Barbasiewicz O., In the shade of history. Security issues and


Barbasiewicz O., In the shade of history. Security issues and
Nazwa Wydziału
Nazwa jednostki
prowadzącej moduł
Nazwa modułu kształcenia
Faculty of International and Political Studies
Institute of Middle and Far East Studies
Język kształcenia
Cele kształcenia
The aim of this course is to acquaint students with the problem of memory in international relations
on the example of Japan, and to familiarize students with the post-war Japan's relations with the
United States, South Korea and China, focusing primarily on the places of remembrance of World
War II. At the same time, the aim of this course is to develop students’ ability to analyze the impact
of the historical memory events onto the contemporary international relations and regional security,
with particular emphasis on the situation in Asia-Pacific region.
Efekty kształcenia dla
modułu kształcenia
EK1: Student understands the concept of memory and has a primary knowledge of its role in
international relations [K_W01+] [KW05+] [KW06++]
In the shade of history. Security issues and Asia-Pacific region
EK2: Student has the basic knowledge of the history of Japanese-American, Japanese-Korean and
Japanese-Chinese relations [K_W01+]
EK3: Student has the ability to recognize and use theoretical knowledge for independent and critical
analysis of contemporary security issues in the Asia-Pacific region in the context of historical
memory [K_U02+++]
EK4: Student understands and can analyze given solutions to overcome historical disputes in the
region. [K_U07+++]
EK5: Student is aware of the role of memory and remembrance in contemporary international
relations in the Asia-Pacific region.[K_U08+++] [K_U03+++]
Metody sprawdzania i
kryteria oceny efektów
kształcenia uzyskanych przez
Typ modułu kształcenia
Rok studiów
EK1-EK4 – Successive preparation of proposed topics and discussion during the classes. Assessment
of students oral answers. Tests of knowledge regarding issues presented during classes. Presentation
(multimedia), written course work.
Summer semester
Forma studiów
Full time
Imię nazwisko osoby/ osób
prowadzących moduł
Imię i nazwisko osoby
egzaminującej bądź
udzielającej zaliczenia, w
przypadku gdy nie jest to
osoba prowadząca dany
Sposób realizacji
Olga Barbasiewicz Ph.D.
Wymagania wstępne i
Rodzaj i liczba godzin zajęć
bezpośredniego udziału
nauczyciela akademickiego i
studentów, gdy w module
przewidziane są takie zajęcia
Liczba punktów ECTS
przypisana modułowi
Bilans punktów ECTS
Discussion class
30 hours
Participation: 30 hours
Preparation for classes: 50 hours
Written : 50 hours
Total: ( ECTS) 130 (5)
Stosowane metody
Description, multimedia presentation, informative lecture, anecdote, discussion, analysis of existing
sources (documents).
Forma i warunki zaliczenia
modułu, w tym zasady
dopuszczenia do egzaminu,
zaliczenia, a także forma i
warunki zaliczenia
poszczególnych zajęć
wchodzących w zakres
danego modułu
Attendance at the discussion class is mandatory. At the end of the term, students will submit a paper
on one of the themes proposed by a teacher, of up to 4,000 words. The paper is due no later than May
Treści modułu kształcenia
1. Memory - foreign policy – decision making. Theoretical assumptions
2. Remembering World War 2 in Japan
3. Japanese foreign policy towards China, the ROK and the U.S. (historical overview)
4. The impact of the historical memory on the formation of security and defense systems in
Southeast Asia after the Cold War
5. Monuments and places of remembrance in Asia and Pacific as the symbol of historical memory.
6. Struggles over the war past among political actors of Japan, ROK, China and the U.S.
7. Civil society and the question of social and political memory in the process of reconciliation
Wykaz literatury
podstawowej i
obowiązującej do zaliczenia
danego modułu
Participation, presentation and written course work will all count towards the final grade.
Assessment will be weighted as follows: participation and preparation (30%); presentation (30%);
written work (40%).
Glenn D. Hook et. al., Japan's International Relations: Politics, Economics and Security,
Routledge, London, New York 2012, 3rd edition
International Relations Theory and the Asia-Pacific, ed. C. John Ikenberry and Michael
Mastanduno, Columbia University Press, New York 2003
John W. Dower, Ways of Forgetting, Ways of Remembering. Japan in the Modern World, The
New Press, New York 2012
Ian Buruma, The Wages of Guilt. Memories of War in Germany and Japan, Atlantic Books,
London 2009.
Perspectives on Social Memory in Japan, ed. Tsu Yun Hui, Jan van Bremen, Eyal Ben-Ari,
Global Oriental, Folkeston 2005
David Adebahr, Japan’s Security Policy in the 21st Century, „Acta Asiatica Varsoviensia”, nr
26, Warszawa 2013, pp. 195-212.
Jan Assmann, Collective Memory and Cultural Identity (Kollektives Gedächtnis und kulturelle
Identität), [in:] Kultur und Gedächtnis, ed. J. Assmann, T. Hölscher, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am
Main1988, s. 9-19), available at:,
pp. 125-133
James E. Auer, Article Nine of Japan’s Constitution: from Renunciation of Armed Force
‘Forever’ to the Third Largest Defence Budget in the World, „Law and Contemporary
Problems”, spring 1990, pp. 171-187.
The Foreign Policy of Modern Japan, red. Robert A. Scalapino, University of California Press,
Berkeley, Los Angeles, London, 1977
Perilous Memories, The Asia-Pacific War(s), ed. Takashi Fujitani, Goeffrey M. White, Lisa
Yoneyama, Duke University Press, Durham and London 2001, s. 155-180.
Karl Gustafsson, Identity and Recognition: Remembering and Forgetting the Post-War in SinoJapanese Relations, „The Pacific Review”, Vol. 28 (1), 2015, pp.117-138.
Sheldon H. Harris, Factories of Death: Japanese Biological Warfare, 1932-45 and the American
Cover-Up, Routledge, London, New York 2002.
Living with a Bomb. American and Japanese Cultural Conflict in the Nuclear Age, red. Laura
Hein, Mark Selden, M. E. Sharpe, New York 1997
Peter J. Herzog, Japan's Pseudo-Democracy, Routledge, New York 2013.
Gebhard Hielscher, The Yasukuni Jinja Debate – Dealing with Symbols of the Past, [in:] Japan
in the 1990s: Crisis as an Impetus for Change, ed. Gesine Foljanty-Jost, LIT Verlag, Münster
2004, pp. 197-212.

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