Sunday, August 04, 2013 – PDF Format


Sunday, August 04, 2013 – PDF Format
St. Camillus Rectory
5426 S. Lockwood Ave.
Chicago, IL 60638
tel. (773) 767-8183
Office hours:
Monday & Wednesday
9:00 AM—8:00 PM
Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
9:00—6:00 PM
August 4, 2013
The Voice
St. Camillus
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Parish Bulletin
Rev. Waclaw Lech, OCD
Associate Pastor
Rev. Pawel Furdzik, OCD
Rev. Jacek Chodzynski,
Parish Staff
Business Manager
Mr. John E. Herbert
Coordinator of Religious
Ms. Hanna M. Drewniak
Music Director (Eng.)
Mr. Richard Sokas
Music Director (Pol.)
Mr. Pawel Buras
Parish Secretary
Ms. Hanna M. Drewniak
Associate Secretary
Mrs. Sophie A. Kozak
Mr. Peter Mrowca
5434 S. Lockwood Ave.
Chicago, IL 60638
tel. (773) 767-1471
Reflecting on God’s Word
“You can’t take it with you,” Aunt Frances used to say. “I never saw a hearse pulling a
U-Haul.” Aunt Frances had a point. We expend a lot of effort making money for our
families, planning for retirement, and managing our investments. Yet we have no
control over when our lives will be demanded of us. And wealth may not be the only
“treasure” that we “store up.”
We have many ways to preserve a false sense of security, to mask the vulnerability
that we humans share. We may install security systems, move into gated
communities, or buy a gun. We may buy SUVs with antilock brakes. We may store up
good deeds that allow us to feel smug and self-satisfied, or grudges that put others in
our debt. The scriptures today remind us that whatever we might be banking on to
keep us safe is mere “vanity.”
—Virginia Stillwell
Copyright © 2012, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.
Eighteenth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
August 4, 2013
Teach us to number our days aright,
that we may gain wisdom
of heart.
— Psalm 90:12
Page Two
August 4, 2013
Mass Intentions—Intencje Mszalne
Sunday, August 4th, Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30 (PL) -✙Wincenty i Władysława Bobak (Rodzina)
-O zdrowie i błogosławieństwo Boże dla Marii
Gubała z okazji urodzin (Rodzina)
-✙Wojciech i Bronisław Stasik (Mama/Żona)
-O zdrowie i błogosławieństwo Boże dla Anny
i Witolda Chrobak w rocznicę ślubu (Rodzice)
-✙Helena Moczarna (Mąż z Dziećmi)
-✙Wincenty Lassak (Córka)
-✙Stanisław Szczygieł oraz Rozalia Szczygieł
3cia rocznica śmierci (Syn)
9:00 ✙Michael Abraham (Stanley Sendra)
10:30 (PL) O zdrowie i błogosławieństwo Boże dla Renaty
z okazji 23cich urodzin
12:30 PM -✙Mary & Paul Paoletti (Son Joseph)
- For the Parishioners
7:00 PM (PL) - O zdrowie, błogosławieństwo Boże
i opiekę Matki Najświętszej dla Izabelli
z okazji 1szych urodzin (Rodzice)
Monday, August 5th, The Dedication of the Basilica of Saint
Mary Major
7:00 ✙Leonard Kaczmarski (Fran Pencak)
8:30 (PL) O zdrowie i błogosławieństwo Boże dla Marii Faber
z okazji urodzin (Rodzice)
Tuesday, August 6th, The Transfiguration of the Lord
7:00 O ✙Richard & David Wozniak (Stebner Family)
8:30 (PL) ✙Mieczysław Bogdał 12ta rocznica śmierci oraz
Bronisława i Andrzej Janik (Maria)
Wednesday, August 7th, Saint Sixtus and Companions, Saint
7:00 ✙Irene Brzenczak (St. Camillus)
8:30 (PL) ✙Stanisław Czupek (Żona)
Thursday, August 8th, Saint Dominic
7:00 Health & God’s blessings for Czesia & Bogdan and
their family
8:30 (PL) ✙Sławomir Chata (Żona z Dziećmi)
Friday, August 9th, Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
7:00 ✙Leonard Kaczmarski (Wife)
8:30 (PL) ✙Stefania i Jan Murawski (Córka)
6:15 PM Novena in Honor of Our Sorrowful Mother
Saturday, August 10th, Saint Lawrence
7:00 ✙Walter & Zygmunt Radziwonowicz (C.A.)
8:30 (PL) ✙Janina i Jan Zaradkiewicz oraz Honorata i Antoni
5:00 PM Health & God’s blessings for Maria Panagakis
7:00 PM (PL) Nabożeństwo do Matki Bożej Fatimskiej
Sunday, August 11th, Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30 (PL) -✙Marian Żarnowski
-✙Julian Żarnowski
-✙Stanisław Bobek (Rodzina)
-✙Ludwika Obrochta rocznica śmierci (Syn z Rodziną)
-✙Edward i Kazimiera Fałat (Rodzina)
-✙Irena Milewska 1sza rocznica śmierci (Dzieci)
-✙Wojciech i Bronisław Stasik (Mama/Żona)
-✙Helena Moczarna (Mąż z Dziećmi)
Please call the Rectory to make arrangements for Communion Visitation. Emergency sick calls are answered at all hours.
Prosimy dzwonić do kancelarii parafialnej aby umówić wizytę
u chorego.
We pray for the homebound, sick and hospitalized. If you or
someone you know is in need of our special prayers, please
contact the Rectory and we will gladly assist you.
Jeśli ktoś potrzebuje naszej szczególnej modlitwy w intencji
ciężko chorych w domu lub szpitalu, prosimy o kontakt z kancelarią parafialną.
Sunday Liturgy/Niedzielne Msze św. :
Saturday at 5:00PM; Sunday at 7:30AM(PL), 9:00AM,
10:30AM(PL), 12:30PM, 7:00PM(PL)
Weekday Masses: 7:00AM, 8:30AM (PL)
First Friday/Pierwszy Piątek 7:00AM, 8:30AM, 7:00PM(PL)
Holy Day Masses/w inne uroczystości: Day before 7:00PM,
7:00AM, 9:00AM, 10:30AM(PL), 7:00PM(PL)
Confessions/Spowiedź św.:
Saturday after 7:00AM Mass and from 4:00 to 4:30PM, or by
First Friday Conf.: after 7:00AM Mass and from 6:00PM to
Arrangements should be made by calling the Rectory for an
appointment with one of the priests. According to the Archdiocesan policy, arrangements must begin at least 6 months in
Prosimy o zgłaszanie się do kancelarii parafialnej
i kontaktowanie się z księdzem przynajmniej na 6 miesięcy
przed planowaną datą ślubu celem ustalenia szczegółów.
All arrangements should be made at least one month in advance at the rectory.
Baptisms take place on Sundays 1:30 PM and are preceded
by mandatory Parent Preparation Session which both parents must attend. Pre-Baptismal classes take place the last
Monday of the month at 7:00 PM in the Rectory Basement.
Prosimy o zgłaszanie się do kancelarii parafialnej przynajmniej na miesiąc przed planowaną datą Chrztu św. Chrzty
odbywają się w niedzielę o godzinie 1:30 PM. Przygotowanie
do chrztu św. dla rodziców odbywa się w każdy ostatni
poniedziałek miesiąca o godzinie 7:00PM na plebanii.
9:00 ✙Michael Abraham (Bindas Family)
10:30 (PL) ✙Józef Trąbka (Żona z Dziećmi)
12:30 PM –Health & God’s blessings for Jackie Bobek
-✙Eugene Zbela 3rd anniversary (Wife)
- For the Parishioners
7:00 PM (PL) - O zdrowie i błogosławieństwo Boże
dla Krzysztofa Jachymiaka z okazji
urodzin (Rodzina)
- Dziękczynna za otrzymane łaski z prośbą
o dalszą opiekę Bożą dla rodziny Zalińskich
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page Three
Divine Mercy Lamp
Lampka Miłosierdzia
From 08/04/2013 to 08/10/2013
* For the Parishioners
$1,584.00—LOOSE MONEY
$3,307.00—TOTAL DONATED FOR THE WEEK OF 07-21-2013
THANK YOU! for supporting our Parish.
DZIĘKUJEMY! wszystkim za wsparcie naszej parafii.
Zapisz się do naszej polskiej szkoły !!!
pod adresem
5426 S. Lockwood Ave., Chicago
przy kościele św. Kamila
W roku szkolnym 2013/2014
będziemy prowadzić zajęcia w piątki
od 5:00 do 6:00 PM—religia
od godz. 6:00 do 9:00 PM—Polska Szkoła
w soboty od 9:00 do 10:00 AM—religia
od godz. 10:00 AM do 1:00 PM—Polska Szkoła
Oferujemy Program Naucznia Religii
od przedszkola do klasy ósmej.
Prężnie działająca drużyna harcerska,
zespół muzyczny i kółko teatralne.
Wspaniała atmosfera
i doświadczona kadra pedagogiczna.
Po więcej informacji dzwoń pod numer 773-470-6587
lub odwiedź naszą stronę internetową
Zapisy do Polskiej Szkoły
i na lekcje nauki religii
W niedziele 18 i 25 sierpnia po Mszy św. o
godz. 10:30 w Sali Kacprowskiego przy kościele będą
prowadzone zapisy do Polskiej Szkoły im. Ks. Prałata
Stanisława Cholewińskiego i na lekcje religii.
Passages for Parents from the Bible
St. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians
Ephesians 6:1-4
Children, obey your parents [in the Lord], for this is right.
“Honor your father and mother.” This is the first
commandment with a promise, “that it may go well with
you and that you may have a long life on earth.” Fathers,
do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up
with the training and instruction of the Lord.
About the Passage:
The letter to the Ephesians was written to show the great
plan of God which is at work and manifest in the unity of
the body of Christ, the Church. The first half of the letter
shows the theological and doctrinal ground for this unity.
The second part of the letter treats practical ways to live
in this unity of Christ and his people. It is in this section
that we find a series of texts on unity and order within
the household, and in particular the text concerning
parents and children cited here.
Dear Heavenly Father,
We place our worries in your hands. We place our sick under
Your care and humbly ask that you restore your servants to
health again. Above all, grant us the grace to acknowledge Your
holy will and know that whatsoever You do, You do for the love
of us.
Clara Augustine
Carol Holzman
Antoinette Augustyn
Maria Jarzebska
Grazyna Babicz
Jean Kozmic
Aniela Bartyzol
Toni Leja
Renata Chwedyk
Regina Lewis
Lud Cmunt
Teresa Limanowski
Joanna Czemske
Edward Michalowski
Jadwiga Czerwinska
John Mielnicki
Bronislaw Czubiak
Mary Mikos
Frances Danno
John Mrugala
Lottie Folga
Helen Nowicki
Andrzej Gorski
Emily Paciga
Krystyna Greczek
Edward Palusis
Victoria Grzyb
Joe Pollack
Zachary Ramos
Zofia Scislowska
Genevieve Skap
Jan Slodyczka
Helen Spirala
Wayne Spirala
Florence Stebner
Agnes Turziak
Richard Wlodarski
Anna Wrobel
Laverne Ziomek
Religious Education
Program 2013—2014
Registration for C.C.D.
starts on Monday, August 19th.
We will have only one C.C.D. program in the English language.
Classes will take place on
Tuesdays from 6:30PM—7:30PM.
Registration will take place in the Rectory, Monday through Friday from 12:00 PM—5:00 PM.
Program Nauczania Religii
Zapisy na lekcje religii dla dzieci uczęszczających
do szkół publicznych rozpoczniemy w poniedziałek,
19 sierpnia.
Poczynając od roku szkolnego 2013/14 będziemy
prowadzić naukę religii w programie wtorkowym tylko w
języku angielskim. Zajęcia będą odbywały się od godz.
Zapisy będą przyjmowane w kancelarii parafialnej, od poniedziałku do piątku w godz. od 12:00PM—
5:00 PM.
"A child who would have been born in 1973 would be nearing his
40th birthday now. Roe v. Wade took from him a childhood, an
education, the love of a family, a lifetime ... “Carol Tobias, president
of National Right to Life on occasion of 40th anniversary of Supreme
Court's Roe v. Wade decision.
Nine states now have enacted some version of the PainCapable Unborn Child Act, which protects the lives of many
more children than the partial birth abortion ban that preceded it, and more states are expected to pass this -protective
law in 2013.
On Saturday, August 10, at 7:00
PM, in our Church, the Our Lady
of Fatima devotions will take
place. The program is as follows:
Mass, Rosary, and a candle procession with Our Lady of Fatima
statue. Everyone is invited to join
us in prayer.
W sobotę, 10 sierpnia, o godz.
7:00 wieczorem, w naszym
Kościele odbędzie się Nabożeństwo Fatimskie. W programie
Nabożeństwa: Msza św., Różaniec
i procesja z figurą Matki Bożej Fatimskiej i świecami.
Wszystkich bardzo serdecznie zapraszamy do wspólnej
The Transfiguration of
Christ is the culminating point of
His public life, as His Baptism is
its starting point, and His
Ascension its end. Moreover, this
glorious event has been related in
detail by St. Matthew (17:1-6), St.
Mark (9:1-8), and St. Luke (9:2836), while St. Peter (2 Peter 1:1618) and St. John (1:14), two of the
privileged witnesses, make
allusion to it.
About a week after His
sojourn in Cæsarea Philippi, Jesus took with him Peter
and James and John and led them to a high mountain
apart, where He was transfigured before their ravished
eyes. St. Matthew and St. Mark express this phenomenon
by the word metemorphothe, which the Vulgate renders
transfiguratus est. The Synoptics explain the true
meaning of the word by adding "his face did shine as the
sun: and his garments became white as snow," according
to the Vulgate, or "as light," according to the Greek text.
This dazzling brightness which emanated from
His whole Body was produced by an interior shining of
His Divinity. False Judaism had rejected the Messias, and
now true Judaism, represented by Moses and Elias, the
Law and the Prophets, recognized and adored Him, while
for the second time God the Father proclaimed Him His
only-begotten and well-loved Son. By this glorious
manifestation the Divine Master, who had just foretold
His Passion to the Apostles (Matthew 16:21), and who
spoke with Moses and Elias of the trials which awaited
Him at Jerusalem, strengthened the faith of his three
friends and prepared them for the terrible struggle of
which they were to be witnesses in Gethsemani, by giving
them a foretaste of the glory and heavenly delights to
which we attain by suffering.
Saint Camillus #912024
5426 S. Lockwood
Chicago, IL 60638
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