KONFERENCJA Cambridge English Exams - szansa


KONFERENCJA Cambridge English Exams - szansa
Cambridge English Exams szansa edukacyjna dla Twojego ucznia
Centrum Egzaminacyjne
Cambridge English LANG LTC PL090
Cambridge University Press
15 stycznia 2014
Instytut Nauk Humanistycznych i Społecznych
Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej w Płocku,
ul. Gałczyńskiego 28, Płock
Aula (118)
R E J E S T R A C J A d o 1 3 s t y c z n i a >>>
All for One, One for All, Let them Pass (YLE Tests)
Angela Micky, Cambridge University Press
Speaking Confidential – how to build up your students’ exam
performance (KET, PET, FCE for Schools)
Joanna Kołakowska, Centrum Egzaminacyjne Cambridge English Lang LTC
zarejestrowani uczestnicy otrzymują imienne certyfikaty uczestnictwa
Angela Micky – a native English speaker, who has worked in ELT for over 17
years. She is a graduate of IMIT/IDPM. She holds Oxford Certificate of TESOL
and has done Cambridge DELTA. She likewise collaborates with CUP Poland
as teacher trainer for Poland. Currently she works as a Director of Studies,
internal teacher trainer and senior English teacher for one of the English
Language Schools in Warsaw. In her spare time she writes short stories for
kids. Her motto: ‘Try, You won’t Die’.
All for One, One for All, Let Them Pass !
This workshop is designed to encourage ESL teachers to teach young learners and prepare
them for the Cambridge English Exams with confidence. As teachers of English, we want to
encourage ALL of our students and give them support and assurance that they are ALL able to
pass only if they want to. We also want to promote unity in the classroom through ‘teaching
with fun’ so that each individual student will act for the benefits of the group, and the group will
act for the benefits of each individual.
Joanna Kołakowska has been working as a Coordinator of Lang LTC
Cambridge English Examination Centre in Warsaw. She has been active in the
ELT world for 12 years as a language teacher, teacher trainer, and a
methodology consultant. Her professional activities also include reviewing books
and writing articles for ELT and HR magazines. Last but not least, she is an oral
examiner for YLE, KET, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE and BULATS.
Speaking Confidential – how to build up your students’ exam performance (KET, PET,
Well-known and frequently practiced in the classroom, Cambridge English speaking tasks may
seem to be rather obvious and clear. Yet, when it comes down to assessing your students’
performance, questions start to mount up. Why are there two examiners? What are the
assessment criteria? What happens when the student exceeds the allotted time? How talkative
and cooperative should a candidate be? In the workshop we will take a closer look at the
speaking part of the “for Schools” exams: Key, Preliminary and First for Schools. We are going
to analyse assessment criteria and a profile of a not- necessarily-perfect-but-efficient candidate.

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