New Ac cquisitions – Books – November 2015


New Ac cquisitions – Books – November 2015
New Accquisitions –
– November 2015 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry B
Books EElectronic publications p. 1‐5 p. 6‐7 Books C
Call No 41899 41832 41833 41856 41859 Author Title Date of publ.//Publisher well, Wendy ; Dracce‐Francis, Bracew
Alex (ed.) Weitz, Eric D. Berlin, Isaiah Fasulo,, Linda M. Geyer, Michael ; Fitzpatrick, Sheila (ed.) A B
Bibliography of East European trave
el writing on Eurrope A century of genocid
de : utopias of racce and nation Agaainst the current : essays in the history of ideas An insider's guide to
o the UN Beyyond totalitarianissm : Stalinism and
d Nazism com
mpared olitical Economy : Capitalism Chiina's Emergent Po
in tthe Dragon's Lair
ntentious politics in the Middle Easst : popular resistance and margginalized activism beyond the Araab uprisings Corre EU Legislation [2015‐16] Dem
mocratic Faith Dem
mocratization Disputed Territories and Shared Pastss : Oveerlapping Nationaal Histories in Modern Europe Enzzyklopädie Europaarecht. Bd. 7, Euro
opäisches Arb
beits‐ und Sozialreecht 20
008 Central Europ
pean University Press 20
015 Princeton University Press 20
013 Princeton University Press 20
015 Yale Universitty Press 20
009 Cambridge University Prress 20
009 Routledge/Taaylor & Frrancis 41883 McNallly, Christopher A. (ed.) 41870 Gergess, Fawaz A. 41820 41834 41853 Smith, Rhona Deneen
n, Patrick J. Haerpffer, Christian W. .... [et al.] 41835 Frank, TTibor ; Hadler, Fraank (eds.) 41874 hter, Monika ; Heinig, Hans Schlach
Michaeel (eds.) 1 ISBN 9789639776128 9
9780691165875 9
9780691156101 9
9780300203653 9
9780521723978 9
9780415497183 9
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 20
9781137537201 9
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 20
014 Princeton University Press 20
009 Oxford Univeersity Press 9781137545015 9
9780691163390 9
9780199233021 9
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 20
9781137428134 9
016 Nomos ; Dikee ; Facultas 9783832972370 9
New Accquisitions –
– November 2015 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Call No Author Title Date of publ.//Publisher 41861 m, Sara Johansson, Håkan ; Kalm
Conway, Gerard Erixon, Fredrik ; Srinivassan, Krishnaan (ed.) Simpso
on, William ; Joness, Martin EU civil society : pattterns of cooperation, com
mpetition and con
nflict EU law Eurrope in emerging Asia : opportunities and obsstacles in politicall and economic en
ncounters Eurrope, 1783‐1914
41871 Quigleyy, Conor Eurropean State Aid LLaw and Policy 41875 Asaritee, Laura 41824 Trenz, Hans‐Jörg ; Ruzzaa, Carlo ; Guiraudon, Virginie (edss.) 41837 Desai, Padma 41838 41851 Irwin, D
Douglas A. no, Magen, Amichai ; Morlin
Leonarrdo (eds.) Feenstra, Robert C. ; Tayylor, Alan M. Nye, Jo
oseph S. 41879 Mink, G
Georges 41878 Mink, G
Georges 41876 Mink, G
Georges 41821 41860 41836 41887 41868 20
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 9781137500700 9
015 Routledge 015 Rowman & Liittlefield 20
nternational, Ltd.
015 Routledge 20
015 Hart Publishin
ng ; Blloomsbury 9780415816311 9
015 Nomos 20
9783848721481 9
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 20
9781137493668 9
9781783482276 9
9781138786530 9
9781849466271 9
Eurropeanization thro
ough Equality Bod
dies : A Baltic Seaa Region Perspecttive Eurrope's prolonged crisis : the making
g or the unm
making of a politiccal union Financial Crisis, Conttagion, and Conta
ainment : Fro
om Asia to Argentina Freee trade under firee Inteernational Actors, Democratization
n and the Rulle of Law : Anchorring Democracy?
003 Princeton University Press 0691113920 0
015 Princeton University Press 20
009 Routledge / TTaylor & Frrancis 9780691166254 9
Inteernational econom
mics 20
014 Worth Publishers 9781429278423 9
Is the American centtury over? La P
Pologne au coeurr de l'Europe : De 1914 à nos jou
urs. Histoire politiq
que et conflits de mémoire La P
Pologne au coeurr de l'Europe : De 1914 à nos jou
urs. Histoire politiq
que et conflits de mémoire La P
Pologne au coeurr de l'Europe : De 1914 à nos jou
urs. Histoire politiq
que et conflits de mémoire 20
015 Polity Press 9780745690070 9
015 Buchet‐Chasttel 9782283029015 9
015 Buchet‐Chasttel 9782283029015 9
015 Buchet‐Chasttel 9782283029015 9
2 ISBN 9780415492959 9
New Accquisitions –
– November 2015 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Call No Author 41877 Mink, G
Georges 41850 Le Gofff, Jacques 41839 Grzymaała‐Busse, Anna M
Maria 41863 41854 Zoubir,, Yahia H. ; White,, Gregory Dahl, R
Robert A. 41840 Fitzpatrick, Sheila 41897 Bracew
well, Wendy (ed.) 41825 41841 41842 41888 41843 41844 41826 41845 41855 Title Date of publ.//Publisher La P
Pologne au coeurr de l'Europe : De 1914 à nos jou
urs. Histoire politiq
que et conflits de mémoire Mu
ust we divide histo
ory into periods?
Nattions under God : how churches usse moral autthority to influencce policy North African politiccs : change and co
ontinuity On democracy On Stalin's team : the years of living d
dangerously in SSoviet politics Orientations : an antthology of East Eu
uropean travvel writing, ca. 15
550‐2000 20
015 Buchet‐Chasttel 9782283029015 9
015 Columbia University Press 9780231173001 9
015 Princeton University Press 9780691164762 9
016 Routledge 20
015 Yale Universitty Press 9781138922969 9
9780300194463 9
015 Princeton University Press 9780691145334 9
009 Central Europ
pean University Press 9789639776104 9
Durac, Vincent ; Cavatorrta, Francesco Wegren, Stephen K. (ed.) Herpen
n, Marcel van ni, Carlo ; Rubino,, Cambin
ndro (eds.) Politics and governance in the Middle
e East 20
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 9780230361331 9
Puttin's Russia : past imperfect, future
e uncertain Puttin's wars : the risse of Russia's new imperialism Reggional Energy Initiatives : MedReg and the Eneergy Community
9781442239180 9
9781442253582 9
Alterman, Jon B. (ed.) Religious radicalism after the arab uprisings 20
015 Rowman & Liittlefield 20
015 Rowman & Liittlefield 20
014 Routledge/Taaylor & Frrancis 015 Rowman & Liittlefield 20
ublishers milton, Pelkmaans, Jacques ; Ham
Daniel S. (eds.) Valeriaano, Brandon ; Maaness, Ryan C. McLarn
ney, Ellen Anne Kitchen
n, Martin Rulle‐Makers or Rulee‐Takers? : Exploriing the Traansatlantic Trade aand Investment P
Partnership Russsia's coercive dip
plomacy : energy, cyber, and maritime policy as new sources of power Sofft force : women iin Egypt's Islamic awakening Speeer : Hitler's architect 015 Rowman & Liittlefield 20
9781783487110 9
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 9781137479433 9
015 Princeton University Press 20
015 Yale Universitty Press 9780691158495 9
9780300190441 9
3 ISBN 9780415737234 9
9781442240681 9
New Accquisitions –
– November 2015 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Call No 41846 41858 41869 41818 41894 41872 41827 41828 41885 41864 41865 41852 Author Title Date of publ.//Publisher Straangers no more : immigration and the Alba, R
Richard ; Foner, Naancy chaallenges of integraation in North Am
merica and Weestern Europe phe : a history of tthe West, Thee age of catastrop
Winkleer, Heinrich Augusst 191
14‐1945 Thee China Model : Political Meritocracy and the Bell, Daaniel A. Lim
mits of Democracyy Thee Euro Crisis in thee media : journalistic Picard, Robert G. (ed.) covverage of econom
mic crisis and European Insttitutions Nugentt, Neill ; Rhinard, Mark Thee European Comm
mission Wessells, Wolfgang Thee European Counccil nal Action Service
e : European Thee European Extern
Spencee, David ; Bátora, JJozef (eds.) dip
plomacy post‐Wesstphalia n and the Catholicc Church : Thee European Union
hvíl, Petr ; Dolezal, Tomas political theology of European integra
ation n in International Thee European Union
us, Christine (ed.) Orgganisations and G
Global Governance
e : Recent Devvelopments Thee European Union
n's non‐members : Eriksen
n, Erik Oddvar independence under hegemony? Thee Europeanization
n of politics : the fformation of Caramaani, Daniele a European electorate and party syste
em in histtorical perspectivve Thee first move : a neegotiator's companion Lempereur, Alain ; Colso
on, Aurélien 4 ISBN 20
015 Princeton University Press 9780691161075 9
015 Yale Universitty Press 9780300204896 9
015 Princeton University Press 9780691166452 9
015 I.B.Tauris & C
Co Ltd, 9781784530600 9
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 20
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 9780230220591 9
9780333587478 9
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 9781137383020 9
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 20
9781137453778 9
015 Hart Publishin
ng 9781849467001 9
015 Routledge 9781138922457 9
015 Cambridge University Prress 9781107544604 9
015 Wiley 9780470750087 9
New Accquisitions –
– November 2015 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry C
Call No Author 41819 Legrenzi, Matteo 41847 Petrovssky‐Shtern, Yohan
nan 41857 41848 Green, David Crawfo
ord, Alice (ed.) 41862 Lindleyy‐French, Julian 41866 Wodakk, Ruth 41849 Shapiro
o, Jacob N. 41829 Baker, Catherine Bracew
well, Wendy ; Dracce‐Francis, Alex (ed.) Davies,, Karen Hoffmaan, Philip T. 41898 41867 41873 Title Date of publ.//Publisher Thee GCC and the International Relatio
ons of the Gulf : Diplomacy, Security and Econom
mic Coo
ordination in a Ch
hanging Middle Ea
ast Thee Golden Age Shteetl : A New Historry of Jewish Lifee in East Europe Thee Hundred Years W
War : A People's H
History Thee meaning of the library : a cultural history Thee North Atlantic TTreaty Organizatio
on : the end
during alliance Thee politics of fear : what right‐wing p
populist disccourses mean Thee Terrorist's Dilem
mma : managing vviolent covert orgganizations Thee Yugoslav Wars o
of the 1990s Und
der Eastern eyes : a comparative in
ntroduction to EEast European traavel writing on Europe Und
derstanding European Union law Wh
hy did Europe con
nquer the world?
5 ISBN 015 I.B.Tauris & C
Co Ltd 20
9781784532369 9
015 Princeton University Press 9780691168517 9
015 Yale Universitty Press 20
015 Princeton University Press 9780300216103 9
9780691166391 9
015 Routledge 97978113880138
7 20
015 Sage 9781446247006 9
015 Princeton University Press 9780691166308 9
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 20
008 Central Europ
pean University Press 20
016 Routledge 20
015 Princeton University Press 9781137398987 9
9789639776111 9
9781138778641 9
9780691139708 9
New Accquisitions –
– November 2015 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Electrronic publica
ations AUTHOR
TITLE SERIES 648 [electronic resource] : Catholicc Europe, 1592‐16
centre aand peripheries Civilizing emotions [electtronic resource] : concepts in M
Margrit Pernau ... [et al.]. nineteeenth century Asia and Europe N
Nancy Van Beers, M
Michiel ountry insurance mechanisms in cu
urrency unions Cross‐co
Bijlsma, Gijsbert T.. J. [electro
onic resource] Zwart. Defendiing English ground [electronic reso
ource] : war Stteven G. Ellis. and peaace in Meath and Northumberland, 1460‐1542 Failed [eelectronic resourcce] : what the "exxperts" got M
Mark Weisbrot. wrong aabout the global eeconomy G
Guonan Ma and Ro
obert Financiaal openness of Ch
hina and India [eleectronic N
N. Mccauley. resourcce] : Implications ffor capital accoun
nt liberalisation A
Abel Escribà‐Folch, Foreign pressure and thee politics of autocratic survival Jo
oseph Wright. onic resource] [electro
Historicc firsts [electronic resource] : how ssymbolic Evelyn M. Simien.
werment changes U
U.S. politics Immigraation and percepttions of national p
political Laauren McLaren. systemss in Europe [electronic resource] M
Mario Holzner, Robert nt in the Western Balkans Infrastructure Investmen
Sttehrer and Hermiine [electro
onic resource] V
Vidovic. D
Daniel Engster. Justice, care, and the welfare state [electrronic resource] TTadhg Ó hAnnrach
háin. 6 PUBLISHEER, DATE of PUBLL. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
15. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
15. Bruegel Workingg Paper, 2014/04
Bruegel, 20
015 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
15. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
15. Bruegel Workingg Paper, 2014/05
Bruegel, 20
014. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
15. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
15. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
15. WIIW Research R
Reports , 407 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Wiener Insttitut für Internation
nale Wirtschaftssvergleiche, 2015. Oxford Univversity Press, 201
15. New Accquisitions –
– November 2015 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry AUTHOR
Melissa Cuozzo. Feryal M. Cherif. B
Bruce Currie‐Alderr. Suparna Karmakarr. Jolanta Darczewskka, Piotr Żochowski H
Hermine Vidovic.
TThomas Marsden.
Zsolt Darvas, Pia H
Hüttl. Serena K. Sharma aand Jeennifer M. Welsh. TITLE SERIES La migraation vers l'Europ
pe [electronic reso
ource] : un enjeu séécuritaire. Causess et conséquencess des politiqu
ues migratoires eu
uropéennes sur lees migrants Myths aabout women's rigghts [electronic reesource] : how, where, and why rights ad
dvance ping world [electronic resource] Researcch for the develop
: public funding from Ausstralia, Canada, an
nd the UK As [electronic reso
ource] : Rulemaking in Super‐RTA
Implicattions for China an
nd India Rusofob
bia w strategii Kreemla [electronic reesource] : broń masoweego rażenia SEE 202
20 Strategy : [electronic resource] :: Study on Labour Mobility The crissis of religious toleeration in Imperiaal Russia [electro
onic resource] : Bibikov's system for the Old Believerrs, 1841‐1855 The long haul [electronicc resource] : debt sustainability analysiss The responsibility to prevvent [electronic reesource] : overcom
ming the challengges of atrocity prevention 7 PUBLISHEER, DATE of PUBLL. Euryopa v. 87 Institut eurropéen de l’Université
é de Genève, 2015
5. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
15. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
15. Bruegel Workingg Paper, 2014/03
Bruegel, 20
014. Punkt Widzenia ‐‐ Ośrodek Studiów
w Wschodnich, 56
Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnicch Karpia, im. Marka K
Wiener Insttitut für Internation
nale Wirtschaftssvergleiche, 2015. WIIW Research R
Reports , 408 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201
15. Bruegel Workingg Paper, 2014/06
Bruegel, 20
014. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 201