Duncan Christelow Cambridge University Press E


Duncan Christelow Cambridge University Press E
Centrum Języków i Komunikacji Politechniki Poznańskiej wraz z Cambridge
University Press zapraszają pracowników PP i doktorantów na wykład otwarty:
27 października br. (poniedziałek) o godz. 9.45 -11.15, s. 402 MC
Duncan Christelow Cambridge University Press
E-learning and the English Language Classroom
E-learning in its broadest sense has been present in language teaching for many years,
but adoption has been less rapid than in other fields of education. However
technology is changing at an increasingly rapid pace, and English language learning
schemes are being developed to take advantage of the potential benefits that these
changes can bring. The presentation will evaluate the effectiveness of e-learning in
the context of English language teaching, focusing on the changing role of the
classroom in this new digital environment.

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