Programme of the Seminar Hittites` Laws


Programme of the Seminar Hittites` Laws
Programme of the Seminar
Hittites’ Laws
 Welcome
of the guests by prof. dr hab. Jerzy Kwaśniewski, Director of IPSiR UW
 Presentation
of the Seminar and of the research programme History of Penal
Cultures: dr hab. Jarosław Utrat-Milecki Professor of University of Warsaw, Director
 The
statement of prof, dr hab. Maria Zabłocka, Director of Chair of Roman and Ancient Law of WPiA UW
 The Lecture of Michel Mazoyer, Professor of Université de Paris I- Panthéon Sorbonne,
Director of the KUBABA Press, and Association Kubaba at Université de Paris I- Panthéon Sorbonne about detailed issues of Hittites’ Laws in the context of relations between civilization of Ancient Greece and civilization of Hittite’s Anatolia.
 The
Seminar of Professor Michel Mazoyer concerning the detailed issues of Hittites’
Laws from II thousand before J.Ch. is included into a broader research and didactic programme of study of History of Penal Cultures initiated and followed by
ZPiSBI&EOSP in the Institute of Social Prevention and Resocialization UW
 The
Seminar is also a part of the research cooperation of ZPiSBI&EOSP IPSiR UW
and Université de Paris I- Panthéon Sorbonne.
 The translation from French and the moderation of Seminar: dr Bogusława Filipowicz,
adiunkt (assistant professor) of ZPiSBI&EOSP, the direct collaborator of Prof. Michel
Mazoyer and visiting professor of Université de Paris I- Panthéon Sorbonne.
Zakład Prawnych i Społecznych Badań Integralnokulturowych
(ZPiSBI) i Europejski Ośrodek Studiów Penologicznych (EOSP)
oraz Katedra Prawa Rzymskiego i Antycznego Wydziału Prawa
i Administracji Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
zapraszają na seminarium prof. Michela Mazoyer nt.:
Prawa hetyckie
tłumaczenie z francuskiego B. Filipowicz
3 III 2010 r.,
godz. 12,
sala nr 37,
ul. Podchorążych 20,
w Warszawie

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