Cambridge University Press Środa, 23 luty 2011 r


Cambridge University Press Środa, 23 luty 2011 r
Cambridge University Press
zaprasza na szkolenie metodyczne
Środa, 23 luty 2011 r.
Hotel Ikar
ul. Kościuszki 118
61-717 Poznań
12:30 -13:30 szkolenie dla nauczycieli klas 11-3 szkoły podstawowej
Ticking the boxes.
Getting the best out of your pupils by identifying their needs... and combining them with yours.
In this talk we aim to look first at the question of what exactly children, and their teachers, need from their
English classes. We will then move on to look at how best we can cover those needs, trying to offer a number
of practical activities which aim to satisfy different teaching and learning styles and which can be easily
implemented in any primary classroom.
The talk will draw upon material from the series ‘Primary Kid’s Box’, published by Cambridge University Press
for Poland.
Michael Tomlinson has been teaching English since 1989. He has worked in the UK, Turkey, Spain and
Sweden, with students ranging from children to adults and from beginner to proficiency level. He is currently
a teacher and Director of Studies at Star English, Murcia. His latest publications for Cambridge University
Press are Kid's Box/Primary Kid’s Box, co-authored with Caroline Nixon.
Cambridge ESOL
Staying close to learner’s needs – the benefits of Cambridge English tests and exams ‘for schools’
For many decades , University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations have provided learners with reliable and fair
assessment and a great deal of enjoyment as well as an invaluable boost of confidence. Apart from the
benefits for children who take their first ‘big’ external test: Cambridge Young Learners English Test (YLE), the
presentation will also highlight various other advantages of preparing younger teenagers for Key for Schools
(KET) and Preliminary for Schools (PET). A brief overview of ‘the coolest exam ever made for teens’ - the new
Cambridge English: First for Schools (FCE for Schools) - will conclude this session.
This workshop will be run by University of Cambridge ESOL consultant - Marta Widźgowska
szkolenie dla nauczycieli gimnazjum
Helping students prepare for the new Gimnazjum Exam
Through the process of ascertaining the needs of our students and teaching situations, we can make the right
choice when it comes to material selection. This talk will touch upon useful examination strategies, including
the advantages of using the following new and recent titles from Cambridge University Press: ‘Repetytorium
gimnazjalne’, ‘English in Mind Exam Edition’, and the Polish edition of the ‘Cambridge Learner's Dictionary’.
Jim Kalathas lives, works, and travels out of his home base in the lovely town of Thessaloniki, in Northern
Greece. He has been involved with ELT and Educational Publishing for almost 25 years, and before this taught
in a number of different education institutions, in a number of different countries around the globe. He
currently advises and trains, state and private educational sectors on the selection and use of appropriate
materials. At the moment he represents Cambridge University Press, as a Product Champion for many of
their courses, which include ‘Kid’s Box’ and ‘English in Mind’.
Każdy uczestnik spotkania otrzyma certyfikat potwierdzający udział w szkoleniu, broszurę zawierającą 18
przykładowych stron z ‘Repetytorium
Repetytorium Gimnazjalnego’
Gimnazjalnego oraz plakaty do dekoracji sal lekcyjnych.
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możliwość zakupu publikacji Cambridge University Press z 20% rabatem oferowanym przez księgarnię!
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Cambridge University Press
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03-944 Warszawa
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University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations
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00-815 Warszawa
tel. 22 425 98 42
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