Registration Form


Registration Form
Registration Form
Training: Strategic Markets and Targeted Marketing in International Student Recruitment
Time & Location: October 29 and 30, 2014, Kozminski University, 57/59 Jagiellonska Street, Warsaw, Poland
Organizer: Justyna Gieżyńska STUDYBILITY, tel. +48 506980605, [email protected]
ul. Tyniecka 18/4, 02-630 Warsaw, Poland, NIP 5212950111, REGON 015707848
Sending institution
Institution name
VAT Number
Street Name and Number
Postal code
Registration date
For Polish participants only:
W przypadku, gdy uczelnia zwolniona jest z płacenia podatku VAT, proszę zaznaczyć .
Otrzymacie Państwo do podpisania i wysłania pocztą odpowiednie oświadczenie.
No. Participant’s first and last name
How did you hear about this training? Please tick the appropriate box
Studybility 
border concepts 
other  (please explain)
Participation conditions and regulations
Before August 31, 2014 the fee for the training is €550 (+ 23% VAT) per person.
After August 31, 2014 the fee for the training is €650 (+ 23% VAT) per person.
If you book the MASTER & MORE Recruitment Fair in Warsaw and book this training, the price for the training is €487,5 (+ 23% VAT).
You must provide proof of enrolment at the MASTER & MORE Recruitment Fair in Warsaw to receive this discount.
Only if you book the MASTER & MORE Recruitment Fair in Warsaw you may book Day One of this training for €400 (+ 23% VAT) for
each person attending. You must provide proof of enrolment at the MASTER & MORE Recruitment Fair in Warsaw.
The fee includes participation costs, training materials, coffee and lunch breaks and Course Dinner, as well as Course Certificate.
Mailing this registration form to [email protected] and making a payment by October 10, 2014 (IBAN PL21 1140 2004 0000
3012 0310 1946, BIC BREXPLPWMBK at mBank) based on invoice issued by STUDYBILITY is a condition to participate. The bank
transfer must contain name of the sending institution and a number of participants from this institution.
Płatność w PLN na podstawie faktury proforma wystawionej przez STUDYBILITY na rachunek bankowy nr: 70 1140 2004 0000 3902
3446 3279 (mBank) do dn. 31 sierpnia 2014 - 2300 PLN + VAT i od dn. 1 września 2014 - 2700 PLN + VAT lub 1600 PLN + VAT za
pierwszy dzień szkolenia w przypadku jednoczesnej rejestracji na targi rekrutacyjne MASTER&MORE. Na przelewie musi znaleźć się
nazwa instytucji i liczba uczestników oddelegowanych z tej instytucji.
Should you cancel your participation by October 10, 2014, STUDYBILITY will reimburse you the entire paid amount. Cancellation
should be sent by registered mail to the organizer.
Should you cancel your participation by October 20, 2014, you are obliged to pay STUDYBILITY 300€+23% VAT. Cancellation should
be sent by registered mail to the organizer.
Should you cancel your participation after October 20, 2014, you are obliged to pay STUDYBILITY 100% fee for training. Cancellation
should be sent by registered mail to the organizer.
Not cancelling your registration and not participating in the training will still require that you pay 100% fee for training.
Not paying the fee named on the invoice does not mean cancelling your participation in training.
STUDYBILITY has the right to change the programme or change its time. Information about such changes will be sent at least 7 working
days before the training. STUDYBILITY has the right to cancel the training at any time. Should STUDYBILITY cancel the training,
participants will be reimbursed the entire sum paid to the organizer.
Registering for this training takes place through this registration form and according to the announcement on It also
means accepting the above conditions and regulations. It authorises STUDYBILITY to issue an invoice without participating institution’s
signature. The invoice will be sent by mail to the address in this registration form.
 We hereby declare that we have read and understand the participation conditions and regulations
Name & signature
Official stamp
Justyna Gieżyńska STUDYBILITY, ul. Tyniecka 18/4, 02-630 Warszawa, tel. +48 506 980 605, NIP 5212950111, REGON 015707848

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