New A Acquisitions Books – January 2 2017


New A Acquisitions Books – January 2 2017
New A
Acquisitions – January 2
2017 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry B
Books EElectronic publications p. 1 – 7 p. 8 – 11 Books C
Call No Author Title Date of publ.//Publisher 43010 Neal, Larry ; Cameron, R
Rondo orld : from A concise economic history of the wo
paleolithic times to tthe present 43007 Chabal, Patrick ; Daloz, JJean‐Pascal Afrrica works : disord
der as political instrument 42991 Sedgwiick, Mark J. 42891 42887 43011 42876 43009 42996 42852 42966 Agaainst the Modern World osting European C
Competitiveness :: The Role of Boo
Belka, Marek ... [et al.] (ed.) CESSEE Countries pean institutions Casse Study for Europ
Hetru, Emmanuel ; Fichee, Caroline ; com
mpetitions, a mettodology and a case study Mercieer, Claire exeercise with answeers Crisses and opportun
nities : the shaping
g of modern Cassis, Youssef finaance Deffense of the Westt : NATO, the Euro
opean Union Sloan, SStanley R. and
d the transatlanticc bargain Bratton
n, Michael ; Van d
de Walle, Dem
mocratic experim
ments in Africa : regime Nicolass transitions in compaarative perspective Dem
mocratic Transforrmation and Obstruction : EU, Babayaan, Nelli US,, and Russia in thee South Caucasus
nan, Richard ... [et al.] (ed.) Devvelopments in Briitish Politics Rousseeau, Jean‐Jacques (aut.) ; Discours sur l'économie politique Bernardi, Bruno (dir.) 1 20
016 Oxford Univeersity Press 999 International African 19
nstitute 20
009 Oxford Univeersity Press ISBN 9780199989768 9
9780852558140 9
9780195396010 9
016 Edward Elgarr 9781785369315 9
015 Orseu 9782918796169 9
013 Oxford Univeersity Press 9780199672431 9
016 Manchester U
University Prress 19
997 Cambridge University Prress 9781526105769 9
0521556120 0
016 Routledge 9781138238213 9
016 Palgrave MaccMillan 20
002 Librairie Philo
osophique J. Vrin 9781137494740 9
9782711615414 9
New A
Acquisitions – January 2
2017 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Call No Author Title nden, Zbinden, Marjam ; Dahin
Janine ; Efendic, Adnan (eds.) Rousseeau, Jean‐Jacques (aut) ; Bachoffen, Blaise ; Bernaardi, Bruno ; Olivo, G
Gilles (dir.) ong ; Wongsuraw
wat, Wasana Vu, Tuo
42853 Krugmaan, Paul ; Wells, R
Robin Eco
onomics 42992 Parker,, Geoffrey Leal‐Arrcas, Rafael ; Grassso, Constantino ; Ríos, Juan Alemany 42892 42968 42971 42893 42886 42997 42963 42894 42895 42896 42965 Date of publ.//Publisher Divversity of Migratio
on in South‐East Europe 20
016 Peter Lang 9783034321372 9
u Essai sur la form
me de la Du contract social ou
publique : (Manusscrit de Genève)
012 Librairie Philo
osophique J. Vrin 9782711624300 9
namics of the Cold
d War in Asia : ide
eology, identity, and culturee 20
009 Palgrave Maccmillan 9780230621947 9
mpire, War and Faiith in Early Moderrn Europe Eneergy security, trad
de and the EU : re
egional and inteernational perspeectives ude de cas des con
ncours des institutions Etu
Hetru, Emmanuel ; Fichee, Caroline ; eurropéennes : une m
méthodologie et u
un exemple Mercieer, Claire aveec corrigé n geopolitics in the
e age of new Eurrasia 2.0 : Russian
Suslov,, M. G. ; Bassin, M
Mark (eds.) meedia Eurrasian Mission : An introduction to Neo‐
Dugin, Alexander Eurrasianism Eurrope or Not! : Multiple Conversatio
ons and Simeon
ni, Monica (ed.) Voiices Krüger,, Heiko Eurropean Energy Law
w and Policy : An Introduction oli et l'Europe : réfflexion et Bussièrre, Eric ; Massis Desmarest, Fraançois‐Xavier Orto
action Paulinee nitsyn, Aleksandr Isaevich ... Solzhen
om under the rubb
ble [et al.]
2 ISBN 20
015 Palgrave Maccmillan Higher 9781464143847 9
ducation 20
003 Penguin 9780140297898 9
016 Edward Elgarr Pub. 9781785366734 9
015 Orseu 9782918796152 9
016 Lexington Books 9781498521413 9
014 Arktos Mediaa 20
9781910524244 9
016 Peter Lang 9782807601086 9
016 Edward Elgarr 9781786430359 9
016 Peter Lang 9782807600072 9
989 Regenery Gatteway 0895268906 0
New A
Acquisitions – January 2
2017 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Call No Author Title Date of publ.//Publisher 42957 owski, Bartłomiej ; Król, Błeszno
n ; Puchejda, Adam
m (red.) Black, JJeremy 43013 Milano
ović, Branko 42875 Sherr, JJames 39000 Bahlckee, Joachim ; Gawrrecki, Dan ; Kaczmaarek, Ryszard (red
d.) Historia Górnego Śląąska : polityka, gospodarka i kultura europejskieggo regionu 42854 McAuleey, Mary Human Rights in Russsia : Citizens and the State from Perestroika to Putin 20
016 I.B.Tauris 9781784536794 9
42972 ntasombat ; Song,, Xingzhou Yot San
pact of China's risse on the Mekong
g Region 20
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 9781137476210 9
42961 Reid, A
Anthony 42998 Elliott, J. H. 20
010 Cambridge University Prress 20
002 Penguin Bookks 43008 Seckineelgin, Hakan 42978 Flint, C
Colin Rousseeau, Jean‐Jacques (aut.) ; Bernardi, Bruno ; Guénaard, Florent ; Silvestrini, Gabriella (diir.) Imp
perial Alchemy : N
Nationalism and P
Political Ideentity in Southeastt Asia Imp
perial Spain : 1469
9‐1716 Inteernational politicss of HIV/AIDS : glo
obal disease ‐ local pain Intrroduction to geop
politics La rreligion, la libertéé, la justice : Un co
ommentaire dess Lettres écrites de la montagne de
e Jean‐
Jacques Rousseau Le Mur de Berlin : Hiistoire, mémoiress, rep
présentations Less tentatives de banalisation de l'exttrême droite en Europe 42904 42967 42897 Colin, N
Nicole ... [et al.] (eed.) 42883 Guillet,, Nicolas ; Afiouni, Nada (ed.) nealogia współczeesności : historia idei w Gen
Polsce, 1815‐1939 Geo
opolitics and the Quest for Domina
ance Glo
obal inequality : a new approach fo
or the age of globalization Harrd Diplomacy and
d Soft Coercion : R
Russia's Inflluence Abroad 3 20
015 Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warsszawskiego 20
016 Indiana Univeersity Press 20
016 The Belknap Press of Harvard Universityy Press 20
013 Chatham Hou
use ; Royal In
nstitute of Internaational Affairs 011 Dom Współpracy Polsko‐
Niemieckiej ; Muzeeum Śląskie ; Frrodo Sp.j. ISBN 9788323523185 9
9780253018700 9
9780674737136 9
9781862032668 9
9788360470411 9
9780521694124 9
9780141007038 9
008 Routledge 9780415413848 9
017 Routledge 9781138192164 9
005 Librairie Philo
osophique J. 20
Vrin 9782711617326 9
016 Peter Lang 9782807601413 9
016 Editions de l'U
Université Libre de Bruxelles
9782800416045 9
New A
Acquisitions – January 2
2017 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Call No Author Title Date of publ.//Publisher 42878 42877 Sapir, JJacques Dybal, Anouchka L'Eu
uro contre la Fran
nce : L'Euro contre
e l'Europe L'Eu
urope 42880 Telò, M
Mario L'Eu
urope en crise et le monde 42882 Kubaczzyk, Tadeusz ; Żyłaa, Marek ; Piotrow
wski, Sławomir (reed.) Lacroixx, Thomas 42979 Alberto
one, Manuela onsekwencje konffliktu Mięędzynarodowe ko
zbrrojnego na Ukrainie Miggrants : L'impassee européenne Nattional Identity and
d the Agrarian Republic : The Traansatlantic Commerce of Ideas betw
ween Am
merica and France (1750‐1830) 42885 Hetru, Emmanuel ; Merccier, Claire ; Numerical reasoningg : a training guide
e Fiche, C
Caroline 42962 Finley, Moses I. Politics in the Ancien
nt World 42903 Piątkow
wska‐Stepaniak, W
Wiesława ; Sawczu
uk, Janusz (red.) 42855 Ludlow
w, N. Piers 43014 nnemore, Barnettt, Michael N. ; Fin
Marthaa Preezydencje środkow
woeuropejskie i problemy Parrtnerstwa Wschod
dniego : studia i szkice Royy Jenkins and the European Commission Preesidency, 1976 ‐19
980 : At the Heartt of Europe Rulles for the world :: international org
ganizations in gglobal politics 42964 Billingtton, James H. Russsia in search of ittself 42973 Morozo
ov, Viatcheslav 43001 Wortm
man, Richard 42906 20
016 Editions du CERF 20
016 Breal 20
016 Editions de l'U
Université Libre de Bruxelles
016 Wydawnictwo Akademii Obrony Narodowejj 20
016 Armand Colin
n 9782204112680 9
9782749535548 9
016 Ashgate 9781138270282 9
016 Orseu 9782918796183 9
983 Cambridge University Prress 20
015 Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Opollskiego 9782800416076 9
9788375234664 9
9782200615437 9
9780521275705 9
9788373956810 9
016 Palgrave Maccmillan 20
9781137515292 9
004 Cornell Univeersity Press 9780801488238 9
004 Woodrow Wiilson Center ; Jo
ohn Hopkins Univeersity Press 9780801879760 9
Russsia's Postcolonial Identity : a Subaltern Empire 20
015 Palgrave Maccmillan in aa Eurocentric Worrld Sceenarios of power :: myth and cerem
mony in 2006 Princeton Un
niversity c2
Russsian monarchy frrom Peter the Gre
eat to the Prress abd
dication of Nicholas II 4 ISBN 9781349488599 9
9780691123745 9
New A
Acquisitions – January 2
2017 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Call No Author Title Date of publ.//Publisher 42864 Trenin,, Dmitri 42975 Wongssurawat, Wasana (ed.) 42959 Hinsleyy, F. H. Sovvereignty 42989 Elliott, J. H. (John Huxtab
ble) 42867 Bloch, Marc 42888 Hetru, Emmanuel ; Merccier, Claire 42865 Phillipss, Christopher 43017 43002 42990 42958 Scott, H
H. M. Stuenkkel, Oliver Harris, Jonathan M. Liikaneen, Ilkka ; Scott, Jaames Wesleyy ; Sotkasiira, Tiinaa (eds.) Hafnerr, Manfred ; Tagliaapietra, Simonee Keane, John Spaain, Europe & the wider world, 150
00‐1800 Straange Defeat : A Sttatement of Evide
ence Written in 1
1940 Tesst de capacité de rraisonnement absstrait : SELOR
Thee battle for Syria :: international riva
alry in the new
w Middle East Thee birth of a great p
power system : 17
740‐1815 Thee BRICS and the fu
uture of global order Thee End of Byzantium
m Thee EU's Eastern Neighbourhood : Miigration, Borrders and Regionaal Stability 42956 Nicolso
on, Harold 42858 Mabon
n, Simon. Royle, Sttephen 42999 43016 Blannin
ng, T. C. W. Lukowsski, Jerzy 42871 42879 Sho
ould we fear Russia? e Transitory Sitees of modernity : Asian Cities in the
oments of Trade, C
Colonialism, and Nationalism Thee future of Europeean gas markets
Thee Life and Death o
of Democracy Thee Meaning of Presstige : The Rede Lecture 1937 Thee Origins of ISIS : TThe Collapse of Nations and Revvolution in the Miiddle East Thee Origins of the Frrench Revolutiona
ary Wars Thee Partitions of Polland : 1772‐1793‐‐1795 5 ISBN 20
016 Polity Press 9781509510917 9
016 Springer 20
9783662457252 9
986 Cambridge University Prress c2
2009 Yale Universsity Press 9780521339889 9
9780300145373 9
999 W.W. Norton
n 9780393319118 9
014 Orseu 9782918796138 9
016 Yale Universitty Press 9780300217179 9
006 Routledge 20
015 Lexington Books 20
012 Yale Universitty Press 9780582217171 9
9780739193211 9
9780300187915 9
016 Routledge 9780415722865 9
016 Claeys & Castteels Pu
ublishers 20
010 Pocket Bookss 014 Cambridge University 20
Prress 9789077644362 9
9781416526063 9
9781107650657 9
017 I.B.Tauris 9781784536961 9
014 Routledge 20
014 Routledge 9780582490512 9
9780582292741 9
New A
Acquisitions – January 2
2017 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Call No Author 43015 Nguyen
n, Vinh‐Kim 43005 Bouris,, Dimitris ; Schumacher, Tobias (ed.) 43012 Gordon
n, Robert J. 42980 Rotherrmund, Dietmar 42960 Kelloggg, Michael 42949 wolski, Józef ; Sosnowski, Dobrow
Wojcieech ; Tulska‐Budziaak, Magda 42947 wolski, Józef ; Sosnowski, Dobrow
Wojcieech ; Tulska‐Budziaak, Magda 42946 Dobrow
wolski, Józef ; Sosnowski, Wojcieech ; Tulska‐Budziaak, Magda 42950 wolski, Józef ; Sosnowski, Dobrow
Wojcieech ; Tulska‐Budziaak, Magda 42948 wolski, Józef ; Sosnowski, Dobrow
Wojcieech ; Tulska‐Budziaak, Magda 42952 wolski, Józef ; Sosnowski, Dobrow
Wojcieech ; Tulska‐Budziaak, Magda Title Date of publ.//Publisher Thee republic of theraapy : triage and so
overeignty in Weest Africa's time of AIDS Thee Revised Europeaan Neighbourhood Policy : Con
ntinuity and Chan
nge in EU Foreign Policy Thee rise and fall of A
American growth : the U.S. standard of living sin
nce the Civil War
Thee Routledge Comp
panion to Decolon
nization Thee Russian Roots of Nazism : White Emigres and thee Making of National Socialism, 191
17‐1945 Uciites' s nami! : testty po russkomu azzyku : uro
oven' B1 : ctenie, aaudirovanie, leksiiko‐
graammaticeskie stru
uktury Uciites' s nami! : testty po russkomu azzyku : uro
oven' B1 : ctenie, aaudirovanie, leksiiko‐
graammaticeskie stru
uktury Uciites' s nami! : testty po russkomu azzyku : uro
oven' B1 : ctenie, aaudirovanie, leksiiko‐
graammaticeskie stru
uktury Uciites' s nami! : testty po russkomu azzyku : uro
oven' B1 : ctenie, aaudirovanie, leksiiko‐
graammaticeskie stru
uktury Uciites' s nami! : testty po russkomu azzyku : uro
oven' B1 : ctenie, aaudirovanie, leksiiko‐
graammaticeskie stru
uktury Uciites' s nami! : testty po russkomu azzyku : uro
oven' B2 : ctenie, aaudirovanie, leksiiko‐
graammaticeskie stru
uktury 6 ISBN 20
010 Duke Universsity Press 9780822348740 9
017 Palgrave Maccmillan 9781137471819 9
016 Princeton University Press 9780691147727 9
006 Routledge 008 Cambridge University 20
Prress 9780415356336 9
013 Evropa. RU 9788392815570 9
013 Evropa. RU 9788392815570 9
013 Evropa. RU 9788392815570 9
013 Evropa. RU 9788392815570 9
013 Evropa. RU 9788392815570 9
016 Evropa. RU 9788392815532 9
9780521070058 9
New A
Acquisitions – January 2
2017 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry C
Call No Author 42953 wolski, Józef ; Sosnowski, Dobrow
Wojcieech ; Tulska‐Budziaak, Magda 42951 wolski, Józef ; Sosnowski, Dobrow
Wojcieech ; Tulska‐Budziaak, Magda 42955 wolski, Józef ; Sosnowski, Dobrow
Wojcieech ; Tulska‐Budziaak, Magda 42954 wolski, Józef ; Sosnowski, Dobrow
Wojcieech ; Tulska‐Budziaak, Magda 42860 Genç, K
Kaya 42861 Raczka, Witt 42905 Cichos,, Katarzyna 42866 Galbraiith, James K. Title Date of publ.//Publisher Uciites' s nami! : testty po russkomu azzyku : uro
oven' B2 : ctenie, aaudirovanie, leksiiko‐
graammaticeskie stru
uktury Uciites' s nami! : testty po russkomu azzyku : uro
oven' B2 : ctenie, aaudirovanie, leksiiko‐
graammaticeskie stru
uktury Uciites' s nami! : testty po russkomu azzyku : uro
oven' B2 : ctenie, aaudirovanie, leksiiko‐
graammaticeskie stru
uktury Uciites' s nami! : testty po russkomu azzyku : uro
oven' B2 : ctenie, aaudirovanie, leksiiko‐
graammaticeskie stru
uktury Und
der the Shadow : Rage and Revolution in Mo
odern Turkey Unholy Land : In Seaarch of Hope in Israael/Palestine Unijna polityka wspó
ółpracy na rzecz rozwoju : zaggadnienia prawne Weelcome to the poissoned chalice : the desstruction of Greecce and the future of Europe 7 ISBN 20
016 Evropa. RU 9788392815532 9
016 Evropa. RU 9788392815532 9
016 Evropa. RU 9788392815532 9
016 Evropa. RU 9788392815532 9
016 I.B.Tauris 9781784534578 9
016 Hamilton Boo
oks imprint of Ro
owman & Littlefieeld 20
016 Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskkiego 20
016 Yale Universitty Press 9780761866725 9
9788322630044 9
9780300220445 9
New A
Acquisitions – January 2
2017 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Electrronic publica
ations AUTHOR
David Karpf edited by Chia Siow
w Yue, Jo
oseph L.H. Tan G
Guoqi Xu R
Robert A. Burgelm
man, W
Webb McKinney, aand Philip E. Meza D
Daniel McDowell Jaames Stent edited by Lutfi Sun
nar Semanti Ghosh Erik Bjørn Franck Jovanovic aand C
Christophe Schinckkus TITLE SERIES Analyticc activism [electro
onic resource] : diigital listening and thee new political straategy ASEAN aand EU [electroniic resource] : Foreeign New Linkages and Strategic Allliances Oxford scholarsh
hip online Asia and
d the Great War [[electronic resourrce] : a shared history Becoming Hewlett Packaard [electronic ressource] : why strategic leadership mattters Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 2016 Brotherr, can you spare a billion? [electron
nic resource] : the Unitted States, the IM
MF, and the intern
national lender of last rresort China's banking transform
mation [electronic resource] : the unto
old story Debatess on civilization in
n the Muslim worlld [electronic resourcce] : critical perspeectives on Islam aand modernity Differen
nt nationalisms [eelectronic resourcce] : Bengal, 1905‐19
947 Econom
metrics of panel daata [electronic ressource] : method
ds and application
ns Econophysics and financial economics [eleectronic resourcce] : an emerging d
dialogue Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 2016 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 2016 Oxford Univversity Press, 2016 Oxford Univversity Press, 2016 Oxford Univversity Press, 2016 Oxford Univversity Press, 2016 8 PUBLISHER, DATE of PUBL.. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 2016 Institute off Southeast Asian Studies ; OEECD Development Centre, 199
97 Oxford Univversity Press, 2016 New A
Acquisitions – January 2
2017 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry AUTHOR
Hannah Barker Simon Curtis C
Craig M. Kauffman
n Jaan Arno Hessbrueegge R
Richard Bowring edited by Frederick C
Cooper, Randall Paackard Shatema Threadcrraft Jeean‐Olivier Hairau
ult and François Langot M
Maria Agren A
Ali Aslam ed. by Andrew Preeston w and Doug Rossinow
TITLE SERIES Family aand business during the Industrial Revolution [electro
onic resource] Global ccities and global o
order [electronic rresource] Oxford scholarsh
hip online Grassro
oots global govern
nance [electronic resource] : local waatershed management experimentts and the evolutio
on of sustainable development Human rights and person
nal self‐defense in
n international law [eleectronic resource]] In searcch of the way [electronic resource] : thought and religion in early‐modern Japan, 1582‐1860
0 Internattional Developmeent and the Sociall Sciences [electro
onic resource] : Esssays on the Histo
ory and Politics of Know
wledge Intimatee justice [electron
nic resource] : thee black female body an
nd the body politic Labour market and retireement interaction
ns [electronic resourcce] : a new perspeective on employm
ment for older workerss Making a living, making aa difference [electtronic resourcce] : gender and w
work in early modeern European society Ordinarry democracy [eleectronic resource] : sovereignty and citizzenship beyond the neoliberal imp
passe Outsidee in [electronic ressource] : the transsnational circuitryy of US history Oxford scholarsh
hip online 9 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online / Studiees of policy reform
PUBLISHER, DATE of PUBL.. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016 Oxford Univversity Press, 2016 Oxford Univversity Press, 2016 Oxford Univversity Press, 2016 Oxford Univversity Press, 2016 University o
of California Presss, 1997 Oxford Univversity Press, 2016 Oxford Univversity Press, 2016 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 2016 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 2016 Oxford Univversity Press, 2016 Oxford scholarsh
hip online New A
Acquisitions – January 2
2017 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry AUTHOR
Anika Gauja Party reeform [electronic resource] : the caauses, challengges, and consequences of organizaational change N
Nagesh Prabhu Reflective shadows [electronic resource] :: political econom
my of World Bank lending to India A
Alexander Betts ... [et al.] Refugeee economies [elecctronic resource] : forced displaceement and develo
opment C
Christopher M. Bru
uner Re‐imaggining offshore fin
nance [electronic resource] : market‐‐dominant small jurisdictions in a gglobalizing financiaal world Sara McDougall Royal baastards [electroniic resource] : the birth of illegitim
macy, 800‐1230 X
Xu Yi‐chong Sinews of power [electro
onic resource] : th
he politics of on of China the Statte Grid Corporatio
ed. by Jeremi Suri and Sustainaable security : retthinking American
n national B
Benjamin Valentino securityy strategy Elisa Novic The con
ncept of cultural ggenocide [electron
nic resource] : an interrnational law persspective The eco
edited by Felix Huffeld, onomics, regulatio
on, and systemic rrisk of R
Ralph S.J. Koijen, aand insurance markets [electtronic resource] C
Christian Thimann M
Maurie J. Cohen The futu
ure of consumer ssociety [electronic resource] : prospeccts for sustainability in the new eco
onomy O
Oisín Tansey The inteernational politicss of authoritarian rule [electro
onic resource] Sanjoy Chakravorty, her one percent [eelectronic resourcce] : Indians in The oth
Devesh Kapur, and
d Americaa N
Nirvikar Singh 10 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online / Culturral heritage law and policy Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online PUBLISHER, DATE of PUBL.. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016 Oxford Univversity Press, 2016 Oxford Univversity Press, 2016 Oxford Univversity Press, 2016 Oxford Univversity Press, 2016 Oxford Univversity Press, 2016 Oxford Univversity Press, 2016 Oxford Univversity Press, 2016 Oxford Univversity Press, 2016 Oxford Univversity Press, 2016 Oxford Univversity Press, 2016 Oxford Univversity Press, 2016 New A
Acquisitions – January 2
2017 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry AUTHOR
Bonnie S. Anderson ed. by Raphael Bosssong and Mark Rhinard
Ana Antić TITLE SERIES The rab
bbi's atheist daugh
hter [electronic reesource] : Ernestin
ne Rose, international feminist pioneer Theorizing internal securrity in the Europeaan Union/ [electro
onic resource] Therapeeutic fascism [elecctronic resource] : experiencing the violence of the Nazi n
new order 11 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online PUBLISHER, DATE of PUBL.. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016 Oxford Univversity Press, 2016 Oxford Univversity Press, 2016