Mechanical prope ies and resistance to oxidation tests of cable


Mechanical prope ies and resistance to oxidation tests of cable
:ó9- ą4)
ToMAsz ŻELIŃsKi), JACIK lqEŃs(I, KRzYsztoF BA]D]oR
lndusriar chemisry Raearth rn*itur
RydySiera 3, 01 793 WaEaq Poland
e.ńaiL Tonag'zielinski@iĆhP Pl
Mechanical prope ies and resistance to oxidation tests of cable
polyethylene modified with plasma carbon black
6on włh Plasma .łrbon blaĆk, wn
mcni' Thc PaPd Pr€sgŃs m&Mn
.at le polyeilvlene nodificd wit} cnanscablc content oI Plasńa .albon blłck
nica l lśb.nclosg Brjn.ll-vickcE
d rcs
nunber, ndt nÓw rare and *ah. tcBilc sbength Thc rcsuhs show&l the
u/ oI
i 57 min, for 0'5 wt
Plłsma .arhon
.on m łoł1cable polyethyleno ńÓd ified by f! !n acc o lbo n black
Kgy words:.abl., Phsmł carbon blaĆk, ńRhani.łl pmpeńi*,
An ińseasc in apPlic ions and Lsins of Plaśi.s
ndrshr all ovcr rhe
No.ld eai€s dE needs 01findins thc ncw łddihves,
likc Plasma carbon bla.*, what c and pofirabl. produdron of c.ol%ically sle
produ.h Śnowii8 bcts Propc ics
clabonle tlr. hĘhly .ffnicńt,
o1Ć bon bla.k Foduction and ib use ror nodifi.ation oI sFeoal usc plishc,
is why thelc n
friend]y Pm.eŚ
covł platjG
cthyl.nelinyl acchi. copolyńos (EvAc, IVATENE
2303 by ExxoN cHE
company t4l), ihcmal stabilizł olganor ]010 Prc.
du.ed by ci]ri_cci8y conpany l]l) ańd Plasni oóol
bla.k .oic.nraie włh EVAC prep cd on thc b.sis .r
.arhon b]icl .oneńkat. (Producd by caboi PIa*iś
mrcsĘdion ws
.ońP6ition oI oble poly
bli.k as pi8ment and anti
l] ]' The goal of thc
worł oui and d.veloP the wirh Plasńa carbon
Thc łmouni oI Plasna clbon black Used lor €ble
polycrhylen. nodifidion was 01
P lici tion of glidj nE dGch gc fol thc Preparalion Ó
bon blaĆk floń P.opelly seleted hydro.arbon gascs,
like ńed'anc, cthaną ethylen. or a.etylene as sourc
io produ.€ lhĆ natri'l of śablcand
The ĆońPosition .ontaincd poly-4hyl.n. (PE LD'
Malcn E prodked by Polish o,r conp ry oRLEN l3D,
Meihod ol słmP16 PreP.tlion
The .ońPosiiion oI .abl. Polydhy]cne Wcrc Prc.
parcd by n ins oI thc conporenbi
PE LD (37 wt' %), rh.!ńal *'bllizcr lĘinox 10]0
(0']2 Wt. 1') and plasma Ólbon bI
, cr ronblackcon.cńbł..hmEe.l dep.nd.nilyon lhcpl.nncd.on.ol
tahon of p]asma carbon blł.k i| lhc toił] .onpoŚi
Melhodsof .albon bla.kand słmples
The $da.c sbucto'c ol prasma .arbon bh(r w's
sudicd in c.nt. of Hlgh PreŚL
o1s.ien.. iń WaŃw
Prsś' oI Poljsh
thc ksh welc^.adcny
canicd our usinE L
.lccton hi.los.oPc plodu.ed by otlÓld c.ńPaiy,
ron bean, aooscd on ih. sanPler
wnh diańebr
thc choscn
licld bysonninsń.lioĄ]imbylin. Theel.ctonbem
is a(elelated in the elćtbma8n.ti. Iicld o1potcnlial
0.r--n0 kV and ro.used by rh. el{tomagrdic lens 1ll
dcrlc.tion.oilsives b
ele.tons Pencbat. lnto and .onc ba.k łoń thĆ sańPh,
whal n slled ba.k{ł 4ing' ftc sE
FIe iatiÓ d the li8untive monil scrcln sizc J|d thc
Th. hiEh adsorption !ż oable ]) iMicat&]
good alTorbabilitj] allo!vi''8 ń!i!
dron.arbonbla.ksurfacc As.anbc\ccutlomTablcr,
th.kind of. soutc 3łs ńPlasni. Lro| b]J.k Pmduc
hon had no eŚ€ntial influence on the ProPełies oI
Thc adsoĘtion of PtPared PlaŚmł .arbon bla.k was
mEsured ln resped b nih,8en (BET ńĆthod) bas.rt on
PNlso 9277]2000 skndald, iÓdinĆ (lA) based o|
BN.79l60ł3.0207 onc and dibltyl Phlhalatr (DBP)
to BN.79l6043 02 09 stańdard
Biry or pbdured
on BN 79lóa43 02'0ó
Plasma .a$on black
cd pl
usins AL|H^PHoT 2 ivllffos.ÓPĆ, JaPan Jcc 3201 ccD co]ot cimoi with cnlirgc'
m.nt 4l5x and nonpolarizcd liEhi was us.d
]]le size
ptod!Ćb lvere m€suled
TM mc.surcm.nb wcrc bisd on ihc PN EN ISO
2039.12000 (U) shndard rd m.dc {iih usin8 B!ŃlL
vi.keB wPo'230 apprratB (ccrmany). Thc simplcs
(]5'5xł ńń) weft pFpatcd by Pouri']8 oll lh.gnnu.
latctorhcfoms rdprcsii!usingh]'drauli.pre$.T'e
simPl6 wcrc rc*cd by 1532 N I
Tlrc cxamples oI t]le * .tures oI plaJnł !żLbol
blic* arc sholT Ń FiE r' Th. łrudun k aq,piĆłl1or
olL,onbli.kaM tho pałicles lDol l
nRted vcy .lÓsclJ, i{,3.rhd lhar i\..nplcl!
and origi''al i'] .ÓńPariłnl L!ith
The method based on PN.EN ISo 1!33:20r)2 (U)
(PN-EN Iso 1372.1 2000) stan,r d
nade at ienperaiup 190
and loid ol216 ksusins
IVh} rlow Te et appiiłłUs (Italy)' Thc
n.ll flÓw ratr (MFR) and deBity ai iempcnturc l90 oc
Th. res$ were done
aĆĆon1itr8 to PN EN Iso
219'3 standald Usjng ulvlci 500 c{ing ńad'n]r
(Gomany) łnd dumbbe]] sinplcs w
of 2s nm.
unirclongrhon, yjcld po,nt and brcak,n8
The method or oxidaiion induchon rimc (oro dd.r
39s-94 Srindard Io!
Fł] 1
!ł|n nnryrnhxv a| |lrat
ądvhll iI sal phłw: b)
phen 60 aaar dnfrlrhon)
Thc miscibility oI .ddjfilcs wjth rhcńoPla*iś aid
!ubb!* finds the aPPli.łiions ..{
ańd un guaranl.. bctld hlcidhcs
r ou, plasmi arL.on
bLick n about ]ijg/dńr, $ is
thłt th. ivcog. bUlk density of tlr
bla.k'This v.lLre mikcsPośjbh b
amortrtolsu.h plasna.a on trlack ,n thc cotupoetnm
of rhe .łble Pla*i.s th r ilr th. .om
Fjnc{ramcd rlboń bl..k \'itlr łnall p łi.hs sic
(0.01-l nm).ouLd ict is st.nsih
iI th4moplaśi.s .ouLd ilso idasiŃ]oxidant lól Ł1
*retrgt]l' The dchilcd
dik of.oń
pol)dhyhnc propcrrics wcrc b cd of RoREALrsco sp(iri. ions l3l. rhcic lns obscncd,
thculhn icclongaiio| of th..omFosiłions of Polvcłhy.
kn. modili.d by plasna (arhon bla
i|E *reŚ 3nd haldn.ś nuDbu\
fuńńuciil Gbh Polycthylcnc ProPc lcs showcd thit
rhc iddrrion or pbsna .aibor bra.k ro ih! porrmcr di.l
on black iiri.on,Fonot.łKeeŚe|rialvÓEeniIFoIthePioPc*ieŚ
ri! ]
J'D l)ln.łl]l5xł']i(ł'łł] 'ho|
łud ht klcP rcsistanc! ro.iidaiio
'r ''.!'qI,'łN
Th c b6t ploPłtics Wcrc obssvcd I(' ih e ć.ń Pol i
Ćabk polydh}hn. wnh 05 vt
PiEncnt l7l ThcsiŻcol$ lchsolPLisnRc tronblł.k bla.k It wis lound tlnt ihis is ihc
obtaircd, qual t,i 2 mm (fig 2). rquliry ittolscas
plis mi .łńon bla.k' w]] .rn gurta|t.! good uxim Ć
a lillł I.r dtrm oplał iś,6|!.iJ ll], Ior .abl. fE Ther!
clorE ion,brcakilg *ic* as w.! as rh.lolvc*dcNirl
i5 i Poslb]ltv lo usc th Pli5ńa
iddihir for plish.s r!rh fid(Lc
.omlosłion Fn svo (oĄFosnLo
linit, blcaus. or ib ityp,cal stu.htrc
Lr.r a l025 \!t r, of plisma orbof bli.k showcd th
rhcsc.o cr6 of prasna carr,on brack rrc for cfounh !)
ichjs'c lhc bctcr olT res'lśdml
cable polyethylene inve*is ion
i'E Thcamourt 0.5 wt / oI plasm
Th! me'lb oI th! udics ol compositions
thc posibilitv to Óbrain th. .ompos
by us in .omparisof rvirh .ommcri oblc polv.rhy. thc hishsi olT ralue 1lre lowei o
l.fu L[ó022' PloduĆ.d by EoREALls comp ]),, arc PE Dro,ljfied with ] 0 trł' '/' oI Flas
oPi']jo| ńDi! futr
A lot rf standards Ón.o:ni|E.abl. P[ ful]uifu th. 0.5 tl ' " 01 Pla5ńa calbon black ń
mlasurĆnenB of lhe Pr.l!di{'] agan\t dE8lłdatjo| ae e good ńN.jbi]j\- oa.ll'ddj
P!o..55, l*. oł' ol7 dcP.ndson r
poLymc!*ib,Lvcd, th.mcthod orpoLymcri
z lonłnd duractciisii.oiihc nLoxidalt'Thcrcquirc
ntn6 for Polrethykle' nodified b! .łtbo| bla.k, ire
sPeilied bl ASTM D .1565 9 slandłd
br! Polyod,vhfq
t_vpc of
lLasmi.irbon bli.k
isrf nro!
tion,showcd mu.h bdlcr (a7nŃ t
dcnifdcd trom .ommc,.iir cbr. porydhyr.rc (> 22
min) wiłhout a|y siEŃ ,liffcrc
ThcPlasn orLron bla.k' obtłincd
phih. hr,,lromrbons, Gn bc usc,l i
ńoFlaśics' hl. poly.lhyl.n9 ]nd .
d n ind pigm.rr
ńduchoI tim€ aNl f propdties giv. posib]Li
tics to produc. .ablc PE, whi.h
zw.i'el Hj "Pl6dś Addiliv6
"MALEN E _ low deBity PolyeL\", Iniotra
tim'caialoguo Pobł oil c@'Pany oRLEN 200r'
"ExxoN cheńiol' E/vA cÓpÓlynm iÓr ń.F
nÓPlŹstiś and doŚlinłi$ aPPli.atiÓB", oRLEN
cabdl Pletics Pla*bl..k M.stgrbakhes (Ed' Ó! cdpdadont !99s.
Al8łMj Polyn€r s.ien.e Di.dofuy, chaPEan &
HatL Se. Ed., 1957, P. 66 47.
sloe.łI n, cui ot A', sl$li A' M', Hlci{ldry D']
BoREALIS /Ptodud Ęnse PDPcńiB and aPplis_