Parish Bulletin - Our Lady of Ostrabrama


Parish Bulletin - Our Lady of Ostrabrama
Parish Bulletin
Rev. Stanislaw Wadowski, Pastor, cell: 516 510 4395
Rev. Piotr Narkiewicz, Associate
3000 Depot Lane, Cutchogue, NY 11935
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 997, Cutchogue, NY 11935
Tel: 631 734 6446 • Fax: 631 734 4117
Parish website:
Parish Email: [email protected]
Music Director: Kelli Naugles , Tel: 631 603 5799
E-mail: [email protected]
Rel. Ed. Director: Adrienne Dillingham, Tel: 631 369 7933
E-mail: [email protected]
Parish Outreach: 69465 Main Rd., Greenport
Tel: 631 477 6607
O/L of Mercy Regional School, Tel: 631 734 5166
Principal: Mrs. Alexandra Conlon
8:30 am Monday through Saturday
Saturday Evenings: 5:30 pm
8:00 am, 9:30 am (Polish), 11:00 am
Holy Days Vigil Mass: 7:00 pm
8:30 am; 7:00 pm (Polish)
Saturday 4:00 - 5:00 pm
or at other times by appointment with a priest.
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Baptisms are celebrated each
Sunday at 12:00 noon or other day.
SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Marriages are to be
scheduled at least six months in advance by interview with a
parish priest. Pre-Cana conferences are required.
After the 8:30 am Mass on First Friday of the Month.
Please call the Rectory to arrange for the Sacrament of the
Sick and Communion to be brought to the sick at home.
Miraculous Medal Novena: Monday 9:00 am
Lent - Stations of the Cross: Friday 6:30 pm (English)
7:30 pm (Polish)
Rosary in community we pray before daily Mass and in
October: Friday 7 pm (Polish), Saturday 5 pm (English)
Eucharistic Adoration: 1st Friday, 9:00 am and 7 pm— 8 pm
PARISH REGISTRATION: A census card can be obtained in
the church entrance or in the Rectory.
3rd Sunday of Easter
April 19, 2015
You alone, O LORD,
bring security to my dwelling.
— Psalm 4:9
To keep the faith alive for future generations,
please consider remembering your parish
Our Lady of Ostrabrama in your Will.
SATURDAY, April 18
5:30pm +Sharon Koehler
(Joseph & Patricia Racanelli)
SUNDAY, April 19
8:00am +For Decesed members of
Konopka Family (Fred & Carolyn Lubanski)
9:30am (Polish) +Marcella Zimnoski
11:00am +John Zuhoski
(Dorotea Chituk & Family)
MONDAY, April 20
8:30am +Health &God’s blessing for Angela
TUESDAY, April 21
8:30am + Edward Skirel, +George Seng
8:30am + Josephine Kozakewicz Houston
100th Birthday (by Son Edward)
THURSDAY, April 23
8:30am +Health &God’s blessing for Anita
FRIDAY, April 24
8:30am +For Parishioners and Benefactors
Living and Deceased
+For the First Communion Children
(Kolo Polskiego Rozanca)
SATURDAY, April 25 St. Mark
8:30am +For the Souls in Purgatory
(Dorothy Mulhall)
5:30pm +Anthony Domaleski
(Jenny Skirel & Family)
SUNDAY, April 26
8:00am +John Zuhoski
(Frank & Anne Swiatocha)
9:30am + Lukasz Pasko, +Danuta Szpak
Polish (Rodzina Misiukiewicz)
11:00am +Michael Rogers (Children)
Financial Corner, April 12, 2015
Sunday Collection: $ 4,107.
Dues: $ 25.
Fuel: $ 20.
The Church Renovations
and Elevator Project’s
$140,582.00 Donations may
be made in memory of your
loved ones. As you can see
every week in the bulletin,
we have a Mass dedicated
for all parishioners and
benefactors; both living and deceased. The
Sacrifice of Mass is for all who are
entrusted to our care in life and in death so
that we may be one in Our Heavenly
Father’s Home.
Thank you for your
generosity! God Bless You!!!
MAY 9, 2015 at 11:00 a.m.
MAY 10, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. by
Most Rev. Bishop John Dunne
Since the beginning of winter, we have paid
to date: $ 9,453.00 for the heating oil for
the Church itself and: $ 5,465.00 for the
Rectory. I kindly ask that you consider
contributing some extra funds for the
payment of those bills. Thank You! God
bless You always! Please consider. Fr. Stan
At Our Lady of Mercy Regional School
Enrollment is still open . The school
offers a full day of stimulating pre-k and
kindergarten and instills a strong foundation
of Catholic values. Call to schedule an
appointment with the principal and tour the
school: 734-5166.
LADY OF LOURDES (Continued from
Bulletin of March 29th)During the sixteenth
apparition, which occurred on the Feast of
the Annunciation, the Beautiful Lady
revealed her identity to Bernadette: "Que
soy era Immaculado Conception", I am the
Immaculate Conception. Bernadette was
not sure what this name meant, but people
who needed no explanation flocked to
Lourdes in greater numbers than ever
before. Baron Massy, a local official,
ordered Bernadette to be examined by three
more physicians. They found her to be
physically and mentally sound. The
Seventeenth Apparition - Wednesday, April
7, 1858: Bernadette had never failed to
bring a lighted candle to the Grotto since
the first time she had been instructed to do
so by the Beautiful Lady. During this
apparition, she unconsciously placed one of
her hands over the flame of the candle.
People witnessed the flame burning through
her fingers. Bernadette did not even hear
the cries of horror which arose from the
crowd. She continued to pray for at least
fifteen minutes while the flame burned
through her hand. She emerged quietly
from prayer unscathed. Then Dr. Dozous
took another candle and, without warning,
touched the flame to her hand. Bernadette
immediately cried out in pain. Shortly after
this apparition, the Prefect took matters into
his own hands and ordered the Grotto
closed, and the rustic altar was dismantled.
( be continued)
O.L.M. School is now selling March
Madness Raffle Tickets. They are $100
each and can be shared to increase your
chances of winning. Only 400 tickets are
being sold and the winners will be drawn on
June 23, 2015 (the last day of school).
Historia objawień w Lourdes.
– że najskuteczniejszą modlitwą, którą
najbardziej lubi, jest Różaniec Święty.
Pokutować i ponosić ofiary w intencji
nawrócenia grzeszników. Maryja zapytała
Bernadetę, czy «byłoby jej trudno uklęknąć
i pocałować ziemię w akcie pokuty za
grzeszników.» Wołała: «Pokuty! Pokuty!
Pokuty!» Bóg cierpi z powodu każdego
człowieka oddalającego się od Niego.
Cierpi także Maryja, która pragnie
zbawienia każdego człowieka, Swego
dziecka, bo wszystkich odkupił okrutną
śmiercią Jej Syn. Wzywa więc do różnych
form pokuty i umartwienia oraz do
ofiarowania ich Bogu w intencji
grzeszników. Ciągle oczyszczać się w
sakramencie pokuty. Obmycie się w źródle
– o które prosiła Maryja Bernadetę – ma
znaczenie symboliczne. Nie każdy może
przecież pojechać do Lourdes. A jednak
słowa Matki Najświętszej wypowiedziane
w Lourdes przeznaczone są dla wszystkich
Jej dzieci. Maryja mówi nam więc w tych
słowach także o innym źródle.
Sprecyzowała to zwracając się w rocznicę
objawień w Lourdes do ks. Gobbiego
(11.02.77): «Obmyjcie się w źródle Wody
Żywej – tryskającej z przebitego Serca
Mojego Syna Jezusa.» Źródłem wody
żywej są w Kościele sakramenty, a
zwłaszcza sakrament pojednania. Maryja
mówi: «Obmywajcie się często w tym
zdroju! Potrzeba wam tego dla
oczyszczenia się z grzechu i dla
uzdrowienia z ran, które zło pozostawiło w
waszym życiu.» Dla Maryi najważniejsze
jest nasze zdrowie duchowe. Dlatego
wzywa nas przede wszystkim do źródła,
którym jest sakrament pojednania. Jezus
ustanowił ten sakrament jako drogocenny
owoc Odkupienia, aby przyjść nam z
pomocą w najwyższej słabości. Tylko przez
to źródło, jakim jest sakrament pojednania,
Boże Miłosierdzie może rozlać się na całą
ludzkość... (cdn...)

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