Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time August 23, 2009


Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time August 23, 2009
Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor
Rev. Joseph Vadakumcherry, Associate Pastor
Paul (Pawel) Tawech, Music Director
Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education
Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary
Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager
(Confession) 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM, Saturday or by appointment.
Weekday Confession held at 7:00 to 7:15 AM.
At the rectory during office hours.
Regular Office hours 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM daily.
Saturday Evening: 4:00 PM
Sunday: 7:30 - 9:00 - 12:15 PM
Polish Mass: 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Monday-Friday: 6:30 & 8:00 AM
Saturday: 8:00 AM
Mass in Polish: Wednesday & Saturday 8:30 AM
7:00 PM Vigil Mass, 6:30—8:00—11:00 AM (English)
9:00 AM—7:00 PM (Polish)
Arrangement must be made with one of the priests at least six months before the date of the wedding. Confirm desired date at the church
before making other arrangements. At least one of the engaged persons (or their parents) must be a registered and active parishioner of St.
Priscilla. Weddings are not scheduled on Sunday.
English Baptisms will be held on the second and fourth Sundays of the month at 1:30 PM. Polish Baptisms will be held on the first and third
Sundays. Attendance at Baptismal Preparation class is mandatory. Register by calling Rectory.
Rectory: 6949 W. Addison, Chicago, IL 60634 773-545-8840
Fax: 773-545-8919
Religious Education Office 773-685-3785
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 23, 2009
As for me and my household,
we will serve the LORD.
— Joshua 24:15b
Page Two
August 23, 2009
Spiritual Reflection
“Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.”
That’s our Psalm response again this weekend… the
third week in a row! We can come to understand the
sweet taste of the Lord. We can begin to understand
how much better our lives are when we seek the will
of God and do our best to live the way God wants us
to live.
Our other readings back that up. Our first reading
encourages us to decide whether or not we will follow the Lord.
“If it does not please you to serve the LORD, decide today whom
you will serve…” Pretty blunt, don’t you think? Our second
reading encourages us to be subordinate to one another… to feel
deeply the needs of those around us and to meet the needs of
others out of love for God. We can tell that we are serving the
Lord by checking how well we serve the needs of others.
“It is the spirit that gives life, while the flesh is of no
avail.” We can look at the things that seek our attention.
Sometimes our striving to look good, to have our own way, to get
what we’d like can get in the way of our relationship with God.
We can easily compromise our values in an attempt to be popular
and accepted. As young people, we can begin to use bad language,
smoke, drink, and use other drugs. Our lowered defenses can
easily encourage us to do things we shouldn’t. Then our lowered
self-esteem can make us secretive and moody. We can easily close
ourselves off to things of the spirit as we seek things of the world.
For adults it isn’t much different. We can work longer
and harder to get the “things” that bring status and the admiration
of others. We can overextend ourselves to have the things others
have. Before long, we don’t have time for our family members
and friends. As they grow more distant, our marriage and family
life begin to suffer. Although our intention is good, the good
things in our lives can easily slip away. We can harbor
resentments. When others don’t do things our way, we may be
tempted to act like five-year olds, to stomp our feet and even
threaten to take our ball and go home.
Things were no different in Jesus’ time. “Many of His
disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer
accompanied Him.” The words Jesus spoke were spirit and life,
but they didn't bring the instant gratification people sought. We
too, work hard to get something that is meant to bring us
happiness. The feeling of gratification lasts a little while, then it’s
gone. We are left to seek even more things.
Jesus’ true disciples didn’t leave Him. As Peter says in
this weekend’s Gospel, “Master, to whom shall we go? You have
the words of eternal life.” They had come to see that God was the
only one who could bring satisfaction and peace. By living God’s
word, they could help others to do so. They naturally formed
a community of people who lived in this special way.
They were happy to be able to use their gifts and talents
to help those around them. Their satisfaction was not fleeting.
They had discovered something very important about life.
Honoring God with their lives, giving away what they had, these
things brought them the satisfaction and peace they had sought in
so many other ways. This week we can take a look at what we
work for. “Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.” That’s the
result of living the way God wants us to live. Have a good week!
Eucharystyczna mowa Jezusa, nad którą od kilku
niedziel snujemy naszemy refleksje, oburzyła do
żywego nie tylko słuchające Go rzesze Zydowskie, ale
także spowodowała rozłam wśród Jego uczniów. Nawet
ci ostatni nie mogli zrozumieć, jak On może im dać
swoje własne ciało na pokarm. W następstwie tego
padły z ich ust znamienne słowa: „Trudna jest ta mowa, kto jej
słuchać może” (J. 6,60). I zaczęli odchodzić od Jezusa.
Odejście niektórych uczniów od Jezusa, to nie jest
problem uznania boskiego Mistrza, to jest problem
emocjonalnego zaangażowania się w Niego. Gdy emocja
minęła, gdy uczucie przeszło, gdy zjawiła się potrzeba podjęcia
rozumowej decyzji, uczniowie nie zdali egzaminu. Chrystus
zażądał od nich ofiary, a oni nie byli zdolni na nią się odważyć.
Błażej Pascal powiedział kiedyś, że tak jak do miłości, tak i do
wiary trzeba odwagi. Brak odwagi do wiary nie tylko osłabia,
ale nieraz wręcz uniemożliwia naszą wiarę.
Uczniowie, którzy dzisiaj odeszli od Jezusa,
w pewnym sensie mieli rację. To, co im powiedział wymagało
szczególnej wiary, wymykało się zwyczajnemu życiu ich
przyjaciół, było po prostu trudne do wyobrażenia. A tak
w ogóle—stawiało człowieka wobec ustawicznego trudu
i walki z sobą, z nastrojami, namiętnościami, ze środowiskiem.
To bardzo ważna uwaga.
O wszystkim, co dzieje się z człowiekiem, zadecyduje
jego osobiste przeżycie faktu trudu—tak, właśnie świadomość
trudu i pokonywanie tego utrudzenia.
Nieszczęściem wielu rozbitych małżeństw jest to, że
młodzi ludzie jakby nie liczyli się z trudem, który
nieodwołalnie przychodzi z chwilą zaczęcia określonego życia.
Radzić sobie z sobą, z nastrojami, z chorobami, lękami,
wyobraźnią, zmęczeniem—to naprawdę trudne dzieło. Radzić
sobie z marzeniami, brakami materialnymi, tęsknotami
duchownymi, presją rozmaitych układów międzyludzkich.
Radzić sobie z zanikiem wiary u współczesnego człowieka,
z zanikiem ufności, z irytacją w miłowaniu, które nie jest tylko
zachwytem, ale w miarę życia coraz trudniejszym dziełem.
Nieszczęściem wielu spośród naszych młodych,
zachwyconych ludzi, którzy podejmują służbę ewangeliczną, to
także złudzenie, że na tej drodze nie będzie trudu. Niestety,
każdy człowiek jest dziełem, które w życiu apostolskim musi
się dopełnić wysiłkiem myśli i serca. Każdy jest uczniem życia,
które stawia nam ciągle ogromne wymagania. Każdy dzień
stawia nam wysokie progi do pokonania i niespodziewane
zadania. Niestety, ptak, który wzleciał na pewną wysokość,
musi się liczyć z niestannym trzepotaniem skrzydeł, jeżeli chce
utrzymać właściwy poziom lotu. Także każdy z nas ludzi musi
sobie w porę, odpowiednio wcześnie określić własną odporność
na trudy życia. U każdego człowieka ta skała jest inna, ale
dobrze jest tę własną skałę znać.
Nie ma człowieka, który w pewnej chwili nie powie:
to jest trudne, to wymaga wielkiego wysiłku. Ale wielkość
człowieka polega między innymi na stylu pokonania trudu.
A więc: zostaję lub odchodzę; wypełniam lub porzucam
moje życiowe zadania. Proszę, dokonaj teraz wyboru!
©MMIX Father Pat Umberger,
-ks. Idzi-
Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30 — +Stella Domrzalski (Dolores & Ed Peszek)
9:00 — Health & God’s Blessings for Fr. Idzi Stacherczak
on his birthday
+Agnes Trinity Birth Remembrance (Mary Sanders)
+Janina (Family)
10:30— Dla ks. Prob. Idziego Stacherczaka w racji urodzin
o Boże bł. i op. Matki Bożej i potrzebne łaski
O Boże bł. i potrzebne łaski z racji urodzin dla ks.
Idziego Stacherczaka (Polska Grupa)
O pomyślne zakończenie wszystkich spraw
O opiekę Matki Bożej dla Karinki, Olivki i Danielka
w nadchodzącym roku szkolnym
O Boże bł. dla Krystyny i Jana Cioch w 25-tą rocz.
ślubu (Rodzina)
O radość w wieczności dla:
+Kazimiera Karbarz (Córki z rodzinami)
+Victor Burzyński (Rodzice)
+Jerzy Kisło (Rodzina)
+Helena Gut I-sza rocz. śmierci. (Córka z rodziną)
+Za dusze w czyśscu cierpiące
+Zofia Zobniów I-sza r. śm. (Córka z rodz. z Chicago)
+Dariusz Czaja (Teściowie)
+Janina (Rodzina)
12:15— All Souls in Purgatory: #31
6:00 — Za wyjście z nałogu
O zdrowie i potrzebne łaski dla Zofii
O radość w wieczności dla:
+Erna & Jan Fijał (Edyta z rodziną)
+Marta i Józef Michalscy w kolejną rocz. śmierci
+Genowefa Wincenty Raczyński w kolejną r. śmierci
MONDAY (24) Bartholomew, apostle
6:30 — +Krystyna Stola
8:00 — +James Haughey 3rd Death Anniversary (Family)
TUESDAY (25) Weekday
6:30 — +Gail Glenn Anniversary Remembrance (Husband)
8:00 — +Stephanie Pytka 28th Death Anniversary (Daughters)
WEDNESDAY (26) Weekday
6:30 — +Cecelia Hayda 4th Death Anniversary (Family)
8:00 — +Mr. & Mrs. Gruendl (Daughter & Son)
8:30 — +Danuta Leśniak 5-ta rocz. śmierci (Rodzina)
THURSDAY (27) Monica
6:30 — +Eugeniusz Gil
8:00 — +Don Smith (Kate & Harry Hynds)
FRIDAY (28) Augustine, bishop & doctor
6:30 — Health & Blessings for Anna
8:00 — +Maria DeBiase 1st Death Anniv. (Bettina & Family)
SATURDAY (29) Martyrdom of John the Baptist
8:00 — +Myles Druffel (Wife)
8:30 — +Maria Cnota rocz. śmierci (Rodzina)
Saturday Intentions continued in right column.
Page Three
SATURDAY (29) Martyrdom of John the Baptist
4:00 — +Victor Vito Procaccio (Sal & Sophie)
+Ed & Rose Pratser (Lorraine DuPlantis)
+Charles Heck (Wife & Daughters)
+Rose Nardi (Family)
+Joseph Rife 30th Death Anniversary (Family)
+Helen Rife Birthday Remembrance (Family)
+Raymond Miller (Wife & Son)
+Josephine Malarski (Daughter & Grandsons)
7:30 — +Edwin Peszek (Dolores Peszek)
9:00 — In Thanksgiving of Mary
+William Duffy, Sr. (Holy Name of St. Priscilla)
+Jan Grudzień 29th Death Anniv. (Daughter & Fam.)
10:30— O zdr. i bł. Boże dla Franciszka, Katarzyny Domian
z rodz. i Andrzeja, Heleny Domian z rodz. (Mama)
Za dusze w czyśscu cierpiące
O radość w wieczności dla:
+Kazimiera Karbarz (Córki z rodzinami)
+Victor Burzyński (Rodzice)
+Zofia Wąż 3-cia rocz. śmierci (Dzieci i Wnuki)
12:15— All Souls in Purgatory: #32
6:00 — +Jolanta Pronobis
John Ferrier
Józef Gajda
If anyone knows of cause or just impediment why these
persons should not be joined together in Holy
Matrimony, they must contact the Pastor.
III. Bożena Czyńczyk & Mirosław Wojtyło
Jeśli ktoś wie o przeszkodach uniemo¿liwiaj¹cych
zawarcie Sakramentu Ma³¿eñstwa przez te osoby,
prosimy o powiadomienie ksiêdza proboszcza.
August 9, 2009
$ 3,712.00
$ 2,438.00
Loose Coin
$ 6,160.39
Weekly Goal
$ 10,000.00
Budget Year to Date
$ 60,000.00
Collections Year to Date
$ 41,984.36
Under Budget
Thank you for your generosity and support of our Parish.
Page Four
August 23, 2009
Although we are in the middle of summer and the thought
of starting a new Religious Education school year may seem
a bit premature, it is never too soon to begin planning for
our wonderful students who are in need of individuals who
are willing to share their faith.
We are looking for individuals who love their faith and want
to make a difference in a child’s faith formation.
I believe we have people in our parish who are willing to
bring the Word of God to children who cannot attend a Catholic School. Won’t you please help us by
volunteering as a catechist so that we can continue to accept all of the children who come to us?
For those of you who are a little afraid of teaching, be aware that the archdiocese offers classes for new
catechists to help prepare you to teach.
We are in need of three teachers for the coming year. PLEASE HELP!!
If you are interested, please call the rectory at 773-545-8840 and leave your name and phone number
and I will return your call.
-Judy Banasiak, CRE-
August 29th & August 30th
4:00 PM
As scheduled
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
As scheduled As scheduled
10:30 AM
12:15 PM
6:00 PM
As scheduled
As scheduled
As scheduled
Marian Razniak
Teresa Jurkowski
Maura Clancy
Marcin Stepek
Dominika Ziobro
As scheduled
As scheduled As scheduled Hanna Kurzątkowski As scheduled
Krystyna Cioch
As scheduled
As scheduled As scheduled
As scheduled
As scheduled
Ryszard Janusiak
Stanisław Ryczek
As scheduled
Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page Five
Alexander Kukliñski
The rectory office is prepared to take registration for
Religious Education classes. The office has all
necessary forms that need to be filled out. The tuition
for Religious Education is as follows:
1 child — $160.00
2 children — $240.00
3 children — $290.00
There is also a $30.00 registration fee that is
required for each child.
Ideally, we would like to have the tuition paid in
full, but realistically, I know this cannot be done
by most families. I am asking that the registration
fee be paid when the child/children are registered.
The rest of the tuition can be paid in monthly
If you cannot register at the rectory, we will be
having registration after all the Masses on August
29th and 30th and September 5th and 6th.
Classes will begin on Saturday, September 12,
at 9:00 AM.
Jack Ferrier - Jennifer Hebda - LaVerne Kmiec Catherine O’Brien - Wilma Oaks - Shirley Potempa
- Genowefa Solak - Mary Spiewak - Katie Young
We implemented a new “Pray For...”
beginning the weekend of August 1st.
If you have not yet done so and would like to
have your name added to our Parish “Pray
For…” list, please call the rectory at
773-545-8840 ext. 221. Thank you!
This year marks the 40th Anniversary of the annual
Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll Drive to benefit the
mentally challenged.
Over these last 40 years, funds from this drive have
gone to benefit programs throughout the State of
Illinois and our nation. In the last two years, the funds
Mater Christi Council (Mater Christi Council serves the
parishes of St. Priscilla, St. Ferdinand, and St. Pascal)
collected have gone to benefit the SPRED (Special
Religious Development) program at St. Pascal’s
Church. We would like to expand this fund raising
effort to provide funds to other charitable groups in
our community, and with your help, this can happen.
Mater Christi Council #14284 is looking for volunteers
to help us by standing on corners and in front of
businesses to solicit these funds. It’s a great
opportunity to get involved and involves just an hour
or two of your time. It’s also a great learning activity
for children, teaching them the lesson of charity.
We are currently putting together a list of volunteers
for the September 18th-19th drive. Will you help?
We are looking for volunteers from 6:00 AM to 7:00
PM Friday, September 18th and from 8:00 AM to 6:00
PM Saturday, September 19th. To volunteer or for
more information, please call Peter Holod at (773)
745-1708 or Tony Mangiaracina at (773) 202-0234.
To stand in the street, you must be at least 18 yrs. old.
However, anyone can help
who is willing to stand or sit
in front of a business, post
office, CTA rapid transit
station or church. While most
of our collection places are
here in the
neighborhood, we even have
locations downtown.
Page Six
August 23, 2009
I want to express my thanks to all who contribute to our Capital Improvements Collection for their generous and consistent
donations. We are asked to contribute to so many worthy projects, but these funds are earmarked solely for our own parish. We
budget for regular maintenance, but these funds are used for renovations and improvements. We have been given the gift of
beautiful parish property and buildings and it is our responsibility to restore and improve them for generations to come!
*The donations reported in today’s bulletin are from August’s Capital Improvement Collection.*
$400— Henry Gens
$375— Casey Czochara
$100— Anonymous, A.J., M.R., M.A. Manczak, Daniel G. Manczak
$75— R. Zyszczynski
$55— Sophie & Anna Oracz
$50— Wladyslaw Bielen, Adam A. & Jadwiga Kokot, Eleanor Krawczyk, Ignatius Kumiega, Tadeusz Suwada, Marion Ward
$46— Anonymous
$40— Emily Sloan
$35— John Ferrier, Nick Grossmayer
$30— Richard Hujar, Henry Majcher, Peter O’Grady, Melvin Spejcher, Margaret Zacharski
$25— Richard Bonk, Evelyn Cademartrie, Betty Cullen, Nadine Czekaj, Robert Drzewiecki, Casimer Gaik, Jolanta Grocholski, Elsie
Hum, John Masters, James Miketta, James Moncada, Sr., Edwin Peszek, Chester Schafer, Albert Schorsch, III, William Senne,
Concetta Serio, Gerald Sullivan, Chester Wijas, Mr. & Mrs. Wronke, Virginia Zyburt
$20— Dorothy Castronovo, Zbigniew Cison, Edward Connolly, Mario Dayag, Karen Engel, Philomena Greco, Patrick Haugh, Francis
Kennedy, A. Krauss, Jr., Boguslaw Krol, Joseph Kurzatkowski, Stanislaw Kusmider, Jozef Lata, Antoni Lipka-Chudzik,
Lawrence Lynch, Salvatore Morreale, George N. Mueller, Edmund Ofiara, Andrzej Ostojski, Olivia Pamatmat, Antoinette
Pusateri, Marian Razniak, Tadeusz Samolyk, Antoinette Sanders, Donald Schultz, Adam Sochacki, Soltyszewski Family, Patrick
Sullivan, Zbigniew Sycz, Geraldine Timmreck, Gene Urban, Anton Voelker, Elizabeth Wilczkiewicz, Edward Wojewoda, Marek
Wojtylo, Regina Zajdel, E. Zdziebko
$15— Joseph Edwin Baltao, Jerzy Czarnik, Anthony Felau, Marian Henaghan, Dolores LaValle, Frank Mizera, Gary Pitts, Charlene Poran
& Wilma Oaks, V. Szatkowski, Antoinette Viola, James R. West
$10— Anonymous, Anonymous, H. Badzioch, Martin Barrett, Michael Beirne, Michael Busse, Jr., Stanley Cmiel, Ryszard Czarnik, TJL
Czarnik, Marie Dalrymple, Russell Ford, Bart Freihaut, Evelyn Gale, Gajda Family, Roman Garlicki, Krzysztof Glowinski, Zofia
Godlewska, Gabriel Gregec, John Griffin, Michael Hetland, Maria Hillenbrand, Evelyn/Carol Hoffman, Maria & Waclaw
Hryniewiccy, Henry Huberty, Marian Janowski, Jan Kocon, John Koziara, Stephanie Koziara, Zenobia Kruk, Wladyslawa Kulaga, Roy Lacour, Peter Lazare, Stefan Lech, Nancy Lee, Edward Luby, Julian Malkiewicz, Thomas A. Martin, John McDermott,
John P. Mescall, Raymond Miller, Wladyslaw Mikina, Czeslaw Misiaszek, Helena Moscinski, Benjamin & Natividad Nicasio,
Elizabeth Nelson, Antoni Niemczyk, Adam Niewiadomski, Kazimiera Nowak, Stefan Nowik, Donald Pachowicz, Adam Pawlak,
Salvatore Procaccio, Florence Pytka, Roy Romana, Stanley Ryczek, Richard Sajnaj, Joseph Santelli, John Santoro, Gary Schultz,
Gloria Scoville, Gina Severino, Patricia Sherry, Piotr Skobelski, Estelle Sonnenberg, Jozef Sopek, Jeffrey Stanek, Rogelio
Tiongco, Kazimierz Tokarski, Richard Tomal, Helen Toporek, Wach Family, Stanley Wcislo, Jozef Wieczorek, Eugeniusz
Wisniewski, Jan Zbroja
$8— Grzegorz Kraus
$6— Arkadiusz Gwozdz
$5— Nicholas Alleva, Janice Arnet, Daniel Barsella, Margaret Bogdanowicz, Andrzej Bonar, Jan Boratyn, Piotr Bradlynski, Marian Burek,
Adolf Burzynski, Elaine Carravetta, Tadeusz Chwala, Ellen Coleman, Pedro Cuison, Joseph Day, Jr., Eugenia Denisiuk, Michael
DeSimone, Stefania Drzymala, Farkas/Strusinski, Ewa Filar, Daniela Fita, Franciszek Florczak, Genevieve Fruzynski, V. Giebultowski, Thomas Gilleran, Maria Greco, Cathy Ann Grossmayer, Gerardo Gutierrez, Roman Harmata, Elizabeth Hordejuk, Artur
Hryniewicki, Artur Iwan, D. & R. Johnson, Krzysztof Kadzielawa, Mieczyslaw Kalisz, Henry Kmiec, Leroy Knowles, Tadeusz &
Jadwiga Kochanski, Michele Kolak, Nellie Kowalski, Josef Krycka, Jesse Kulaga, Jos LoPiccolo, Mitchell Luszczyk, Joann Maass,
Roewen Masacupan, Angelo Martino, Albert Mazur, Catherine McElvaney, Piotr & Zofia Modla, Wieslaw Mroczkowski, Helen
Mueller, John Norman, Robert Nowak, James O’Mally, Harriet Obrzut, Wladyslaw Pater, Melania Pawelko, Anna Pedowski,
Marian Prazuch, Z.T. & J. Priami, Monika Proszek, Vincent Ramaglia, Melecio Rodriguez, Victoria Slowiak, Mieczyslawa Smagacz, Mary Smolenski, Stephen Sodergren, Marcin Stepek, Boguslaw Stypula, Stanislaw Tolwinski, Henryka Turczynska, Clarence Waldock, Eugene Emil Warta, Witold Wasilewski, Wenc M/Maziarz A, Helena Wincenciuk, Yuza Family, Frank Zaglaniczny, Steven Zachar, Barbara Zeman
$4— E. Kupinski, Edgar Pelegrino, John Ryan, Jr.
$3 — Vito Butera, Leo Cascio, John Howe, Jose Mejia, Mark Nowakowski, Nick Ribaudo, Steve Sobieraj
$2— Harriett Borkowski, Michael Cosentino, Bernard Frackiel, George Fenn, Galkowski, Stanley Joswiak, Alan Lucas, B. Pluczynski,
Jozef Pluta, Robert Raczkowski, Ewa Tarasiuk, Hilario Victa
$1— Anonymous, Donato Allegretti, Joseph Catanzaro, Jaclyn Fields, Kusmider, Lori Martinez, P. Massanisso, Hector Minni, Mario
Pontarelli, W. Soroka
The total was $5,106.00. I thank you all again!
-Fr. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor-