Teaching Speaking Tips with Cambridge English


Teaching Speaking Tips with Cambridge English
Teaching Speaking Tips with Cambridge English
Wtorek, 22 Marca 2016, godz. 14.00 – 16.00 w Program Poznań, Centrum
Egzaminacyjnym Cambridge English
Cambridge English Language Assessment, część Uniwersytetu Cambridge, zaprasza nauczycieli
gimnazjów i szkół ponadgimnazjalnych, zainteresowanych zdobyciem praktycznej wiedzy
z zakresu nauczania mówienia na poziomie B2, na szkolenie: Teaching Speaking Tips.
Program Angielski
ul. Fredry 1, Poznań
tel. 61 8519250
14:00 – 14:30
Powitanie uczestników
Monika Runowska, Centre Exams Manager, Program Poznań
Nowości w ofercie Cambridge English
Mariusz Prot, Development Support Manager, Cambridge English Language Assessment
14:30 – 16:00
Cambridge English Exams - The Speaking Paper and other aspects of
teaching speaking skills
Matthew Siegal, Teacher Trainer, Cambridge English Language Assessment
Cambridge English Exams - The Speaking Paper and other aspects of teaching speaking skills
Getting students to talk in class can, at times, be an uphill battle. Every student acknowledges
the importance of speaking, but they are often extremely reluctant to work on this skill in
class. These sessions will examine the skill of speaking and why some students appear to be
'blocked' when it comes to communicating verbally. We will look at methods we can use to get
our students to talk more. We will also discuss the speaking part of Cambridge English Exams:
how to accurately assess our students, what skills are being tested and how to make speaking
exam practice relevant, interesting and a little bit more realistic.
Matthew Siegal
Matthew Siegal has been teaching English since 2009 and has worked as a teacher in schools,
businesses and universities in Poland, Laos and the UK. Since 2014 he has worked as a Director
of Studies of a summer language school in the United Kingdom. In addition to teaching,
Matthew has worked as a Senior Teacher and Teacher Trainer. He has delivered training
sessions to teaching professionals from a range of institutions and who deal with students
from a variety of countries and backgrounds. Matthew is a native speaker of English who was
born and grew up in the North West of England (UK) but he is in fact, through his parents, half
Scottish and half American.
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