2015 - Natolin Library


2015 - Natolin Library
New Accquisitions –
– December 2015 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry B
Books EElectronic publications p. 1‐2 p. 3‐5 Books C
Call No Author Title Date of publ.//Publisher 20
006 Cambridge University Prress 20
006 Cambridge University Prress 41880 Beller, Steven A concise history of Austria 41881 Kirby, D
David A C
Concise History of f Finland 41902 Middellaar, Luuk van ; Vaan Parijs Philippe (eds.) 41904 Snyderr, Timothy 41903 Snyderr, Timothy 41896 41906 41921 Snyderr, Timothy Maystaadt, Philippe Boeles,, Pieter (et al.) 41884 Brzoskaa, Michael (ed.) 41886 Hagen,, William W. 41933 Świebo
oda, Wojciech After the storm : How to save democracy in Eurrope Black Earth : The Holocaust as Historyy and Waarning Black Earth : The Holocaust as Historyy and Waarning Czaarna ziemia : Holo
okaust jako ostrzeżenie Eurrope : le continent perdu ? Eurropean migration law Eurropean Peace and
d Security Policy : Traansnational Risks o
of Violence Gerrman history in m
modern times : fou
ur lives of the nattion Inn
nowiercy w opiniach prawnych uczo
onych polskich w XV wieku
u : poganie, żydzi, muzułmanie 1 ISBN 9780521478861 9
9780521539890 9
015 Lannoo 9789401428002 9
015 The Bodley Head 9781847923493 9
015 The Bodley Head 20
9781847923493 9
015 Znak Horyzon
nt 20
012 Avant‐Proposs 20
014 Intersentia 20
014 Nomos ; Bloo
omsbury Pu
ublishing 20
012 Cambridge University Prress 20
013 Towarzystwo
o Naukowe So
ocietas Vistulana
9788324030804 9
9782930627328 9
9781780681559 9
9781474243100 9
9780521175210 9
9788361033677 9
New Accquisitions –
– December 2015 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry C
Call No 41909 Author Costa, Olivier ; Brack, Naathalie Title Date of publ.//Publisher Le ffonctionnement d
de l'Union europé
éenne Operacja "Geronimo
o" : misja likwidaccji Osamy Bin Lad
dena przez SEAL TTeam Six ‐ bezpośrrednia 20
012 Znak Litera Nova relaacja Political Symbols in R
Russian History : C
Church, 010 Lexington Books 20
State, and the Questt for Order and Ju
ustice Pfarrerr, Chuck 41893 Trepan
nier, Lee 41929 Friszke, Andrzej (1956‐ )). Rew
wolucja Solidarno
ości : 1980‐1981 /
014. Znak Horyzont [etc.], 41900 Lo, Bob
bo Russsia and the new w
world disorder 20
015 Brookings Insstitution Press 9780815726098 9
; C
Chatham House 41927 on, Erwan Gstöhl,, Sieglinde ; Lanno
(ed.) 41901 Wilson, Andrew 41892 Langbeein, Julia Thee neighbours of th
he European Unio
on's neighbours : diplomatic and geopolitiical 20
014 Ashgate dim
mensions beyond the European neighbourhood policy Thee Ukrainians : Uneexpected Nation
015 Yale Universitty Press Traansnationalization
n and regulatory cchange in the 20
015 Routledge EU''s Eastern neighbo
ourhood 2 9782800415475 9
41895 014 Edition de l'U
Université de 20
Brruxelles ISBN 9788324016877 9
9780739117897 9
9788364091186 9
(Instytut Studió (
9781472417770 9
9780300217254 9
9781138795112 9
New Accquisitions –
– December 2015 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Electrronic publica
ations AUTHOR
Susanne M. Klauseen edited by Anthonyy P. D
D'Costa D
Daniel G. König Leeigh Jenco TITLE SERIES d [electronic reso
ource] : Abortion under apartheid
nationalism, sexuality, an
nd women's repro
oductive rights in South
h Africa After‐deevelopment dynamics [electronic rresource] : South K
Korea's contemporary engagementt with Asia Arabic‐IIslamic views of th
he Latin West [eleectronic resourcce] : tracing the em
mergence of medieval Europe Changin
ng referents [electtronic resource] : learning across sspace and time in China and the W
West Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online PUBLISHER, DATE of PUBL.. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015 Oxford Univversity Press, 2015 Oxford Univversity Press, 2015 Oxford Univversity Press, 2015 edited by Kenneth
h Reid, M
Marius de Waal, and R
Reinhard Zimmerm
mann Comparrative succession law [electronic reesource] Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 2015 A
Anthony Richards
Conceptualizing terrorism
m [electronic reso
ource] Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 2015 Po Jen Yap Constitu
utional dialogue in common law Assia [electronic resourcce] Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 2015 M
Mads Andenas and
d D
Duncan Fairgrieve
Courts aand comparative law [electronic reesource] Oxford scholarsh
hip online Ju
ustin Collings M
Mark Considine, Jeenny M
M. Lewis, Siobhan O
O'Sullivan, and Els Sol Democrracy's guardians [electronic resource] : a history of the G
German Federal Constitutional Cou
urt, 1951‐2001 Getting welfare to work [electronic resourrce] : street‐
level go
overnance in Australia, the UK, and the Netherlands 3 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 2015 Oxford Univversity Press, 2015 Oxford Univversity Press, 2015 New Accquisitions –
– December 2015 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry AUTHOR
Norman Jones C
Cecily Rose TTine Hanrieder K
Kent Greenawalt D
Daniel Kato S.K. Das TITLE SERIES Governing by virtue [elecctronic resource] : Lord Oxford scholarsh
hip online Burghleey and the management of Elizabetthan England Internattional anti‐corrup
ption norms : [elecctronic resourcce] : their creation
n and influence on
n domestic Oxford scholarsh
hip online legal sysstems Internattional organizatio
on in time [electro
onic resource] : Oxford scholarsh
hip online fragmen
ntation and reform
m Interpreeting the Constitu
ution [electronic resource] Liberalizzing lynching [electronic resource] : building a new raccialized state Making the poor free? [eelectronic resourcce] : India's mber unique identification num
Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online PUBLISHER, DATE of PUBL.. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015 Oxford Univversity Press, 2015 Oxford Univversity Press, 2015 Oxford Univversity Press, 2015 Oxford Univversity Press, 2015 Oxford Univversity Press, 2015 Uniwersyte
et Warszawski ‐ Wydział Dziennikarstwa i Nauk Polityycznych, 2013 Oxford Univversity Press, 2015 Oxford Univversity Press, 2015 reed. Kamil Ławniczzak Metodyy jakościowe i ilościowe w badaniu organizacji i działaniia Unii Europejskieej [electronic reso
ource] Peter Wallensteen
n Quality peace [electronicc resource] : strategic peacebu
uilding and world order Oxford scholarsh
hip online Race an
nd real estate [eleectronic resource] Oxford scholarsh
hip online dustrial developm
ment in the Structurral change and ind
BRICS [eelectronic resourcce] Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 2015 The Antthropocene project [electronic reso
ource] : virtue in the age of climate change Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 2015 ed. by Adrienne Brrown and Valerie Smith
edited by Wim Nau
udé, A
Adam Szirmai, and
d N
Nobuya Haraguchii B
Byron Williston 4 New Accquisitions –
– December 2015 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry AUTHOR
Jeemima Repo TITLE SERIES The biopolitics of genderr [electronic resou
urce] ncept of state aid under EU law [eleectronic The con
resourcce] : from internal market to compeetition and beyond obal Community yyearbook of intern
national law The Glo
Giuliana Ziccardi C
Capaldo and juriisprudence 2014 [[electronic resourrce] H
Haochen Sun, Bartton ury economy and intellectual property The luxu
Beebe, and Madhaavi [electro
onic resource] : critical reflections
Sunder The textt and the world [eelectronic resourcce] : the Piotr Górecki Henrykó
ów book, its authors, and their reggion, 1160‐
1310 Your country, my countryy [electronic reso
ource] : a R
Robert Bothwell unified history of the United States and Caanada Ju
uan Jorge Piernass López 5 PUBLISHER, DATE of PUBL.. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 2015 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 2015 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 2015 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 2015 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 2015 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 2015