Marcin Skowronek


Marcin Skowronek
Nr kol. 1623
Eugeniusz KRZEMIEŃ
Politechnika Radomska, Wydział Ekonomiczny
Radosław WOLNIAK
Politechnika Śląska, Wydział Organizacji i Zarządzania, katedra Zarządzania Jakością
Procesów i Produktów
Summary. Many firms nowadays use computers techniques in management. This
paper concentrate on three systems of managing documentation: paper, hybrid and
fully electronically. We compared all those systems and described its advantages and
disadvantages. The article describe also possibility of implementation computer
systems in quality documentation.
Streszczenie. Obecnie wiele firm stosuje w zarządzaniu techniki komputerowe.
Prezentowany artykuł koncentruje się na trzech systemach zarządzania dokumentacją:
papierowych, hybrydowych i w pełni elektronicznych. W publikacji znajduje się
porównanie wymienionych systemów oraz omówienie wad i zalet każdego z nich.
Praca porusza także problematykę implementacji systemów komputerowych w
zakresie dokumentacji w systemie zarządzania jakością.
1. Introduction
The increase in using the computer techniques in management within last several dozen
years was caused by a series of reasons which occurred simultaneously. All the reasons that
created the present condition of computerizing in management can be divided into two
groups (chart 1). The first group includes technical reasons which are connected with
development of both hardware and software. Due to technical development sophisticated and
E. Krzemień, R. Wolniak
expensive computers used by calculation centers became common and are now
comparatively cheap and small. At present computers are used everywhere, both in
enterprises and in households. An increased number of files and standardization of all
activities can be effective only provided that there is appropriate managing of documentation.
We have to ensure an adequate flow of files to avoid the negative growth of bureaucracy and
the slowing down of decision making processes in a company. It is necessary to manage the
documentation in such a way that it is most efficiently used.
Chart 1.
Reasons for computerizing the managing processes
Technical reasons
Organizational reasons
Fast development of computer technology,
Growth of the amount of information to be
exponential growth of processor capacity and the processed connected with rising complexity of
amount of information that can be collected.
Price drop of computer devices which as a
management and production processes.
result changed from units used by big calculation number
centers to household goods.
of branches and countries where
contemporary companies run their business).
producing and buying sub-assemblies as well as
selling their products throughout the world.
Miniaturization of computers and as a
Growing competitiveness and uproariousness
consequence possibility to use them in various of macro-environment causes immediate reaction
for a market situation.
Source: [7].
Organizational reasons constitute the second group of reasons that considerably influence
the present development of computerizing. We live in the times of omnipresent information
which reaches us from everywhere and becomes an integral element of our life. With
internet, e-mail and growing role of television and cell phone communication the amount of
information which has to be processed by a supervisor nowadays is multi times bigger than
several dozen years ago. Efficient management of a company requires the access to reliable
and current information which constitutes the key potential of a company. It is difficult to
forge and it has a unique character thanks to which the proper managing the information is an
important factor of competitive domination. People managing a modern company have to be
able to make use of modern sources of information, reach the key information and use them
quicker than a competitive company thus working for the benefit of their own company.
Paper, hybrid (paper – electronic) and fully electronic systems...
2. Paper, hybrid and electronic systems of managing the documentation
In spite of high intensity of management computerizing within last years we are far from
the situation where there are no traditional systems of data processing. Nowadays there is a
big variety of computerizing levels among individual companies as well as in the companies.
There are enterprises and organizations which still function as though there had been no
computer revolution at all and at the same time there already exist organizations in which
there is complete electronic management of information, practically with hardly any paper
documentation. Considering a big variety of computerizing in organizations they can be
divided into three groups when the way of managing the information and documentation is
taken into account:
Managing the information in ‘paper’ form – the group comprises organizations which
make use of traditional managing of information and documentation without computer
techniques. Such a traditional form of activity is less and less common. Nowadays almost
every enterprise uses computer techniques, at least when it refers to office software.
However, sometimes, especially in small companies one can meet with such a situation.
Current trends allow to think though that this group of systems will be decreasing until it
disappears completely [2, 4]:
Hybrid managing the information can be seen in simultaneous use of computer
techniques and traditional ‘paper’ documentation. Such a situation is most
common nowadays. In majority of enterprises both systems of managing the
information – traditional ‘paper’ one and modern – electronic one usually appear
together, interacting each other. In companies there are computer systems aiding
many activities but the majority of documentation is printed and analyzed in paper
Complete electronic managing the information – it is the most ideal system
enabling overall integration of all computer application used in a company.
Thanks to such systems there is no need to use ‘paper’ documentation. These
systems are still quite rarely used at present. This fact mainly results from big
expenses of implementing such a solution. Not until recently lack of appropriate
legal solutions was a serious barrier in the development of complete electronic
systems of managing the information and documentation, although the situation
improved when the bill of electronic signature was issued.
E. Krzemień, R. Wolniak
3. System of managing the documentation versus quality management
The implementation of software which enables computer managing the documentation on
quality should be the grounds of applying computer systems which aid quality
management [1]. It is not an essential requirement which makes it possible to implement
software aiding other aspects of quality management, for example QFD (Quality Function
Deployment) and FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) methods1 but this requirement
is highly recommended.
In case the software used to aid the quality management methods is implemented when
there is no system managing the documentation, a complete integration between the
introduced methods is not possible. Then there occurs the so called computerizing of an
enterprise in the form of disintegrated ‘islands’. Such a hybrid system where the information
appears in both forms: electronic and ‘paper’ ones simultaneously creates numerous problems
connected with the necessity of frequent changes of information format from ‘paper’ into
electronic and vice versa from electronic into ‘paper’ within a company. In the situation
when complete system of computer managing the information is applied, the need to change
the format will occur only in between a company and the environment and only when the
information at input or output has to be in ‘paper’ form.
In the area of the mentioned islands there is complete computerizing and electronic data
processing whereas between these computerized areas there is a need to use traditional
documentation. Figures 1 and 2 present the system of information flows in the system
without using electronic computer circulation as well as complete computerizing, integrated
by means of a computer system of managing the circulation of information. Usually
implementing a hybrid system is a big mistake. In this system there are many points where it
is necessary to change information formats form `paper` into electronic or from electronic
into `paper` (Figures 1). This is bed situation, because the cost of managing the system
increase and the speed is still slow (changes demand time).
QFD and FMEA methods are the most commonly used in managing the quality of methods, here they are
only exemplary. Compare: [3] and [5].
Fig. 1.Information flow in a hybrid ‘paper’ – electronic system
Rys. 1. Przepływ informacji w systemie hybrydowym “papierowo” – elektronicznym
Source: The authors’ own research.
Paper, hybrid (paper – electronic) and fully electronic systems...
Fig. 2. Information flow in an electronic system
Rys. 2. Przepływ informacji w systemie elektronicznym
Source: The authors’ own research
E. Krzemień, R. Wolniak
Paper, hybrid (paper – electronic) and fully electronic systems...
There are situations when such a system works out, especially in cases when it is not used
in companies on a large scale but only for individual activities or individual methods of
quality management. However such a system elaborated for individual functions of
management usually tends to grow. Some time later a company has at its disposal a few –
several dozen of well computerized areas between which there are areas where traditional
information is applied. Moreover most frequently the existing computer systems are not
always compatible and they work with different data formats. Therefore it can be stated that
the costs of the implementation of hybrid systems are only slightly lower than the ones of the
implementation of complete computerizing and the obtained results are less satisfactory.
4. Comparing the systems of managing the documentation
Chart 2 presents comparative analysis between the systems of traditional ‘paper’
documentation, hybrid systems and complete electronic information management in the
aspects connected with expenses and effectiveness. On the grounds of the data shown in the
chart it is possible to state that:
Paper systems are cheap but slow and not very flexible
Fully computerized systems are very expensive at the stage of implementing them but
high speed and flexibility are their advantages
Hybrid systems are expensive during implementation and what is more also during
maintenance and in the aspect of speed and flexibility they are between the two above
mentioned ones.
Chart 2
Comparing “paper”, hybrid and electronic systems of managing the documentation
Hybrid paper
computerizing of
Traditional “paper”
Compared aspects
management in a
management company
Very high
Cost of
implementing the
Cost of maintaining
the system
Very high
Cost of introducing
the changes into the
E. Krzemień, R. Wolniak
cont. chart 2
Cost of archiving the
Required level of
workers’ education
Speed of data
Necessity of
changing the format
of files in between
paper and electronic
Data safety
Very low
Very high
Generally not occurs
(might occur at input
or output when
partners use
Very frequent
Generally not occurs
(might occur at input
or output when
partners use paper
Source: [2, 4].
5. Conclusion
The implementation of a hybrid system is usually not an effective solution. There are
situations when such a system works out especially in case it is not used in a company on a
large scale, only for individual activities or individual methods of quality management.
However, a hybrid system designed for individual functions of management usually tends to
grow. Some time later there occurs a situation when a company has a few – several dozen of
well computerized areas among which there are areas where traditional paper information is
applied. Moreover, the most frequently existing computer systems are not always compatible
and they work with different data formats. Additionally it is necessary to point out that the
costs of the implementation of hybrid systems are only slightly lower that the ones of the
implementation of complete computerizing and the obtained results are less satisfactory.
Though it does not mean that in every case the system of complex computerizing is better
than a hybrid system. Such a conclusion would be overhasty. Everything depends on the
number of processed information, on what the system will be used for and on other features
characteristic for a definite organization.
Expenses on the implementation of the solution concerning computer aiding of
documentation management amount to approximately 100 – 300% of the license costs [7].
Therefore each particular case requires separate analyses and it is necessary to think carefully
considering all the pros and cons before making such big investments as the implementation
of the complex system of documentation management for the whole company. In most cases
the answer should be positive and the implementation of such systems is justified both in
organizational and technological aspects.
Paper, hybrid (paper – electronic) and fully electronic systems...
Fine D.L., Read W.L.: A Blueprint for Document Control. ‘Quality Progress ‘ nr 3, 2000, s.
65- 69.
Krzemień E., Wolniak R.: Systemy zarządzania informacją i ich wpływ na zarządzanie
jakością. in: Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Ślaskiej, Seria Organizacja i Zarządzanie z. 12,
II Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa Zintegrowne systemy zarządzania – Jakość,
Środowisko, Technologia, Bezpieczeństwo, Gliwice 2002, s.315 -324.
Krzemień E., Wolniak R.: Wpływ zastosowania metody FMEA na koszty jakości w
przedsiębiorstwie. ‘Problemy Jakości’, nr 5, 2002, s. 37 -41.
Krzemień E., Wolniak R.: Zarządzanie dokumentacją jakości – podstawa komputerowego
systemu zarządzania jakością. in : Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Śląskiej , Seria
Organizacja i Zarządzanie, article in print.
Krzemień E., Wolniak R.: Zastosowanie komputerowego wspomagania w zarządzaniu
jakością – metody FMEA i QFD. in: Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Śląskiej, Seria
Organizacja i Zarządzanie z. 12, II Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa Zintegrowane
systemy zarządzania – Jakość, Środowisko, Technologia, Bezpieczeństwo, Gliwice 2002, s.
303 -314.
McAtee M. V.: The Paperless Solution. ‘Quality Digest’, nr 11, 2001, s.53 -54.
Wolniak R.: Komputerowe wspomaganie metod zarządzania jakością w przedsiębiorstwach.
Doctors thesis written under the scientific supervision of prof. dra hab E. Krzemień,
Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków 2002.
Recenzent: Prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Wawak
Wprowadzenie systemu hybrydowego nie jest zwykle rozwiązaniem efektywnym. Są
sytuacje, w których taki system się sprawdza, szczególnie w wypadku gdy nie stosuje się go
w przedsiębiorstwie na szeroką skalę, tylko do pojedynczych działań lub pojedynczych
metod zarządzania jakością. Jednakże, system hybrydowy pomyślany dla pojedynczych
funkcji zarządzania zazwyczaj ma tendencję do rozrastania się. Po pewnym czasie występuje
sytuacja, w której przedsiębiorstwo ma kilka – kilkanaście dobrze zinformatyzowanych
obszarów, pomiędzy którymi znajdują się obszary, w których wykorzystywana jest
tradycyjna, papierowa informacja. Do tego najczęściej posiadane systemy komputerowe nie
E. Krzemień, R. Wolniak
zawsze są z sobą kompatybilne i pracują na różnych formatach danych. Dodatkowo należy
zauważyć, iż za wprowadzenie systemów hybrydowych ponosi się koszty niewiele mniejsze
niż za wprowadzenie systemów pełnej komputeryzacji a uzyskuje się efekty znacznie im
Z przedstawionych rozważań nie wynika jednak, że zawsze, w każdym przypadku,
system kompleksowej komputeryzacji jest lepszy od systemu hybrydowego. Taki wniosek
byłby zbyt daleko idący. Wszystko zależy od ilości przetwarzanych informacji od tego, do
czego będzie używany system i od innych cech charakterystycznych dla konkretnej
organizacji. Z artykułu nie wynika także, że w każdym przypadku system kompleksowej
komputeryzacji jest lepszy od systemu hybrydowego. Taki wniosek byłby zbyt daleko idący.
Wszystko zależy od ilości przetwarzanych informacji od tego, do czego będziemy używać
systemu i od innych cech charakterystycznych dla naszej organizacji.
Koszty związane z wdrożeniem rozwiązania dotyczącego komputerowego wspomagania
zarządzania dokumentacją to około 100-300% kosztów licencji. Dlatego każdy konkretny
przypadek wymaga indywidualnych analiz i przed podjęciem tak dużych inwestycji, jak
wdrożenie kompletnego systemu zarządzania dokumentacją, obejmującego całą firmę należy
poważnie się zastanowić, uwzględniając wszystkie za i przeciw. W większości przypadków
odpowiedź powinna być pozytywna i wprowadzanie takich systemów ma swe uzasadnienie
zarówno w aspekcie organizacyjnym, jak i technologicznym.