Informacja prasowa


Informacja prasowa
Warsaw, 24 February 2016
Press release
ABC Data believes virtualisation of resources to be especially important!
The amount of digital data accumulates rapidly and it is the cause of constant development of
IT systems. It particularly concerns such elements of IT infrastructure as servers and mass
storage which are expected to be more efficient and provide greater computing performance.
Virtualisation can be a way to ensure their proper level of operation. ABC Data, the leader in
the IT distribution market in the CEE region and valued provider of Value+ services, has just
finished implementing new computing platform for virtual machines.
Virtualisation is a solution which enables obtaining better and more efficient usage of existing
equipment resources and providing a possibility of simplification and automation of their
management. In case of ABC Data establishing and implementing the new computing
platform was used, most of all, to start up a larger number of virtual machines. They provide
proper level of computing power and necessary space for new resources.
While planning to create an optimum solution, a number of detailed requirements connected
with efficiency, safety and scalability of the created system have been set out. – We intended
to move all virtual machines which belong to our resources and operate in production to the
new platform. Moreover, we also wanted to perform virtualisation of a part of resources
which until now had been operating on physical servers. This in turn would allow significant
decrease in the size of the infrastructure owned – Wojciech Mayer, Project Sales Director at
ABC Data, explains. – What is important is that the implemented solution could not have any
single point of failure, and what is more, it also had to have a properly large power bulge
which would enable potential start up of another virtual machines in the future – Marcin
Koczkodaj, IT Infrastructure Manager at ABC Data, adds.
After analysing solutions available in the market it has been decided to develop a platform on
the basis of special components, such as: Fujitsu Primergy RX2540 M1 servers and Fujitsu
Eternus DX200 storage. The rest was complemented with Cisco 4500X and Brocade 300
switches. The platform works on Microsoft Windows Server 2012R2 Datacenter operating
system. Such configuration meets all set requirements. Three Fujitsu servers provide proper
computing power. Each of them is equipped with two 18-core Intel 2.3 GHz and 768 GB RAM
ABC Data S.A., ul. Daniszewska 14, 03-230 Warszawa, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie, XIII Wydział
Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, KRS: 0000287132, kapitał zakładowy wpłacony w całości: 125.266.899 zł,
NIP: 524-26-17-178, REGON: 141054682,
memory processors. – The applied solution allows to spread the virtual machines the evenly
on three physical hosts. It ensures very high efficiency and, at the same time, it guarantees
that in case of a breakdown or planned downtime of one of the hosts the remaining two
servers will bear the burned of all virtual machines without any problems – Marcin Koczkodaj
In order to maximise the efficiency of the system, ABC Data's specialists used the Automated
Storage Tiering functionality available in the Fujitsu arrays. Therefore, the most frequently
used data are transferred to the fast flash-type drives. – Selecting Fujitsu as the supplier of the
new server and array platform for Private Cloud purposes by the leading IT distributor in the
CEE region is a significant recommendation for us – Adam Dyszkiewicz, Senior Business
Development Manager – Servers & Storage at Fujitsu Poland, comments – Fujitsu PRIMERGY
convergent server solutions and Fujitsu ETERNUS matix solutions selected by ABC Data are
designed to be reliable, maximally efficient and generate low maintenance cost. We are
convinced that they will allow us to improve competitiveness of our Partner and significantly
influence increase in efficiency of the Distributor's virtualised IT systems – he adds.
Redundant equipment solutions applied in particular devices, as well as the Failover Cluster
technology available in the Windows Server 2012R2 system ensure the safety of the platform.
What is important is that the backup of data is performed in two stages: every day to a
special array used by the DPM server and additionally, once a week, to tapes stored outside
the data centre. The system is characterised by high scalability. The parameters of the devices
used ensure proper power bulge necessary to start up another virtual machines. Moreover,
the system can be expanded by adding another servers and disk expansion units. What is
important is that the implemented solution is also very mobile. Small size of the devices
applied, and therefore, the entire construction, make it easy to move and even put it outside.
The implemented platform is another example of successful virtualisation carried out by the
specialists of ABC Data. The company's experts possess wide practical and theoretical
knowledge in many areas of IT, for instance connected with storage and access to data. Also
the distributor's partners can take advantage of their knowledge and experience. Moreover,
the company offers not only a wide assortment of modern equipment and software but also
provides services and professional support connected with local and global networks, security
and data archiving, mass storage and servers.
ABC Data S.A., ul. Daniszewska 14, 03-230 Warszawa, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie, XIII Wydział
Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, KRS: 0000287132, kapitał zakładowy wpłacony w całości: 125.266.899 zł,
NIP: 524-26-17-178, REGON: 141054682,
O ABC Data S.A.
ABC Data S.A. jest liderem rynku dystrybucji sprzętu IT i elektroniki użytkowej w Polsce oraz
jedynym podmiotem działającym bezpośrednio w ośmiu państwach Europy Środkowej i
Wschodniej (należących do UE). Firma od ponad 25 lat oferuje sprzęt komputerowy,
oprogramowanie i elektronikę użytkową. ABC Data dysponuje największą na rynku ofertą
ponad 100 tys. produktów, ponad 700 renomowanych marek. W ostatnich miesiącach do
portfolio produktowego włączone zostały nowe kategorie takie jak produkty smart, artykuły
papiernicze i biurowe, zabawki oraz narzędzia i elektronarzędzia. Dzięki systematycznemu
rozwojowi i wieloletnim inwestycjom w internetowe platformy obsługi klientów, firma
zajmuje czołową pozycję w zakresie sprzedaży on-line. W latach 2009 – 2014 ABC Data
została pięciokrotnie wyróżniona nagrodą EMEA Channel Academy dla najlepszego
dystrybutora regionu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. W 2015 roku spółka po raz kolejny zajęła
pierwsze miejsce w głównym rankingu raportu Computerworld TOP 200 utrzymując status
największej firmy informatycznej na rynku polskim. Jako pierwsza firma z Polski została
członkiem GTDC, prestiżowego stowarzyszenia obejmującego 24 największych dystrybutorów
IT na świecie. W 2010 roku ABC Data S.A. zadebiutowała na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych
w Warszawie.
Media contact:
Agnieszka Forasińska
ABC Data S.A.
[email protected]
+48 22 591 67 83
ABC Data S.A., ul. Daniszewska 14, 03-230 Warszawa, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie, XIII Wydział
Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, KRS: 0000287132, kapitał zakładowy wpłacony w całości: 125.266.899 zł,
NIP: 524-26-17-178, REGON: 141054682,