

Folia Universitas Agriculturae Stetinensis
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93)
Wanda Bacieczko, Jarosław Zieliński
Wstępna ocena modelu rekultywacji odpadów paleniskowych zespołu elektrowni „Dolna
Odra” SA w Nowym Czarnowie na podstawie flory synantropijnej / The prefatory estimation
of the model of burner wastes recultivation from the group of power stations “Dolna Odra”
SA in Nowe Czarnowo, based on the studies of the synanthropic flora
Wanda Bacieczko, Marta Szawejko
Flora synantropijna zmodernizowanej arterii komunikacyjnej w dzielnicy Szczecin Gumieńce
/Synanthropic flora of the modernised artery located in Gumieńce district in Szczecin
Wanda Bacieczko, Marta Szawejko
Flora naczyniowa eksperymentalnych powierzchni przy zmodernizowanej arterii
komunikacyjnej w Szczecinie / Vascular flora in the experimental areas of the modernised
artery in Szczecin
Wanda Bacieczko, Marta Szalejko
Zasiedlanie się roślin synantropijnych na powierzchniach eksperymentalnych
zmodernizowanej arterii komunikacyjnej w dzielnicy Szczecin Gumieńce / The inhabitation
of the synanthropic plants in the modernised artery in Szczecin Gumieńce district
Urszula Banaś, Wojciech W.A. Kowalski
Chronione, zagrożone i rzadkie gatunki flory naczyniowej gminy Brzeżno / Protected,
endangered and rare species of vascular flora of Brzeżno community
Piotr Chełpiński, Krystyna Ostrowska, Grzegorz Mikiciuk, Józef Grajkowski, Ireneusz Ochmian
Wpływ podkładki na zawartość składników mineralnych w liściach dwóch odmian czereśni
/Effects of rootstock on mineral element content in the leaves of two sweet cherry cultivars
Henryk Czyż, Maria Trzaskoś, Teodor Kitczak
Trwałość zbiorowisk roślinnych ukształtowanych w procesie regeneracji użytków zielonych
/Stability of plant communities which developed during restoration of grassland
Renata Dobromilska
Wpływ sposobu produkcji rozsady i obsypywania roślin na plonowanie kopru włoskiego
w szklarni nieogrzewanej / The influence of seedling production method and earthing up of
plant on the yielding of fennel in unheated greenhouse
Renata Dobromilska, Katarzyna Kujath
Ocena plonowania i jakości pomidora drobnoowocowego uprawianego na Pomorzu
Zachodnim / The estimation of yielding and quality of small-sized tomato cultivation in the
Western Pomeranian region
Edward Dreszczyk
Kształtowanie bezpiecznego środowiska pracy w rolnictwie na podstawie zmian w systemach
eksploatacji maszyn / Shaping the safe working environment in agriculture on the ground of
changes of exploitation systems of machines
Małgorzata Gałczyńska, Jerzy Wybieralski, Karol Baczuń, Hanna Siwek
Zmiany zawartości makro- i mikroelementów w wodach powierzchniowych w zlewni jeziora
Świdwie / Changes of concentration macro- and microelements in surface water in Świdwie
Małgorzata Gałczyńska, Jerzy Wybieralski, Małgorzata Włodarczyk
Wpływ adiuwantu (Olejanu 85 EC) na wymywanie z gleb makro- i mikroelementów / The
influence of adjuvant (Olejan 85 EC) leaching of macro- and microelements from soils
Marzena Gibczyńska
Analiza rozpuszczalności ortofosforanów w roztworze stosowanym w metodzie EgneraRiehma / The analysis orthophosphates solubility by solution at Egner-Riehm method
Józef Grajkowski, Ireneusz Ochmian, Piotr Chełpiński, Grzegorz Mikiciuk
Ocena podatności owoców kilku odmian jabłoni na obicia / Evaluation of susceptibility to
mechanical damage in several cultivars of apple trees
Józef Grajkowski, Ireneusz Ochmian, Grzegorz Mikiciuk, Piotr Chełpiński, Izabela Skwarska
Wpływ chemicznego i ręcznego przerzedzania zawiązków śliwy odmiany ‘Królowa Wiktoria’
na wielkość i jakość plonu / Effects of chemical and manual thinning of ‘Queen Victoria’
plums on yield quality and quantity
Małgorzata Hawrot, Andrzej Nowak
Ocena wpływu dawki skażenia olejem napędowym i stosowanych zabiegów
bioremediacyjnych na ilość biomasy żywych organizmów w glebie / Evaluation influence of
diesel fuel pollution dose and applied bioremediation interventions on amount
of viable organisms biomass in soils
Krystyna Janowicz, Magdalena Dzięgielewska, Grażyna Kaup, Kamila Paruch
Wybrane mikroorganizmy glebowe w biologicznym zwalczaniu szkodników roślin / Different
microorganisms soil to biological control of pets
Grażyna Jurgiel-Małecka, Janina Suchorska-Orłowska
Wpływ wzrastających dawek nawożenia azotowego na zawartość siarki w plonie wybranych
roślin cebulowych / The effect of nitrogen fertilization doses on total sulphur content in crop
of some onion spacies
Robert Kalbarczyk
Próba prognozowania plonów ziemniaka w Polsce na podstawie danych
agrometeorologicznych / An attempt of potato yields forecasting on the basis
of agrometeorological data in Poland
Robert Kalbarczyk
Struktura czasowa i przestrzenna powierzchni uprawy i plonów ziemniaka w Polsce w latach
1972–1995 / Time and spatial structure of the potato crops and cultivation area
in Poland in the years 1972–1995
Robert Kalbarczyk
Wpływ warunków cieplnych na plony ziemniaka w Polsce / The effect of thermal conditions
on potato crop yields in Poland
Dariusz Kłódka, Janina Nowak, Krzysztof Kąklewski
Wpływ Miedzianu 50 WP oraz Miedzianu 350 Extra SC na aktywność niektórych enzymów
i zawartość ATP w glebie i roślinie / The influence of Miedzian 50 WP and Miedzian 350
Extra SC on activity of some enzymes and ATP content in soil and plant
Ignacy Kutyna, Marlena Piontek1, Michał Drab1
Zbiorowiska roślinne na polu odłogowanym przez 10 lat na terenie przekształconym przez
przemysł wydobywczy kruszywa budowlanego w Dobroszowie Wielkim / Plant associations
on land fallowed from 10 years on area transformed by gravel aggregate mining industry
at Dobroszów Wielki
Ignacy Kutyna, Elżbieta Włodarczyk
Występowanie jemioły pospolitej (Viscum album L.) w wybranych punktach Szczecina
oraz na obszarach przyległych do Zakładów Chemicznych „Police” i Elektrowni „Dolna
Odra” / The occurrence of the mistletoe (Viscum album L.) in the selected areas of the city of
Szczecin and in the areas adjacent to the Chemical Plant “Police” and the Power Station
“Dolna Odra”
Ignacy Kutyna, Elżbieta Włodarczyk1
Zawartość metali ciężkich, siarki i fluoru w jemiole pospolitej (Viscum album L.) w regionie
szczecińskim / The heavy metals, sulphur and fluorine content in mistletoe (Viscum album L.)
within the area of Szczecin region
Ryszard Malinowski
Skład chemiczny wody gruntowo-glebowej w obrębie użytkowanego rolniczo polderu
Cedyńskiego Parku Krajobrazowego / Chemical composition of ground-soil water
within agriculturally used polder of Cedynia Landscape Park
Piotr Masojć, Paweł Milczarski
Identyfikacja QTL warunkujących lepkość ekstraktu wodnego z ziarna żyta /
The identification of QTL for water extract viscosity of rye grain
Bożena Matysiak
Wpływ nawożenia, pH i składu podłoża na wzrost i skład chemiczny liści kalmii
szerokolistnej (Kalmia latifolia L.) / The influence of fertilization, pH and poting medium on
growth and leaf
chemical compositin of mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia L.)
Edward Meller
Niektóre właściwości fizykochemiczne gytii węglanowych w pobliżu jeziora Miedwie / Some
physico-chemical properties of carbonate gyttia near lake Miedwie
Grzegorz Mikiciuk, Piotr Chełpiński, Krystyna Ostrowska Tomasz Tomaszewicz,
Józef Grajkowski, Ireneusz Ochmian
Właściwości fizyczne gleby płowej w rzędach i międzyrzędziach drzew w sadzie
czereśniowym / Physical properties of soil in rows and interrows in cherry orchard
Grzegorz Mikiciuk, Justyna Chudecka, Piotr Chełpiński Krystyna Ostrowska, Tomasz
Właściwości fizykochemiczne, przynależność systematyczna oraz przydatność do upraw
sadowniczych gleb występujących w sadowniczej stacji badawczej Akademii Rolniczej
w Szczecinie / The physico-chemical properties, soil unit and usefulness for orchard culture
of soils from experimental orchard station of Agriculture University of Szczecin
Nestor Mocarski, Marzena Gibczyńska
Porównanie w trzech systemach uprawy odczynu gleby oznaczonego w ekstraktach KCl,
CaCl2 i H2O / Comparsion in three cultivation systems of soil acidity analysed in KCl, CaCl2
and H2O extracts
Jurij A. Možajski, Tamara M. Gusieva, Vlodimir I. Želazko
Regulacja stosunków wodnych w zlewniach małych rzek w warunkach wzrastającego
obciążenia antropogenicznego / Regulation of water relations in subeatchment litle rivers
in conditions anthropogenetic load
Beata Myśków
Optymalizacja warunków reakcji RAPD-PCR dla genomu żyta / Optimalization of RAPDPCR conditions for rye genome
Urszula Nawrocka-Grześkowiak
Wpływ włókna kokosowego na ukorzenianie sadzonek wybranych roślin iglastych / Influence
of coir on the rooting of selected conifers cuttings
Urszula Nawrocka-Grześkowiak, Michał Grześkowiak
Nowa odmiana jałowca wirginijskiego Juniperus virginiana L. ‘Michał’ / New cultivar of
Juniperus virginiana L. ‘Michał’
Sylwia Nesterowicz, Danuta Kulpa, Jadwiga Kurek
Mikrorozmnażanie lilaka chińskiego (Syringa x chinensis Willd.) / Micropropagation of
Syringa x chinensis Willd.
Arkadiusz Nędzarek, Katarzyna J. Chwedorzewska
Stężenie nutrientów w wodzie zasilającej wybrane stanowiska trawy Deschampsia antarctica
(King George Island, Antarctica) / Nutrients content in water flash chosen sites of
Deschampsia antarctica (King George Island, Antarctica)
Grzegorz Nowak, Anna Wrona
Drzewa i krzewy Człuchowa (województwo pomorskie) / Trees and shrubs in the town of
Człuchów (Pomeranian voivodeship)
Ireneusz Ochmian, Józef Grajkowski
Porównanie trzech systemów sadzenia truskawki odmiany ‘Elsanta’ w uprawie sterowanej /
Comparison of three planting systems in controlled cultivation of ‘Elsanta’ strawberries
Marian Orłowski, Dorota Jadczak
Wpływ terminu sadzenia i rodzaju materiału sadzeniowego na plonowanie cebuli piętrowej
(Allium cepa var. proliferum Targioni-Tozetti) / The effect of planting date and the type of
planting material in the quantity and quality of the yield of top onion (Allium cepa var.
proliferum Targioni-Tozetti)
Krystyna Przybulewska, Andrzej Nowak
Wpływ pestycydów na przebieg procesu nitryfikacji w glebie inkubowanej w zmieniającej się
temperaturze / Influence of pesticides on the nitrification process in soil incubated in variable
temperature conditions
Krystyna Przybulewska, Andrzej Nowak, Barbara Hoppen
Wpływ temperatury na działanie pestycydów na przykładzie aktywności enzymatycznej
wybranych bakterii glebowych / Influence of temperature on pesticide action using the
example of enzymatic activity of selected soil bacteria
Danuta Rzepka-Plevneš, Marta Grabiec, Miłosz Smolik Katarzyna Kowalczys
Zróżnicowanie wybranych gatunków pomidora (Lycopersicon sp.) pod względem tolerancji
na zasolenie podłoża / Variation of some tomato species (Lycopersicon sp.) in respect to salt
tolerance of medium
Hanna Siwek, Jerzy Wybieralski
Zawartość związków biogennych i chlorofilu w wodach dolnej Odry / The content of
nutrients and chlorophyll in the downstream part of the Odra river
Paweł Słodkowski, Ewa Rekowska
Wpływ płaskich osłon na plonowanie wybranych gatunków warzyw uprawianych na wczesny
zbiór / The influence of flat covers on yielding of some vegetable species grown for early
Paweł Słodkowski, Ewa Rekowska
Wpływ stosowania płaskich osłon na wielkość i jakość plonu wybranych gatunków warzyw
uprawianych na zbiór pęczkowy / Efficiency of flat covers on yielding of some vegetable
species grown for bunch harvest
Sławomir Stankowski, Grażyna Podolska, Marian Jurzysta1, Zbigniew Biały
Wpływ stosowania saponin z lucerny na jakość ziarna pszenicy ozimej / Effect of alfalfa
saponins application on grain quality of winter wheat
Ludmiła Startek, Dorota Janicka, Piotr Salachna
Wpływ podłoży i nawożenia na cechy morfologiczne i walory dekoracyjne odmian bratka
ogrodowego (Viola x wittrockiana Gams) z grupy Colossus. Część I. Wzrost, pokrój i indeks
zazielenienia roślin / The effect of media and fertilization on morphological traits and
decorative value of cultivars of garden pansy (Viola x wittrockiana Gams.) from Colossus
group. Part I. Plant growth, conformation and greening index
Ludmiła Startek, Dorota Janicka, Piotr Salachna
Wpływ podłoża i nawożenia na cechy morfologiczne i walory dekoracyjne odmian bratka
ogrodowego (Viola x wittrockiana Gams) z grupy Colossus. Część II. Liście i kwiaty /
Influence of media and fertilization on morphological traits and decorative value of cultivars
of garden pansy (Viola x wittrockiana Gams.) from Colossus group. Part II. Leaves and
Stefan Stojałowski, Miłosława Jaciubek, Mirosław Łapiński
Analiza sprzężeń markerów RAPD z genami męskiej sterylności w populacji BC1 mieszańca
międzyliniowego żyta z cytoplazmą cms-c / Linkage analysis of rapd markers and genes
controlling male sterility in BC1 progeny of interline hybrid of rye with the cms-c cytoplasm
Anna Stolarska, Andrzej Gregorczyk
Asymilacja CO2 na tle wybranych czynników środowiska atmosferycznego i zawartości Fe,
Zn, Co w liściach babki zwyczajnej i mniszka lekarskiego / The asymilations CO2 on
background of chosen factors of atmospheric environment and content Fe, Zn, Co in leaves
great plantain and common dandelion
Janina Suchorska-Orłowska, Małgorzata Maciejewska Danuta Brzostowska-Żelechowska
Zawartość litu i strontu w roślinach warzywnych nawożonych zróżnicowanymi dawkami
nawozu mineralno-organicznego i obornikiem. Content of lithium and strontium in vegetables
fertilized with various doses of mineral-organic fertilizer and manure
Jacek Wróbel, Kinga Mazurkiewicz-Zapałowicz
Wpływ regulatora wzrostu „Atonik” na wybrane cechy biometryczne i fizjologiczne Salix
viminalis L. uprawianej na refulacie piaszczystym wzbogaconym osadem ściekowym / The
influence of growth regulator “Atonic” on physiological and biometric features of Salix
viminalis L. cultivated on sandy-soil substratum supplied with sewage sludge
Agnieszka Zawadzińska, Agnieszka Dobrowolska
Wpływ paklobutrazolu na wzrost i kwitnienie heterozyjnych odmian pelargonii rabatowej
(Pelargonium x hortorum Bailey) / Effects of paclobutrazol on growth and flowering
of Pelargonium x hortorum Bailey heterositic cultivars
Krzysztof Ziarnek, Alina Stachurska-Swakoń, Magdalena Ziarnek
Gatunki chronione, zagrożone i rzadkie we florze zachodniej i północnej części Pojezierza
Ińskiego / Protected, endangered and rare species in the flora of west and north part of the
Ińsko Lakeland
Henryk Žolik
Skład i jakość plonu nasion rzepaku w zależności od dawek i terminów stosowania nawozów
azotowych / The effect of different doses and periods of nitrogenous fertilizer application on
rape-pile composition
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 9-18
Wstępna ocena modelu rekultywacji odpadów paleniskowych zespołu elektrowni „Dolna
Odra” SA w Nowym Czarnowie na podstawie flory synantropijnej
The prefatory estimation of the model of burner wastes recultivation from the group of power
stations “Dolna Odra” SA in Nowe Czarnowo, based on the studies of the synanthropic flora
Zakład Dendrologii i Kształtowania Terenów Zieleni, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. Janosika 8, 71-424 Szczecin
Abstract. The survey presents the results of the floristic research on the model of the
wastes recultivation from the group of power stations “Dolna Odra” SA in Nowe Czarnowo.
In the area of the research there has been estimated a number of 105 species of plants,
representing 2 classes, 3 orders, 28 families and 66 genera. The flora includes the origin
species (69 species) and non-origin (36 species). These represent the segetal flora – class
Stellarietea mediae, ruderal flora – class Artemisietea vulgaris and other classes. Among the
rare species of flora there are included: Potentilla supina, Chaenorhinum minus, Amaranthus
lividus, Mercurialis annua, Sherardia arvensis.
Słowa kluczowe: flora synantropijna, apofity, antropofity, odpady paleniskowe.
Key words: synanthropic flora, apophytes, anthropophytes, burner wastes.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 19-29
Wanda Bacieczko, Marta Szawejko1
Flora synantropijna zmodernizowanej arterii komunikacyjnej w dzielnicy Szczecin Gumieńce
Synanthropic flora of the modernised artery located in Gumieńce district in Szczecin
Zakład Dendrologii i Kształtowania Terenów Zieleni, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. Janosika 8, 71-424 Szczecin
ul. Armii Krajowej 10/9, 72-009 Police
Abstract. The aim of this survey is to present the synanthropic flora of the modernised artery
located in Gumieńce district in Szczecin. The analyses show that the area consists of 178
species, that includes 51. 7% known as native flora, 37.1% introduced species and 11.2% has
been cultivated for aesthetic and decorative purpose. These are mainly represented by ruderal
flora systematised to class Artemisietea vulgaris and segetal class Stellarietea mediae.
Słowa kluczowe: flora synantropijna, roślinność ruderalna, roślinność segetalna, przydroża.
Key words: synanthropic flora, ruderal plants, segetal plants, shoulders.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 29-36
Wanda Bacieczko, Marta Szawejko1
Flora naczyniowa eksperymentalnych powierzchni przy zmodernizowanej arterii
komunikacyjnej w Szczecinie
Vascular flora in the experimental areas of the modernised artery in Szczecin
Zakład Dendrologii i Kształtowania Terenów Zieleni, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. Janosika 8, 71-424 Szczecin
ul. Armii Krajowej 10/9, 72-009 Police
Abstract. This paper presents the survey of vascular plants in the experimental areas, located
in the modernised artery in Szczecin. There have been found 178 species of plants in 7 areas
of the research. Most species inhabited sector D (88 species), sector A (79 species) and sector
B (79 species). The least amount of taxa was found in sector G (52 species). The species are
mostly represented by synanthropic flora systemised to classes Stellarietea mediae, Artemisietea
vulgaris and belonged to class Molinio-Arrhenatheretea; Plantaginetalia order. The characterristic of vascular plants included in the experimental areas is presented by this survey.
Słowa kluczowe: flora naczyniowa, gatunki synantropijne, gatunki zagrożone.
Key words: vascular plants, synanthropic species, threatened species.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 37-50
Wanda Bacieczko, Marta Szawejko1
Zasiedlanie się roślin synantropijnych na powierzchniach eksperymentalnych
zmodernizowanej arterii komunikacyjnej w dzielnicy Szczecin Gumieńce
The inhabitation of the synanthropic plants in the modernised artery in Szczecin Gumieńce
Zakład Dendrologii i Kształtowania Terenów Zieleni, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. Janosika 8, 71-424 Szczecin
ul. Armii Krajowej 10/9, 72-009 Police
Abstract. The survey shows the process of inhabitation the synsnthropic flora in the
modernized artery in Szczecin-Gumieńce district. The researches dated on year 2002,
included 5 experimental areas. The process of inhabiting the plants in this specific ecotop is
particularly interesting, what has been proved in this survey.
Słowa kluczowe: flora synantropijna, zasiedlanie się roslin, sukcesja pierwotna.
Key words: synanthropic flora, the inhabitation of plants, secondary succesion.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 51-58
Urszula Banaś, Wojciech W. A. Kowalski
Chronione, zagrożone i rzadkie gatunki flory naczyniowej gminy Brzeżno
Protected, endangered and rare species of vascular flora of Brzeżno community
Katedra Botaniki i Ochrony Przyrody, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. J. Słowackiego 17, 71-434 Szczecin
Abstract. Inventory and evaluation of plant cover in Brzeżno community was made during
vegetation season in 2002 year. As a result of surveys was noticed 612 plant species. Among
them were found 71 protected, endangered and rare species valuable for Western Pomerania,
Poland and Europe. Systematic list of these taxons includes endangerment category, threat
scale, number and localities of their sites within the area of Brzeżno community.
Słowa kluczowe: Pomorze, Pojezierze Drawskie, Wysoczyzna Łobeska, gmina Brzeżno,
gatunki chronione, gatunki zagrożone, gatunki rzadkie, gatunki cenne, stanowiska.
Key words: Pomerania, Drawskie Lakeland, Łobeska Upland, Brzeżno district, flora,
protected species, endangered species, rare species, valuable species, sites.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 59-62
Piotr Chełpiński, Krystyna Ostrowska, Grzegorz Mikiciuk,
Józef Grajkowski, Ireneusz Ochmian
Wpływ podkładki na zawartość składników mineralnych w liściach dwóch odmian czereśni
Effects of rootstock on mineral element content in the leaves of two sweet cherry cultivars
Katedra Sadownictwa, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. Janosika 8, 71-424 Szczecin
Abstract. In the years 2000-2002 leaf macroelement content in two cultivars of sweet cherry:
‘Burlat’ and ‘Kordia’ was examined. Trees buded on four kinds of rootstocks (Mazzard
seedlings, P-HL B, P-HL A i P-HL C), planted in 1997 with the spacing 4x3 m (on P-HL) and
5x4 m (on Mazzard seedlings) in lessive soil developed from medium loam were compared.
Interrows were coverd with the sward of grass mixture whereas the rows of trees were under
bare fallow. More intensively growing rootstocks, Mazzard seedlings and P-HL B increased
the accumulation of calcium and magnesium in the leaves of both cultivars of sweet cherries.
The accumulation of potassium in the leaves of both cultivars depended on the rootstock
growth vigour. The leaves of ‘Burlat’ cultivar on Mazzard seedlings contained its smallest
amount whereas the highest potassium content was found in ‘Kordia’ on Mazzard seedlings
and P-HL B.
Słowa kluczowe: czereśnie, podkładka, P-HL, odmiana, liście, składniki mineralne.
Key words: sweet cherry, rootstock, P-HL, cultivar, leaves, mineral elements.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 63-68
Henryk Czyż, Maria Trzaskoś, Teodor Kitczak
Trwałość zbiorowisk roślinnych ukształtowanych
w procesie regeneracji użytków zielonych
Stability of plant communities which developed during restoration of grassland
Katedra Łąkarstwa, Akademia Rolnicza, ul. J. Słowackiego 17
71-434 Szczecin, e-mail:[email protected]
Abstract. These studies were performed in 1998 - 2003 on grassland which lay fallow for 8
years, and which consisted of a developed grass community of the Festuca rubra type. The
soil of the site studied is of mursh soil proper, the mursh layer is about 40 cm deep. The upper
layer (0-20 cm) contains very little amounts of available P, K and Mg, the pH is 6.6. The
water table varies: in spring from 60 cm, to 100 cm in summer. The following analyses were
performed: analysis of the sward, yield of fresh – and dry matter, protein content (by
Kjeldahl). The floristic composition of sward was done by the botanical-weight method),
before fertilizer application, in the years of the study (1999 - 2001) when the fertilizers had
been applied (150 kg N, 60 kg P2O5 i 90 kg·ha-1 K2O), and in the two consecutive years (2002
and 2003) when no fertilizer was applied. The plant samples were taken at the time of first
cut. During the experiment the meadow was cut, and the yield was used to assess the effects
of fertilization.
The results have shown that fertilization combined with mowing the grass on grassland grown
on mursh soil of proper water conditions is a good way of sward recuperation, which could be
seen in the first year of this study. If the fertilization lasted for three years and then was not
applied any more, the sward composition worsened, the yield decreased which indicated that
the Dactylis glomerata community created as result of fertilization was not stable.
Słowa kluczowe: użytek zielony odłogowany, regeneracja runi, nawożenie mineralne, skład
florystyczny, plony.
Key words: abandoned grassland, sward renovation, mineral fertilization, floristic
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 69-74
Renata Dobromilska
Wpływ sposobu produkcji rozsady i obsypywania roślin na plonowanie kopru włoskiego w
szklarni nieogrzewanej
The influence of seedling production method and earthing up of plant on the yielding of
fennel in unheated greenhouse
Katedra Warzywnictwa, Akademia Rolnicza, ul. Janosika 8, 71-424 Szczecin
Abstract. In the years 1999-2000 at the Experimental Station of the Agriculturae University
of Szczecin the effect of growing methods (method of seedlings production and earthing up
plants) on the yielding of fennel was evaluated. The experiment in unheated greenhouse was
conducted. The method of seedling production and fennel growing significantly affected the
plant yield. The total and marketable yield of whole plants and shafts whose seedlings were
produced by single-seed sowing were the highest. Earthing up plants resulted in significantly
higher marketable yield of the plants and shafts.
Słowa kluczowe: fenkuł, rozsada, obsypywanie zgrubień.
Key words: fennel, seedlings, earthing up of shafts.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 75-82
Renata Dobromilska, Katarzyna Kujath
Ocena plonowania i jakości pomidora drobnoowocowego uprawianego na Pomorzu
The estimation of yielding and quality of small-sized tomato cultivation in the Western
Pomeranian region
Katedra Warzywnictwa, Akademia Rolnicza ul. Janosika 8, 71-424 Szczecin
Abstract: In the years 1998-2003 two independent experiments aiming at the evaluation of
yielding and quality of fruits small-sized tomato were conducted. In the first experiment in
unheated, high plastic tunnel cultivars: ‘Cheresita F1’, ‘Conchita F1’, ‘Favorita F1’, ‘Picolino
F1’ were tested. In the second experiment cultivars: ‘Koralik’, ‘Maskotka’, ‘Ola’, ‘Pinokio’
were study in the field. Cultivars were compared according to nutritive value (extract, dry
matter, sugars, organic acids and vitamin C content). The chemical analysis of small-sized
tomato fruit proved their high biological value. Characteristics of quality of fruits: colour,
shape, weight, diameter, pericarp thickness, number of locules, number and weight of seeds
were investigated.
Słowa kluczowe: pomidor drobnoowocowy, odmiany, plonowanie, jakość owoców.
Key words: small-sized tomato, cultivars, yielding, fruit quality.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 83-90
Edward Dreszczyk
Kształtowanie bezpiecznego środowiska pracy w rolnictwie na podstawie zmian w systemach
eksploatacji maszyn
Shaping the safe working environment in agriculture on the ground of changes of exploitation
systems of machines
Zakład Eksploatacji Systemów Technicznych, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. Papieża Pawła VI nr 3, 71-459 Szczecin
Abstract. Numerous accidents having a place in agriculture testifies about the need to
improve the exploitation systems. The changes of saturation with technical means when
acreage structure is shaped were analysed on terrain of chosen regions of West Pommern. The
diverse tendencies were showed in dependence from kind of soils and acreage of farms. The
unfavourable tendency of limiting of number of repairs of tractor and combine engines was
found as well as dissemination of pouring so called additional portions of lubricants. The
directions of investigations aiming to modify the inspection-repair cycle were chosen according
to: oil exchange-every 400 mth, repair of the knot piston-rings-sleeve, every 2 000 mth and
repairs of crank-shafts every 3 200 mth with simultaneous exchange of piston rings. The
liquidation of harmful contamination following from combustion in engines of excessive
quantity of lubricant oils is the basic criterion of correctness of solution.
Słowa kluczowe: bezpieczeństwo, eksploatacja, maszyna, praca, rolnictwo, środowisko,
Key words: safety, exploitation, machine, work, agriculture, environment, threat
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 91-98
Małgorzata Gałczyńska, Jerzy Wybieralski, Karol Baczuń, Hanna Siwek
Zmiany zawartości makro- i mikroelementów w wodach powierzchniowych w zlewni jeziora
Changes of concentration macro- and microelements in surface water in Świdwie basin
Katedra Chemii Ogólnej, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. J. Słowackiego 17, 71-434 Szczecin
Abstract. The studies on the content of Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn and Zn in surface water of the
catchment area of the Lake Świdwie have been carried out in the period March to October
2003. Observation points have been placed in the Gunica River on in- and outflow of the lake
and in feeding channels: Bolków-Łęgi and Struga Żurawia. It has been observed that the
content fluctuations of studied elements in catchment waters of the Lake Świdwie were
related to the place and date of sample collection. The lowest concentration of Zn has been
observed in spring, Mn in summer, Ca at the end of summer, and Fe in March, July and
September. Channels Bolków-Łęgi and Struga Żurawia turned out to be streams the richest in
studied macro- and microelements. Increased concentration of mainly Zn and Mn in water
may result from non-regulated fully water supply and sewage disposal in catchment area of
these channels. The waters of river Gunica inflowing to Lake Świdwie are less mineralized
than at its outflow. Due to concentration of Ca and Mg all of the studied waters can be treated
as eutrophic. As regards determined indices (except for Mn concentration) the studied waters
can be regarded as 1st purity class water.
Słowa kluczowe: wody powierzchniowe, makro- i mikropierwiastki.
Key words: surface water, macro- i microelements.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 99-104
Małgorzata Gałczyńska, Jerzy Wybieralski, Małgorzata Włodarczyk
Wpływ adiuwantu (Olejanu 85 EC) na wymywanie z gleb makro- i mikroelementów
The influence of adjuvant (Olejan 85 EC) leaching of macro- and microelements from soils
Katedra Chemii Ogólnej, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. J. Słowackiego 17, 71-434 Szczecin
Abstract. The influence of adjuvant leaching (Olejan 85 EC) of macro- and microelements
from soils was the subject of the present study. It has been found that the level of macro- and
microelement concentration varied from soil to soil and fluctuations of element concentration
in soil leachates depended on the type of soil, the way of adjuvant deposition on soil and
applied doses. Concentration fluctuations of the studied macroelements in soil leachates out of
brown-red and muck soil applied mainly to sodium and calcium cation in muck soil in second
combination. The range of ion content variations was significant and dependent on the dosage
and manner of applying the adjuvant on soil. Concentration changes of studied microelements in
leachates of both soils were rather negligible and applied to Zn, Cu and Mn.
Słowa kluczowe: adiuwant, gleba, makro- i mikropierwiastki.
Key words: adjuvant, soil, macro- and microelements.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 105-112
Marzena Gibczyńska
Analiza rozpuszczalności ortofosforanów w roztworze stosowanym w metodzie EgneraRiehma
The analysis orthophosphates solubility by solution
at Egner-Riehm method
Katedra Chemii Ogólnej, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. J. Słowackiego 17, 71-434 Szczecin
Abstract. Presented article is a trial of the qualification of the extraction degree of sodium,
potassium and ammonia phosphates by the solution used in the Egner-Riehm method for
available phosphorus determination. In the experiment, phosphates have been added to the
quartz sand separately as well as two and three components mixtures. Subsequently their
solubility in the solution, according to the Egner-Riehm method, has been determined. Results
show no influence of the presence of potassium, sodium and ammonia cations, in buffered
solution of calcium lactate, on solubility of phosphates hydrogensalts. In the comparison to
the calcium hydrogenphosphates, neutral phosphate, has relatively high solubility. Treating
used mixtures as a potential source of available phosphorus the relation between phosphates
solubility and kind of cation has been noticed. Phosphates solubility increases according to
the sequence: K3PO4 = Na3PO4 = (NH4)3 PO4 > Ca3 (PO4)2 > FePO4 > AlPO4.
Słowa kluczowe: fosfor przyswajalny, metoda Egnera-Riehma, ortofosforan amonu,
ortofosforan sodu, ortofosforan potasu, ortofosforan wapnia, ortofosforan żelaza, ortofosforan
Key words: available phosphorus, Egner-Riehm metod, ammonium phosphate sodium
phosphate, potassium phosphate, calcium phosphate, iron phosphate, aluminium phosphate.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 113-118
Józef Grajkowski, Ireneusz Ochmian, Piotr Chełpiński, Grzegorz Mikiciuk
Ocena podatności owoców kilku odmian jabłoni na obicia
Evaluation of susceptibility to mechanical damage in several cultivars of apple trees
Katedra Sadownictwa, Akademia Rolnicza, Janosika 8 ,71-424 Szczecin
e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Abstract. In the years 2002-2003 the experiments were conducted on the fruits of several
apple trees cultivars from The Research Station of Szczecin University of Agriculture. They
were started directly after harvesting apples. Every fruit was bruised twice, each time at a
different place. The fruit shelf life ended at the moment of disappearance of marketable values
at wilting point. Bruises were measured twice: 2 hours and several days after the apples had
been damaged. The latter measurement time is the so-called “wilting point”. Only in
‘‘Jonagold’’ at “wilting point” larger bruises were on larger fruits. In other cultivars there was
no effect of fruit size on the size of bruises. On coloured part of skin bruises were larger and
did not regenerate during apple storage. In both measurements wet ‘Paulared’ fruit were more
susceptible to mechanical damage, ‘Freedom’ and ‘Jonagold’ the most susceptible and
‘Golden Delicious’ the least susceptible.
Słowa kluczowe: jabłka, uszkodzenia mechaniczne, obicia.
Key words: apples, mechanical damage, bruises.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 119-122
Józef Grajkowski, Ireneusz Ochmian, Grzegorz Mikiciuk,
Piotr Chełpiński, Izabela Skwarska
Wpływ chemicznego i ręcznego przerzedzania zawiązków śliwy odmiany ‘Królowa Wiktoria’
na wielkość i jakość plonu
Effects of chemical and manual thinning of ‘Queen Victoria’ plums on yield quality and
Katedra Sadownictwa, Akademia Rolnicza, ul. Janosika 8, 71-424 Szczecin
e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Abstract. Experiments were conducted in 2002-2003 at Szczecin University of Agriculture
on planted in 1994 “Queen Victoria” plum trees grafted on myrobalan. Two kinds of thinning
were compared: chemical – Pomonit R10 0.02, 0.04, 0.08% and manual – every 5 cm and 10
cm. Pomonit R10 0.04% applied at full blooming had a favourable effect on the yield quality
without decreasing the fruit diameter. Every 10 cm manual thinning resulting in best fruit
quality cannot be recommended due to a considerable yield decrease.
Słowa kluczowe: śliwa, ‘Królowa Wiktoria’, przerzedzanie chemiczne, przerzedzanie ręczne,
Pomonit, plon, wielkość owoców.
Key words: plum, Queen Victoria, chemical thinning, manual thinning, yield, fruit size.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 123-130
Małgorzata Hawrot, Andrzej Nowak
Ocena wpływu dawki skażenia olejem napędowym i stosowanych zabiegów
bioremediacyjnych na ilość biomasy żywych organizmów w glebie
Evaluation influence of diesel fuel pollution dose and applied bioremediation interventions on
amount of viable organisms biomass in soils
Katedra Mikrobiologii i Biotechnologii Środowiska, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. J. Słowackiego 17, 71-434 Szczecin
Abstract. The work presents the results of investigations on microbial activity in soils
polluted with two doses of the diesel fuel – soils with different content of organic matter and
texture. Additionally, different biodegradation forcing methods were used. Microbial biomass
play an important role in estimation of soil activity. It was determined according to SIR
method. In soils contaminated with both diesel fuel doses, decrease of the biomass rate was
observed during investigations irrespective of content of organic matter or texture except
objects inoculed with strain mixture. This was clearly to see especially in light soil, for both
used pollution levels (5 and 15%). Statistical analysis confirmed highly significant influence
of diesel fuel contamination level and applied bioremediation interventions on the microbial
biomass in investigated soils.
Słowa kluczowe: biomasa, mikroorganizmy, olej napędowy, bioremediacja.
Key words: biomass, microorganisms, diesel fuel, bioremediation.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 131-138
Krystyna Janowicz, Magdalena Dzięgielewska, Grażyna Kaup,
Kamila Paruch
Wybrane mikroorganizmy glebowe w biologicznym zwalczaniu szkodników roślin
Different microorganisms soil to biological control
of pets
Katedra Entomologii Stosowanej, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. J. Słowackiego 17, 71-434 Szczecin
Abstract. Role of microorganism’s soil on pest control was tested. Studies on the infectivity
and productivity of Steinernema bicornutum nematodes were done. Four hosts of nematodes
were tested in laboratory conditions using of the baiting insect method. There were three
species of lepidopterans – Plusia gamma, Cameraria ohridella, Galleria mellonella and one
coleopteran – Curculio glandium. The nematodes preferred the caterpillar of lepidopterans
better than the coleopteran. It is possible that these properties could be used in the biological
control of plants against pests, for example in orchards or urban trees. Compare in appearance
of insecticidal soil fungi in two orchards treated with chemical protection and full year’s
cultivation (control-Och) and in the orchard without the protection (P) in autumn and in spring.
Higher lethality of Galleria mellonella larvae (84-96%) was stated in the experiment with the soil
from the orchard-P, where the domination of fungi Beauveria bassiana (Bais.) Vuill and
Peacillomyces fumosoroseus (Wize) Brown et Smith were observed. Influence saprophytic
fungi Trichocladium asperum on Globodera rostochoensis was tested in laboratory conditions, too. The studies of effect the Trichocladium asperum Harz on the populations of Globodera
rostochiensis demonstrated that in the combination with the T. asperum were lower the
number of cysts (in 100 g soil), the eggs and larvae in 1 g of soil and eggs and larvae in 1
Słowa kluczowe: mikroorganizmy glebowe, nicienie owadobójcze, grzyby owadobójcze,
grzyby saprofityczne, szkodniki, biologiczna ochrona.
Key words: mikroorganism’s soil, entomopathogenic nematodes, insecticidal fungi,
fungi, pests, biological control.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 139-144
Grażyna Jurgiel-Małecka, Janina Suchorska-Orłowska
Wpływ wzrastających dawek nawożenia azotowego na zawartość siarki w plonie wybranych
roślin cebulowych
The effect of nitrogen fertilization doses on total sulphur content in crop of some onion
Katedra Chemii Ogólnej, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. J. Słowackiego17, 71-434 Szczecin
Abstract. The effect of nitrogen fertilizers on total sulphur content in onion (Allium cepa L.),
top onion (Allium cepa L. var. proliferum Targioni-Tozzeti) and shallot onion (Allium
ascalonicum L.), in three-year field experiment was examined. Urea, ammonium nitrate,
calcium nitrate applied in two different doses: 100 kg N⋅ha-1 and 200 kg N ha-1. Significant
influence of the doses of the applied fertilization on the content of total sulphur in the bulbs of
tested plant was found. The total sulphur content in the all bulbs increase as nitrogen
fertilization dose increase. The lowest amount of total sulphur was found in onion (Allium
cepa L.) whereas the highest concentration in top onion (Allium cepa L. var. proliferum
Słowa kluczowe: cebula zwyczajna, cebula piętrowa, szalotka, nawożenie azotowe, siarka
Key words: onion, top onion, shallot onion, nitrogen fertilization, total sulphur.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 145-158
Robert Kalbarczyk
Próba prognozowania plonów ziemniaka w Polsce na podstawie danych
An attempt of potato yields forecasting on the basis of agrometeorological data in Poland
Katedra Meteorologii i Klimatologii, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. Papieża Pawła VI nr 3, 71-469 Szczecin, e-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. The present paper shows the relation between potato yields in 16 regions in Poland
and the agrometeorological data in the years 1972-1995. This relation was described by
means of multifold linear-quadratic regression equation using the procedure of progressing
step regression. On the basis of ten day and monthly agrometeorological data potato yields
within the borders of 16 regions in Poland can be forecast with an average error not
exceeding 10%. The most accurate forecast can be made a month in advance before the
hervest i.e. for 20th August. The highest determination coefficients and at the same time the
smallest estimation errors for the multifold regression equations describing the relation between
potato yields and agrometeorological factors were obtained in the Pomeranian region in the
forecast made on 20th August (R2 approx. 91%), whereas the lowest determination
coefficients were obtained in the Silesian region for the last date out of the assumed forecast
dates, i.e. 20th November (R2 approx. 44%). The error of the retrospective forecast of potato
yields determined for Poland varied from 6.4% for 20th August to 7.7% for 31st July, on
average for all forecasts – about 7%. The Mazovian region was characterised by the lowest average
retrospective error of the forecasts for all the dates (approx. 6%) and the highest one was in the
West Pomeranian and Kujavian-Pomeranian regions (about 8%). The average forecast error
of potato yields for all the forecast dates for the years not included in the regression equation
amounted to 8.5% in 1996 and 10.5% in 1997.
Słowa kluczowe: ziemniak, prognoza, dane agrometeorologiczne, równanie regresji, Polska.
Key words: potato, forecast, agrometeorological data, regression equation, Poland.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 159-168
Robert Kalbarczyk
Struktura czasowa i przestrzenna powierzchni uprawy i plonów ziemniaka w Polsce w latach
Time and spatial structure of the potato crops and cultivation area in Poland in the years 19721995
Katedra Meteorologii i Klimatologii, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. Papieża Pawła VI nr 3, 71-469 Szczecin
Abstract. On the basis of 24 year (1972-1995) research material of the Crop Varieties
Research Centre (COBORU) and the Central Statistical Office (GUS) the time and spatial
distribution of potato cultivation area, its crops and their variability both in the experimental
and production conditions were characterized. The potato cultivation area in Poland in the
years 1972-1995 was decreasing systematically, on average about 50 thousand ha annually.
The largest variability of the potato cultivation was observed in the north-western part of
Poland, whereas the smallest variability occurred in the central and south-eastern part of
Poland. The potato crops were the only ones among main plant crops that did not show a
significant increase and in some research stations and provinces the crops showed even a
negative time trend, statistically significant. The time variability of the experimental potato
crops exceeded the variability of the production crops only a few percent year after year,
whereas the space variability of the crops throughout the country in the successive years of
the multi-year period from 1972 to 1995 was generally twice as large as that in the
Słowa kluczowe: ziemniak, plon, areał uprawy, zmienność, Polska.
Key words: potato, yield, crop acreage, variability, Poland.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 169-178
Robert Kalbarczyk
Wpływ warunków cieplnych na plony ziemniaka w Polsce
The effect of thermal conditions on potato crop yields in Poland
Katedra Meteorologii i Klimatologii, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. Papieża Pawła VI nr 3, 71-469 Szczecin, e-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. In the paper the relationship between the thermal conditions and potato crop yields,
both in experiments and in production in the period from April to September in the years
1972-1995 was determined. This relationship was described by means of determination
coefficients calculated for linear and square functions using the STATISTICA 5 program. In
May and June the thermal conditions had positive influence on potato crop yields, whereas in the
period from July to September their effect was disadvantageous. There were closer links
between thermal conditions and potato crop yields in production than in experiments, particularly
in the period of the strongest requirement of warmth resources, i.e. in July and August. It might
indicate a significant role of an appropriate agrotechnique applied in experiments in order to
weaken the influence of weather conditions on variability of potato crop yields. Higher
determination coefficients for the relationship between thermal conditions and potato crop yields
were statistically proved in several 10 day periods as compared to monthly periods. It is
probably due to better adaptation of these periods to a growth calendar of the plant.
Słowa kluczowe: ziemniak, warunki cieplne, plonowanie, doświadczalnictwo, produkcja.
Key words: potato, thermal conditions, yielding, experimenting, production.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 179-186
Dariusz Kłódka, Janina Nowak, Krzysztof Kąklewski
Wpływ Miedzianu 50 WP oraz Miedzianu 350 Extra SC na aktywność niektórych enzymów i
zawartość ATP w glebie i roślinie
The influence of Miedzian 50 WP and Miedzian 350 Extra SC on activity of some enzymes
and ATP content in soil and plant
Katedra Biochemii, Akademia Rolnicza, ul. J. Słowackiego 17, 71-434 Szczecin
Abstract. During the pot experiment the influence of two fungicides: Miedzian 50 WP
(without adiuvant) and Miedzian 350 Extra SC (with adiuvant) on peroxidase, dehydrogenase
activity and ATP content in soil and peroxidase activity and ATP content in radish plants
were studied. The experiment was conducted on black soil samples of light dusty clay. In the
experiment three concentrations of each preparation was used: I – field rate, II – 10xI and III –
100xI. In characteristic developments stages the samples were taken and mentioned above
biochemistry markers were checked. The results of this study shows large differences between
activities of the enzymes and ATP contents caused by the fungicides especially when doses
were greater than field rate.
Słowa kluczowe: ATP, dehydrogenaza, peroksydaza, adiuwant, fungicyd, gleba, roślina.
Key words: ATP, dehydrogenase, peroxidase, adiuvant, fungicide, soil, plant.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 187-196
Ignacy Kutyna, Marlena Piontek1, Michał Drab1
Zbiorowiska roślinne na polu odłogowanym przez 10 lat na terenie przekształconym przez
przemysł wydobywczy kruszywa budowlanego w Dobroszowie Wielkim
Plant associations on land fallowed from 10 years on area transformed by gravel aggregate
mining industry at Dobroszów Wielki
Zakład Ekologii, Akademia Rolnicza, ul. J. Słowackiego 17, 71-434 Szczecin
Zakład Odnowy Środowiska, Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, ul. Profesora Z. Szafrana 15, 65-526
Zielona Góra
Abstract.Twenty one phytosociological records were done on field fallowed from 10 years.
Basing on them the plant association of Artemisio-Tanacetetum vulgaris (records 1-15) and
plant community from Koelerio glaucae-Corynephoretea canescentis (records 16-21) class
have been distinguished. The plant association of Artemisio-Tanacetetum vulgaris
differentiates on typical variant and variant with Onopordum acanthium (D=1428) with
subvariant Rumex obtusifolius. Both variants were developed on soils with higher clay content
mainly from loamy sands shallow underlying by loam. The more frequent and numerous
participation of species characteristic for Plantaginetalia majoris order on such soils have
been observed. On sandy soils (loamy sands shallow underlying by sand) phytocenosis from
Koelerio glaucae-Corynephoretea canescentis class with numerous presence of Festuca ovina
(D=2125) were developed. In this class the facia with Holcus lanatus and Achillea millefolium
have been also distinguished. In the anthropogenic and seminatural plant associations there
are is an insignificant participation of weed associations species – Vicia hirsuta and V.
Słowa kluczowe: odłogowanie gleb, zbiorowiska roślinne, Artemisio-Tanacetetum vulgaris,
zbiorowisko Koelerio glaucae-Corynephoretea canescentis.
Key words: lying fallow (waste) soils, plant communities, Artemisio-Tanacetetum vulgaris,
communities Koelerio glaucae-Corynephoretea canescentis.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 197-206
Występowanie jemioły pospolitej (Viscum album L.) w wybranych punktach Szczecina
oraz na obszarach przyległych do Zakładów Chemicznych „Police” i Elektrowni „Dolna
The occurrence of the mistletoe (Viscum album L.) in the selected areas of the city of
Szczecin and in the areas adjacent to the Chemical Plant “Police” and the Power Station
“Dolna Odra”
Zakład Ekologii, Akademia Rolnicza, ul. J. Słowackiego 17, 71-434 Szczecin
Katedra Biologii Środowiskowej, Politechnika Koszalińska
ul. Racławicka 15-17, 75- 620 Koszalin
Abstract. The survey of the mistletoe (Viscum album L.) within the area of Szczecin
municipality and the areas adjacent to the Chemical Plant „Police" and the Power Station
„Dolna Odra" was carried out in March and April 1999. The counting the existing clusters of
the mistletoe on host trees was the aim of this study. The mistletoe's place in the three parts of
a tree crown (the bottom part, the middle part and the top) was taken into consideration.The
survey showed that Viscum album L. paratizised on 1004 trees. The most frequent occurrence
was observed on the black poplar, the verrucose birch, and the false acacia. There were found
of total 12 876 clusters of the mistletoe. In the selected research points within the area of
Szczecin municipality 5648 clusters of Viscum album L. were found. Around the Chemical
Plant „Police" there were identified 5085 specimens of this semi-parasite and within the area
adjacent to Power Station “Dolna Odra” there were identified 2143 clusters of this species.
The largest number (6443) of the specimens paratisized in the middle part of tree crowns, and
the smallest number (1484) in the bottom part. While older specimens predominated in the
upper and middle part of the crown, younger ones were mostly located in the bottom parts.
Słowa kluczowe: jemioła pospolita, żywiciele jemioły (topola czarna, brzoza brodawkowata,
robinia akacjowa), pasożytowanie.
Key words: mistletoe, mistletoe hosts (black poplar, common birch, false acacia),
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 207-218
Ignacy Kutyna, Elżbieta Włodarczyk1
Zawartość metali ciężkich, siarki i fluoru w jemiole pospolitej (Viscum album L.) w regionie
The heavy metals, sulphur and fluorine content in mistletoe (Viscum album L.) within the area
of Szczecin region
Zakład Ekologii, Akademia Rolnicza, ul. J. Słowackiego 17, 71-434 Szczecin
Katedra Biologii Środowiskowej, Politechnika Koszalińska, ul. Racławicka 15-17, 75-620
Abstract. During conducted studies connected with appearance of mistletoe within the area of
Szczecin municipality and areas located in vicinity of Chemical Works “Police” and “Dolna
Odra“ Power Plant (nearby Gryfino) the plant samples were collected in March and April of
1998 and 1999. The concentrations of selected heavy metals (Pb, Fe, Ni. Co, Cu, Mn, Zn, Cd,
Cr), sulphur and fluorine were determined in plant material. The analysis confirmed that the
highest content of S (2.75-3.95 g·kg-1) was found in plant material sampled in vicinity of and
“Dolna Odra“ Power Plant which emitted more SO2 than the other sources located within the
studied area. Fluorine accumulation in mistletoe was higher within the area in vicinity of the
Chemical Works “Police”, especially on sites adjacent to emitter and located on the east from
source of emission (nearby village Święte). The higher content of F in mistletoe was also
found in plant samples collected along the streets and roads. The most of mistletoe samples
collected along the streets and roads characterized the elevated Pb content, very close to the
toxicity level for plants. Also in considerable part of the samples content of zinc and iron was
close to the toxicity level for plants. The content of almost all elements (excluding cobalt and
copper) was the lowest in mistletoe sampled from site located 250 km on south-east from
Szczecin (Rzeczenica). Elevated accumulation of cobalt and copper in mistletoe samples from
this site resulted from application fertilizers and pesticides on the apple trees which were the
host plant. Taking in consideration the elevated concentration of some heavy metals (Pb, Fe,
Zn) found in mistletoe samples collection of plants for therapeutic purposes from such areas
would be inadvisable.
Słowa kluczowe: jemioła pospolita, metale ciężkie, siarka, fluor.
Key words: mistletoe, heavy metals, sulphur, fluorine.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 219-226
Ryszard Malinowski
Skład chemiczny wody gruntowo-glebowej w obrębie użytkowanego rolniczo polderu
Cedyńskiego Parku Krajobrazowego
Chemical composition of ground-soil water within agriculturally used polder of Cedynia
Landscape Park
Katedra Gleboznawstwa, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. J. Słowackiego 17, 71-434 Szczecin
Abstract. Hydrological studies conducted in the years 2000-2002 within, intensively
agriculturally used, polder of Cedynia Landscape Park showed that the level of ground-soil
water, depended on the state of agricultural drainage and the season. In addition, the chemical
composition of ground-soil water indicates its considerable contamination with the
compounds of phosphorus, nitrogen and manganese (exceeding permissible level). Taking
into consideration intensive agricultural use of these soils it seems appropriate to introduce
rotation: meadow – arable land, and carry out suitable agricultural practices at proper times,
which will increase the
effectiveness of artificial fertilizers and decrease the eutrofication of ground-soil waters.
Słowa kluczowe: skład chemiczny wody gruntowo-glebowej, mady rzeczne.
Key words: chemical composition ground-soil water, river alluvial soils.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 227-232
Piotr Masojć, Paweł Milczarski
Identyfikacja QTL warunkujących lepkość ekstraktu wodnego z ziarna żyta
The identification of QTL for water extract viscosity of rye grain
Katedra Genetyki i Hodowli Roślin, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. J. Słowackiego 17, 71-434 Szczecin
Abstract. Rye grain from DS2 RXL10 mapping population was characterized in respect to
water extract viscosity – the trait affecting both baking and feeding quality. Almost five-fold
variation was found among 99 strains representing recombinant genotypes. This variation was
controlled by three QTL located on chromosome arms 3RS and 3RL. This finding together
with identification of molecular markers tightly linked to loci controlling viscosity creates the
possibility of planning marker assisted selection for improving rye quality.
Słowa kluczowe: żyto, analiza QTL, lepkość ekstraktu wodnego.
Key words: rye, QTL analysis, water extract viscosity.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 233-238
Bożena Matysiak
Wpływ nawożenia, pH i składu podłoża na wzrost i skład chemiczny liści kalmii
szerokolistnej (Kalmia latifolia L.)
The influence of fertilization, pH and poting medium on growth and leaf chemical compositin
of mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia L.)
Instytut Sadownictwa i Kwiaciarstwa, ul. Pomologiczna 18, 96-100 Skierniewice
Abstract. The effect of fertilisation, pH and potting medium on the growth and leaf nutrient
compositions of Kalmia latifolia ‘Kaleidoscope’ was evaluated. One year old in vitro
propagated plants were treated with different dose of Osmocote Exact 3-4 (16-11-11-3) i.e. 0,
1, 2 and 3 g·dm-3, two pH level (4.0 and 5.3) and were cultivated in peat and peat + composed pine
bark medium (2:1). Plants fertilised with 1g·dm-3 Osmocote were the highest, had the highest
number of leaves and shoots and the highest total shoot length. There were less response of
mountain laurel to pH and potting medium composition.
Słowa kluczowe: Kalmia latifolia, nawożenie, pH, skład chemiczny liści, skład podłoża.
Key words: Kalmia latifolia, fertilisation, medium composition, leaf chemical composition,
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 239-248
Edward Meller
Niektóre właściwości fizykochemiczne gytii węglanowych w pobliżu jeziora Miedwie
Some physico-chemical properties of carbonate gyttia near lake Miedwie
Katedra Gleboznawstwa, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. J. Słowackiego 17, 71-434 Szczecin
Abstract. In this paper physico-chemical properties of main kind of gyttia near lake
were compared. The following kinds of gyttia were identified: lacustrine chalk – containing
80% CaCO3; calcerous gyttia with 50-80% CaCO3 content and marl gyttia with 20-50%
CaCO3 content. Lacustrine chalk predominates in this deposit. In its upper layer, from 25-50
cm in thickness the highest CaCO3 content was found. Physical properties of the
kinds of gyttia to a great extent depend on the depth they are located. The upper layer of the
deposit is characterized by the highest bulk density and the lowest total porosity. With CaCO3
increase in the gyttia under study the content of total magnesium, sodium and
increase. The concentration of total potassium, zinc, nickel, copper and iron is correlated with
the content of non-carbonate mineral fractions. Lacustrine chalk in comparison with other
of gyttia has the poorest amounts of total phosphorus, potassium and most of heavy metals
Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd, Ni). As far as plant nourishment is concerned, the most unfavourable feature
the examined gyttia deposit and lacustrine chalk in particular is very small concentration
phosphorus, potassium, zinc and copper.
Słowa kluczowe: kreda jeziorna, gytia wapienna, właściwości fizyczne i chemiczne.
Key words: lacustine chalk, calcereous gyttia, physical and chemical properties.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 249-252
Grzegorz Mikiciuk, Piotr Chełpiński, Krystyna Ostrowska,
Tomasz Tomaszewicz1, Józef Grajkowski, Ireneusz Ochmian
Właściwości fizyczne gleby płowej w rzędach
i międzyrzędziach drzew w sadzie czereśniowym
Physical properties of soil in rows and interrows in cherry orchard
Katedra Sadownictwa, Akademia Rolnicza, ul. Janosika 8, 71-424 Szczecin
Zakład Erozji i Rekultywacji Gleb, Akademia Rolnicza, ul. Papieża Pawła VI nr 3,
71-434 Szczecin
Abstract. The research materials were the lessive soil taken from sweet cherry five years old
orchard located in Rajkowo, near Szczecin. The cherries were budded on P-HL rootstock. The
aim of the present work was to determine the effect of tillage on physical properties of soil.
The soil samples were taken from the surface of rows and interrows, from the depth of 0-10,
10-20, 20-30 and 30-40 cm. The following physical properties were determined: bulk density,
actual soil moisture, capillary and total water capacity and air-field porosity. The soils from
research area were classified as lessive pseudogley soil. The analysed soil layers were made
from medium loam. The research showed that, the most evident differences in physical
properties of the soil between the surface of rows and interrows were in the layer of 0-10 cm.
The highest differences in this layer were in bulk density: 1.55 g·cm-3 in rows and 1.69 g·cm-3
in interrows.
Słowa kluczowe: właściwości fizyczne gleby, gleba płowa opadowo-glejowa, sad, rzędy,
Key words: physical properties of soil, lessives pseudogley soil, orchard, rows, interrows.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 253-260
Grzegorz Mikiciuk, Justyna Chudecka1, Piotr Chełpiński,
Krystyna Ostrowska, Tomasz Tomaszewicz1
Właściwości fizykochemiczne, przynależność systematyczna oraz przydatność do upraw
sadowniczych gleb występujących w sadowniczej stacji badawczej Akademii Rolniczej w
The physico-chemical properties, soil unit and usefulness for orchard culture of soils from
experimental orchard station of Agriculture University of Szczecin
Katedra Sadownictwa, Akademia Rolnicza, ul. Janosika 8, 71-424 Szczecin
Zakład Erozji i Rekultywacji Gleb, Akademia Rolnicza, ul. Pawła VI nr 3, 71-434 Szczecin
Abstract. The authors researched physico-chemical properties of soils from Experimental
Orchard Station located in Rajkowo (beside Szczecin). On the research surface of c.a. 12 ha,
the four representative points were chosen. The four soil profiles were made in these points. The
soil samples were taken from genetic horizons of these profiles to laboratory analyses. The
analyses were made by methods commonly used in soil science. On the base of received data, soils
from research area were classified as lessives pseudogley soils and gleyed brown soils. These
soils were made from boulder loam with texture of medium loam with the CaCO3 content. In the
case of lessives pseudogley soils, the more distinct content differentiation of chemical elements was
ascertained between genetic horizons. The high content of these elements was in humus and illuvial
horizon and also in parent rock, the low content of these was in elluvial horizon. This situation
show, that the lessivage process had important influence to vertical dispose of chemical
elements in soil profile. In case of brown gleyed soils, the genetic horizons had similar content of
macro and microelements. Only iron concentration was heightened in brown horizon. The
contents of Zn and Cu in soils were on natural level.
Słowa kluczowe: gleba płowa opadowo-glejowa, gleba brunatna oglejona, właściwości,
fizykochemiczne gleb.
Key words: lessives pseudogley soil, gleyed brown soil, physico-chemical properties of soils.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 261-266
Nestor Mocarski, Marzena Gibczyńska
Porównanie w trzech systemach uprawy odczynu gleby oznaczonego w ekstraktach KCl,
CaCl2 i H2O
Comparsion in three cultivation systems of soil acidity analysed in KCl, CaCl2 and H2O
Katedra Chemii Ogólnej, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. J. Słowackiego 17, 71-434 Szczecin
Abstract: Field resarch in Lipnik with sugar beats in three soil cultivation systems ploughing
cultivation, ploughless and direct sowing. Soil samples were collected from three different
soil depths. This study was conducted to solve dependences between soil cultivation system,
depth in soil profile and acidity analyzed in water extract, and two solutions KCl and CaCl2.
No differences of the soil acidity measure in KCl, CaCl2 and H2O, and soil cultivation system
were found. Result of this study shown that the soil depth has influence to soil acidity changes
which is growing with deep in soil profile.
Słowa kluczowe: system uprawy, głębokość,
Key words: soil cultivation system, depth,
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 267-272
Jurij A. Možajski, Tamara M. Gusieva1, Vlodimir I. Želazko2
Regulacja stosunków wodnych w zlewniach małych rzek w warunkach wzrastającego
obciążenia antropogenicznego
Regulation of water relations in subeatchment litle rivers in conditions anthropogenetic load
Ogólnorosyjski Naukowo-Badawczy Instytut Hydrotechniki i Melioracji im. A. N. Kostiakowa
Filia w Mieszczersku Rosja, 391020 Riazań, Sołotcza, ul. Mieszczerskaja 19/1-10, Rosja
Riazański Państwowy Uniwersytet Medyczny im. Akademika I. P. Pawłowa
390026 Riazań, ul. Wysokowoltnaja 7/1, Rosja
Białoruska Państwowa Akademia Rolnicza
213410 Gorki, obwód Mohylewski, pr.Internationalnyj 32-117, Białoruś
Abstract. Regulation of water relations of areas of small rivers in conditions of an increasing
antropogenic pressure. Planning the rigour of irrigation of agricultural cultivations in conditions of
an increasing antropogenic pressure and the significant contamination of soils by heavy metals, it is
recommended to determine an ecologically safe yield of plants, considering the soil phytotoxicity on which the rate of irrigation of agricultural cultivations depends. The amount of the fertility
planned will determine the significance of bioclimatic coefficients, the demand for water, and
the vertical exchange of water in the soil. This will enable to regulate the balance of heavy
metals. The recommended pattern of shaping of the water rigour will make possible to decrease
the influence of dry periods and heavy metals in plants and to receive an ecologically pure
Słowa kluczowe: metale ciężkie, poligon ekologiczny, krajobraz rolniczy, mała rzeka, osady
denne, reżim wodny.
Key words: heary metals, ecological, polygon, agricultural landscape, little river, botton
sediment, water regime.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 273-280
Beata Myśków
Optymalizacja warunków reakcji RAPD-PCR dla genomu żyta
Optimalization of RAPD-PCR conditions for rye genome
Katedra Genetyki i Hodowli Roślin, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. J. Słowackiego 17, 71-434 Szczecin
Abstract. With the appearance of polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a powerfull technology
for the potential aplications in crop improvement is now available. RAPD based on PCR is
particularly efficient marker system for plant breeding. It is a very common method in
molecular laboratories, because of the technique simplicity, speed and relatively low cost.
However RAPDs have some limitations. Main disadvantage is the high technique’s
sensitivity, which means problems with reproducibility of RAPD analysis. The aim of this
work was to investigate factors affecting RAPD banding patterns associated with use of
different PCR reaction components and to determine optimal reagent mixture.
Słowa kluczowe: RAPD, PCR, mieszanina reakcyjna, produkty amplifikacji.
Key words: RAPD, PCR, reaction mixture, amplification products.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 281-288
Urszula Nawrocka-Grześkowiak
Wpływ włókna kokosowego na ukorzenianie sadzonek wybranych roślin iglastych
Influence of coir on the rooting of selected conifers cuttings
Zakład Dendrologii i Kształtowania Terenów Zieleni, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. Janosika 8, 71-424 Szczecin
Abstract. Results are presented of the experiment with rooting of cutings of four cultivars of
conifers: Juniperus horizontalis ‘Blue Chip’, Taxus baccata ‘Aurea’, Thuja occidentalis
‘Aurescsens’ i T. occidentalis ‘Smaragd’ with four media: coir, coir + perlite (1:1), coir +
perlite + sphagnum peat (1:1:1) and sphagnum peat + perlite (1:1). PH of coir medium was
5.95 and high concent of potassium 838 mg dm-3, sodium 215 mg dm-3 and chlorine 420 mg
dm-3 have been used. Medium coir plus sphagnum peat is suitable for rooting of Thuja
occidentalis ‘Smaragd’, T. occidentalis ‘Aurescens’ and Taxus baccata ‘Aurea’, but unsuitable
for rooting Juniperus horizontalis ‘Blue Chip’.
Słowa kluczowe: sadzonkowanie, rozmnażanie wegetatywne, podłoża, jałowiec (Juniperus),
żywotnik (Thuja), cis (Taxus).
Key words: seedlings, vegetative propagation, medium, juniper (Juniperus), thuja (Thuja),
yew (Taxus).
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 289-292
Urszula Nawrocka-Grześkowiak, Michał Grześkowiak1
Nowa odmiana jałowca wirginijskiego Juniperus virginiana L. ‘Michał’
New cultivar of Juniperus virginiana L. ‘Michał’
Instytut Dendrologii, Polska Akademia Nauk, ul. Parkowa 5, 62-035 Kórnik
Katedra Botaniki Leśnej, Akademia Rolnicza, ul. Wojska Polskiego 71 c, 60-625 Poznań
Abstract. In this paper is described new cultivar of Juniperus virginiana ‘Michał’. This
cultivar is characterized by young increases of shoots and needles in yellow colour all the
year. Rooted were cuttings. Most effectively stimulating roots is the auxin IBA 0.5% and IBA
1% in talc dust.
Słowa kluczowe: Juniperus virginiana L., nowa odmiana, rozmnażanie z sadzonek, auksyny.
Key words: Juniperus virginiana L., new cultivar, vegetative propagation, auksins.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 293-298
Sylwia Nesterowicz, Danuta Kulpa, Jadwiga Kurek
Mikrorozmnażanie lilaka chińskiego (Syringa x chinensis Willd.)
Micropropagation of Syringa x chinensis Willd.
Zakład Hodowli Roślin Ogrodniczych, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. Janosika 8, 71-424 Szczecin
Abstract. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of medium composition and the
amount of plant growth regulators essential for shoot initiation and multiplication in cultures
of Syringa x chinensis Willd. The best growth was produced when initiating the cultures on a
MS medium with 1.5 of macronutrients and 5.0 mg·dm3 BAP and 0.1 mg·dm-3 IBA. The
studies indicated that the highest proliferation coefficient and the best-formed lateral shoots
were obtained on MS medium with 1.5 of macronutrients and 2.0 mg·dm-3 2iP. The greatest
root growth on MS medium with half of macronutrients and 0.5 mg·dm-3 IBA.
Słowa kluczowe: mikrorozmnażanie, lilak chiński, regulatory wzrostu.
Key words: micropropagation, Syringa x chinensis, growth regulators.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 299-304
Arkadiusz Nędzarek1, 2, Katarzyna J. Chwedorzewska2
Stężenie nutrientów w wodzie zasilającej wybrane stanowiska trawy Deschampsia antarctica
(King George Island, Antarctica)
Nutrients content in water flash chosen sites of Deschampsia antarctica (King George Island,
Katedra Ekologii Morza i Ochrony Środowiska, Pracownia Hydrochemii i Ochrony Wód
Akademia Rolnicza, ul. K. Królewicza 4h, 71-550 Szczecin
Zakład Biologii Antarktyki, Polska Akademia Nauk, ul. Ustrzycka 10, 02-141 Warszawa
Abstract. Antarctic flora consisting mainly on likens, algae and mosses. There are only two
native vascular plants successfully colonised maritime regions of Antarctic continent and Antarctic
islands: Deschampsia antarctica Des. and Colobanthus quitensis Bartl. Deschampsia antarctic
can survive in extreme polar conditions owning to special adapting mechanisms, which are a point
of interest of many different sphere of biology. In presented research the level of nutrients,
chlorine ions level and pH of water supplying sites of Deschampsia antarctica have been shown.
Content of mineral nitrogen in flash waters varied from 0.097 to 5.930 mg N·dm-3, total nitrogen
from 0.331 to 14.534 mg N·dm-3, reactive phosphorus from 0.024 to 12.250 mg P·dm-3, total
phosphorus from 0.066 to 14.420 mg N·dm-3. Water pH varied from 5.16 to 8.64, level on
chlorine ions from 25 to 350 mg·dm-3 and TDS from 132 to 2 550 mg·dm-3.
Słowa kluczowe: Antarktyka, Deschampsia antarctica, woda, biogeny, zasolenie.
Key words: Antarctica, Deschampsia antarctica, water, nutrients, chlorine ions.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 305-312
Grzegorz Nowak, Anna Wrona
Drzewa i krzewy Człuchowa (województwo pomorskie)
Trees and shrubs in the town of Człuchów (Pomeranian voivodeship)
Zakład Dendrologii i Kształtowania Terenów Zieleni, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. Janosika 8, 71-424 Szczecin
Abstract. The aim of research to get to know the afforestation of a town Człuchów. The
research was carried out in the years 2001-2002. In the article are presented descriptions of
different green areas. In the area of the town of Człuchów 438 species and varieties of trees
and shrubs and four taxa of Clematis, Erica, Magnolia and Rhododendron which were not
ascribed to a species and varieties. Among 438 species and varieties there are 148 (33.8%) Gymnosperms and 290 (66.2%) Angiosperms. In the town of Człuchów there are parks with valuable
trees and shrubs. There are among others of Gymnosperms: Ginkgo biloba L., Araucaria
araucana (Molina)K.Koch, Picea orientalis (L.)Link, Sciadopitys verticilata Sieb. et Zucc.,
Pinus cembra L., Taxodium distichum (L.)Rich., Metasequoia glyptostroboides Hu et
W.C.Cheng, Cryptomeria japonica D.Don., Microbiota decussata Kom.; and of Angiosperms:
Castanea sativa Mill., Akebia quinata Decne, Liriodendron tulipifera L., Schisandra chinensis
(Turcz.)Baill., Ficus carica L., Hydrangea paniculata Siebold ‘Grandiflora’, H. petiolaris
Siebold et Zucc., Hamamelis mollis, Ulex europaeus L., Skimmia japonica Thunb., Ptelea
trifoliata L., Catalpa bignonioides Walter, Campsis radicans (L.)Seem., Viburnum carlesii Hemsl.,
V. rhitydophyllum Hemsl. In the park as well as along come streets, in the cemeteries and other
places in the town grow trees of monumental measurements or close to monumental ones.
Słowa kluczowe: ozdobne drzewa i krzewy, występowanie, Człuchów.
Key words: ornamental trees and shrubs, occurrence, Człuchów.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 313-318
Ireneusz Ochmian, Józef Grajkowski
Porównanie trzech systemów sadzenia truskawki odmiany ‘Elsanta’ w uprawie sterowanej
Comparison of three planting systems in controlled cultivation of ‘Elsanta’ strawberries
Katedra Sadownictwa, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. Janosika 8, 71-424 Szczecin, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Abstract. The experiment was carried out in the years 2002-2003 at Pomology Research
Station of Szczecin Agricultural University. Plant material consisted of ‘Elsanta’ strawberries,
planted for late harvest in June 2002 from frigo seedlings at three kinds of spacing: in a row
0.8 x 0.3 m, in a row 0.8 x 0.15 m, in strips 0.8 x 0.15 x 0.15 m. In the second year after covering
the plants with artificial fibre they were cultivated for early harvest. On the basis of the
obtained results it was found that excessive number of plants per area unit reduced the fruit
weight, but increased the yield per area unit.
Słowa kluczowe: uprawa sterowana, gęstość sadzenia, truskawka, ‘Elsanta’, plon, średnia
masa owocu.
Key words: controlled cultivation, planting density, strawberry, ‘Elsanta’, yield, fruit weight.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 319-324
Marian Orłowski, Dorota Jadczak
Wpływ terminu sadzenia i rodzaju materiału sadzeniowego na plonowanie cebuli piętrowej
(Allium cepa var. proliferum Targioni-Tozetti)
The effect of planting date and the type of planting material in the quantity and quality of the
yield of top onion (Allium cepa var. proliferum Targioni-Tozetti)
Katedra Warzywnictwa, Akademia Rolnicza, ul. Janosika 8, 71-424 Szczecin
Abstract. The aim of the experiment was to assess the effect of planting date (10, 20, 30.09.
and 10.10.) and the type of planting material (air bulbils and underground bulbs) on the
yielding of top onion. Among tested in the experiment factors only the type of planting
material had a significant effect on the quantity of the top onion yield. Higher yield was
obtained when the plants were propagated from underground bulbs.
Słowa kluczowe: cebula piętrowa, termin sadzenia, rodzaj materiału sadzeniowego, plon.
Key words: top onion, planting date, planting material, yield.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 325-332
Krystyna Przybulewska, Andrzej Nowak
Wpływ pestycydów na przebieg procesu nitryfikacji w glebie inkubowanej w zmieniającej się
Influence of pesticides on the nitrification process in soil incubated in variable temperature
Katedra Mikrobiologii i Biotechnologii, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. J. Słowackiego 17, 71-434 Szczecin
The work presents the results of investigation about the influence of pesticides on the
nitrification process in soil incubated in different temperature conditions. The soils (sandy soil and
clay soil) was treated with the Champion 50 WP and Lontrel Sl 300 (0, 1, 10, 100, 1000 mg ·
the kg-1). The nitrification intensity was different in both investigated soils, and changed in
dependence from incubation conditions. In sandy soil, variable incubation temperature
changed the influence of pesticides on the nitrification process. In the first period after
pesticides treatment, the content of nitrates was higher than in constant temperature. With the
time variable temperature conditions results in increase of the negative effect of the pesticides
on nitrification intensity.
Słowa kluczowe: pestycydy, nitryfikacja, gleba, temperatura.
Key words: pesticides, nitrification, soil, temperature.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 333-340
Krystyna Przybulewska, Andrzej Nowak, Barbara Hoppen
Wpływ temperatury na działanie pestycydów na przykładzie aktywności enzymatycznej
wybranych bakterii glebowych
Influence of temperature on pesticide action using the example of enzymatic activity of
selected soil bacteria
Katedra Mikrobiologii i Biotechnologii Akademia Rolnicza
ul. J. Słowackiego 17, 71-434 Szczecin
Abstract. Results of studies on temperature influence on pesticide action using the example
of enzymatic activity of selected soil bacteria were presented in the paper. Selective microbial
mediums were polluted with pesticides Roundup 360 SL, Mospilan 20 SP and Miedzian 50
WP at 1, 10, 100, and 1 000 mg·dm-3 concentrations. Both control mediums and those treated
with pesticides were inoculated with respective bacteria in a form of scratch. Incubation was
performed at different temperatures: 7ºC, 25ºC and 37ºC. After incubation completes, size of
hydrolysis zone was measured and activity index was calculated. Temperature significantly
affected the enzymatic activity of soil bacteria and at the same time it shaped the effect of
pesticides on these conversions. The range of these conversions depended on the preparation,
its level and bacteria strain. The growth of enzymic activity the most often was observed near
rise of temperature. The decrease accompanied ago inhibitory the secretion the enzymes
influence of pesticides, especially the proteolytic and amylolitic. Influence fungicide the most
strongly appeared and insecticide on bacterium's enzymic activity, considerably smaller
influence exerted herbicide.
Słowa kluczowe: bakterie, pestycydy, aktywność enzymatyczna, temperatura.
Key words: bacteria, pesticide, enzymic activity, temperature.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 341-348
Danuta Rzepka-Plevneš, Marta Grabiec, Miłosz Smolik,
Katarzyna Kowalczys
Zróżnicowanie wybranych gatunków pomidora (Lycopersicon sp.) pod względem tolerancji
na zasolenie podłoża
Variation of some tomato species (Lycopersicon sp.) in respect to salt tolerance of medium
Zakład Hodowli Roślin Ogrodniczych, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. Janosika 8, 71-424 Szczecin
Abstract. The aim of the study was to investigate differences between three tomato species
L. peruvianum, L. pimpinellifolium, L. esculentum var. cerasiforme in respect to salt
tolerance. Tolerance was evaluated by length shoots and roots of young seedlings and
germination ability in water and in solutions of NaCl and NaCl+KCl mixture. To determine
genetic variation among tomato species and selected from them tolerant and salt-sensitive seedlings
was used ISSR-PCR technique. Results show that all tested tomato species characterized high
frequency of salt tolerant seedlings. Similarity index between analysed species ranged from
85.2-92.8% and between salt-tolerant and salt-sensitive seedlings obtained from each tomato
species – 70.5 to 71.5%.
Słowa kluczowe: pomidor, tolerancja, zasolenie, zmienność, ISSR-PCR, elektroforeza.
Key words: tomato, tolerance, salinity, variability, ISSR-PCR, electrophoresis.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 349-354
Zawartość związków biogennych i chlorofilu w wodach dolnej Odry
The content of nutrients and chlorophyll in the downstream part of the Odra river
Katedra Chemii Ogólnej, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. J. Słowackiego 17, 71-434 Szczecin
Abstract. The content of chlorophyll a, total phosphorus, soluble orthophosphates, total
nitrogen, soluble ammonia nitrogen, soluble nitrate and nitrite were analysed in twelve
measurement points of the downstream part of the Odra river. The sampling studies showed that,
the average chlorophyll a concentration and total phosphorus was very high in the all
measurement points, chlorophyll a was 26.2-67.9 mg·m-3, and total phosphorus 0.24-0.30
mg P·dm-3 It qualified the Odra river water as hypertrophic. The ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus
in the Odra river averages 12-16, indicating that phosphorus is most likely the limiting nutrient
for algal population. But so very high level of nutrients are found not to be a key limiting factor,
more importantly, the hydrological factors controls the phytoplankton growth.
Słowa kluczowe: eutrofizacja, rzeki, azot, fosfor, chlorofil a.
Key words: eutrophication, river, nitrogen, phosphorus, chlorophyll a.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 355-360
Paweł Słodkowski, Ewa Rekowska
Wpływ płaskich osłon na plonowanie wybranych gatunków warzyw uprawianych na wczesny
The influence of flat covers on yielding of some vegetable species grown for early harvest
Katedra Warzywnictwa, Akademia Rolnicza, ul. Janosika 8, 71-424 Szczecin
Abstract. It filed experiments there was assessed the influence of covers from perforated film
and polypropylene non-woven fabric) on yield and quality of six vegetables species (broccoli,
white cabbage, corn salad, butterhaed lettuce, crisp lettuce and potato) grown for early
harvest. Yield of tested vegetables grown under covers was signficantly higher in comparison
to non covered control. The aplication of covers in the vegetables grown for early harvest also
contributed to obtainment the higher weight of edible parts.
Słowa kluczowe: brokuł włoski, kapusta głowiasta biała, roszponka, sałata głowiasta
masłowa i krucha, ziemniak, folia perforowana, włóknina, plon.
Key words: broccoli, white cabbage, corn salad, butterhead lettuce, crisp lettuce, potato,
perforated foil, polypropylene non-woven fabric, yield.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 361-366
Paweł Słodkowski, Ewa Rekowska
Wpływ stosowania płaskich osłon na wielkość i jakość plonu wybranych gatunków warzyw
uprawianych na zbiór pęczkowy
Efficiency of flat covers on yielding of some vegetable species grown for bunch harvest
Katedra Warzywnictwa, Akademia Rolnicza, ul. Janosika 8, 71-424 Szczecin
Abstract. It field experiments there was studied the influence of covering by perforated foil
with 100 holes per 1 m2 and polypropylene non-woven fabric on yield of beetroot, garden dill,
carrot, roquette, radish, celeriac and spinach grown for bunch harvest. Covering by
polypropylene non-woven fabric increased the yield of beetroot, carrot, roquette, radish and
spinach. While application of perforated foil was profitable for carrot, garden dill, roquette and
Słowa kluczowe: burak ćwikłowy, koper ogrodowy, marchew, rokietta siewna, rzodkiewka,
seler korzeniowy, szpinak zwyczajny, folia perforowana, włóknina polipropylenowa, plon.
Key words: beet root, garden dill, carrot, roquette, radish, celeriac, spinach, perforated foil,
polypropylene non-woven fabric, yield.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 367-370
Sławomir Stankowski, Grażyna Podolska1, Marian Jurzysta1,
Zbigniew Biały1
Wpływ stosowania saponin z lucerny na jakość ziarna pszenicy ozimej
Effect of alfalfa saponins application on grain quality of winter wheat
Katedra Biometrii i Doświadczalnictwa, Akademia Rolnicza, ul. Papieża Pawła VI nr 3, 71-442
Instytut Uprawy, Nawożenia i Gleboznawstwa, ul. Czartoryskich 8, 24-100 Puławy
Abstract. Material for analyses were grain samples of winter wheat cv. Sakwa from field
experiments conducted in IUNG Puławy in 2000-2001. Ivestigated factors were: 4 dates of
saponins solution spraying (tillering, shooting, heading and milk maturity) and 4 variants of
concentration (control variant – 0, 0.01, 0.1, 1.0%). Saponins were extracted from 2 species of
alfalfa: Medicago sativa and Medicago murex. The following grain traits were estimated:
weight of 1000 grains, test weight, falling number, wet gluten content, gluten weakening,
Zeleny test, farinograph traits. Application of plant spraying with saponins, obtained from
Medicago sativa and Medicago murex at concentration from 0 to 1% had no effect on quality
traits of grain. Spraying in different dates caused not the same effect on grain quality in years.
Słowa kluczowe: pszenica ozima, saponiny, jakość ziarna.
Key words: winter wheat, saponins, grain quality.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 371-376
Ludmiła Startek, Dorota Janicka, Piotr Salachna
Wpływ podłoży i nawożenia na cechy morfologiczne i walory dekoracyjne odmian bratka
ogrodowego (Viola x
wittrockiana Gams) z grupy Colossus. Część I. Wzrost, pokrój
i indeks zazielenienia roślin
The effect of media and fertilization on morphological traits and decorative value of cultivars
of garden pansy (Viola x wittrockiana Gams.) from Colossus group. Part I. Plant growth,
conformation and greening index
Katedra Roślin Ozdobnych, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. Janosika 8, 71-424 Szczecin
Abstract. The effects of media and slow release fertilizers (Osmocote Plus, Osmocote
Polyon) and traditional fertilizer Azofoska on some morphological traits of five cultivars
garden pansy from Colossus Group were evaluated. The kind of media used for sowing
affected the date of emergence and the dynamics of plant growth at vegetative stage and
beginning of generative stage. Irrespective of the kind of fertilizer all the cultivars had
conformation but varied in height, diameter and greening index. Plants, which had been
with slow release nutrients, had a significantly higher greening index than those treated
Słowa kluczowe: bratki, wysokość, średnica, indeks zazielenienia, podłoże, nawożenie.
Key words: garden pansy, growth, diameter, greening index, media, fertilization.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 377-382
Ludmiła Startek, Dorota Janicka, Piotr Salachna
Wpływ podłoża i nawożenia na cechy morfologiczne i walory dekoracyjne odmian bratka
ogrodowego (Viola x wittrockiana Gams) z grupy Colossus. Część II. Liście i kwiaty
Influence of media and fertilization on morphological traits and decorative value of cultivars
of garden pansy
(Viola x wittrockiana Gams.) from Colossus group. Part II. Leaves and flowers
Katedra Roślin Ozdobnych, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. Janosika 8, 71-424 Szczecin
Abstract. Although pansy cultivars belonging to Colossus group differed in number of
flowers and number of leaves, depending on the cultivar and fertilization, all of them proved
to be very decorative. Differentiated media used for sowing affected the number of leaves and
the course of flowering but no effect on the total number of flowers. Among all four fertilizers
the best results were obtained after Osmocote Exact application. The kind of fertilizer had a
slight effect on the size of flowers and leaves.
Słowa kluczowe: bratki, nawożenie, podłoża, ulistnienie, wartość dekoracyjna.
Key words: garden pansy, fertilization, media foliage, decorative value.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 383-388
Stefan Stojałowski, Miłosława Jaciubek, Mirosław Łapiński
Analiza sprzężeń markerów RAPD z genami męskiej sterylności w populacji BC1 mieszańca
żyta z cytoplazmą cms-c
Linkage analysis of rapd markers and genes controlling male sterility in BC1 progeny of
interline hybrid of rye
with the cms-c cytoplasm
Katedra Genetyki i Hodowli Roślin, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. J. Słowackiego 17, 71-434 Szczecin
Abstract. The study was aimed at application of BC1 population of interline cross for
localizing genes controlling male sterility in rye with the cms-C cytoplasm. Five RAPD
markers formerly mapped on the 4RL chromosome and indicated as closely linked with male
sterility genes were used for construction of linkage map. Interval mapping was conducted
using data obtained by visual scoring, seed setting under bags and microscopic observations.
Results indicate the presence of the main restorer locus for cms-C cytoplasm on mapped part
of 4RL chromosome. Variance explained for the identified QTL reached the level about 50%.
Słowa kluczowe: cytoplazmatyczna męska sterylność, żyto, markery molekularne,
mapowanie genetyczne.
Key words: cytoplasmic male sterility, rye, molecular markers, genetic mapping.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 389-396
Anna Stolarska, Andrzej Gregorczyk
Asymilacja CO2 na tle wybranych czynników środowiska atmosferycznego i zawartości Fe,
Zn, Co w liściach babki zwyczajnej i mniszka lekarskiego
The asymilations CO2 on background of chosen factors of atmospheric environment and
content Fe, Zn, Co in leaves great plantain and common dandelion
Katedra Fizjologii Roślin, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. J. Słowackiego 17, 71-434 Szczecin
Abstract. Significant linear positive dependence between CO2 assimilation and water vapor
transpiration as well as negative dependence on water vapor concentration in the air for tested
plant species was found. Positive inter-relation of CO2 assimilation and CO2 concentration in the
air was recorded only at Plantago major L. Also positive dependence of assimilation on
cobalt level in leaves of Plantago major L. In Taraxacum officinale Web was observed. negative
correlation of CO2 assimilation and iron and zinc contents in leaves was recorded. Photosynthetic
system of Taraxacum officinale Web. is more susceptible to elevated concentration of these metals
in leaves than Plantago major L.
Słowa kluczowe: asymilacja CO2, transpiracja, kobalt, cynk, żelazo, mniszek lekarski, babka
Key words: CO2 assimilation, transpiration, cobalt, zinc, iron, common dandelion, great
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 397-402
Janina Suchorska-Orłowska, Małgorzata Maciejewska,
Danuta Brzostowska-Żelechowska
Zawartość litu i strontu w roślinach warzywnych nawożonych zróżnicowanymi dawkami
nawozu mineralno-organicznego i obornikiem
Content of lithium and strontium in vegetables fertilized with various doses of mineralorganic fertilizer and manure
Katedra Chemii Ogólnej, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. J. Słowackiego 17, 71-434 Szczecin
Abstract. In three year field experiment the effect of differentiated doses of mineral-organic
fertilizers (6, 12, 18 t⋅ha-1), ammonium nitrate and manure + NPK on the content of lithium
and strontium cations in cabbage, onion and red beet was studied. Increased doses of fertilizer
(containing a.o. brown coal and ash) caused an increase of lithium content in cabbage, and as
an aftermath supressed its content. Manure caused a higher accumulation of lithium in the
vegetables harvested in the first and third year (as compared with mineral-organic fertilizer).
High doses of fertilizer decreased the content of strontium in red beet roots only.
Słowa kluczowe: nawożenie mineralno-organiczne, obornik, saletra amonowa, lit, stront,
Key words: mineral-organic fertilization, farmyard manure, ammonium nitrate, lithium,
strontium, vegetables.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 403-408
Jacek Wróbel, Kinga Mazurkiewicz-Zapałowicz1
Wpływ regulatora wzrostu „Atonik” na wybrane cechy biometryczne i fizjologiczne Salix
viminalis L. uprawianej na refulacie piaszczystym wzbogaconym osadem ściekowym
The influence of growth regulator “Atonic” on physiological and biometric features of Salix
viminalis L. cultivated
on sandy-soil substratum supplied with sewage sludge
Katedra Fizjologii Roślin, Akademia Rolnicza, ul. J. Słowackiego 17, 71-434 Szczecin
Zakład Hydrobiologii, Akademia Rolnicza, ul. K. Królewicza 4, 71-550 Szczecin
Abstract. The effect of growth regulator Atonic: sodium 5-nitroguaiacolate and orthoand paranitrophenolates mixture in two concentrations – 0,1% and 0,2%, on the growth, gas
exchange (CO2, H2O) and the chlorophyll content in leaves of basket willow Salix viminalis JORR
form, cultivated on sandy soil substratum supplied with sewage sludge, has been examined in
this experiment. Obtained results showed that applied growth stimulator, significantly increased
the height, number, diameter and biomass yield of basket willow shoots. However, a significant
effect on transpiration and assimilation intensity, as well as chlorophyll a+b content in leaves was
observed in better condition of substratum wetting. More efficient effect was observed in
application of 0.2% concentration of growth regulator than 0.1%.
Słowa kluczowe: Salix viminalis, refulat piaszczysty, osad ściekowy, regulator „Atonik”,
wzrost, wymiana gazowa (CO2, H2O), chlorofil.
Key words: Salix viminalis, sandy soil substratum, sewage sludge, „Atonic” regulator,
growth, gas exchange (CO2, H2O), chlorophyll.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 409-414
Agnieszka Zawadzińska, Agnieszka Dobrowolska
Wpływ paklobutrazolu na wzrost i kwitnienie heterozyjnych odmian pelargonii rabatowej
(Pelargonium x hortorum Bailey)
Effects of paclobutrazol on growth and flowering of Pelargonium x hortorum Bailey
heterositic cultivars
Katedra Roślin Ozdobnych, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. Janosika 8, 71-424 Szczecin
Abstract. In the years 1999-2001 the effects of paclobutrazol (Bonzi S.C.) at the
concentration of 5 and 10 mg·dm-3 on the growth and flowering of three cultivars of
pelargonium ‘Elite Pink F1’, ‘Maverick Pink F1’ and ‘Orbit Coral F1’ were examined.
Retardant was sprayed in two variants: one application – at the stage of 8-9 leaves, and two
applications – at the stage of 8-9 leaves and 4 weeks after the first treatment. Control plants
were cultivated without the retardant. On the basis of the obtained results it was found that
foliar application of paclobutrazol modifies the growth and conformation of pelargonium. Its
highest dose increases the number of leaves and their colour intensity and in some cultivars
may accelerate flowering by 3 days. Two applications at the concentration of 10 mg·dm-3
decrease the diameter of inflorescences.
Słowa kluczowe: pelargonia rabatowa, odmiany heterozyjne, Bonzi SC, paklobutrazol,
indeks zazielenienia liści, kwitnienie.
Key words: Pelargonium hortorum L.H. Bailey, seeds, Bonzi SC, paclobutrazol, green index
of leaves, flowering.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 415-422
Krzysztof Ziarnek, Alina Stachurska-Swakoń1,
Magdalena Ziarnek2
Gatunki chronione, zagrożone i rzadkie we florze zachodniej i północnej części Pojezierza
Protected, endangered and rare species in the flora of west and north part of the Ińsko
Dyrekcja Parków Krajobrazowych Doliny Dolnej Odry
ul. Armii Krajowej 36, 70–104 Gryfino, [email protected]
Instytut Botaniki, Uniwersytet Jagielloński
ul. Lubicz 46, 31–512 Kraków, [email protected]
Katedra Botaniki i Ochrony Przyrody, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. J. Słowackiego 17, 71–434 Szczecin, [email protected]
Abstract. Nature inventory performed in years 1998–2000 in three communes (Chociwel,
Dobra, Węgorzyno) have yielded new knowledge on the distribution lots of rare and
endangered species of plants. Among 119 described species the most interesting were: Cirsium
rivulare, Cladium mariscus, Huperzia selago, Platantera chlorantha, Pulsatilla pratensis,
Thalictrum aquilegifolium, Wolffia arrhiza.
Słowa kluczowe: Pomorze Zachodnie, północno-zachodnia Polska, rośliny chronione, rośliny
Key words: Western Pomerania, NW Poland, protected plants, endangered plants.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Agricultura 234(93): 423-426
Henryk Žolik
Skład i jakość plonu nasion rzepaku w zależności od dawek i terminów stosowania nawozów
The effect of different doses and periods of nitrogenous fertilizer application on rape-pile
Katedra Przechowywania i Przerobu Produkcji Roślinnej, Białoruska Państwowa Akademia
Rolnicza, ul. Miczurina 5, Gorki, Białoruś
Abstract. The aim of the conducted study was to estimation the effect of different doses and
periods of nitrogenous fertilizer application on ripe-pile composition and structure and
marketable grain quality. Significant differences were determined as far as rape-pile structure
and marketable grain composition was concerned. The marketable grain yield amounted to
75.4-82.9% of the total harvest. The most valuable marketable grain share from technological
point of view was 68.4-76.2%. Oil content in rape seeds was lower by lower seeds mass and
higher nitrogen applicatio
Słowa kluczowe: rzepak, jakość, nawożenie azotowe.
Key words: rape seeds, quality, nitrogenous fertilizer.

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