów tak?e jest wi?cej, i ka?dy
pcha si? na pierwszy plan. Philip K. Dick pisze w taki sposób, jakby oczekiwa?, ?e czytelnik za
nim w stu procentach nad??y (onegdaj tak pisa?o si? nie tylko SF, ale w ogóle, fajne czasy
by?y), i owo nad??enie jest odrobin? wymagaj?ce. Z drugiej jednak strony narracja jest tak
dobra, ?e nawet chwilami gubi?c w?tek, i tak od lektury trudno jest si? oderwa?. Czytelnik sobie
tylko w my?lach robi notatki, odk?ada pewne kwestie, pewne przedmioty, pewne zwyczaje lub
wydarzenia na potem, uznaj?c, ?e pr?dzej czy pó?niej ?wiat wykreowany przez autora stanie si?
prostszy w zrozumieniu.
Akcja dzieje si? po trzeciej wojnie ?wiatowej, a podczas lektury mowa jest o dwóch zaledwie
pa?stwach: Zwi?zku Radzieckim oraz Stanach Zjednoczonych Ameryki i Europy.
Przedstawienie fabu?y nie jest proste, ?atwiejsze by?oby wyliczenie pomys?ów, jakie w owej
fabule autor zawar?. Cho? i tu wyliczanka by?aby bardzo d?uga. Do najciekawszych nale?y
mocne ograniczenie roli psychiatrów, wr?cz zabronienie im wykonywania zawodu i zast?pienie
terapii chemi?. Jednym z bohaterów jest znany kompozytor, którego paranoje zadziwi? ka?dego
czytelnika, a który jednocze?nie wydaje si? by? jednym z normalniejszych umys?ów. Ekstra dla
niego pozwolono jednemu z lepszych lekarzy wykonywa? zawód. Do tego dochodzi w?drowanie
w czasie, ciekawe, bo prawie pozbawione wszystkich anomalii, z którymi fan SF kojarzy tego
typu podró?e, a od w?drowania ju? blisko do zahaczenia o temat, który autor cz?sto porusza?:
faszyzm, hitlerowskie Niemcy i rozwa?ania, czy ewentualna zwyci?ska wojna przez Trzeci?
Rzesz? faktycznie by?aby taka z?a?
Wszystko obserwujemy z pozycji bohaterów, którzy stanowi? przekrój skomplikowanej struktury
spo?ecznej, jaka panuje w SZAE. Mamy gesów i besów (od niemieckich s?ów oznaczaj?cych
tych, którzy wiedz? oraz tych, którzy stworzeni s? do prostej pracy fizycznej), mamy w?adz?,
niby prezydenta (Der Alte), faktycznie jednak matriarchat z ?on? prezydenta na czele, jest
inwigilacja, jest podgl?danie mieszka?ców, s? dziwne egzaminy, którym besy poddawani s? co i
rusz, jest te? w?adza i hipokryzja, jest demokracja bezpo?rednia, i to tak ?adnie odmalowana,
?e otworzy oczy tym, którzy tak krety?ski system pragn?liby wprowadzi? (a nawet u nas tacy
Najciekawsze w powie?ci jest jednak to, ?e mimo sporego skomplikowania, pozornego chaosu,
lektura jest o wiele wi?ksz? przyjemno?ci?, ni? jest m?cz?ca. Po prostu chce si? wiedzie? co
b?dzie dalej, o co chodzi z tymi reklamami atakuj?cymi wszystkich dooko?a, papulami, na czym
polega t?sknota za Marsem, czy emigracja jest faktycznie jedynym rozwi?zaniem, by wyrwa?
si? z otoczenia. Bo autor tworzy postaci bardzo banalne, w sensie: to nie s? herosi, my?liciele,
filozofowie o umys?ach jak brzytwa, przewiduj?cy pi?? ruchów przeciwnika w przód. Nie, to
raczej ludzie pro?ci, tacy jak czytelnik, maj?cy swoje mniejsze lubi wi?ksze zachcianki, lecz
jednak zwyczajni, znacznie bardziej skupieni na sobie i bliskich, na pracy, na zarobkach i
codziennych problemach ni? na kwestiach tak powa?nych jak przysz?o?? pa?stwa, narodu,
wojna, rz?dzenie, w?adza. Dzi?ki temu ca?o?? powoli sk?ada si? na spójn? opowie??, której
jedynym problemem tak naprawd? jest zako?czenie, o wiele mniej satysfakcjonuj?ce ni? sama
lektura, jakie? takie p?askie. Ale mo?e w?a?nie tak mia?o by?? Nie ka?da powie?? musi si?
ko?czy? wybuchami fajerwerków, bo i nie ka?da historia ma jednoznaczne zako?czenie,
Glglgl: Dieser frühe Roman hat vieles von dem, was später die großen Geschichten des Mister
Dick auszeichnen sollte. Eher erfolglos nach Glück strebende Protagonisten stolpern durch eine
zukünftige Welt, in der sich die Frage nach der Realität auf verschiedene Weisen beantworten
lässt. Der Präsident der USA (plus Deutschland) ist ein künstliches Wesen, seine Frau wird seit
Generationen durch eine Schauspielerin verkörpert, ohne dass es den gewöhnlichen Menschen
auffällt. Am Rande treten auf: Zeitreisen, Telekineten, schleimartige Außerirdische, der Mars als
Hoffnungsort für Auswanderer, Neandertaler, das Verbot der Psychoanalyse, Psychopharmaka.
Zwar gelingt es dem Autor, ein verstörendes Bild einer absurd erscheinen Gesellschaft zu
zeichnen und der Roman ist durchaus lesenswert, aber das Sammelsurium Dickscher Motive
fügt sich nicht ganz zusammen. Der Roman wirkt etwas überladen.
Lisa: I went to the library a couple of weeks ago and walked out of there with The Simulacra and
Black Hole in my bag. Two depictions of a dystopian world. The book written today, Black Hole,
is set in the 70's and Philip K. Dick's book from -64 takes place in the year 2010. The time
change might be part of the Science Fiction genre that I am new to and I wonder what it means.
The Simulacra feels very dated. It describes a world split between two super powers, Soviet and
USEA. I hoped that Dick would move beyond this image of the future as it must have looked like
during the Cold War to elaborate on political hypocrisy, power games and popular apathy in a
way that feels relevant for today. The theme and morale of the story - power is symbolic,
information is the key to domination and nothing is ever what it looks like, beware truth can be
found where you least expect it! - are older than Shakespeare but still novel revelations to
liberal arts students every day. In other words, timeless. But history lies heavy on his book and it
was hard for me not get stuck on the specific historical situation that influence his writing. The
popularity of Freud and psychoanalysis, for example, comes through in both the plot and the
character development in a way that feels old and dusty. All the men in the book are in love with
the country's first lady, the mother of the nation, and some kind of Oiedepus complex (or is it
Electra?) is supposed to explain their pathetic behavior. The first lady is in fact the only female
character that is the least bit developed. The other two are demanding and spoiled lovers
whose only purpose for the story is to give the male characters a reason to interact. Lame.
The Simulacra was perhaps not the best of Philip K Dick's books. He must have written much
more engaging books since the material that was made into the movie Blade Runner is as cool
and scary as ever, I'll give him another try. But first I'll see what Burns can do with the genre.
Maybe it isn't Dick, maybe it is me and Sci Fi? I'll soon find out.
Paul Clayton: i stopped the Simulacra. whereas there has been much to respect during this
story, i do not believe it represents Dick's best. one of many issues of writing scifi (and I simply
published a suite of scifi stories; so i am focused on this) is if you write in regards to the close to
future, issues can take a flip within the exact opposite of the place you had your story/novel
going. Dick has much 'right' during this novel... He sees Presidents serving until eventually they
die, then being stealthily changed with conversing head robots that do hearth chats and such.
He sees the US becoming a member of up with Europe to develop into USEA (United States of
Europe and America). He sees dictatorship, guvmint figureheads, whereas issues are run by
way of boardrooms of unelected unknown nefarious types. i feel he is with regards to whatever
there, or not less than I do in my extra paranoid moments. so far as becoming a member of us
to the hip with Europe, i do not see that happening. Mexico and Canada is extra likely. Let's
see, USCMA (United States of Canada, Mexico and America). that is likely to be what we prove
with... an even bigger conglomerate, with much much less freedom and liberty. yet hey, who
wishes liberty if you received google and facebook? He (Dick) has the meek inheriting the earth
(Neanderthals). I loved that. Anyway, like I said, i do not believe this is often his best, yet I made
certain i stopped it. and i am blissful I did. a good brain and author like Dick merits to be paid
realization to.
Scott Holstad: The Simulacra is the funniest Philip okay Dick ebook i have learn to date. there
have been a few hilarious moments, very humorous scenes. That said, it was once usually
demanding to persist with and a bit of convoluted. i believe one significant factor that contributes
to this can be there are such a lot of characters to maintain music of. i feel I learn someplace
that there are over 60 characters during this book, and that i think it. There quite is not any
fundamental protagonist. the tale is advised from the viewpoint of numerous characters.
between them are First woman Nicole Thibodeaux, who has someway remained ageless for her
complete seventy three years in place of work (why not anyone questions this can be past me),
Richard Kongrosian, a psychokinetic pianist at the fringe of entire psychotic collapse, who
concerns approximately his his "phobic physique odor," in addition to his turning invisible. we do
not particularly understand no matter if he has an scent or now not or even if he turns invisible
or not. it really is by no means made clear. Dr. Egon fabulous is the USEA's (United States of
Europe and the USA -- primarily the U.S. with Germany now dominating) final training
psychotherapist, because the perform has been outlawed as a result of the strength of the drug
cartels that are pushing their psychotropic medicinal drugs because the genuine solution to
psychological illness. Vince and stylish Strikerock are brothers who're hired at rival simulacrum
businesses who turn into stuck up in a love triangle with Vince's ex-wife and in company
espionage as well. Nat Flieger is a list corporation exec who travels to atom bomb-ravaged
northern California, which has a bunch of individuals known as "chuppers" who're primarily
Neanderthals. He desires to list Kongrosian, simply to determine he is at a psychiatric medical
institution in San Francisco. Bertold Goltz is a neo-Nazi highway agitator who's additionally a
time traveler, utilizing the von Lessinger precept that allows you to accomplish this. There are
fellows who play classical tune with jugs, who get to accomplish on the White House. there is
more, a lot more.One of the zany plots is for Nicole, whose presidential husbands of 4 years are
all simulacrums, to aim and produce again Nazi Hermann Goering from the past, but we are by
no means advised why. we are easily instructed he has to conform to their plans (world
domination?), however the resolution isn't fairly given and this piece of the plot is more or less
simply dropped whilst Goering is shot to demise through the nationwide Police (NP). There are
Loony Luke automobile dealerships which disappear and circulation round at will, promoting
jalopies that make a technique journeys to Mars. There are extraterrestrial beings and
conversing ads the dimensions of insects that everybody hates. there is a equipment the place
humans make confessions, even supposing the confessing individuals are taken care of as if
they're being given lie detectors, making for uncomfortable scenes. There also are characters
who form of disappear from the plot, equivalent to Edgar Stone, a conapt resident, and Israeli
top minister Emil Stark. Why are they dropped? What occurs to them?Nicole is taken care of
because the mom of the country, in addition to the conceptual mistress, simply because she's
completely sizzling and everybody loves her to death. Her secret? She's an actress. the unique
one's been useless for a few time. She's particularly an attractive good constructed character, in
contrast to many of the others, and it is a excitement to monitor her and Kongrosian in
action.Like many Dick novels, this one ends abruptly, yet not like a lot of his novels, i assumed it
wasn't tied up very nicely. i presumed it was once too open ended and will were written for a
sequel. i'd provide the finishing 3.5 stars; truly the whole e-book 3.5 stars. This certainly is not
his most sensible work, that is unbelievable because it was once released in 1964, his most
sensible writing section in my opinion. if you are new to Dick, i would not begin with this book,
yet for Dick fans, it is a needs to read. carefully recommended.
Kat Hooper: 3.5 starsORIGINALLY published AT delusion Literature.Philip K. Dick is a type of
authors who I usually take pleasure in interpreting for his bizarre ideas, cool technologies,
extraordinary plots, and neurotic characters. yet each time I learn one in every of his stories, i
want a holiday from him — there’s a sense of frantic paranoia permeating his paintings that
makes me suppose like I simply have to sit back for a while. If you’ve noticeable the motion
picture The Adjustment Bureau, which used to be in response to one in all his stories, you’ll
comprehend what I mean. In that story, the most personality discovers that the truth he concept
he knew used to be completely wrong. Instead, there's something giant occurring backstage
and his existence is being manipulated through The Unseen people who find themselves fairly
accountable (TUPWARIC).This topic is usual in PKD’s stories, and The Simulacra is one other
example. the govt of the U.S. of Europe and America, which seems to be a matriarchy, is a
sham — the President is mostly a simulacrum. while TUPWARIC supplies the agreement for
construction the following simulacrum to another simulacrum company, and Hermann Goering
is fetched from the prior with a time-travel device, difficulties occur and the USEA govt is at risk
of being taken over via fascists.Quirky characters contain the 1st girl who by no means turns out
to age, the telekinetic piano participant who thinks advertisement has given him phobic
physique smell and that he’s changing into invisible, the psychotherapist who has misplaced
his task simply because a pharmaceutical cartel has controlled to have the perform of
psychotherapy banned, a number of brothers who paintings for simulacra businesses and are
combating over an ex-wife, and 2 men in a jug band who are looking to play for the 1st Lady.
Then there’s the reclusive staff of Neanderthals, descendents of radiation-exposed humans,
who dwell in Northern California and appear to be expecting whatever very important to
happen...The Simulacra juggles a tremendous set of characters and several other subplots
which in the beginning appear unrelated yet which Dick effectively brings jointly right into a
coherent entire by means of the top of the novel, which isn't unavoidably a warrantly with PKD.
the whole lot is chaotic, zany, creative, funny, and includes Dick’s ordinary undercurrent of
frenzied paranoia. With quite a bit bizarre stuff going on, i presumed plot catastrophe used to be
imminent, yet Dick pulls it off. The Simulacra ends on the climax, though, and a sequel may
most likely were well-received.I listened to Brilliance Audio’s model of The Simulacra, which
was once learn through “Golden Voice” and “Voice of the Century” Dick Hill. Mr. Hill, who's
regularly superb, dealt with all of these characters and that madcap plot with ease. and also you
may still pay attention him play a jug.
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