2016_1 Dutta, Frank, Freitag, Helms, Krömer, Pintens


2016_1 Dutta, Frank, Freitag, Helms, Krömer, Pintens
Author: Anatol Dutta, Rainer Frank, Robert Freitag, Tobias Helms, Karl Krömer, Walter
Title: Jedno nazwisko w całej Europie – projekt europejskiego rozporządzenia o
międzynarodowym prawie nazwisk / One name throughout Europe – Draft for a European
Regulation on the law applicable to names
Source: Kwartalnik Prawa Prywatnego („Quarterly of Private Law”)
Year: 2016, vol: XXV, number 1, pages: 81-104
Keywords: Family law, law applicable to names, Draft for a European Regulation on the law
applicable to names, European Union
Discipline: Law (Private Law)
Language: Polish
Document type: Article
Publication order reference: Anatol Dutta – Universität Regensburg; Rainer Frank –
Universität Freiburg i. Br.; Robert Freitag – Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg; Tobias Helms –
Universität Marburg; Karl Krömer – Standesamt Augsburg; Walter Pintens – University of
In the introduction the authors emphasize international name law in the European
Union legal area is not in a good shape. In fact there are numerous international agreements,
but the majority are not executed by Member States. There are no uniform state conflict rules
created yet and this is the reason the decisions on the names of natural persons differ in
particular Member States.
Furthermore there is an examination of possible activities in order to create the
uniform usage of names in the whole Europe. The main part of work is contributed to the
analysis of the particular legal provisions of Draft for a European Regulation on the law
applicable to names. The authors take into account Court of Justice of the European Union
jurisdiction and comparative method.

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