ns – May 20 - Natolin Library


ns – May 20 - Natolin Library
w Acquisition
ns – May 2016 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry B
Books EElectronic publications p. 1‐6 p. 7‐9 Books C
Call No 42353 42344 Author Title Date of publ.//Publisher Yeo, Laay Hwee ; Turner, Bernard (eds.)
on, Sven ; Harutyu
unyan, Eliaeso
Lyudmila ; Titarenko, Larysa (eds.) 50 Years of Singaporre‐Europe Relations : Celebrating Singapore's Connections with Europe 20
015 World Scientiific ; EU Ceentre in Singapore 9789814675567 9
After the Soviet Emp
pire : Legacies and
d Pathways 20
015 Brill 9789004291447 9
42339 Sassoon, Joseph Anaatomy of Authorittarianism in the A
Arab Rep
publics 20
016 Cambridge University Prress 9781107618312 9
42332 Brzezieecki, Andrzej ; Noccuń, Małgorrzata Arm
menia : karawany śmierci 20
016 Wydawnictwo Czarne 9788380492431 9
42376 Kilculleen, David Blo
ood Year : Islamic State and the Failures of the Waar on Terror 016 Hurst and Company 20
9781849045551 9
42357 Pikettyy, Thomas Chrronicles : On Our Troubled Times 42320 Bytyçi, Enver Coeercive Diplomacy of NATO in Kosovvo ne, José M. ; Laffan, Brigid ; Magon
Schweiiger, Christian Radziw
winowicz, Wacław Kent, N
Neil pan, Fabien Sauruggger, Sabine ; Terp
Corre‐periphery relattions in the Europ
pean Union : pow
wer and conflict in
n a dualist politica
al economy Crèème de la Kreml : 172 opowieści o Rosji Crim
mea : A History Crissis and institution
nal change in regio
onal inteegration Easst European Facess of Law and Socie
ety : Values and
d Practices 42358 42331 42377 42359 42323 Simonss, William B. (ed.) 1 ISBN 20
016 Viking an imp
print of Peenguin Books 015 Cambridge Sccholars 20
ublishing 9780241234891 9
9781443872720 9
016 Routledge 20
9781138889316 9
016 Agora S.A. 20
016 Hurst and Company 9788326823336 9
9781849044639 9
016 Routledge 9781138951839 9
014 Brill Nijhoff 9789004272576 9
w Acquisition
ns – May 2016 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Call No Author 42382 Ziegler, Philip 42345 Delreuxx, Tom ; Happaertts, Sander 42346 Gouritiin, Armelle 42360 Koenig, Nicole 42340 Lee, Steephen J. Longo, Michael ; Murrayy, Philom
mena 42324 42361 Zaiotti,, Ruben (ed.) 42378 Carr, M
Matthew 42362 Roberts, Geoffrey K. 42363 n, Jonathan ; Wilton, Gary Chaplin
(ed.) nov, Dimitry ; Basheska, Kochen
Elena (eds.) Ullrich,, Volker 42364 Rybackk, Timothy W. 42341 42335 Title Date of publ.//Publisher Edw
ward Heath : The Authorised Biography Envvironmental Policy and Politics in the European Union EU Environmental Laaw, International Envvironmental Law, and Human Rightts Law : The Casse of Environmenttal Responsibility
EU security policy an
nd crisis managem
ment : a queest for coherence Eurropean dictatorsh
hips, 1918‐1945 Eurrope's legitimacy crisis : from cause
es to solutions Extternalizing migration management : Europe, North America and tthe spread of 'rem
mote control' praactices Forrtress Europe : Insside the War against Imm
migration 20
011 HarperCollinss Publishers 9780007247417 9
016 Palgrave Maccmillan 9780230244269 9
016 Brill Nijhoff 9789004302136 9
016 Routledge 9781138961340 9
016 Routledge 9780415736145 9
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 9781137436535 9
016 Routledge 9781138121591 9
015 Hurst & Comp
pany 9781849046275 9
Gerrman Politics Today 20
016 Manchester U
University Prress 9780719095702 9
d and the EU : faitth in the Europea
an project 20
016 Routledge 9781138908635 9
015 Brill 9789004299771 9
016 The Bodley Head 9781847922854 9
010 Vintage Bookks 9780099532170 9
od Neighbourlineess in the Europea
an Legal Con
ntext Hitler : A Biography. Vol. 1, Ascent 18
889‐1939 Hitler's Private Library : The Books That Shaped His Life 2 ISBN New
w Acquisition
ns – May 2016 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Call No Author 42365 Judah, Tim 42342 Mario ; Fawcett, Lo
ouise ; Telò, M
Ponjaert, Frederik [eds.]] 42402 Title Date of publ.//Publisher In w
wartime : stories ffrom Ukraine Inteerregionalism and
d the European Union : a post‐
revvisionist approach
h to Europe's place
e in a chaanging world 20
015 Allen Lane 9780241198827 9
015 Ashgate Publishing 20
ompany 9781472473264 9
Hage, JJ. C. (Jaap C.) ; Akkkermans, Bram (eeds.) Intrroduction to law
014 Springer 9783319069098 9
42330 Todenh
höfer, Jürgen ISISS od środka : 10 dni w "Państwie Islamskim" 42379 Nesserr, Petter Islaamist Terrorism in
n Europe : a historry 42325 Swan, O
Oscar E. ; Kołaczeek‐Fila, Ewa Kaleidoscope of Polaand : A Cultural En
ncyclopedia 42309 Bennettts, Marc 42380 42404 42384 Kalninss, Mara Wacks,, Raymond Heffer,, Simon Shotton, Paul A. ; Nixon,, Paul G. (eds.)
42343 42366 Moore, Charles 42367 Moore, Charles 42326 Chebel d'Appollonia, Ariiane 42336 Simmo
ons, Beth A. Kicking the Kremlin :: Russia's New Disssidents and thee Battle to Topple Putin Latvia : a short histo
ory Law
w : a very short introduction Likee the Roman : Thee Life of Enoch Po
owell Lob
bbying the Europeean Union : chang
ging minds, chaanging times Maargaret Thatcher : The Authorized B
Biography. Voll. 1, Not For Turniing Maargaret Thatcher : The Authorized B
Biography. Voll. 2, Everything Sh
he Wants n and securitizatio
on in the US Miggrant mobilization
d Europe : how do
oes it feel to be a threat? Mo
obilizing for human rights : internattional law in dom
mestic politics 3 ISBN 016 Wydawnictwo 20
Uniwersytetu Jagieellońskiego 20
015 Hurst & Comp
pany 015 University of Pittsburgh 20
Prress 9788323340805 9
9781849044059 9
9780822944386 9
014 Oneworld Publications 9781780743486 9
015 Hurst & Comp
pany 20
015 Oxford Univeersity Press 20
014 Faber & Fabeer 20
015 Ashgate Publishing Co
ompany 9781849044622 9
9780198745624 9
9780571315383 9
014 Penguin Bookks 9780140279566 9
015 Allen Lane 9780713992885 9
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 9781137388049 9
009 Cambridge University Prress 9780521885102 9
9781472452139 9
w Acquisition
ns – May 2016 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Call No Author Title Peaacemaking Strateggies in Cyprus : In Search of Lassting Peace Polacy, Żydzi, okupacja : fakty, postaw
wy, refleksje 20
015 Cambridge Sccholars Pu
ublishing 20
016 Znak Pop
pulists in Power 20
016 Routledge 42318 Michaeel, Eleftherios A. 42333 42388 Bartoszzewski, Władysław
w Donnell, Albertaazzi, Daniele ; McD
n Chetaill, Vincent ; Bruyckker, Philippe de ; Maiani, Fraancesco (eds.)
baum, Fredrik 42369 Arter, D
David Scaandinavian Politicss Today 42347 Bauloz,, Céline (ed.) 42368 42354 42371 42317 Rijavecc, Vesna ; Ivanc, Tjjaša ; Keresteeš, Tomaž (ed.) Schattkkowsky, Ralph ; Reeznik, Milos (ed.) 42337 Keil, So
oeren ; Perry, Valeery [eds.] 42311 Turner,, Henry Ashby 42313 Palaiolo
ogos, Yannis 42403 Epping, Randy Charles Date of publ.//Publisher 9781443875509 9
9788324020447 9
9781138670440 9
mon European Asylum System Refforming the Comm
016 Brill Nijhoff : Th
he New European
n Refugee Law 9789004308657 9
Retthinking Regionaliism 20
016 Palgrave Maccmillan 20
015 Manchester U
University Prress 9780230272415 9
Seeeking Asylum in th
he European Unio
on : Selected Pro
otection Issues Raised by the Secon
nd Phase of thee Common Europeean Asylum System 015 Brill Nijhoff 20
9789004290150 9
mplification of deb
bt collection in the
e EU 20
014 Kluwer Law In
nternational 9789041148544 9
Socciety and Nation in Transnational P
Processes in Eurrope Democratization in
n Bosnia and State‐Building and D
Herrzegovina Streesemann and thee Politics of the Weimar Rep
public Thee 13th Labour of H
Hercules : Inside tthe Greek Crissis Thee 21st century eco
onomy : a beginne
er's guide : witth 101 easy‐to‐leaarn tools for survivving and thriving in the new gglobal marketplacce 20
015 Cambridge Sccholars Pu
ublishing 9781443876285 9
4 ISBN 9780719095689 9
015 Ashgate Publishing Limited 9781472416407 9
979 Greenwood P
Press 03132090006 0
014 Portobello Bo
ooks 9781846275869 9
009 Vintage Bookks 20
9780307387905 9
w Acquisition
ns – May 2016 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Call No Author 42314 Kożuch
howski, Adam 42321 Ovidiu ; Biliarskky, Ivan ; Cristea, O
Oroveaanu, Anca [eds.] 42348 ń, Adam ; Koivuro
ova, Timo ; Stępień
Kankaaanpaa (eds.) 42349 Shenkeer, Jack 42356 Poli, Saara (ed.) 42383 Bouris,, Dimitris 42319 Tache, Ileana (ed.) 42334 Van Deer Loo, Guillaume 42338 Chelottti, Nicola 42370 42389 42405 Stargarrdt, Nicholas Tooley,, Hunt Harford
d, Tim Title Date of publ.//Publisher Thee afterlife of Austria‐Hungary : the image of the Hab
bsburg Monarchyy in interwar Europe Thee Balkans and Cau
ucasus : parallel processes on thee opposite sides of the Black Sea Thee Changing Arctic and the European Union : a boo
ok based on the report "Strategic A
Assessment of D
Development of tthe Arctic : Assesssment Con
nducted for the European Union"
Thee Egyptians : a rad
dical story Thee European Neigh
hbourhood Policy : values and prin
nciples Thee European Union
n and Occupied Pa
alestinian Terrritories : State‐bu
uilding without a sstate Thee European Union
n and the challeng
ges of the new
w global context
Thee EU‐Ukraine Asso
ociation Agreeme
ent and Deep and
d Comprehensive Free Trade Area : A New Leggal Instrument forr EU Integration w
without Meembership Thee formulation of EEU foreign policy :: soccialization, negotiaations and disaggregation of thee state Thee German War : A
A Nation under Arms, 1939‐45 Thee Great War : Wesstern Front and H
Home Front Thee Logic of Life 5 20
013 University of Pittsburgh Prress 20
012 Cambridge Sccholars Pu
ublishing ISBN 9780822962656 9
9781443836524 9
015 Brill Nijhof 20
9789004303171 9
016 Allen Lane, an
n imprint of Peenguin Books 9781846146329 9
016 Routledge 9781138943094 9
015 Routledge 20
9781138187580 9
015 Cambridge Sccholars Pu
ublishing 9781443878357 9
015 Brill Nijhoff 20
9789004298644 9
016 Routledge 9781138830578 9
015 The Bodley Head 20
016 Palgrave Maccmillan 20
009 Abacus Softw
ware 9781847920997 9
9781137471260 9
9780349120416 9
w Acquisition
ns – May 2016 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry C
Call No Author 42393 Lynch, Marc 42351 Bieling,, Hans‐Jürgen (ed
d.) 42352 Trotterr, William R. 42310 Buruma, Ian 42350 Buruma, Ian 42392 Rohac, Dalibor 42316 Mobleyy, Gail (ed.) 42315 Bârgăo
oanu, Alina ; Radu, Loredana ; Verelaa, Diego (ed.) 42312 Gessen
n, Masha 42329 Jagielskki, Wojciech Title Date of publ.//Publisher Thee New Arab Wars : Uprisings and A
Anarchy in thee Middle East my of the Europea
an Union : Thee Political Econom
ploring Europe's FFuture Thee Winter War : Th
he Russo‐Finnish W
War of 1939‐
Theeater of Cruelty : A
Art, Film, and the
e Shadows of Waar Theeir Promised Land
d : My Grandparen
nts in Love and
d War Tow
wards an imperfect union : A conse
ervative case for the EU Traavelling Europe : Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Place and Space
United by or againstt Euroscepticism? : an ds Europe in asssessment of publicc attitudes toward
thee context of the crrisis Wo
ords Will Break Ceement : The Passio
on of Pussy Rio
ot Wsszystkie wojny Larry 6 ISBN 20
016 PublicAffairs
9781610396097 9
015 Open Societyy Foundations 9781940983332 9
013 Aurum Press Ltd 9781781312261 9
014 The New Yorkk Review of Bo
ooks 9781590177778 9
016 Atlantic Bookks 9781848879409 9
016 Rowman & Liittlefield 9781442270640 9
015 Cambridge Sccholars Pu
ublishing 9781443872171 9
015 Cambridge Sccholars Pu
ublishing 9781443880909 9
014 Granta Bookss 9781847089342 9
015 Wydawnictwo Znak 9788324038756 9
w Acquisition
ns – May 2016 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Electrronic publica
ations AUTHOR
Eli Rubin Jo
ohn W. Garver M
Mary Arden edited by Kristin Celello and Hanan Kholou
ussy Federico Fabbrini
Yvonne McDermottt H
Henry Shue G
Giovanni Cozzi, Susan N
Newman, and Jan TToporowski N
Neil Weinstock Neetanel and David Nimmerr Eric Heinze D
Dominique Ritlengg TITLE SERIES Amnesiopolis [electronicc resource] : modeernity, space, and memory in East Germ
many China's quest [electronicc resource] : the history of the foreign relations of the P
People's Republic of China Commo
on law and moderrn society [electro
onic resource] : keepingg pace with changge Domesttic tensions, natio
onal anxieties [electronic resourcce] : global perspeectives on marriagge, crisis, and nation Econom
mic governance in Europe [electron
nic resource] : comparrative paradoxes, constitutional chaallenges Fairnesss in international criminal trials [eleectronic resourcce] Fightingg hurt [electronic resource] : rule and exception in torture and war Financee and industrial po
olicy [electronic reesource] : beyond financial regulatiion in Europe Maimonides to Miccrosoft [electronic resource] : From M
the Jew
wish law of copyrigght since the birth
h of print Hate speech and democrratic citizenship [eelectronic resourcce] ndence and legitim
macy in the institu
utional system Indepen
of the EEuropean Union [eelectronic resourcce] 7 PUBLISHEER, DATE of PUBLL. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
16 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
16 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
16 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
16 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
16 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
16 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
16 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
16 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
16 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
16 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
16 New
w Acquisition
ns – May 2016 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry AUTHOR
Simon Chesterman
n, Ian Jo
ohnstone, David M
M. M
Malone Lindsay Farmer D
David Fox and Wolfgang Ernst D
David Dyzenhaus aand M
Malcolm Thorburn
n D
Daniel Lee M
Michael J. Kelly and Luis M
Charlie Webb M
Mindy Chen‐Wishaart, A
Alexander Loke, an
nd B
Burton Ong edited by Carl Fred
drik B
Bergstrom and D
Dominique Ritlengg Stteffen Hindelang and M
Markus Krajewski
Richard L. Lippke TITLE SERIES d practice of the U
United Nations [electronic Law and
resourcce] : documents an
nd commentary Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
16 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
16 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
16 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
16 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
16 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
16 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
16 Remedies for breach of ccontract [electron
nic resource] Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
16 Rulemaking by the Europ
pean Commission [electronic resourcce] : the new systeem for delegation
n of powers Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
16 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
16 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
16 Making the modern crim
minal law [electron
nic resource] : criminalization and civil o
order Money in the Western leegal tradition [elecctronic resourcce] : Middle Ages tto Bretton Woodss phical foundation
ns of constitutionaal law Philosop
onic resource] Popularr sovereignty in eaarly modern constitutional thoughtt [electronic resou
urce] Prosecu
uting corporationss for genocide [eleectronic resourcce] Reason and restitution [eelectronic resourcce] : a theory of unjusst enrichment ment law Shiftingg paradigms in inteernational investm
onic resource] : more balanced, less isolated, increasiingly diversified Taming the presumption
n of innocence [eleectronic resourcce] 8 PUBLISHEER, DATE of PUBLL. New
w Acquisition
ns – May 2016 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry AUTHOR
TITLE SERIES The devvelopment of Worrld Trade Organization law G
Gregory Messengeer [electro
onic resource] : exxamining change iin international law da [electronic reso
ource] law and The EU deep trade agend
Billy A. Melo Araujjo policy N
Nehal Bhuta The fron
ntiers of human rights [electronic rresource] The hum
man rights of migrants and refugeees in European C
Cathryn Costello law [eleectronic resource]] The inteerpretation of inteernational law byy domestic edited by Helmut P
Philipp courts [[electronic resourrce] : uniformity, d
diversity, A
Aust and Georg No
olte converggence The pow
wer of process [electronic resourcee] : the value of D
Devika Hovell due pro
ocess in Security C
Council sanctions decision‐
making edited by James Beelich, Jo
ohn Darwin, Marggret The pro
ospect of global hiistory [electronic resource] Frenz and Chris Wickham Jo
onathan Herring
Vulneraable adults and the law [electronic resource] We are an African peoplee [electronic resource] : R
Russell Rickford ndent education, black power, and
d the radical indepen
imaginaation When n
norms collide [electronic resource] : local K
Karisa Cloward responsses to activism against female genital mutilation and earrly marriage 9 PUBLISHEER, DATE of PUBLL. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
16 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
16 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
16 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
16 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
16 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
16 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
16 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
16 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
16 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201