Have you got an interesting hobby


Have you got an interesting hobby
Have you got an interesting hobby?
1. Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verb “to have”:
(Uzupełnij odpowiednią formą czasownika „mieć”.)
1. ………. you got an interesting hobby?
2. What animal ……… your sister got?
3. Why ……… Dave got so much free time?
4. They say they …….. a lot of money.
5. My best friend and I always ……….. a lot to talk about together.
6. Smiths’ neighbour …….. a dangerous dog and they ……… some little cats.
7. Our grandmother ……….. a beautiful house in a small village.
8. ……….. your parents got many acquaintances? Yes, they …….. .
9. How many exams ……….. you got at the end of this school year?
10. James ............. cheese sandwiches today and he never ............. meat sandwiches
because he's a vegetarian.
Read about Kate’s hobbies. Make questions to the underlined parts of
(Przeczytaj o tym jakie hobby ma Kate. Ułóż pytania do podkreślonych części
It’s Saturday evening. I realize that it’s not so late and I hardly have anything to do. Free
evening, no homework – it’s hard to believe. I have so many different hobbies but I
usually haven’t got enough time to do them. When I’m on holiday and I have a lot of free
time I’m often fed up with drawing, roller-skating, listening to music, swimming, carving
or even with my favourite one – photography. Now, after such a hard week I miss all
these things very much. Photography is really the thing which I always try to have some
time for. I usually take photos of my friends and my cat. At least I try to attend the
classes in the local leisure centre once a week where we take pictures and develop films
like in old good times. I have my own part of the laboratory there with special boxes and
chemicals. Now I have fifteen photos which I have developed myself. I have a
photography teacher there who always has something interesting to say about photos and
photographing. I like meeting people who have unusual interests. Their hobbies make
them more interesting.
Autor: Agnieszka Szefer
Konsultant: Bartosz Kuczyński
3. Decide whether the sentences about the above text are true or false:
(Zdecyduj czy zdania o powyższym tekście są prawdziwe czy fałszywe.)
1. Kate has a lot of homework this weekend.
2. Her most favourite hobby is roller-skating.
3. She has additional classes of photography.
4. She has holidays now.
5. Kate has photography classes once a week.
6. She hasn’t got her own place in the laboratory.
7. She has more than twelve pictures which she has developed herself.
8. She usually takes photos of her dog.
9. All the people have unusual hobbies.
10. She has time for photography only during holidays.
4. Fill in the gaps with a correct form of the verb “to have”:
(Wstaw czasownik „to have” w odpowiednim czasie gramatycznym.)
1. My aunt lives in the village. She ………. many farm animals like cows,
pigs, goats etc.
2. Sam ……….. an unpleasant surprise when he came home from work
3. Peter ………….. dinner when the telephone rang.
4. Before he bought the house he ………… a small flat in the city centre.
5. I love my dog. I ………….. for five years.
6. She ............. her car checked every year.
7. I can’t open the door now as I ………….. a shower.
8. It’s a very nice reception. Everybody …………. a good time.
Autor: Agnieszka Szefer
Konsultant: Bartosz Kuczyński

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