The Voice St. Camillus


The Voice St. Camillus
St. Camillus Rectory
5426 S. Lockwood Ave.
Chicago, IL 60638
tel. (773) 767-8183
Of ice hours:
Monday & Wednesday
9:00 AM—8:00 PM
Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9:00—6:00 PM
January 12, 2014
The Voice
St. Camillus
The Baptism of the Lord
Parish Bulletin
Rev. Waclaw Lech, OCD
Associate Pastor
Rev. Pawel Furdzik, OCD
Rev. Jacek Chodzynski,
Parish Staff
Business Manager
Mr. John E. Herbert
Coordinator of Religious
Ms. Hanna M. Drewniak
Music Director (Eng.)
Mr. Richard Sokas
Music Director (Pol.)
Mr. Pawel Buras
Parish Secretary
Ms. Hanna M. Drewniak
Associate Secretary
Mrs. Sophie A. Kozak
Mr. Peter Mrowca
Re lecting on God’s Word
Margaret left the massage therapist feeling released from the stress of the last few
months, renewed and energized. It was as though the memory in her muscles was
erased and their power was unleashed by the therapist’s healing touch and
aromatic oils.
The Rite of Baptism includes a kind of symbolic “massage” that has a similar
purpose. The newly baptized are anointed with fragrant chrism and empowered
by the Holy Spirit to live as members of Christ, who was anointed priest, prophet,
and king. This connects Christians, the new Israel, to ancient Israel, in which
priests, prophets, and kings were anointed to show that the Spirit of God was with
them. It also connects us to Jesus, as today’s scriptures show.
In the second reading we hear that “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy
Spirit and power,” after which he “went about doing good, for God was with
him” (Acts 10:38). Matthew shows Jesus being symbolically anointed with the Holy
Spirit as God’s chosen Son, and the irst reading describes what Jesus was chosen
to do: establish “justice on the earth . . . open the eyes of the blind . . . bring out . . .
those who live in darkness” (Isaiah 42:1, 7). In short, Jesus was chosen as the
Messiah, or “Anointed One,” of God who would inaugurate the messianic era. The
baptized are chosen and anointed as well, to continue Christ’s messianic mission in
The Baptism of the Lord
January 12, 2014
5434 S. Lockwood Ave.
Chicago, IL 60638
tel. (773) 767-1471
A voice came from the heavens,
saying, “This is my beloved Son,
with whom I am well pleased.”
— Matthew 3:17
Page Two
January 12, 2014
Mass Intentions—Intencje Mszalne
Sunday, January 12th, The Baptism of the Lord
7:30 (PL) -†Edward i Kazimiera Fałat (Rodzina)
-O zdrowie i opiekę Bożą dla Tadeusza
-Dziękczynna za otrzymane łaski z prośbą o
dalsze błogosławieństwo Boże i opiekę Matki
Bożej w Nowym Roku
-O zdrowie, zgodę, miłość i błogosławieństwo
Boże w rodzinie w Nowym Roku
-†Władysław Kulawiak (H.T. Łaś)
-†Helena Moczarna (Mąż z Dziećmi)
9:00 †Andy Wozniak (Stan Sendra)
10:30 (PL) O zdrowie i błogosławieństwo Boże dla
Tomasza z okazji 22gich urodzin
12:30 PM -†Anne & Edward Bernal (Daughter & Family)
-†Jean Olakowski (Family & Friends)
- For the Parishioners
7:00 PM (PL) -†Antoni i Ludwika Pachura oraz synowie
Józef i Andrzej (Córka)
Monday, January 13th, Saint Hilary
7:00 †Ranuro (Synowa)
8:30 (PL) O Dary Ducha Świętego dla Mieczysława
Tuesday, January 14th
7:00 †Evelyn Wonsowicz (Leo Gawel)
8:30 (PL) †Leokadia i Stanisław Kalinowski
Wednesday, January 15th
7:00 O rozwój duchowy i liczebny dla Sióstr Albertynek
8:30 (PL) Za dusze w czyśćcu cierpiące
Thursday, January 16th
7:00 †Helena (Siostry Albertynki)
8:30 (PL) †Mary Sobczak (Daughter)
Friday, January 17th, Saint Anthony
7:00 Dziękczynna za otrzymane łaski
8:30 (PL) †Stanisław Gąsienica (Żona)
6:15 PM Novena in Honor of Our Sorrowful Mother
Saturday, January 18th
7:00 †Joseph Pollack (Carolyn & Bill Kedzior)
8:30 (PL) Za zmarłych z rodziny Marchewków
1:30 Wedding: Paweł Chlebek & Joanna Ligas
5:00 PM †Gladys Kawalec (Irene Pencak)
Sunday, January 19th, Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30 (PL) -†Władysław Jasionek, Andrzej Sajdak, zmarli
z rodzin Jasionek, Sajdak i Szostak oraz
dziękczynno-błagalna za otrzymane łaski
z prośbą o dalszą opiekę Bożą
-O zdrowie i opiekę Bożą dla Tadeusza
- O powrót do zdrowia i Boże błogosławieństwo
dla syna
-†Helena Moczarna (Mąż z Dziećmi)
9:00 †Lawrence Augustine (Wife & Family)
10:30 (PL) †Maria Siaśkiewicz 10ta rocznica śmierci
12:30 PM –For the deceased members of Mierwa Family
-For the deceased members of Czubinski Family
- For the Parishioners
7:00 PM (PL) -†Walery, Helena i Filomena Piekarscy
-†Jerzy Michałowski (Rodzina)
Please call the Rectory to make arrangements for Communion Visitation. Emergency sick calls are answered at all hours.
Prosimy dzwonić do kancelarii para ialnej aby umówić wizytę u
We pray for the homebound, sick and hospitalized. If you or someone
you know is in need of our special prayers, please contact the Rectory and we will gladly assist you.
Jeśli ktoś potrzebuje naszej szczególnej modlitwy w intencji ciężko
chorych w domu lub szpitalu, prosimy o kontakt z kancelarią para ialną.
Sunday Liturgy/Niedzielne Msze św. :
Saturday at 5:00PM; Sunday at 7:30AM(PL), 9:00AM, 10:30AM(PL),
12:30PM, 7:00PM(PL)
Weekday Masses: 7:00AM, 8:30AM (PL)
First Friday/Pierwszy Piątek 7:00AM, 8:30AM, 7:00PM(PL)
Holy Day Masses/w inne uroczystości: Day before 7:00PM, 7:00AM,
9:00AM, 10:30AM(PL), 7:00PM(PL)
Confessions/Spowiedź św.:
Saturday after 7:00AM Mass and from 4:00 to 4:30PM, or by appointment
First Friday Conf.: after 7:00AM Mass and from 6:00PM to 6:45PM.
Arrangements should be made by calling the Rectory for an appointment with one of the priests. According to the Archdiocesan policy,
arrangements must begin at least 6 months in advance.
Prosimy o zgłaszanie się do kancelarii para ialnej
i kontaktowanie się z księdzem przynajmniej na 6 miesięcy przed
planowaną datą ślubu celem ustalenia szczegółów.
All arrangements should be made at least one month in advance at
the rectory.
Baptisms take place on Sundays 1:30 PM and are preceded by mandatory Parent Preparation Session which both parents must attend.
Pre-Baptismal classes take place the last Monday of the month at
7:00 PM in the Rectory Basement.
Prosimy o zgłaszanie się do kancelarii para ialnej przynajmniej na
miesiąc przed planowaną datą Chrztu św. Chrzty odbywają się w
niedzielę o godzinie 1:30 PM. Przygotowanie do chrztu św. dla rodziców odbywa się w każdy ostatni poniedziałek miesiąca o godzinie
7:00PM na plebanii.
† Kazimierz Kulesza
† Ted Zapotoczny
† Jan Dlugopolski
† Maria Wodziak
May their souls and the souls of all
the faithful departed, through the mercy of
God, Rest in Peace. We extend our sincerest
condolences to the families.
Eternal rest grant unto them, o Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.
$2,301.00—LOOSE MONEY
$4,537.00—TOTAL DONATED FOR THE WEEK OF 12-22-2013
$2,533.00—LOOSE MONEY
$5.083.00—TOTAL DONATED FOR THE WEEK OF 12-29-2013
THANK YOU! for supporting our Parish.
DZIĘKUJEMY! wszystkim za wsparcie naszej para ii.
The Baptism of the Lord
Page Three
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
This January, as was announced a month ago in a press conference by a plaintiff’s lawyer, documents relating to the sexual
misconduct of thirty priests of the Archdiocese will be released as part of settlement agreements over the past years. All these incidents
were reported over the years to the civil authorities and claims have been mediated civilly. Almost all of the incidents happened decades
ago, perpetrated by priests whom neither I nor many younger clergy have ever met or talked to, because the priests were either dead or
out of ministry before I came to Chicago as Archbishop.
Nevertheless, the publication puts the actions of these men and the Archdiocese itself in the spotlight. Painful though publicly
reviewing the past can be, it is part of the accountability and transparency to which the Archdiocese is committed. For more than twenty
years, the Archdiocese has reported all allegations of sexual abuse to the civil authorities and to DCFS. Records of priests have been
shared with civil authorities when asked for. Accountability to the civil authorities constitutionally responsible for the protection of
children is part of the life of the Church here. The names of priests known to have abused a minor are published on the Archdiocesan
website, and the Archdiocese will offer more information in the future. But publishing for all to read the actual records of these crimes
raises transparency to a new level. It will be helpful, we pray, for some, but painful for many.
Pope Francis has spoken several times in recent months about “clericalism” as a vice. Clericalism appears when a person or
group decides it is not accountable for its actions. Clericalism in the clergy is evident when a priest decides he is not accountable to his
bishop or to the faithful for what he teaches or how he celebrates the Church’s liturgy or pastors the Church’s people or when a bishop, in
turn, is not accountable to his Councils and his clergy for his own ministry. Clericalism is spiritually deadly when a priest decides he is
not accountable even to God and breaks his promise of chaste celibacy as well as the commandments of the Lord himself. The general
discipline of the clergy weakened during the years when sex abuse was most prevalent, during the 1970’s and 1980’s. Chicago followed
the now well-known national trends. In the late eighties, however, the Archdiocese began to put its house in some order and started,
sometimes hesitantly, to follow the path of accountability and transparency.
Through the nineties, Archdiocesan policy still allowed some perpetrators a restricted form of ministry, with monitoring, that
kept them from regular contact with minors. In 2002, the National Bishops’ Conference decided that zero tolerance was the only certain
means to be sure children would not be molested, and I removed from all public ministry those who had been allowed some pastoral
work under the rules in effect under my predecessor. Others have been removed as accusations came forward. So far as can be known
from all our records, there is no priest in public ministry in the Archdiocese of Chicago who has been found to have sexually abused a
child, no matter when the abuse took place.
A more recent episode that has created distrust and injured the Archdiocesan community is that of Daniel McCormack. The
public story, up to this point, has been largely fashioned by plaintiffs’ lawyers and other activists and deliberately distorts or ignores
points that would mitigate the charge of Archdiocesan neglect. For the sake of complete transparency, as well as accountability, I want to
put on the public record the following facts:
Neither in Chicago nor in any previous posting as a bishop or a religious superior have I assigned to pastoral ministry or
transferred for ministry a priest whom I knew to have sexually abused a child.
When I came to Chicago as Archbishop, Fr. Daniel McCormack had a reputation as a dedicated priest and an effective pastor. He
had been ordained by Cardinal Bernardin, who vetted his seminary record. He was already, before I became Archbishop, appointed to a
seminary faculty, a position of trust. He had been elected by his peers to represent them on the priests’ placement board, a sign of
con idence in his judgment by those who knew him best. Just months before his irst arrest, he was recommended by those who worked
with him in re-organizing the parishes on the west side to serve as dean for that area. He was dedicated to ministry in African American
parishes in poor neighborhoods. He was trusted and admired.
The irst association of his name with the possible sexual abuse of a minor was made for me in September 2005, when I was told
that the police had arrested him, questioned him about the allegation and then released him without charges. He was put under
monitoring and his ministry with children restricted while the Archdiocese began to investigate whether there was “reasonable cause to
suspect” that he had sexually abused a child. The investigation was hampered because the various of ices involved did not consistently
share what they knew with each other or with me. Nor did the civil authorities share with the Archdiocese what they came to know in
their investigations. From the time he was arrested and released to the time that he was arrested a second time and eventually pled
guilty, no one involved in investigating the allegation, not even the review board that struggled with their justi ied concerns, told me they
thought he was guilty.
After McCormack’s second arrest in January 2006, a number of incidents came forward that might have served as warning
signals along the way, if people had been more wary. Each of them, when the record is fairly presented, was examined and responded to
by the authorities concerned. The response, in retrospect, was not always adequate to all the facts, but a mistake is not a cover up.
This is not a story that its the template that has been used to report sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, which is why it’s
dif icult to set the record straight. Nor is the record, even when set straight, one that any of us can easily put together with what we
expect the Church to be. Telling the truth does not create an excuse for failure. But it makes a difference, as we go forward, to know in
what the failure consists, to know that the truth has been told and that the Church is committed to accountability and transparency.
Most of all, this Archdiocese is committed to trying to help victims of sexual abuse achieve the freedom necessary to live with
dignity. The Archdiocesan Of ice for the Protection of Children and Youth is a ministry that brings hope and freedom to many victims. It
is responsible for the extensive system of background checks and training in child protection that every employee and volunteer in the
Archdiocese must undergo. Its story should be better known, again for the sake of accountability and transparency.
Monetary recompense is part of helping victims and making reparation to them. The funding of sexual abuse settlements comes
from a stream of revenue entirely separate from regular donations or investments. Over the years, the Archdiocese has bought a great
deal of property for possible institutional expansion. Sale of some of that undeveloped property is the source of the revenues for funding
sexual abuse settlements. It has not been and would not be used for normal Archdiocesan operating expenses.
Finally, all our actions are transparent to the Lord, to whom each of us is accountable. He is a merciful judge, and I ask you to
commend to him in your prayers the victims, the perpetrators and the Archdiocese at this time in our history. Once again, I apologize to
all those who have been harmed by these crimes and this scandal, the victims themselves, most certainly, but also rank and ile Catholics
who have been shamed by the actions of some priests and bishops. Thank you and God bless you.
Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I.
Archbishop of Chicago
Dear Heavenly Father,
We place our worries in your hands. We place our sick under
Your care and humbly ask that you restore your servants to
health again. Above all, grant us the grace to acknowledge
Your holy will and know that whatsoever You do, You do for
the love of us.
Clara Augustine
Carol Holzman
Antoinette Augustyn
Maria Jarzebska
Jean Kozmic
Grazyna Babicz
Aniela Bartyzol
Toni Leja
Maria Bielak
Regina Lewis
Renata Chwedyk
Teresa Limanowski
Jadwiga Czerwinska Edward Michalowski
Bronislaw Czubiak
John Mielnicki
Frances Danno
Mary Mikos
Lottie Folga
John Mrugala
Andrzej Gorski
Helen Nowicki
Krystyna Greczek
Emily Paciga
Victoria Grzyb
Zachary Ramos
Joanna Saczek
Zofia Scislowska
Genevieve Skap
Jan Slodyczka
Helen Spirala
Wayne Spirala
Florence Stebner
Agnes Turziak
Richard Wlodarski
Anna Wrobel
Laverne Ziomek
Divine Mercy Lamp
Lampka Miłosierdzia
From 01/12/2014 to 01/18/2014
* For the Parishioners
Valentine’s Dinner Dance Party
Save the date for our Valentine’s Dinner Dance Party
sponsored by St. Camillus Ushers. It will be held on
Saturday, February 15th. Look for more details in future announcements and bulletins.
Nasza coroczna Zabawa Walentynkowa
organizowana przez naszych marszałków będzie
miała miejsce w sobotę, 15 lutego br. Prosimy o
zarezerwowanie sobie tego wieczoru i wzięcie
udziału w naszej zabawie. Więcej szczegółów będzie
podanych w dalszym terminie.
Przygotowanie do Sakramentu
Bierzmowania dla Dorosłych
Jeżeli ktoś z dorosłych lub młodzieży nie
przyjął do tej pory sakramentu bierzmowania,
prosimy o kontakt z kancelarią para ialną pod
numerem telefonu 773-767-8183.
W najbliższym czasie będzie możliwość
przygotowania tych osób w naszej para ii do
przyjęcia sakramentu bierzmowania. Gdyby ktoś z
wiernych znał takie osoby prosimy o przekazanie
im tej informacji.
Pierwsze spotkanie odbędzie się w piątek, 24
stycznia o godz. 7:00 wieczorem na plebanii.
Zapraszamy na spotkania
w czwartki o godz. 7:00 PM
Duszpasterstwo polonijne
Para ia St. Zachary
567 W. Algonquin Rd.
Des Plaines, IL 60016
Całosć każdego spotkania około 1h10min.
Podczas spotkania odbędzie się nabożeństwo,
Komunia Święta, później kawa i herbata.
1. Modlitwa drogą do pełni człowieczeństwa—modlitwa
O. Paweł Furdzik, OCD
2. Słowo Boże w modlitwie—od czego zacząć?
O. Łukasz Kleczka, SDS
3. Maryja wzorem modlitwy—od kogo się uczyć, jesli
nie od Niej
Ks. Paweł Komperda
4. Rozeznawanie duchów podczas modlitwy—
Natchnienia od Dobrego czy od Złego?
O. Damian Mazurkiewicz, SJ
5. Duchowosć małżeńska—razem czy osobno?
O. Maciej Jaworski, OCD
The Chicago March for Life
The Chicago March for Life, Sunday, January 19, is an annual
public event composed of people of diverse ethnic, social,
and religious backgrounds dedicated to defending and
protecting the gift of every human life.
WHY: We mark with deep sadness the great tragedy of
the legalization of abortion in the United States
along with the devastating social, moral, and legal
consequences that have followed. Marching
together in hope, we call upon religious, civic, and
community leaders to renew every effort to build
a nation that af irms the authentic dignity of
women, the gift of children, and a culture
dedicated to protecting life at every stage of
development in law and love.
WHEN: Sunday, January 19 from 1:00 - 3:00 pm
START: Federal Plaza (50 W Adams, Chicago) Rally &
END: State of Illinois Building (100 W Randolph,
Chicago) Celebration of Life!
Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but looking
outward together in the same direction.
A promise to be married has been made between:
Pawel Chlebek & Joanna Ligas
Saint Camillus #912024
5426 S. Lockwood
Chicago, IL 60638
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