r 2015 - Natolin Library


r 2015 - Natolin Library
New Accquisitions –
– Septemberr 2015 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry B
Books EElectronic publications p. 1‐5 p. 6‐14 Books C
Call No Author 41682 Ruse, Illze 41703 Zamoyski, Adam 41702 41708 41705 Jaroszeewski, Paweł ; Burrek, Krzyszttof Komarn
nicka, Hanna ; Komarnicki, Juliusz
Albán JJuárez, Marita ; Słławińska‐
41689 Skendaaj, Elton 41657 Dąbrow
wska‐Kłosińska, Paatrycja (ed.) 41713 Debaerre, Peter 41691 41699 41694 Craig, P
P. P. ; De Búrca, G
G. Craig, P
P. P. ; De Búrca, G
G. Craig, P
P. P. ; De Búrca, G
G. Title Date of publ.//Publisher (W
Why) do neighbou
urs cooperate? : institutionalised co
oalitions and barga
aining power 20
013 Budrich UniPress in EU Council negottiations 20
010 Państwowy In
nstytut Ch
hopin : książę rom
mantyków W
Wydawniczy Ch
hopin : Żelazowa W
Wola : The House
e of Birth ‐ 20
010 Nobilis Yeesterday and Todaay hopin's Europe Ch
010 Sport i Turysttyka ‐ Muza Ch
hopin's Poland : a guidebook to pla
aces asssociated with thee composer Crreating Kosovo : in
nternational overrsight and th
he making of ethiccal institutions e challenges Esssays on global safety : governance
nd solutions EU
U coordination in international insttitutions : po
olicy and process in Gx forums EU
U Law : text, casess, and materials EU
U Law : text, casess, and materials EU
U Law : text, casess, and materials 20
010 Narodowy Insstytut Frryderyka Chopina 20
014 Woodrow Wiilson Center Prress ; Cornell Univversity Press 20
015 ASPRA‐JR ; Ceentre for Eu
urope, University of Warsaw 1 ISBN 9783863880293 9
9788306032536 9
9788360297407 9
9788374957441 9
9788361142560 9
9780801452949 9
9788375455991 9
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 9781137517296 9
015 Oxford Univeersity Press 20
015 Oxford Univeersity Press 20
015 Oxford Univeersity Press 9780198714927 9
9780198714927 9
9780198714927 9
New Accquisitions –
– Septemberr 2015 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Call No 41695 41700 41693 41696 41690 41701 41692 41698 41697 41714 Author Craig, P
P. P. ; De Búrca, G
G. Craig, P
P. P. ; De Búrca, G
G. Craig, P
P. P. ; De Búrca, G
G. Craig, P
P. P. ; De Búrca, G
G. Craig, P
P. P. ; De Búrca, G
G. Craig, P
P. P. ; De Búrca, G
G. Craig, P
P. P. ; De Búrca, G
G. Craig, P
P. P. ; De Búrca, G
G. Craig, P
P. P. ; De Búrca, G
G. ha ; Jans, J. H. ; Prechal, Sach
Widderrshoven, R. (eds.) Title Date of publ.//Publisher EU
U Law : text, casess, and materials EU
U Law : text, casess, and materials EU
U Law : text, casess, and materials EU
U Law : text, casess, and materials EU
U Law : text, casess, and materials EU
U Law : text, casess, and materials EU
U Law : text, casess, and materials EU
U Law : text, casess, and materials EU
U Law : text, casess, and materials 20
015 Oxford Univeersity Press 20
015 Oxford Univeersity Press 20
015 Oxford Univeersity Press 20
015 Oxford Univeersity Press 20
015 Oxford Univeersity Press 20
015 Oxford Univeersity Press 20
015 Oxford Univeersity Press 20
015 Oxford Univeersity Press 20
015 Oxford Univeersity Press 9780198714927 9
9780198714927 9
9780198714927 9
9780198714927 9
9780198714927 9
9780198714927 9
9780198714927 9
9780198714927 9
9780198714927 9
uropeanisation off Public Law 20
015 Europa Law P
Publishing 9789089521279 9
wolucja współczessnej dyplomacji : aktorzy, struktury, funkcje 41658 Surmaccz, Beata 41707 Ekiert, Janusz 41709 Poniato
owska, Irena 41706 orski, Mysłakkowski, Piotr ; Siko
Andrzeej Frryderyk Chopin : the origins 41659 Grzybeek, Dariusz Haandel i pokój : gen
neza i ewolucja lib
beralnego paacyfizmu 41679 Nowakk, Andrzej (red.) Hiistorie Polski w XIX wieku. T. 4, Narrody, wzynania, emigracjje, porównania Frryderyk Chopin : A
An illustrated biog
graphy Frryderyk Chopin : cczłowiek i jego mu
uzyka = Frryderyk Chopin : the man and his m
music 1810‐
010 2 ISBN 015 Wydawnictwo 20
Uniwersytetu Mariii Curie‐
Skkładowskiej 20
009 Muza 009 MULTICO Oficyna 20
Wydawnicza W
010 The Fryderyk Chopin In
nstitute 015 Towarzystwo
o Autorów i 20
aukowych W
Wydawców Prac N
Universitas" 20
015 DiG 9788377846582 9
9788374957434 9
9788370737757 9
9788361142331 9
9788324226764 9
9788371818844 9
New Accquisitions –
– Septemberr 2015 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Call No 41660 41720 41718 41719 41717 Author Kwiecieeń, Roman nson, David Blanchard, Olivier ; John
R. Blanchard, Olivier ; John
nson, David R. nson, David Blanchard, Olivier ; John
R. nson, David Blanchard, Olivier ; John
R. Title Date of publ.//Publisher Interesy indywidulaane państw a inte
eresy wspólnotowe w praawie społeczności międzynarodowej :: o znaczeniu liberralizmu i ko
omunitaryzmu dlaa teorii prawa międzynarodowego
o 015 Wydawnictwo 20
Uniwersytetu Mariii Curie‐
Skkłodowskiej M
Macroeconomics : Global Edition 20
013 Pearson Educcation Limited 9780273766339 9
Macroeconomics : Global Edition 20
013 Pearson Educcation Limited 9780273766339 9
Macroeconomics : Global Edition 20
013 Pearson Educcation Limited 9780273766339 9
Macroeconomics : Global Edition 20
013 Pearson Educcation Limited 9780273766339 9
9788377846414 9
41680 Zielińskka, Marianna M
Mechanizmy reprodukcji i zmiany w systemie ad
dministracji publiccznej na przykładzzie wdrażania otwartejj metody koordyn
nacji 20
015 Wydawnictwo Naukowe SC
CHOLAR 9788373837263 9
41661 Zając, P
Patrycja Niiepodległość Koso
owa z perspektyw
wy społecznej teeorii stosunków m
h 20
015 Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mariii Curie‐
Skkładowskiej 9788377846544 9
41662 Tenderra‐Właszczuk, Helena (red.) 20
015 Difin 9788379307890 9
41710 Plokhy,, Serhii 20
015 Znak 9788324030798 9
41673 41711 Lissowsski, Olgierd ; Bukssiński, Tadeussz (eds.) Pilecki,, Andrzej ; Krzyszkkowski, Mirosłaaw ; Wasztyl, Boggdan owe państwa czło
onkowskie w Unii Europejskiej No
: d
diagnoza i perspektywy Osstatnie Imperium : historia upadku
u Związku So
owieckiego Paartnerships in Eurropean governancce 015 Publishing Ho
ouse of 20
9788377753644 9
oznan University of Technology ojego taty Pilecki : Śladami mo
015 Znak 3 ISBN 9788324034376 9
New Accquisitions –
– Septemberr 2015 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Call No 41664 Author Modzelewski, Witold Title Date of publ.//Publisher Po
olska ‐ Rosja : co d
dalej?. T. 2, Lata 2
2014‐2015 41663 Hryniew
wicz, Janusz T. 41678 Karnau
ukh, Alla 41712 Król, M
Marcin Po
olska na tle historrycznych podziałów prrzestrzeni europejjskiej oraz współcczesnych prrzemian gospodarrczych, społecznycch i po
olitycznych Po
omiędzy ukraińsko
ością a sowieckośścią : Ukkraińcy, Rosjanie i Bułgarzy na Zaporożu Po
ora na demokrację 41666 Polińskki, Romuald Prroblemy strefy euro 41676 Piotrow
wski, Bernard Skkandynawia powo
ojenna w cieniu pa
aństwa op
piekuńczego : 194
44‐1975 41677 Piotrow
wski, Bernard Skkandynawia wspó
ółczesna w poszukkiwaniu no
owych dróg rozwo
oju : 1975‐2014 41715 Metz, JJulia 41667 Lipska‐‐Sondecka, Agniesszka 41668 Râbčukk, Mikola 015 Instytut Studiiów 20
odatkowych Modzelewski i W
Wspólnicy 9788363591113 9
015 Wydawnictwo Naukowe 20
"SScholar" 9788373837386 9
015 Nomos 20
9788376881997 9
015 Znak 20
015 Wydawnictwo Naukowe Frrel 015 Wydawnictwo Naukowe 20
Uniwersytetu im. A
Adama M
Mickiewicza 015 Wydawnictwo Naukowe 20
Uniwersytetu im. A
Adama M
Mickiewicza 9788324038831 9
he European Com
mmission, expert groups and th
he policy process :: demystifying tecchnocratic 20
015 Palgrave Maccmillan go
overnance ministracji publiczn
nej w Polsce : Trransformacja adm
015 Oficyna Wydaawnicza 20
d upadku realnego
o socjalizmu do czzłonkostwa ASSPRA‐JR w Unii Europejskiejj 20
015 Kolegium Eurropy Ukkraina : syndrom postkolonialny W
Wschodniej im. Jan
na Nowaka‐
Jeeziorańskiego 4 ISBN 9788364691119 9
9788323228257 9
9788323228264 9
9781137437228 9
9788375455960 9
9788378931171 9
New Accquisitions –
– Septemberr 2015 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry C
Call No Author 41716 Stepanenko, Viktor ; Pylynskyi, Yaroslaav (eds.) 41669 Małuszzyńska, Ewa ; Mussiałkowska, Ida ; Mazur, Grzegorz (reed.) 41675 Krzyżan
nowski, Julian T. 41672 Kowaleewska‐Borys, Ewa ; Chomicz, Katarzyyna (red.) 41670 Grabow
wiecki, Jerzy (red.) 41671 Grabow
wiecki, Jerzy (red.) 41674 41681 41704 owska‐Łodej, Grażżyna ; Bąk, Wojtko
Henrykk (red.) ński, Jan Świstakk, Marek ; Tkaczyń
Wiktorr (red.) Wojtkieewicz, Mariola Title Date of publ.//Publisher Ukkraine after the Euromaidan : challlenges and ho
opes Un
nia Europejska w 10 lat po najwiękkszym ro
ozszerzeniu : Persp
pektywa nowych państw czzłonkowskich W
Wspólna polityka ro
olna Unii Europejskiej w Po
olsce W
Współpraca międzyynarodowa a rozw
wój reegionalny : wyzwaania i perspektywyy W
Współpraca międzyynarodowa a rozw
wój reegionalny. Cz. 1, U
Uwarunkowania i fformy współpracy transgrranicznej W
Współpraca międzyynarodowa a rozw
wój reegionalny. Cz. 2, Czynniki rozwoju w
współpracy traansgranicznej W
Wybrane aspekty funkcjonowania Polski w Unii Eu
uropejskiej : bilans dziesięciu lat człłonkostwa W
Wybrane polityki publiczne Unii Euro
opejskiej : stan i perspektywy
Żeelazowa Wola : Th
he history of Chop
pin's birthplace 5 ISBN 20
014 Peter Lang 9783034316262 9
015 Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekon
nomicznego 9788374178433 9
015 CeDeWu.pl 9788375566802 9
015 Difin 20
9788379308279 9
014 Wydawnictwo 20
Uniwersytetu w Biaałymstoku 9788374314121 9
014 Wydawnictwo 20
Uniwersytetu w Biaałymstoku 9788374314336 9
014 Oficyna Wydaawnicza ‐ 20
Szzkoła Główna Han
ndlowa 20
015 Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagieellońskiego 20
012 The Fryderyk Chopin In
nstitute 9788373789678 9
9788323338819 9
9788361142737 9
College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry New Accquisitions –
– Septemberr 2015 Electrronic publica
ations AUTHOR A
Andreas Goldthau and N
Nick Sitter. TTarunabh Khaitan.. Yukihiro Matsuyam
ma. M
Myles A. Wickstead. G
Geoffrey Martin. K
Ken Conca. ed. Greg Fisher. ed. by Juha Jokela.. R
Robert Gellately. C
Christopher Gandrrud and Mark Hallerbeerg. Jeesse Wall. K
Krzysztof Strachotaa. TITLE SER
RIES A liberal actor in a realist w
world [electronic resource] : the European
n Union regulatorry state and the global political economyy of energy / A theory of discrimination
n law [electronic rresource] / Aging and the governancee of the healthcare system in Japan [ellectronic resourcee] Aid and d
development [eleectronic resource] : a brief introducttion American
n geography and geographers [elecctronic resource] : toward geographical scieence / An unfinished foundation [electronic resou
urce] : the United Nations aand global environmental governance / Arabs and empires beforee Islam [electronicc resource] / Arctic security matters [electronic resourcee] / Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Bruegel Workin
ng Paper, 2014/14 Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Bruegel, 2014. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Report (Institutte for Security Studies). no. 24
4 Backing H
Hitler [electronic resource] : Conseent and Coercion Oxford scholarsship online in Nazi G
Germany Bruegel Workin
ng Paper, Bad bankks in the EU [electtronic resource] : the impact of Eurostat rules 2014/15 Being and owning [electro
onic resource] : th
he body, bodily Oxford scholarsship online material,, and the law Bliski Wsschód w cieniu Państwa Islamskiego [electronic Punkt Widzeniaa ‐ Ośrodek resourcee] Studiów Wscho
odnich 6 PUBLISHER, DATE of PUBL. Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Institute for Secu
urity Studies, 2015. Oxford Universitty Press, 2011. Bruegel, 2014. Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Ośrodek Studiów
w Wschodnich im.. Marka Karpia, 20
015. College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry New Accquisitions –
– Septemberr 2015 AUTHOR D
Daniel Engster and
d M
Maurice Hamingto
on. Issabella Lazzarini.
Jiim Leitzel. R
Roberta Bivins. Sttefan Grundmann
n, Florian Möslein, an
nd K
Karl Riesenhuber.
Aaron Graham. D
David Daley, Rasm
mus H
Højbjerg Jacobsen, A
Anne‐Mette Langee, A
Anders Sørensen, aand Jeeanette Walldorf.. TThierry Tardy. M
Martyn Rady. M
Marlene Amstad, YYe H
Huan, Guonan Ma. Zsolt Darvas. TITLE SER
RIES heory [electronic resource] Care ethics and political th
Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Commun
nication and conflict [electronic ressource] : Italian diplomaccy in the early Ren
naissance, 1350‐1
1520 Conceptss in law and econo
omics [electronic resource] : a guide forr the curious Contagio
ous communities [[electronic resourrce] : medicine, migration, and the NHS in post war Britain
Contract governance [elecctronic resource] : dimensions in law and iinterdisciplinary rresearch Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Corruptio
on, party, and govvernment in Britaain, 1702‐1713 [electron
nic resource] Costing aadult attention deeficit hyperactivityy disorder [electron
nic resource] : imp
pact on the individ
dual and society
Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. CSDP in aaction [electronic resource] : Whatt contribution to international security? Customaary law in Hungaryy [electronic resou
urce] : courts, texts, and the Tripartitum Developiing an underlying inflation gauge fo
or China [electron
nic resource] Does Mo
oney Matter in thee Euro area? [elecctronic resource] : Evidencce from a new Divvisia Index Chaillot papers, nr 134. Institute for Secu
urity Studies, 2015. Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. 7 PUBLISHER, DATE of PUBL. Oxford scholarsship online Bruegel Workin
ng Paper, 2014/11 Bruegel Workin
ng Paper, 2014/12 Bruegel, 2014. Bruegel, 2014. New Accquisitions –
– Septemberr 2015 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
Robert J. Barro and
d Jo
ong‐Wha Lee. M
Matthew McCorm
mack. Education matters [electro
onic resource] : global schooling gains from the 19th to thee 21st century Embodying the militia in G
Georgian England [electronic resourcee] Eugenio Bulygin ; eedited Essays in
n legal philosophy [electronic resou
urce] b
by Carlos Bernal [aat al.]. H
Hugo Brady and EU homee affairs diplomacy [electronic reso
ource] : why, R
Roderick Parkes. what, wh
here – and how D
Dalia Marin, Jan Europe's exports superstaar [electronic reso
ource] : it's the organisattion! Schymik and Jan TTscheke. ed. Jonathan Zeitlin. Extending experimentalistt governance? [electronic resourcee] : the European U
Union and transnational regulatio
on Jaames E. Fleming.
Fidelity to our imperfect C
Constitution [electtronic resource] : for morral readings and against originalism
ms ed. Robert Hutchin
ngs Foreign p
policy breakthroughs [electronic reesource] : cases and Jeremi Suri. in successsful diplomacy N
Nasir Tyabji. Forging ccapitalism in Nehrru's India [electro
onic resource] : neocolon
nialism and the state, c. 1940‐1970
0 R
Russell Walker. From bigg data to big profitts [electronic reso
ource] : success with dataa and analytics ed. Anthony King.
Frontlinee [electronic resou
urce] : combat and cohesion in the twen
nty‐first century V
Vejas Gabriel German Myth of the East [electronic resource] : 1800 to the Preseent Liulevicius. 8 PUBLISHER, DATE of PUBL. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Chaillot papers, nr 135 Institute for Secu
urity Studies, 2015. Bruegel, 2015. Bruegel Workin
ng Paper, 2015/06 Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2010. College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry New Accquisitions –
– Septemberr 2015 AUTHOR eds. Paul Ekins, Miike B
Bradshaw, and Jim
m W
Watson. Jaames Nott. M
Mordechai Feingold. M
Maciej Falkowski, JJózef Laang. Jiingjing Huo. Emily Crawford. R
Rabeea Assy. Jaanet Blake. Jeean‐Paul Faguet aand C
Caroline Pöschl. Susan Owens. A
Ashoka Mody. TITLE SER
RIES nergy [electronic resource] : issuess, potentials, and Oxford scholarsship online Global en
policy im
mplications Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Going to the palais [electrronic resource] : aa social and cultural h
history of dancingg and dance halls in Britain, 1918‐
1960 History o
of universities. [eleectronic resourcee] Homo Dżżihadicus [electronic resource] : Islam na obszarze byłego ZSSRR a fenomen po
ostsowieckich bojjowników w Syrii i Iraku How nations innovate [eleectronic resource]] : the political economyy of technological innovation in afffluent capitalist economies Identifyin
ng the enemy [eleectronic resource] : civilian participaation in armed con
nflict Injustice in person [electro
onic resource] : th
he right to self‐
ntation International cultural heritage law [electronic resource] Is decenttralization good fo
or development? [electronic resourcee] : perspectives frrom academics an
nd policy makers
Knowledge, policy, and exxpertise [electronic resource] : the ollution 1970‐
UK Royall Commission on EEnvironmental Po
2011 Living (daangerously) witho
out a fiscal union [electronic resourcee] Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Raport OSW Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Ośrodek Studiów
w Wschodnich im.. Marka Karpia, 20
015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Bruegel Workin
ng Paper, 2015/03 Bruegel, 2015. 9 PUBLISHER, DATE of PUBL. New Accquisitions –
– Septemberr 2015 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry AUTHOR M
M. Raisur Rahman. A
Arkebe Oqubay. ed. Tove H. Malloyy, A
Alexander Osipov, and B
Balázs Vizi. Sabina Alkire [et al.]. M
Mohamed Zayani.
RIES Locale, eeveryday Islam and modernity [elecctronic resource] : qasbah towns and Muslim life in colonial India Made in Africa [electronicc resource] : indusstrial policy in Ethiopia Managing diversity througgh non‐territorial autonomy [electron
nic resource] : assessing advantagees, deficiencies, and riskss Multidim
mensional povertyy measurement an
nd analysis [electron
nic resource] Networkked publics and diggital contention [electronic resourcee] : the politics of eeveryday life in Tu
unisia ustrial policy for a modern Britain New perspectives on indu
nic resource] edited by David Baailey, K
Keith Cowling, Phillip R. TTomlinson. ed. by Iana Dreyerr, José On targeet? EU sanctions as security policy ttools [electronic Luengo‐Cabrera ; w
with resourcee] co
ontributions by Saara B
Bazoobandi ... [et aal.]. C
Charles S. Pearson. On the cusp [electronic reesource] : from po
opulation boom to bust A
Anika Walke. Pioneerss and partisans [ellectronic resourcee] : an oral history o
of Nazi genocide in
n Belorussia M
Mark D. Brewer an
nd Polarizattion and the politics of personal ressponsibility Jeeffrey M. Stonecaash. [electron
nic resource] A
Aleksandra Jarosieewicz. Południo
owy Korytarz Gazo
owy [electronic reesource] : Azersko‐turecki projekt w rozgrywce Rosji ii UE 10 PUBLISHER, DATE of PUBL. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Report (Institutte for Security Studies). no. 25
5 Institute for Secu
urity Studies, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Punkt Widzeniaa ‐ Ośrodek Studiów Wscho
odnich Ośrodek Studiów
w Wschodnich im.. Marka Karpia, 20
015. New Accquisitions –
– Septemberr 2015 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry AUTHOR K
Kevin Featherstone, D
Dimitris Papadimittriou. H
H. Kent Baker, Greeg Filbeck, and Halil K
Kiymaz. Edward Peter Sttringham. Emma Kaufman. M
Maciej Falkowski.
Berti Daniela, Bord
dia D
Devika (ed.). Sonja Luehrmann.
Frances Flanagan.
Lucien J. Frary. N
Noel Thompson. Paul Rouse. A
Andrzej Jakubowskki. C
Chris Wells. TITLE SER
RIES urce] : the Prime miinisters in Greecee [electronic resou
paradox of power Private eequity [electronic resource] : opporrtunities and risks Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Private ggovernance [electronic resource] : ccreating order in economic and social life Punish and expel [electron
nic resource] : border control, nationaliism, and the new purpose of the prison Ramzanisstan [electronic reesource] : Czeczeński problem Rosji Regimes of legality [electrronic resource] : eethnography of criminal cases in South Assia Religion in secular archivees [electronic reso
ource] : Soviet owledge atheism and historical kno
bering the Revoluttion [electronic reesource] : dissent, cculture, and natio
onalism in the Irish Free State Russia an
nd the making of modern Greek ideentity, 1821‐
1844 [eleectronic resource] Social op
pulence and privatte restraint [electtronic resource] : the consumer in British so
ocialist thought sin
nce 1800 Sport and
d Ireland [electronic resource] : a h
history State succcession in culturaal property [electronic resource] The civic organization and
d the digital citizen
n [electronic resourcee] : communicating engagement in a networked age Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Punkt Widzeniaa ‐ Ośrodek Studiów Wscho
odnich Oxford scholarsship online Ośrodek Studiów
w Wschodnich im.. Marka Karpia, 20
015. Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford scholarsship online Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. 11 PUBLISHER, DATE of PUBL. College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry New Accquisitions –
– Septemberr 2015 AUTHOR TITLE SER
Kenneth L. Marcuss. ed. Benjamin Poweell. The defin
nition of anti‐Sem
mitism [electronic resource] The econ
nomics of immigraation : [electronicc resource] : market‐b
based approachess, social science, aand public policy
Yoichi Matsubayasshi. The efforrt to stabilise the financial system iin Japan [electron
nic resource] : an outline and the ch
haracteristics of the programme for financcial revival A
Alicia Hinarejos. The Euro
o area crisis in con
nstitutional perspeective [electron
nic resource] Simona Piattoni. The Euro
opean Union [elecctronic resource] :: democratic principles and institutionaal architectures in times of crisis G
George Molyneauxx. The form
mation of the English kingdom in the tenth century [electron
nic resource] Jo
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Uwe Puetter. 12 PUBLISHER, DATE of PUBL. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Bruegel Workin
ng Paper, 2015/02 Bruegel, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Bruegel Workin
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Ryan A. Vieira. A
Alan S. Kahan. edited by Antonio M
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HR/VP Federica M
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015. Oxford Universitty Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsship online Oxford Universitty Press, 2015.