Poughkeepsie, NY


Poughkeepsie, NY
Poughkeepsie, NY
Saint Joseph’s Church
January 19, 2014
Lector Schedule
Mass Intentions
Polish Mass
January 18 - Saturday (sobota)
12:05pm † Eugene Sokolowski (wife and daughter)
5:30 pm OPEN
January 19 - Second Sunday (II Niedziela Zwykła)
9:00 am † Tadeusz Wasilewski (mama z rodziną Wasilewskich)
10:30 am OPEN
Irena Kunicki
Katarzyna Dudało
Marta Cwik
Andrzej Borkowski
Beata Wójcik
English Masses
January 20 - Monday (poniedziałek) St. Fabian & St. Sebastian
12:05pm For Helen Małecki - for the intention of speedy recovery
(sister—in—law, Evelyn Clark)
January 21 - Tuesday (wtorek) Saint Agnes
12:05pm For Living & Deceased Members of the St. Joseph Parish
January 22 - Wednesday (środa) USA: Day of Prayer for
the Legal Protection of Unborn Children
5:30 pm
1/19 10:30 am
Anna May Duncan
Maeve Penoergast
John Moran
Emily Lisiecki
1/25 5:30 pm
1/26 10:30 am
Darren Pulver
Maeve Penoergast
Patty Malinski
Emily Lisiecki
12:05 am † Frank Horadesky (Paul Wolven)
January 23 - Thursday (czwartek)
Saint Vincent
12:05 pm OPEN
January 24 - Friday (piątek) Saint Francis de Sales
12:05 pm OPEN
January 25 - Saturday (sobota)
12:05pm OPEN
New Parishioners are most warmly welcomed
to our parish community and are encouraged to
register as soon as possible.
SERDECZNIE WITAMY wszystkich naszych
parafian i Gości przybyłych na dzisiejszą Mszę
św. Wszystkich rodaków zapraszamy do
połączenia się z nami w naszej wspólnocie.
5:30 pm † In loving memory of sisters and brothers (sister,
Evelyn Clark)
January 26 -Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (III Niedziela Zwykła)
9:00 am † Marian Nowak (pracownicy biblioteki)
10:30 am † Patti Smith (Helen Cady)/
* * * * *
W dzisiajszą niedzielę, 19 stycznia w Sali Parafialnej odbędzie się
krótki program dla babci i dziadka z okazji ich święta przygotowany
przez dzieci ze Szkoły Polskiej. W programie przewidziany jest
również mały poczęstunek: kawa, ciasto oraz skromne przekąski.
Pamiętajmy i módlmy się w tych dniach za naszych kochanych Babcie
i Dziadków, tych żyjących i tych, którzy już odeszli do Domu Ojca.
Bardzo często tyle im zawdzięczamy! Niech naszym podziękowaniem
będzie modlitwa, ofiarowana Komunia Święta i serdeczna pamięć.
Druga Niedziela Zwykła
Jan Chrzciciel, który przygotowywał drogi dla
W święto Nawrócenia Świętego Pawła Apostoła, przypadające w Pana, sam też musiał długo przygotowywać
sobotę, 25 stycznia, prośmy o łaskę, aby Pan również nas chociaż się na spotkanie z Nim. Pościł, umartwiał się,
trochę zechciał nawrócić. Tego nawrócenia potrzebujemy na co dzień. by w końcu umieć rozpoznać w Jezusie
W tym tygodniu patronują nam:
Mesjasza, Baranka Bożego. Ta chwila stała
21 I – Święta Agnieszka, dziewica i męczennica, się ukoronowaniem całego jego życia. I my
która jako 12-letnia dziewczynka poniosła śmierć podczas każdej Eucharystii słyszymy słowa
na stadionie Domicjana około 305 roku.
„Oto Baranek Boży, który gładzi grzechy
świata”. Patrzymy na Hostię, wiedząc, że to
24 I – Święty Franciszek Salezy (1567-1622), Jezus. Obyśmy umieli sercem zobaczyć
biskup i doktor Kościoła, wybitny pisarz, patron i rozpoznać w Nim naszego jedynego Pana
dziennikarzy i prasy katolickiej.
i Zbawiciela.
January 19, 2014
Saint Joseph’s Church
Weekly Collections
Last Week’s Offering - Weekend January 12th
Sunday Collections: $1,149.00
Monthly Collection: $65.00
Energy collection: $130.00
Catholic University Collection:$407.00
Solemnity of Mary:$162.00
Thank you for your generosity!
This week we have our Regular Collection and
Energy—Fuel Collection
Next week we have the Regular Sunday Collection
Local Rosary for Life Jan. 22, 2014
Please join us for Rosary’s for Life for those not traveling to
Washington, DC at Poughkeepsie Planned Parenthood
starting at 8 am until 10:30 am after 8:00 am Mass at St.
Mary’s Poughkeepsie. Exposition will be available until end
of Rosary. All invited.
Buses for March For
Life Jan. 22, 2014
The March for Life in
scheduled for Wednesday
Jan. 22, 2014. The buses
for the March will leave
Wednesday Jan. 22 in
the morning. Three buses are scheduled to go to the annual
March. This is the 41st anniversary of the Supreme Court
making it legal to kill babies out of the shadows of
the Declaration of Independence. All buses will leave
St. Columba at 5:00 am after a 4:30 am Mass.
For reservations the St. Mary’s bus and/or information
contact Rich 297-7930 and George Morton 226-6896 for
the two St. Columba’s buses. Prices are adults $35.00 and
students $25.00.
Poughkeepsie, NY
Rosary Society meeting on this Sunday,
January 19, 2014 after the 9:00 o’clock Mass.
Making All Things New:
We read in the Acts of the
Apostles how the first
Christians planned the best
ways to evangelize, preach
the Gospel, celebrate the
sacraments, and organize
the communities of faith.
The mission of the Church, then and now, is precisely
the same: the salvation of souls. This mission is accomplished as the Church and her members proclaim
the coming of the Kingdom of God, and, with the help
of God's Grace, witness to that coming by the quality
and character of their lives. The proclamation of the
mission, the carrying out of Jesus' mandate to "Go, and
make disciples" has been influenced by the signs of the
times, and the Church in New York has always adapted
to changing situations, while at the same time proclaiming the fullness of the Gospel message and the dignity
of each and every human person. There has been
a constancy in mission and service that has inspired
millions and renewed the Church for the better time
after time.
Timothy Cardinal Dolan
The John Paul's Prayer
O Mary, bright dawn of the new world, Mother of the
living, to you do we entrust the cause of life.
Look down, O Mother, upon the vast numbers of
babies not allowed to be born, of the poor whose
lives are made difficult, of men and women who are
victims of brutal violence, of the elderly and the sick
killed by indifference or out of misguided mercy. Grant
that all who believe in your Son may proclaim the
Gospel of life with honesty and love to the people of
our time. Obtain for them the grace to accept that
Gospel as a gift ever new, the joy of celebrating it with
gratitude throughout their lives and the courage to
bear witness to it resolutely, in order to build, together
with all the people of good will, the civilization of truth
and love to the praise and glory of God, the Creator
and lover of life. Amen
CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK: The theme for the National Catholic Schools Week
2014 is “Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service.”
The annual observance starts on Sunday, January 26th and runs until Saturday,
February 1st. Our schools typically celebrate Catholic Schools Week with Masses,
open houses, and other activities for students, families, parishioners, and
the community at large. Below are the dates and times for Open Houses at our
Dutchess Catholic elementary schools. We hope that you can stop by!
Holy Trinity School (20 Springside Avenue, Poughkeepsie – 471-0520): January 25, from 6:30pm – 7:30pm or January 26, from
9am – 2pm
Regina Coeli School (4337 Albany Post Road, Hyde Park – 229-8589): January 28, from 9-11am and 4-6pm
St. Denis-St. Columba School (849 Route 82, Hopewell Junction – 227-7777): January 26, from 10am – 1pm
St. Martin de Porres School (122 Cedar Valley Road, Poughkeepsie – 452-4428): January 28, from 9am-2pm
St. Mary School (106 Jackson Street, Fishkill – 896-9561): January 29, from 8am – 10am
St. Mary’s School (2 Convent Avenue, Wappingers Falls – 297-7500): January 26, after 9am mass or January 28, 9:30-11:00am
St. Peter School (12 Father Cody Plaza, Hyde Park – 471-6600, ext. 200): January 26, 10am-2pm

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