loving the dead into life - St John`s RC Church, Perth


loving the dead into life - St John`s RC Church, Perth
St John the Baptist's, Perth
6.30pm (Saturday Vigil)
& on Sunday
9am, 11am, 6.30pm
at 10am, Tuesday 7pm
Niedziela 3pm
Pojednania 14.30pm
in St John’s
Priests: Rev. Dr.Tom Shields PhB STL PhD VE, St John’s Presbytery, 20 Melville Street, Perth, PH1 5PY (01738 622241) Youth Office (01738 635074)
Fr Bogdan Palka SDS 16 Melville Street Perth PH1 5PY (01738 564182)
Deacon: Len Moir
6th Sunday of Easter
Year B
10th May 2015
Happy Easter - L-Għid it-tajjeb - Wesołego Alleluja! - Maligayang pasko ng pagkabuhay - Buona Pasqua Joyeuses Pâques - Христос воскрес - Χριστός ανέστη! - Frohe Ostern- ùhuójié kuàilè - Veselé prežitie
Beannachtaí na Cásca - Paşte Fericit - Pasg Hapus - Boa Páscoa - Mshiḥo Qom! Shariroith Qom!
“Beloved, let us love one another because love is of
God.” —1 John 4:7
esus loves us as God
the Father loves Him
(Jn 15:9). Jesus reveals the Father’s love so
that we will accept that
love and make love the
very atmosphere in which
we live (Jn 15:10). Then,
after first being loved (1
Jn 4:19), we can love one
another (Jn 15:17) even
as Christ has loved us (Jn
15:12) and lay down our
lives in love even for our
enemies (Rm 5:8; 1 Jn
“Love, then, consists
in this: not that we have
loved God but that He has
loved us and has sent His
Son as an Offering for our
sins” (1 Jn 4:10). We can
live the miracle of crucified, unconditional love
because we have received
love, given by the Father,
revealed by Jesus, and
poured out in our hearts
through the Holy Spirit
(Rm 5:5). Many people
are love-bankrupt. They
are trying to give what
they don’t have. We don’t
need more love from God.
His love is perfect and infinite. What we need is a
greater awareness of being loved by our Father.
Then we will have love
enough to love even a
whole culture of death
and thereby transform it
into a civilisation of love
and life. http://ocarm.org/
For this Sunday’s liturgy
Responsorial Psalm
The Lord has shown his salvation
to the nations.
Gospel Acclamation
Jesus said:
‘If anyone loves me
he will keep my word,
and my Father will love him,
and we shall come to him.
Diocese of Dunkeld - Scottish Charity No. SC001810
to all
Teas after
the 11am
Mass on Sunday
10am Mass
on Tuesdays
Priests for
Feast of the Ascension
Holyday of Obligation
Thursday 14th May
7pm Wednesday evening
10am and 7pm on Thursday
9am at Kilgraston School
11am (approx) St John’s Primary
12 noon St John’s Secondary
both Masses in St John’s Church
Please pray for the repose of the souls of Dick
Scott, Max Findlay, Hilda McCabe, Denis Boner, Fr Brendan McAteer,
Hilda McCabe, Madge
Connaghan, Susan Conan, Mary McDuff,
Robert McDade, Alice
McLoughlin, Krystyna
Rospendonska and the
souls of all the faithful
May their souls and
the souls of all the faithful departed rest in
peace. Amen.
„Wy jesteście przyjaciółmi
a grobie pewnego Irlandczyka, zakonnika,
zachowal się piekny napis: „Pan bardzo
umilowal Comgalla, a Comgall odpłacił
Mu podobna miłością”. Nie wiemy nic innego o
tym zakonniku. Nie pozostawil zadnych dziel
ani pamiątek, ale jego zycie było arcydzielem
największym, jakiego człowiek może dokonac,
gdyz milowal Boga. „Już was nie nazywam slugami, bo sluga nie wie, co czyni pan jego, ale nazwalem was przyjaciółmi, albowiem oznajmiłem
wam wszystko, co usłyszałem od Ojca mego” (J
15, 15).
Te slowa wypow- Stanowic jedno. Nie
iedzial Jezus w mowie może być pomiedzy nimi
pożegnalnej po Ostatniej tajemnic, gdyz przyWieczerzy. Jest to wlas- jaciel to „polowa duszy”.
nie przykład, jak prze- Bog, jedyny prawdziwy
mawia przyjaciel, który przyjaciel
z calego serca miluje. utożsamił się z nami, az
Wzruszajace sa te slowa do granic możliwości:
przyjazni i miłości, a jed- odkryl nam tajemnice
noczesnie one zaskakuja Boskiego Serca, zniżył
i zobowiązują. Czyz się do człowieka, stawmogą być przyjaciółmi szy się malym i cierpianieskonczenie wielki i cym jak człowiek. Syn
święty Bog i nieskon- Bozy zanurzyl się w
czenie maly, a niejed- naszej słabości, nedzy
nokrotnie bardzo zly i nieśmiertelności, aby
człowiek. Tylko Bog nam praktycznie pokamoże mieć tak wielkie zac, jakim jest przyserce, ze nawet najmnie- jacielem. „Nikt nie ma
jszy człowiek może być większej miłości od tej,
Jego przyjacielem. Swo- gdy ktos zycie swoje
ja wypowiedzia pragnie oddaje za przyjaciol
Jezus mocno podkreślić swoich” (J 15, 13). Bog
te wielka i gleboka jest zawsze przyjacielem.
zarazem A my? Często zapominawszystkie
wymogi my, ze przyjazn z Boginaszej przyjazni z Bo- em zobowiazuje i domagiem. Przyjaciele pow- ga się od nas odpowiedzi
inni w miare możliwości miłości i świętego zycia.
„Pan bardzo umilowal
Comgalla…” Na kazdym
grobie można to napisac.
Ale czy można napisac
o nas, ze odpłaciliśmy
Mu miłością? Oto Bog
jest moim najlepszym
przyjacielem. Czy staram się być Jego przyjacielem? Co On by o
mnie napisal? Przyslowie z Kamerunu mowi:
„Jeżeli ktos mowi, ze cie
miluje, zobacz co on dla
ciebie czyni”. Przekonalismy się, co Bog dla nas
uczynil i nadal czyni. Co
my uczyniliśmy dla niego? Czym udowodnimy
nasza mlosc i przyjazn
dla Niego?
Miesiac Maj
Fr Tom zaprasza do
wiedzy na spotkanich
biblijnych, które będą
oparte o rozwazania na
podstawie Ksiegi Dziejow Apostolskich. Kolejne spotkanie 14 Maja o
godz. 7pm w budynku na
plebanii. Szczegolowa
tematyka tych spotkan w
biuletynie na stronie angielskiej.
15 Maja (Piątek)o
godz. 6:30 PM nasza
parafia organizuje drugia już miedzynarodowa
impreze wewnątrz parafialna dla grup etnicznych tworzących nasza
Te grupy to: Polacy, z
Indii, Filipinczycy i Szkoci. Impreze rozpoczniemy Msza sw. o godz.
6:30pm, a nastepnie
przy muzyce i spiewie i
oczywiście regionalnych
potrawach będziemy się
cieszyc soba i świętować.
Zapraszamy by kazda
grupa etniczna przygotowala swój program
artystyczny i zastawiala stol popularnymi
potrawami z lokalnej
kuchni. My Polacy pokazmy się z dobrej strony
i niech nasza regionalna
kuchnia pokaze wszystkim nasze lakocie I smakolyki. Zapraszamy już
dzis do licznego udzialu!
miesiąc Maj - poswiecony szczególnie Matce
Najswietszej. W naszej
pieknej polskiej tradycji ten miesiąc pachnący
wiosna, zielenia i kwiatami zawsze był czczony
jako miesiąc Maryjny.
Dlatego żyjąc tutaj na
szkockiej ziemi dalej
kultywujmy te gleboko
zakorzeniona tradycje i
uczcij my Matke Najswietsza przez odmawianie
Litanii Loretanskiej ku
Jej czci lub jakas inna
modlitwe, udekorujmy
Jej wizerunki w naszych
domach, a przez to niech
ta nasza wiez z Ojc- Spowiedz
zystym krajem i Krolowa
Polski wleje w nasze ser- i Msza sw.
W każdą niedzielę
ca źródło Bozych lask,
od godz.
ukoi tęsknotę za Ojc- spowiedz
zyzna, a Maryja niech- 2:15pm. Zapraszamy do
Borrow from our
swa Matczyna opieka regularnej spowiedzi i do
extensive range
wyprasza Boza opieke pelnego uczestnictwa w
dla kazdej Polskiej rodz- niedzielnej Mszy św. o
godz 3pm.
iny w tym kraju.
Parish website: www.stjohns-perth.org.uk
Discover us @StJohnRCPerth
święte: Chrzest,
I Komunia
któregokolwiek z powyżej
zatwierdzone przez
Proboszcza Parafii – Fr.
Toma. W przypadku
bariery językowej w
załatwieniu potrzebnych
formalności, Fr. Bogdan
może służyć pomoca.
Proszę o przestrzeganie
tej procedury pamiętając,
ze to Proboszcz Parafii
jest odpowiedzialny za
sakramentow świętych.
W czwartek 14 maja
przypada Swieto Wniebowstapienia Pana Jezusa. Msze sw. w naszej
parafi: w srode wieczorem wigilijna o godz.
7pm, a w czwartek o
godz. 10am, 11.15am
(szkolna), 12:15pm (szkolna) i wieczorem o
godz 7pm. W tym dniu
nie będzie Mszy sw.
po polsku. Zachecam
do udzialu w jednej z
Mszy sw. po angielsku.
Niech nasze świętowanie
będzie wyrazem wiary
poprzez udzial w Eucharystii.
Wystawienie i adoracja
Sakramentu zostaja z powrotem wznowione po
przerwie wielkanocnej
i już od najbliższego
poniedziałku 20 kwietnia
będzie możliwość spotkania z Chrystusem Eucharystycznym w ciagu
calego dnia az do godz.
6:30 PM. Serdecznie
zapraszamy do tej osobistej modlitwy, która ma
moc dac nam sile i duchowe wsparcie na codzienne trudy zycia.
Many thanks for your
generosity; last week’s
offertory £1,443.80; Papers
£25.71; Votive Candles
£68.87; and SCIAF
Lunch Club
Our Lunch Club continues on Mondays at at
12 noon in the Church
Hall - all welcome.
If you were unable to
attend the Information
Sharing Session on Friday 24 April in respect
of services available
for those with sight and
hearing problems, you
will be able to obtain
contact details about the
valuable services which
exist to support people in
Perth and Kinross.
Contact Margaret Jackson on 01738 621099 for
further details.
A range of magazines
and newspapers is available in the porch. These
are a help to our faith
and keep us all informed.
If the price is too much
then please feel free to
make a donation towards
their cost.
Adoration and
Exposition continues
on Mondays after the
10am Mass ending with
Benediction at 6.30pm.
Legion of Mary
The Legion of Mary
are having a Pilgrimage
for Peace on Wednesday,
13th May in St. Andrew’s
Dundee. The Fatima Rosary is at 7pm followed
by Holy Mass.
Mass for
the Sick
Our next Mass for the
Sick will be celebrated
in St John’s Church on
Saturday 16th May at
10am - followed by teas
in the hall.
Names will be taken
of those intending to go
on the Annual Drive on
Wednesday 24th June.
to meet
Would you like to join
us at the Sub Rosa Coffee
Shop in South St John’s
Place on Thursday, 14th
May at 2.30pm.
Our aim is to bring
people together who now
find themselves on their
own eg. the widowed,
mature singles etc.
We hope if successful,
to organise other occasional get-togethers such
as theatre trips, m e a l s
and so on.
For further information please contact Jenny Dawson on 07913
399856 (or Deacon Len
on 01738 451677).
Music group
Are you young? Are
you old? Do you play a
musical instrument? Do
you sing? Frankie, Fergus and Sue would love
to meet up with you after
the Sunday evening Mass
on 3rd May to launch a
music group for the Sunday evening Mass.
We are particularly
interested in young people who want to develop their playing skills
as well as help lead
worship! Please come
New Dawn Catholic
Pilgrimage Conference
is to be held on 6th-10th
July, 2015 in St Andrews, Madras College,
Kilrymont Road. Exciting programme of events
for children and youth
offered. The annual Rosary Procession takes
place on 9th July through
the streets of St Andrews
culminating with Mass
in the ancient Abbey ruins celebrated by Bishop
Full details can be
found on website http://
www.newdawninscotThank you
A huge thank you to land.com or contact the
so many people for last New Dawn in Scotland
Saturday’s Peacemaker office on 0131 447 6153.
Awards. The evening
was a great success and
the atmosphere terrific.
Congratulations to Justyna and the 3GY group
for all the hard work.
Open after all
Thanks to all who came,
Sunday Masses
bought tickets, gave rafstock includes
fle prizes and contributed
Sunday Missals,
with very generous dogreetings cards,
nations. Thanks to our
sponsors Wilson J Bruce
and much more
Electrical Contractors,
the Catenian Association and Gerard Welsh Catenian
Painter and Decorator. Association
After costs, the event
Today we welcome
raised £1,380.67 by the the Catenian Association
night with a further £20 who are going to speak
donated afterward, mak- to us at the end of Mass
ing a total of £1,400.67. about their organisation.
St William of Perth - 23rd May
10am Mass
11-12.30 Refreshments
& Bake Off Competition
(with adult and kids prizes)
2-4pm Exhibition and Drama
about the Life of St William
4-8pm Barbecue
Day Ticket £4 (am/pm £2)
Hosted by the Perth Catholic Youth Project
The Acts of
the Apostles
“I shall pour out my Spirit on all humanity.
Your sons and daughters shall prophesy,
your old people will dream dreams and
your young people see visions” Joel 3, 1;
Acts 2, 17
With the Acts of the Apostles as our guide
and inspiration Fr Tom will lead five sessions on how we re-energise our church
and bring others back to full communion
with us.
Believing that we have the same Spirit that
descended upon the Apostles at Pentecost
we know that we can witness to the Good
News in our lives and spread the message
of salvation by our own devotion and actions.
Fr Tom invites you to join him on a journey
of discovery of the early Church and how
we can be supported in our primary task –
Thursday 14th May
7pm in the presbytery
‘The Church rides out –
the expansion of the Church
and why it is still happening’
Thursday 21st May
7pm in the Presbytery
‘Why the Church suffers – mostly
through self inflicted wounds!’
Thursday 28th May
7pm in the Presbytery
‘The future church – us!’
We will be celebrating and
welcoming our newer communities
at St John the Baptist Church
Connect Party
Friday 15th May
St John’s Church Hall
Tickets are free, one ticket given per
person, but should only be taken if
you are actually going to attend as
we need to know the numbers for
catering- available today
- first come, first served
6.30-7pm International Mass
7-7.15pm Arrival for party
and soft drinks.
7.15-7.45pm One song
performed by children
from each group.
7.50-8.45pm Food
10pm End
World Youth Day Events
By now you will have seen the leaflets about the World
Youth Day 2016 and Stirling 2015.
Forms are available from Frankie McGuire and
Justyna Jablonska for the Stirling 2015 youth event.
The price is expected to be about £250 with fund raising and subsidy bringing that cost down.
We would also like to start gathering names for Poland 2016.
NOW is the time to book your slot.
Enjoy the company of
different People
Sample different Food
Experience different Cultures
See and Hear the sight and sound
of different Dance and Song
Anyone who will be 15 years of age by June 2016 is eligible to apply
Training Course in
Spiritual Accompaniment
Garden Cottage Spirituality Centre,
Kilgraston, Bridge of Earn
October 2015 - November 2016
Explore the skills and gifts of accompanying others
on their on-going spiritual journey in a secular world.
The course aims to encourage participants to help
both themselves and others to become more sensitive to the presence of God in life.
Information and application form
from the Administrator
Each week our Childrens’ Liturgy is at 9am Sunday Mass
and we are looking for new members to join the team.
If you wish to participate in leading a session (every 5 weeks)
or would like more information please
get in touch with a member of the team
[email protected]
Tel 01738 813618
Bursaries available
Call Dianne Mitchell
01738 627700 or text to 07954 139141.
Name_________________________ Hospital ___________________Ward _____
Please complete/ tear off and return with your collection - or hand to Fr Tom after Mass
Parish website: www.stjohns-perth.org.uk
Discover us @StJohnRCPerth

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