Bulletin--January-1-2017corr 1.56 MB


Bulletin--January-1-2017corr 1.56 MB
January 1, 2017
Archdiocesan Shrine of The Divine Mercy
December 31 - (sobota) - Saturday - Seventh Day within the
Octave of the Nativity of the Lord
8:30 am Dziękczynna w intencji moich przycioł (Lidia Gajec)
5:00 pm +Francis Gutowski
7:00 pm
Henryk Obrębski (Christine i Mirek Grabowski)
January 1, 2017 - (niedz) - SOLEMNITY OF MARY, THE
8:30 am Christmas Flower Remembrances
10:30 am
Dziękczynna za otrzymane łaski i zdrowie
(Alicja Horodowicz)
12:30 pm +Andrzej Gruca
January 2 - (poniedzałek) - Mon. St Basil the Great & Gregory
Nazianzen, Bishops & Doctors of the Church Memorial
6:30 pm
Holy Rosary Parishioners
January 3 - (wtorek) - Tuesday - Christmas Weekday
6:30 pm
God’s Blessing for good health for Genowefy
Dybała (Szymański family)
January 4 - (środa) - Wednesday - St Elizabeth Ann Seton,
Religious Memorial
6:30 pm
God’s Blessing for good health for Małgorzaty
Karkowskiej (Szymański family)
January 5 - (czwartek) - Thursday - St. John Neumann,
Bishop Memorial
6:30 pm
Thanksgiving for birth of Adrian
(Grandmother & Grandfather )
January 6 - (piątek) - Friday - Christmas Week
3:00 pm God’s Blessing for good health for Olvina Ochab &
family (Sophie Pniewski)
7:00 pm +Mieczysław i Zofia Ciecierscy (córka Regina)
January 7 - (sobota) - Saturday - Christmas Week
Baltimore, MD
Sunday - Lidia Gajec
Next Sunday - Lidia Gajec
& Grzegorz Jamroz
Saturday 5:00 pm - Luisa DiIorio
8:30 am - Edward Marcinko
12:30 pm - Kathleen Jamitis
& Jeannette Król
J u ż
j e s t
k o n i e c
kalendarzowego roku. Witamy Nowy Rok
2017. Pragnę podziękować wszystkim w
naszej parafii p.w. Różańca Świętego za
pracę, za waszą wiarę i przylgnięcie całym
sercem do naszego kościoła, gdzie
szczególnie kłaniamy się przed Jezusem
Odkupicielem Człowieka objawiającym
nam prawdę o Bożym Miłosierdziu.
Niechaj On wam błogosławi w Nowym
We are greeting the 2017 New Year. I
wish to thank all the parishioners for their
work for Holy Rosary parish, for their
faith and for cleaving whole-heartedly to
this parish. It is here that we bow before
Jesus the Redeemer of
man, the revealer of the
truth about God's Mercy.
May He bless you in the
new year of 2017.
8:30 am +Leszek Obrębski (Lucyna Obrębski)
5:00 pm
Birthday Blessing for Tomasz Jagielski on his 6th
birthday (parents)
January 8, 2017 - (niedz) - THE EPIPHANY OF THE
LORD Solemnity
8:30 am +Józef Zakrzewski (Lawrence & Małgorzata Janowski)
10:30 am ++Jadwiga & Stanisław Adamski (Alicja Horodowicz)
12:30 pm +Betrix Szele-Szechenyi (Christina Hadford)
This Sunday after Holy Communion the
second collection is for Heating and Utility.
Thank you for your generosity.
Because of Holiday schedule the collection
information will be printed in future bulletin.
Archdiocesan Shrine of The Divine Mercy
January 1, 2017
Thank you for all parishioner donations for the
Christmas Flowers that enhance our beautiful
church. We celebrate Mass for all intentions
requested on the Christmas Flower envelopes
on January 1, @ 8:30 am.
Bardzo serdecznie dziękujemy parafianom
za donację na kwiaty i świąteczne dekoracje
które upiększą wystrój naszego kościoła. W
intencji ofiarodawców sprawowana Msza
Święta 1 styczna o godzinie 8:30 am.
held by Polish Heritage
@ Cristo Rey School
SUNDAY, JAN 8, 2:00 PM
410 South Chester St., Baltimore, MD 21231
2:00pm - Cocktails
3:00pm - Sharing of Oplatek, Dinner
Singing of Polish/English Christmas Carols
Reservations Required Donation $25 per
No tickets sold at the door.
No refunds.
Info: Malgorzata Janowski 410-866-6419
[email protected]
Envelope No.: _____________
Baltimore, MD
Sunday January 22
at 1 pm - 5 pm
Tickets $30 per person
Music by DJ Joe Narodowski
For further info and tickets Contact:
Mariola Sadowska: 1-410-533- 6156 and
Or John Bednarek: 410-866-5306
W każdy pierwszy piątek miesiąca
Apostolat Przyjaciół Jezusa
Miłosiernego prowadzi całonocne
czuwanie przed Najswietszym
Sakramentem. Rozpoczynamy o
godzinie 9 pm a konczymy o 8
rano w sobote. Adoracja została
podjeta w intencji za nasza parafie.
Każdy kto chciałby skorzystaćz
okazji spotkania się z Jezusem
proszony jest o zgłoszenie się, poniewaz z uwagi na
czas nocny, drzwi kośćioła są zamkniete. W ciezkich
chwilach, ktorych nikomu nie brakuje zapominamy że
Jezus jest najlepszym lekarzem i czeka na nas ukryty w
Eucharystii by obdarzyć nas swoja Miłościa. I choć
Jubileuszowy Rok Miłosierdzia dobiega konca
Miłosierdzie Boże trwa na wieki. Przyjdz i nabieraj z
z tego niewyczerpanego naczynia
milosierdzia. Zgłaszac sie można do Bogusi Sz. (443413-9028) lub Lidii G. (443-762-5758)
On every first Friday of the month, the Friends of
the Merciful Jesus Apostolate keep a night vigil in
front of the Most Holy Eucharist. We begin on
Friday night at 9 pm and end on Saturday morning
at 8 am. We pray for private and parish intentions.
Everyone is welcome to join us. Simply sign up to
participate. Signing up is necessary as the door of the
church is locked at night for safety reasons. Jesus is
our best healer. He is waiting to pour on us His
unfathomable Love. Please come and draw from this
inexhaustible font of Mercy hidden in the Eucharist.
or Lidia G. (443-762-5758) to sign up.
January 1, 2017
Archdiocesan Shrine of The Divine Mercy
Baltimore, MD
Learning from the Shepherds
Eight days have passed since we celebrated Christ's birth on Christmas. Most of
the world has already left the message of Christmas far behind. But the Church,
in its wisdom, has been spending these days in unceasing celebration and contemplation of this most astonishing event in the entire history of the human
family. And the liturgy will continue doing so all the way through the feast of
Let's stay in tune with the Church. Let's keep enjoying the message of Christmas, savoring it, living it deeply.
Unfortunately, there are fewer people here at Mass with us today than there
were on Christmas Eve. Maybe the noise of New Year's Day has distracted them
from the true meaning of every year and every day. That's all right - we are
here to pray for them, to take their place beside the manger, so Jesus and Mary
don't have to celebrate New Year's Day all alone. In fact, another New Year's
Day would have little meaning if Christ had never been born to give us hope
and guidance.
One way to activate that hope and make use of that guidance is by following in
the Shepherds' footsteps. St Luke paints a beautiful picture of those poor, hardworking shepherds making their way to the stable cave at Bethlehem. Where
did St Luke find out about this encounter? He wasn't there.
No newspapers covered it. None of the Apostles were there.
Only Mary could have told him about it. And when she told him, she chose her
words carefully, to make the full meaning come out.
And so, the three verbs that describe the shepherds' actions are not
mere coincidence - they are the inspired pattern of how every Christian
should live out the message of Christmas.
Making Haste to See Christ
First, St Luke tells us that the shepherds "went in haste" to find Christ, to seek
him out in the midst of his family, the Church, here represented by Mary and
Joseph. They were eager to meet the Savior, to spend time with him, to get to
know him, to receive his blessing. That's why Jesus came to earth in the first
place - so that we could more easily find him. The history of humanity is the
history of a people lost in darkness and searching for meaning, forgiveness,
grace, and light. Jesus is the source of all those things. He is our salvation.
That's the significance of the name "Jesus", which means "God saves."
The Jews traditionally had their boy children circumcised on the eighth
day after their birth. During the ceremony, the child would also be given
his name.
St Luke tells us that Joseph and Mary followed this tradition with Jesus. Circumcision was the sign of God's covenant with ancient Israel, and the most important thing about that covenant was God's promise to send a Savior.Receiving one's name at the same time that the boy was circumcised was a
symbolic way of emphasizing that the boy's life, his very identity, was now tied
up with that promise. And performing the ceremony on the eighth
day was also significant. God had created the universe in seven days. But that
creation was wrecked by original sin. The eighth day is a symbol of
the redemption - the first day of the new creation in Christ.
God's promise of blessing, our true identity, redemption and everlasting life this is what Christ comes to give us, this is why we, like the shepherds, should
be eager to go and look for Christ, to "make haste" to find him each day in
prayer, the Bible, and the sacraments.
Mary's Secret
The shepherds are models for every Christian. They clarify what's most important in life: seeking Christ, sharing Christ, and rejoicing in Christ. But life for
the shepherds didn't end on Christmas. They had to return to the humdrum of
the daily grind. And after today, we will too. How can we keep the meaning and
lessons of Christmas shining in our hearts even after we take down the Christmas lights? Mary, whose motherhood we remember in a special way today,
gives us the secret. Mary didn't let life's hustle and bustle drown out the beauty and wonder of Christmas. St Luke tells us that "Mary kept all these
things, reflecting on them in her heart." God did not tell Mary his entire plan.
We know much more than she did about how everything was going to work
out. She had to walk in the dim light of faith, one step at a time, trusting in God,
witnessing his action, and seconding it whenever she could. But she paid attention. She pondered in her heart all of God's gifts to her, all of his words and
Pasterze wrócili wielbiąc i wysławiając
Boga za wszystko co słyszeli i widzieli, jak
im to było powiedziane.Wydawć by się
mogło, że człowiek, który spotyka Boga
nie będzie odtąd robił nic innego, jak tylko
leżał twarzą na ziemi i powtarzał
“chawła…, chwała…”. Tymczasem pasterze spotkali Jezusa, bardzo się rozradowali i wielbili Boga, ale wrócili do siebie. To jest sedno sprawy - człowiek spotykający Boga wraca do domu do rodziny,
do pracy - przemieniony, lepszy.
January 1, 2017
Archdiocesan Shrine of The Divine Mercy
Catherine Gietka & family - $100,000
Richard & Maria Bednarek - $1,000
Edward A. Marcinko, Jr. & Sr. - $1,000
Krzystof & Jolanta Obrebski - $1,000
In Memory of Ida (Jadwiga) Sindler - $1,000
Milton & Agnieszka Krajewski - $1,000
Pisut & Wendie Vongkasemsiri - $1,000
Jean-Paul & Justyna Sardin - $1,000
Paul & Lidia & Gajec - $800
Edward & Barbara Staniewicz - $500
William D. Fossett - $500
Barbara Berencz - $300
Robert Ciereszko - $300
In Memory of Phyllis Rostek -$300
Jun Aggarao - $200
Chester & Alicja Krajewski - $200
Mariola Sadowska - $200
Karina M. Kasztelnik - $200
Kaz & Gretchen Krajewski - $100
Zdzisław & Danuta Krajewski - $100
Dolores E Mikulski - $100
Adam & Sarah Richards - $100
Halina Szyjka - $100
Adela Pniewski - $100
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Pniewski & family - $100
Eugene & Christine Edwards - $100
Anna Rolinska-Gozdzik - $100
Edward B. Rybczynski - $100
Władysława Masłowska - $100
Baltimore, MD
W każdy pierwszy piątek
miesiąca Apostolat Przyjaciół
Jezusa Miłosiernego prowadzi
całonocne czuwanie przed
Najswietszym Sakramentem.
Rozpoczynamy o godzinie 9 pm
a konczymy o 8 rano w sobote.
Adoracja została podjeta w intencji
za nasza parafie. Każdy kto
chciałby skorzystaćz okazji
spotkania się z Jezusem proszony
jest o zgłoszenie się, poniewaz z
uwagi na czas nocny, drzwi kośćioła są zamkniete. W
ciezkich chwilach, ktorych nikomu nie brakuje
zapominamy że Jezus jest najlepszym lekarzem i czeka na
nas ukryty w Eucharystii by obdarzyć nas swoja Miłościa.
I choć Jubileuszowy Rok Miłosierdzia dobiega konca
Miłosierdzie Boże trwa na wieki. Przyjdz i nabieraj z
ufnoscia z tego niewyczerpanego naczynia milosierdzia.
Zgłaszac sie można do Bogusi Sz. (443-413-9028) lub
Lidii G. (443-762-5758)
Every first Friday of the month, the Friends of the
Merciful Jesus Apostolate keeps a night vigil in front of
the Most Holy Eucharist. We begin at 9 pm and end
Saturday at 8 am. We pray for our parish intentions .
Everyone is welcome to join us. Simply sign up your
name . The door of the church during the night is closed
for safety reasons. In our time of hardship which we all
experience, forget that Jesus is the best healer and that
He is waiting to pour on us His unfathomable Love.
Please come and draw from this inexhaustible fount of
Mercy hidden in the Eucharist. To sign up, call Bogusia
Sz (443-413-9028) or Lidia G. (443-762-5758)
The large Votive Lamps on the Main Altar &
in the Divine Mercy Shrine are lit for your special
intentions on Friday night and continue to burn the following week. Envelopes for lighting a Votive Lamp
are in the pews and on table in back of the
church. Candles are burning for:
1. Personal intention of Karina Kasztelnik
2. W podziękowanie za szczęśliwy rok i otrzymane łaski
3. Jezu Miosierdzia proszę redziel łaski pówrotu do
zdrowia i potrzebne łaski dla Joanny Peizik (Halina

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