implications for cancer biology, tumor subtyping and therapy


implications for cancer biology, tumor subtyping and therapy
Wykład: „Membrane remodeling in
cancer development: implications
subtyping and therapy”
08.11.2010 o godz. 11.00 w budynku Wydziału Biochemii Biofizyki i Biotechnologii
UJ, przy ul. Gronostajowej 7 w Krakowie, w sali „Akwarium” został wygłoszony
znakomity wykład z lipidomiki: „Membrane remodeling in cancer development:
implications for cancer biology, tumor subtyping and therapy”.
Prof. Johannes V. Swinnen
Wykład wyglosił światowej sławy ekspert od lipidomiki nowotworów, prof.
Johannes V. Swinnen, PhD z Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, który przyjechał na
zaproszenie portalu Dolina Biotechnologiczna.
Szczegóły wykładu „Membrane remodeling in cancer development:
implications for cancer biology, tumor subtyping and therapy”
Prof. Johannes V. Swinnen
Department of Experimental Medicine
K.U.Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Johannes Swinnen is professor in Biomedical Sciences and Experimental Medicine
at the University of Leuven, Belgium. His research focuses on lipid metabolic
changes that typically accompany cancer development.
In his lecture, Prof. Swinnen will provide an in dept analysis of these changes,
linking key oncogenic events to changes in membrane lipid composition,
membrane functioning, cancer biology and treatment response. As a pioneer in
the application of a lipidomics approach to the field of cancer, he will discuss the
potential of this approach for cancer subtyping, biomarker discovery and target
Data publikacji: 31.10.2010r.