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ns – July 201 - Natolin Library
w Acquisition
ns – July 201
15 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry B
Books EElectronic publications p. 1‐7 p. 8‐17 Books C
Call No Author Title Date of publ.//Publisher 41558 Christo
opher, John ; McCutcheon, Campb
bell Dakow
wicz, Przemysław nna ; Kuś, Arrtur ; Kosińska, An
oń‐Pszenny, Anna (red.) Kosséiaan, Hélène 41524 Ruszel,, Mariusz 41513 Grygrowski, Dariusz 41529 Margueeritte, Bernard 41560 Bozarslan, Hamit ; Ducleert, Vincent ; Kévorrkian, Raymond H. Com
mprendre le géno
ocide des Arménie
ens : 1915 à noss jours 20
015 Éditions Tallaandier 9791021006751 9
41552 Marc ; Martin, Denis ; Morsa, M
Gosserries, Philippe (dir.)) oit du travail euro
opéen : Questions spéciales Dro
015 Larcier 9782804446963 9
41592 Woś, R
Rafał Dziecięca choroba liberalizmu 41534 Lisicki, Paweł Dżihad i samozagład
da Zachodu 41453 41511 41512 43 : The Turning P
Point 194
015 Amberley 9781445622132 9
Afaazja polska Ageencja FRONTEX w
w strefie Schengen
n : 10 lat dośświadczeń Arm
ménie : Au cœur d
de la mémoire Bezzpieczeństwo eneergetyczne Polski : wymiar teo
oretyczny i praktycczny Bib
blioteki i pieniądzee Bliżżej Polski : historiaa przeżywana dzie
eń po dniu przzez świadka wydarzeń 20
015 Wydawnictwo Sic! 9788361967859 9
015 Wydawnictwo KUL 9788377029978 9
015 Editions du Rocher 9782268077437 9
014 Wydawnictwo Rambler 9788362751303 9
015 Wydawnictwo SBP 9788364203442 9
015 Wydawnictwo Neriton 20
9788375433753 9
1 ISBN 20
014 Wydawnictwo Studio Em
mka 20
015 Fabryka Słów
w 9788364437243 9
9788379640782 9
w Acquisition
ns – July 201
15 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Call No 41514 Author Chang, Ha‐Joon Title Date of publ.//Publisher Eko
onomia : instrukcjja obsługi 20
015 Presses Univeersitaires de Frrace 20
014 François Bourrin 19
981 Methuen 20
014 Princeton University Press 20
009 Hodder Educaation 19
967 W.W. Norton
n & Company 9788364682353 9
41501 41586 41585 41561 41587 Monneet, Eric ; Sternbergg, Claudia Schrag
Lewi, G
Georges Woolf, S. J. (ed.) Sibert, Horst Waugh
h, Steve ; Wright, JJohn Fischerr, Friedrich 41588 Fischerr, Friedrich 41467 Kershaw, Ian 41506 Prazmo
owska, Anita 41510 Rambaud, Thierry ; Papaazian, Patrickk Insttitutions européeennes et principess généraux de droit européen 20
015 Studyrama 9782759027255 9
41515 Żuk, Pio
otr ; Żuk, Paweł (rred.) Inteegracja europejskka a zmiany kulturrowe i spo
ołeczno‐politycznee w Polsce 20
015 Instytut Wydaawniczy "K
Książka i Prasa" 9788362744435 9
41525 Piaseckki, Waldemar 20
015 Insignis 9788363944681 9
41526 Zìnčenkko, Oleksandr 20
015 Bosz 9788375762549 9
41527 Kowal, Paweł 011 Ośrodek Myśli Politycznej 20
9788362628087 9
41508 Eurro, les années crittiques Eurrope : bon mythe,, mauvaise marqu
ue Fasscism in Europe Gerrman Economy : B
Beyond the Sociall Market Gerrmany 1918‐39 Gerrmany's Aims in the First World Wa
ar Griff nach der Weltm
macht : Die Kriegszielpolitik 013 Droste Verlagg 20
dess kaiserlichen Deu
utschland 1914/18
8 Hitler, 1936‐1945 : N
Nemesis 20
001 Penguin Bookks Ignace Paderewski eet la renaissance d
de la Pologne 20
014 Les Editions N
Noir Sur Blanc en 1919 Jan
n Karski ‐ jedno życie : kompletna opowieść. T. 1, ((1914‐1939) Madaagaskar Kattyń : śladami polskich oficerów Kraajobrazy z Mistralaami w tle : teksty o polityce wscchodniej 2 20
015 Wydawnictwo Krytyki Po
olitycznej ISBN 9782130650683 9
9791025200414 9
0416302408 0
9780691166018 9
9780340984383 9
9780393097986 9
9783770009022 9
9780140272390 9
9782882503565 9
w Acquisition
ns – July 201
15 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Call No Author Title Date of publ.//Publisher 41505 Clinchaamps, Nicolas ; Monjal, Pierre‐Yves (dir.) utonomie stratéggique de l'Union européenne : L'au
Perrspectives, respon
nsabilité, ambition
ns et limites de la défense europééenne 41536 Marian
n, Michel Le ggénocide arménieen : de la mémoire outragée à 20
015 Albin Michel
la m
mémoire partagéee 41535 Kotek, Joël (dir.) Le q
quatrième partagge de la Pologne 20
015 Académie Royale de Beelgique 9782803104628 9
41507 Sudre, Frédéric (dir.) Less Grands arrêts dee la Cour européenne des Dro
oits de l'Homme 20
015 Presses Univeersitaires de Frrance 9782130618775 9
41553 n, Thierry ; Foucheer, Michel Chopin
(dir.) ; Fondation Robertt Schuman 2015 sur L'Ettat de l'Union : Raapport Schuman 2
urope 20
015 Lignes de Rep
pères 9782366090215 9
41550 Dugoin
n‐Clément, Christine ; Boulèggue, Mathieu L'Ukraine : entre décchirements et reccompositions 20
015 L'Harmattan
9782343057491 9
41551 41566 41509 Espositto, Marie‐Claude ;; Manigaand, Christine (dirr.) Screen, J. E. O. Kévorkkian, Raymond H. ; Ternon, Yves (d
dir.) 20
015 Larcier 9782804476977 9
9782226253842 9
L'Union européennee : un espace polittique à la cro
oisée des cheminss Maannerheim : the Fiinnish years 20
015 L'Harmattan
9782343057965 9
014 Hurst & Comp
pany 9781849043625 9
Méémorial du génocide des Arméniens 20
014 Éditions du Seeuil 9782021139402 9
015 Biblioteka "W
Więzi" : 20
nstytut Studiów Po
olitycznych Po
olskiej Akademii N
Nauk 9788362610792 9
41528 Friszke, Andrzej Mięędzy wojną a więzzieniem 1945‐195
53 : młoda inteeligencja katolickaa 41567 Burleiggh, Michael Mo
oral Combat : A Hiistory of World W
War II 41568 Breuillyy, John Nattionalism and thee state 3 ISBN 20
010 Harper Collins Publishers 19
993 Manchester U
University Prress 9780007195770 9
0719038006 0
w Acquisition
ns – July 201
15 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Call No Author Title Date of publ.//Publisher 41569 Lower, Wendy Nazzi Empire Buildingg and the Holocau
ust in Ukraine
005 University of North 20
Caarolina Press 9780807858639 9
41516 Karpińsski, Andrzej et al. Od uprzemysłowienia w PRL do deind
dustrializacji kraju 20
015 Muza 9788328701861 9
41517 Graczyk, Roman Od uwikłania do autentyczności : biog
grafia polityczna Tadeusza Mazowieckiego
015 Zysk i S‐ka Wyydawnictwo 20
9788377856444 9
41518 Czyż, A
Anna ; Kubas, Sebaastian ństwa Grupy Wyszehradzkiej : pom
między Pań
przzeszłością a teraźn
niejszością : wybra
ane aspekty polityki wewnętrzneej i zagranicznej 014 Wydawnictwo 20
Uniwersytetu Śląskkiego 9788380123144 9
41590 oss, Jan Staniszzkis, Jadwiga ; Gro
Tomaszz (ed.) Poland's self‐limitingg revolution 19
984 Princeton University Press 0691094039 0
41519 Modrzyyńska, Joanna Polityka Unii Europeejskiej wobec krajó
ów Afryki, Karraibów i Pacyfiku
014 Wydawnictwo Mado 20
9788362942169 9
41520 Witkowska, Mariaa Kenig‐W
Magdalena (red.) Praawo instytucjonaln
ne Unii Europejskkiej 20
015 C.H. Beck 9788325573874 9
41521 Stempllowski, Ryszard (eed.) ofessor, minister, judge ‐ Krzysztof Skubiszewski Pro
015 Scholar Publisshing House 192
26‐2010 9788373837577 9
41555 Caucan
nas, Rémi Relations islamo‐chrrétiennes en Méditerranée : Enttre dialogue et crispation 20
015 Presses Univeersitaires de Reennes 9782753535558 9
41564 Nelsen, Brent F. ; Guth, JJames L. uggle for European union : Religion and the stru
nfessional culture and the limits of integration 20
015 Georgetown University Prress 9781626160705 9
41504 Appleb
baum, Anne Rid
deau de fer : L'Eurrope de l'Est écrassée 1944‐
56 20
012 Grasset 9782246804826 9
4 ISBN New
w Acquisition
ns – July 201
15 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Call No Author 41571 Watson
n, Alexander 41530 41503 Harrel, Yannick Lesnik, Renata ; Blanc, H
Hélène Title Date of publ.//Publisher Rin
ng of steel : Germaany and Austria‐H
Hungary at war, 1914‐1918 Rossyjska cyberstrateegia Russsia blues... Hroch, Miroslav 41584 Ost, Daavid 41574 41573 Beevorr, Antony Roberts, Geoffrey Solidarity and the Po
olitics of Anti‐Polittics : Opposition and Refo
orm in Poland sincce 1968 Stalingrad Stalin's General : Thee Life of Georgy Z
Zhukov 9781846142215 9
015 Wydawnictwo DiG 20
012 Ginkgo éditeu
ur 9788371819148 9
9782846792011 9
41591 Butterw
wick, Richard Stanisław August a kkultura angielska
41575 Brookss, Jeffrey 41583 9780231117715 9
990 Temple Univeersity Press 19
9780877229001 9
011 Penguin 20
013 Icon Books 20
000 Instytut Badaań Literackich W
Wydawnictwo 9780141032405 9
9781848315174 9
Thaank You Comradee Stalin! : Soviet Pu
ublic Culture from Revolution to C
Cold War 001 Princeton University Press 20
0691088675 0
Overy, Richard Thee Dictators : Hitlerr's Germany and SStalin's Russsia 20
005 Penguin 9780140281491 9
41498 El‐Agraaa, Ali Mohammed
d n illuminated : its nature, Thee European Union
portance and futu
ure 20
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 9781137533647 9
41563 Elman, R. Amy Thee European Union
n, antisemitism, and the politics of denial 20
014 University of Nebraska Prress 9780803255418 9
41598 Kyris, G
George Thee Europeanisation
n of contested statehood : the 20
015 Ashgate Publishing EU in northern Cypru
us 5 20
014 Allen Lane Soccial preconditionss of national revival in Europe : a co
omparative analyysis of the social composition 000 Columbia University Press 20
of p
patriotic groups aamong the smallerr European nattions 41459 ISBN 8387456594 8
9781472421593 9
w Acquisition
ns – July 201
15 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Call No Author 41565 Gilbertt, Martin 41499 Longwo
orth, Philip 41570 Laar, M
M. 41589 Keegan
n, John 41576 Evans, Richard J. 41577 Evans, Richard J. 41579 Tooze, Adam Title Date of publ.//Publisher Thee Holocaust : The Jewish Tragedy 19
987 Fontana Press Thee making of Eastern Europe : from prehistory to 19
997 St. Martin's P
Press posstcommunism Thee power of freedo
om : Central and E
Eastern Eurrope after 1945 Thee Second World W
War Thee Third Reich at W
War : How the Nazzis Led Gerrmany from Conq
quest to Disaster
Thee Third Reich in po
ower Thee Wages of Destru
uction : The Making and Breeaking of the Nazi Economy 0312174454 0
9789949188581 9
989 Viking Penguin 0670823597 0
009 Penguin Bookks 9780141015484 9
006 Penguin Bookks 9780141009766 9
007 Penguin Bookks 9780141003481 9
Turrkey and the Euro
opean Union 20
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 9781137387301 9
Ukrraine : Le réveil d''une nation Ukrraine : l'escalade ‐‐ Chroniques ukra
ainiennes, saisson 2 (Mai‐Novem
mbre 2014) 20
015 Les Petits Maatins 9782363831453 9
014 Éditions Sigesst 9782917329757 9
015 Oficyna Naukkowa 9788364363177 9
014 Buchet‐Chasttel 20
005 Hodder Educaation 20
006 Vintage Pimlico 20
014 Wydawnictwo Krytyki Po
olitycznej 9782283027196 9
9780340888957 9
9781845950651 9
41554 41559 Vernocchet, Jean‐Michel 41531 Sadura, Przemysław Upaadek komunizmu w Europie Środko
Wsschodniej w persp
pektywie współcze
esnych teorii rew
wolucji 41502 41562 41580 Zantovvský, Michael Layton, Geoff Overy, Richard Vacclav Havel, une viee Weeimar and the Risee of Nazi Germanyy 1918‐1933 Wh
hy the Allies Won
41532 Hobsbaawm, Eric J. Wieek kapitału, 1848‐‐1875 6 9780006371946 9
010 Sihtasutus Un
nitas 20
Düzgit, Senem ; Tocci, Aydın‐D
Nathaliie Guillem
moles, Alain 41500 ISBN 9788364682308 9
w Acquisition
ns – July 201
15 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry C
Call No Author 41581 Norman, Stone 41522 Wrzoseek, Marek 41582 Plokhy,, Serhii 41523 Iwanekk, Tomasz 41533 Krzemiński, Ireneusz (red.) Title Date of publ.//Publisher Wo
orld War Two : A SShort History Wsspółczesne zagrożenia w obszarze bezzpieczeństwa euro
opejskiego Yaltta : The Price of P
Peace Zbrrodnia ludobójstw
wa i zbrodnie przeciwko ludzkości w prawie m
m dzi ‐ problem praw
wdziwego Polaka : Żyd
anttysemityzm, kseno
ofobia i stereotyp
py narodowe po raz trzeci 7 ISBN 20
014 Penguin 20
013 Wydawnictwo M
Menedżerskie PTM
M 20
011 Penguin 9780141037141 9
015 Wolters Kluw
wer 20
9788326482205 9
015 Wydawnictwa 20
Uniwersytetu Warsszawskiego 9788323518020 9
9788361949640 9
9780143118923 9
w Acquisition
ns – July 201
15 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Electrronic publica
ations AUTHOR
Michael J. Carley.
TTimothy Brain. Luís Duarte d'Almeeida. In
nternational Labo
our O
Organization M
Melynda J. Price. European Trade Union In
nstitute A
Andrew Trask, And
drew D
DeGuire. Sarah Joseph. C
Caroline Shaw. R
Renaud Thillaye. TITLE SERIES 1939 : l'alliance de la derrnière chance [eleectronic resourcce] : Une réinterprrétation des origin
nes de la Secondee Guerre mondialle A futuree for policing in En
ngland and Waless [electronic resourcce] Allowing for exceptions [[electronic resourrce] : a theory of defen
nces and defeasib
bility in law An emp
d investment strategy for Europe At the ccross [electronic resource] : race, reeligion, and citizenship in the politicss of the death pen
nalty Benchm
marking Working EEurope 2014 Betting the company [eleectronic resource] : complex negotiation strategies for law and businesss Blame It On the WTO [eleectronic resourcee] : A Human Critique Rights C
Britannia's embrace [elecctronic resource] : modern humanitarianism and thee imperial origins of refugee relief British P
Political : Parties in Europe [electro
onic resource] : Reliablee, Ambiguous, Relluctant and Dismissive 8 PUBLISHEER, DATE of PUBLL. ‐‐ Les Pressess de l'Université de Montréal, 2
2001. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
13. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
15. Studies on growtth with equity Internation
nal Labour Organizatio
on, 2015. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
15. ‐‐ ETUI, 2014
4. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, [2013] Oxford Univversity Press, 201
13 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
15. Policy network (SSeries) Policy Netw
work, 2014. New
w Acquisition
ns – July 201
15 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry AUTHOR
TITLE SERIES Frank Pommersheim. Broken landscape [electrronic resource] : Indians, Indian tribes, aand the Constitutiion Salome Samadashvvili. Buildingg a Lifeline for Freeedom : Eastern P
Partnership 2.0 ‐‐ edited by Keijiro O
Otsuka and C. Ford Runge. TThomas Lundmarkk. Samuel M. Davis.
Anicee M. Van Enggeland. S.I. Strong, D. Phil., Ph. D
D., J.D., M.P.W., B..A. F. Bailey Norwood and Jaayson L. Lusk. edited by Rainer G
Grote and Tilmann J. Röd
der. C
Charles Fried. J.. Harvie Wilkinson
n III. W
William Banks. Can eco
onomic growth bee sustained? [electronic resourcce] : the collected papers of Vernon
n W. Ruttan and Yūjirō Hayami ween common and
d civil law Chartingg the divide betw
onic resource] Children
n's rights under th
he law [electronicc resource] Civilian or combatant? [eelectronic resourcce] : a challengge for the 21st century mass, and collectivve arbitration in n
national and Class, m
internattional law [electro
onic resource] Compasssion, by the poun
nd [electronic resource] : the econom
mics of farm animaal welfare utionalism in Islam
mic countries [eleectronic Constitu
resourcce] : between upheaval and continu
uity Contracct as promise [electronic resource] : a theory of contractual obligation Cosmic constitutional theeory [electronic reesource] : why Americaans are losing theeir inalienable righ
ht to self‐
governaance Counterrinsurgency law [eelectronic resourcce] : new directio
ons in asymmetricc warfare 9 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online PUBLISHEER, DATE of PUBLL. Oxford Univversity Press, 201
15. The Wilfried Martens Centree for Europeaan Studies, 2014. Oxford Univversity Press, 201
11. Oxford Univversity Press, c2012. Oxford Univversity Press, c2011. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
11. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
13. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
11. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
12. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
15. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, c2012. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, c2013. New
w Acquisition
ns – July 201
15 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry AUTHOR
G. Andrew Karolyi.. A
Andrew Farlow. edited by Paul H. R
Robinson, Stephen
n P. G
Garvey, Kimberly K
Kessler Ferzan. G
George P. Fletcherr and Jeens David Ohlin.
Jaanne Kivivuori. C
Clas Eriksson. A
Aaron Levine. TITLE SERIES markets enigma [eelectronic Crackingg the emerging m
resourcce] Crash and beyond : causees and consequen
nces of the Global FFinancial Crisis Criminaal law conversations [electronic ressource] Defendiing humanity [eleectronic resource]] : when force is justifiied and why Discoveery of hidden crim
me [electronic reso
ource] : self‐
report d
delinquency surveeys in criminal policy context Econom
mic growth and the environment [eelectronic resourcce] : an introductio
on to the theory
mic morality and Jeewish law [electro
onic resource] Ethics, d
diversity, and worrld politics [electrronic resource] : saving pluralism from ittself? w and Policy in th
he Post‐Lisbon EU Exteernal Relations Law
Paul James Cardweell. Era [electronic resource] Europeaan Immigrations [[electronic resourrce] : Trends, edited by Marek O
Okólski. Structurres and Policy Imp
plications H
Hilmi M. Zawati ; P
Preface Fair labeelling and the dileemma of prosecutting gender‐
by Justice Teresa A
A. based ccrimes at the interrnational criminall tribunals D
Doherty, CBE. [electro
onic resource] Fairnesss, responsibility, aand welfare [electtronic M
Marc Fleurbaey. resourcce] Jo
ohn Williams. 10 PUBLISHEER, DATE of PUBLL. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
15. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
13. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
11. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
13. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
11. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
13. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, c2012. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
15. ‐‐ T.M.C. Asse
er Press, 2012. IMISCOE research Amsterdam
m University Presss, 2012. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
14. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 200
08. New
w Acquisition
ns – July 201
15 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry AUTHOR
Peter Gill. TITLE SERIES Famine and foreigners [eelectronic resourcce] : Ethiopia since Livve Aid Figures of invention [elecctronic resource] : a history of modern
n patent law PUBLISHEER, DATE of PUBLL. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
10. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
10. Financiaal regulation and supervision [electtronic resourcce] : a post‐crisis aanalysis Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
12. Sanford Levinson.
d [electronic resou
urce] : America's ffifty‐one constitu
utions and the crissis of governancee Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
12. A
Amos N. Guiora. Freedom
m from religion : rrights and nationaal security Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, [2013] A
Alain Pottage, Brad
d Sherman. edited by Eddy W
Wymeersch, Klauss J. H
Hopt, Guido Ferrarrini. edited by M. Cheriif B
Bassiouni [and sevven o
others]. edited by Andrew D. M
Mitchell, M. Sornaarajah, and Tania Voon. policy & justice Global ttrends [electronicc resource] : law, p
Oxford scholarsh
hip online : essayss in honour of professor Giuliana Ziccardi Capaldo Oceana, 20
013. onal economic law
w [electronic Good faaith and internatio
resourcce] Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
15. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, c2011. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 200
09. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, .201
11. ‐‐ Bloomsburyy Academic, 2013
3. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
15. Gulf Waar reparations and
d the UN Compen
nsation edited by Cymie R.. Payne Commisssion [electronic rresource] : enviro
onmental and Peter H. Sand.. liability Happineess around the wo
orld [electronic reesource] : the C
Carol Graham. paradoxx of happy peasan
nts and miserablee millionaires W
William Patry. How to fix copyright [electronic resource] Human Rights and Demo
ocracy [electronicc resource] : TTodd Landman. The Preecarious Triumph of Ideals ed. by Ashwini Peeetush Human rights [electronicc resource] : India and the West and Jay Drydyk. 11 New
w Acquisition
ns – July 201
15 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry AUTHOR
Mark Goodale. Jeennifer Moore. Edward J. McCaffeery. TITLE SERIES Human rights at the crosssroads [electronic resource] Humaniitarian law in actio
on within Africa [electronic resourcce] Income tax law [electron
nic resource] : exp
ploring the capital‐labor divide PUBLISHEER, DATE of PUBLL. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
15. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
12. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, c.2012. edited by A.K. Shivva K
Kumar, Preet Rustagi, and Ramya Subrahmanian. nic resource] : essays on social India's cchildren [electron
policy Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
15. Jaames K. Galbraith
h. urce] : a study Inequality and instabilityy [electronic resou
of the w
world economy just before the Greeat Crisis Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
12. D
Dan Hunter. Intellecttual property [eleectronic resource]] Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, c2012. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
12. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
12. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
14. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
15. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, c2011. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
15. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
15. Oxford Univversity Press, 201
11. Eran Liss and Dan A
Adin. Frans Viljoen. R
Robert A. Katzman
nn. D
Daniel B. Klein. b
by Jeffrey B. Morriis. Jaairam Ramesh and
d M
Muhammad Ali Kh
han. R
Raj Chari. Jeean‐Pascal Bénasssy. w and practice in Issrael Intellecttual property law
onic resource] Internattional human righ
hts law in Africa [eelectronic resourcce] Judgingg statutes [electronic resource] Knowledge and coordinaation [electronic resource] : a liberal interpretation nic resource] : Leadersship on the federaal bench [electron
the crafft and activism of Jack Weinstein Legislating for justice [eleectronic resourcee] : the making of the 2
2013 Land Acquisition Law Life afteer privatization [eelectronic resource] Macroeeconomic theory [[electronic resourrce] 12 New
w Acquisition
ns – July 201
15 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry AUTHOR
Frank A. Cowell. ed. by Christian D
Dustmann. Piet Keizer. Scott Dodson. A
András Rácz, Arkad
dy M
Moshes. Lo
ouis Michael Seid
dman. A
Anirudh Krishna. G
Geoff Dean, Ivar Faahsing and Petter Gottsch
halk. Edited by Christop
ph Lindner and Andreew H
Hussey. ed. by Rowan Crufft, S. M
Matthew Liao, and
d M
Massimo Renzo. K
Ken Binmore. Jeean Thomas. edited by Constance Jo
ordan. TITLE SERIES Measurring inequality [eleectronic resourcee] Migratio
on [electronic ressource] : economic change, social ch
hallenge Multidissciplinary econom
mics [electronic reesource] : a method
dological account
New pleeading in the twenty‐first century [[electronic resourcce] : slamming thee federal courthou
use doors? Not Ano
other Transnistriaa [electronic resou
urce] : How sustainaable is separatism
m in Eastern Ukraine? On consstitutional disobedience [electronicc resource] One illn
ness away [electro
onic resource] : why people becomee poor and how th
hey escape povertty Organizzed crime [electro
onic resource] : po
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hip online Oxford Univversity Press, c2013. Playing for real [electronic resource] : a teext on game theory Public rights, private relaations [electronic resource] Reason and imagination [electronic resource] : the selected
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Naomi Cahn and Ju
une C
Carbone. V
V. Ravi Vaithees. Sttephen Lovell. Francis Green. editors Karl P. Sauvvant, Lisa E. Sachs, Wouter P.F. Schmit Jongblo
oed. Jaarrett Blaustein.
ulian Ku, John Yoo
o. Elizabeth Stubbinss Bates ; edited by IBA Tassk Force. Jeeremias Prassl. Edited by Wyn Graant, G
Graham K. Wilson.. G
Ganesh Sitaraman. TITLE SERIES Red fam
milies v. blue families [electronic reesource] : legal polarizaation and the creaation of culture Religion
n, caste, and natio
on in South India [[electronic resourcce] : Maraimalai A
Adigal, the Neo‐Saivite movement, and Tamil naationalism, 1876‐1
1950 Russia in the microphonee age [electronic rresource] : a history of Soviet radio, 1919‐1970 Skills an
nd skilled work [ellectronic resourcee] : an econom
mic and social analysis Sovereign investment [ellectronic resourcee] : concerns and policy reactions Speakin
ng truths to power [electronic resource] : policy ethnogrraphy and police rreform in Bosnia aand Herzego
ovina Taming globalization [eleectronic resource]] : nd the new internattional law, the U.SS. Constitution, an
world o
order onal law [electroniic resource] : Terrorissm and internatio
accounttability, remedies, and reform : a reeport of the IBA Task Force on Terrorism The con
ncept of the employer [electronic rresource] The Con
nsequences of thee Global Financial Crisis [electro
onic resource] : Th
he Rhetoric of Refform and Regulattion unterinsurgent's cconstitution [electtronic The cou
resourcce] : law in the agee of small wars 14 PUBLISHEER, DATE of PUBLL. Oxford scholarsh
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hip online Oxford Univversity Press, c2013. New
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TITLE SERIES Jaacob Viner ; editeed, with an introduction byy Paul The cusstoms union issue [electronic resou
urce] O
Oslington. edited by Dieter Helm The eco
onomics and politics of climate change [electronic and Cameron Hepburn. resourcce] The Egyyptian labor markeet in an era of revvolution edited by Ragui Asssaad [electro
onic resource] and Caroline Krafftt. ntal freedoms [eleectronic The Eurropean fundamen
Pedro Caro de Sou
usa. resourcce] : a contextual aapproach Eric A. Posner, Adrrian The exeecutive unbound [[electronic resourrce] : after the V
Vermeule. Madisonian republic Jo
ohn Eatwell and M
Murray The fall and rise of Keyneesian economics [[electronic M
Milgate. resourcce] Edited by Daniel G
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030 [electronic reesource] : Trends and strategies forr Europe C
Cinzia Alcidi. The guaardians [electronicc resource] : the LLeague of Susan Pedersen. Nationss and the crisis of empire edited by Paul Greegg and The labo
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onathan Wadswo
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Marko Milanovic aand The law
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he Kosovo Advisorry Opinion M
Michael Wood. [electro
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on policy [electro
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nkamp. legal an
nd economic sourcces The Oxfford Introductionss to U.S. Law: Fam
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Brian H. Bix. [electro
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11. ‐‐ The Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), 2013. Oxford scholarsh
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hip online Oxford Univversity Press, c2013. Oxford Univversity Press, [2013] New
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Hans Kundnani. K
Kathleen R. McNam
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n the European Un
nion Oxford scholarsh
hip online The Porrtuguese Economic Crisis : Policies and Outcomes ‐‐ Pedro Portugal. Edited by John Ath
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d Ian on and Wellbeingg Political Economy, Religio
Stteedman. The preedictable surprise [electronic resource] : the Syylvester J. Schiebeer. unraveling of the U.S. rettirement system
Kerry O'Halloran.
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Roger Liddle. Europe in 2015 uggle for democraacy [electronic ressource] : The stru
Christopher Mecksstroth. paradoxxes of progress an
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Andrew Koppelmaan. care refform [electronic resource] N
Nigel Rodley and M
Matt The treaatment of prisoneers under internattional law Pollard. [electro
onic resource] Unfair tto genius [electronic resource] : thee strange and G
Gary A. Rosen. litigiouss career of Ira B. A
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15. Bertelsman
nn Stiftung, 2015. Routledge, 2011. Oxford scholarsh
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15 College of Europ
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Alistair Fraser. A
Angus Hawkins. M
Marie‐Bénédicte D
Dembour. R
Renaud Thillaye, Ludek K
Kouba, Andreas Saachs. K
Kamil Frymark. TITLE SERIES Urban leegends [electroniic resource] : gangg identity in the post‐industrial city Victoriaan political culturee [electronic resou
urce] : 'habits of heartt and mind' When h
humans become m
migrants [electron
nic resource] : study off the European Co
ourt of Human Rigghts with an Inter‐Am
merican counterp
point Why insstitutions matter in the Eurozone [electronic resourcce] : Reforming EU
U economic goverrnance Współp
praca rozwojowa m
made in Germanyy [electronic resourcce] 17 PUBLISHEER, DATE of PUBLL. Oxford scholarsh
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work, 2014. Raport OSW Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnicch im. Marka K
Karpia, 2015.