No water, no fun! - Centrum im. Ludwika Zamenhofa


No water, no fun! - Centrum im. Ludwika Zamenhofa
Białostocki Ośrodek Kultury
No water, no fun!
age: 6+
prices: 10 PLN per person
duration: 90 min
During the workshop we get to know why water is such important to our planet existence, and how does water act in
different conditions.
from Tuesday to Sunday from 10 am to 5 pm
Monday from 10 am to 4 pm
please note that children are under the care of parents or guardians
free entrance
A beach in the centre of Bialystok? This is possible only in CLZ. During this year's holiday there is a place for a couple
of tons of sand, swimming pool and other attractions in our parking. We invite you to moments of rest on the beach

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