School Newsletter – Week Ending Friday, 12 September 2014 Extra


School Newsletter – Week Ending Friday, 12 September 2014 Extra
School Newsletter – Week Ending Friday, 12 September 2014
For the first half term the school will be providing the following extra-curricular provision:
Mondays—Years 5&6 netball (commencing 15.09.14)
Tuesdays—Key Stage 2 Choir (commencing 09.09.14)
Wednesdays—Years 3&4 netball (commencing 17.09.14)
Thursdays—Years 5&6 Hockey (commencing 18.09.14)
Fridays—Years 3/4 Hockey (commencing 12.09.14)
Letters for paper craft will also go out soon when Mass times have been confirmed. Please return
all reply slips and monies to the office. Thank you.
Reception Class Photographs—Burton Mail
Every year the Burton Mail comes into school to take a class photo of the new Reception children.
These class photos then appear in a special supplement in the newspaper at a later date.
This year is no exception and the Mail photographer will be in school on Tuesday, 16th September.
If there are any parents that do not wish their child to be photographed, please speak to Mrs
Williamson/Mrs Petcher or Mrs Thomas in confidence.
Driving Incident
It is with irritation that yet again we start off the new school year with yet more complaints
about parents inconsiderate parking and driving.
As you will have all noticed by now, the Council has remarked the roads, and it is clear for
everyone to see where the yellow lines are. However, we still have parents who insist on parking on
these double yellow lines, half parking on the pavements and reversing into the school driveway.
This week, it was noticed that a blue Vauxhall insignia, registration DU63 TXX was observed
parking on double yellow lines whilst collecting their child from school, and then as the driver was
driving away, nearly reversed into a grandmother collecting their grandchild, narrowly missing
them and understandably causing a considerate amount of stress and upset for the grandmother
and child.
We are aware that we do have a small amount of parents who are registered disabled, and they
are permitted to park on double yellow lines, if they are displaying the appropriate disc, however
we would ask all drivers to drive considerately and observe fellow pedestrians.
Year 6 children
I have to say how proud myself and the rest of the staff were with our year 6 children this week.
Their behaviour was impeccable during their week at Shugborough, and great ambassadors for our
school. I have to say they all thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
Data Collection Records
All children will be bringing home a copy of their pupil record sheet today. We ask that all parents
check the details carefully, amend where necessary and return. As we are trying to send out more
letters etc electronically, an email address would also be appreciated. Thank you.
Dinner Money—Years 3, 4, 5, 6
We ask all parents to book a week in advance if having school dinners. In order to help the office
all dinner money should be sent in on a Monday morning for the week, and not sent in on a daily
basis. Thank you.
Friends of Holy Rosary (School PTA)
Hello Everyone
I'm Emily and I help to co-chair The Friends of Holy Rosary (school PTA). I am the proud mum of Isabella in
year 4 and Samuel who has just started in Reception, I can often be spotted with a crowd of children and a
double pushchair because I am a childminder as well, so I am very busy! I have been helping the Friends since
my daughter joined the school last September and it has been a great way to meet new people within this
lovely community.
On behalf of the Friends I would like to offer a warm welcome back to all our children and parents at Holy
Rosary and an extended welcome to all our new parents and children within Reception class and Preschool.
Hopefully you have all had a wonderful break over the summer and have now settled back into the school
The Friends and I have some exciting events and activities planned for the school year ahead in order to help
raise funds for the benefit of our children's educational experience within this lovely school. As mentioned
previously in last weeks newsletter collectively the Friends have helped to raise £5000 which is just amazing
and could not have be done without everyones help and support, so thank you again. I would like to take this
opportunity to invite the parents or grandparents of the school to offer help and support with our fund raising
efforts over the coming year, no matter how big or small your help is very much appreciated. As mentioned it
is a great way to meet new parents and we have a laugh along the way too! If you would like to be part of this
lovely community of parents even if you can only offer a minimal amount of time please come over and say
'hello' or you can complete the slip below and hand it into reception.
Thank you
Friends Of Holy Rosary
I would like to offer my help and support with Friends activities.
Name ...................................................................................................................
Witam Wszystkich,
Jestem Emily i pomagam naszej przyszkolnej grupie pod nazwą „Friends”. Jestem dumną mamą Isabelli, która
jest w klasie 4 i Samuela, który właśnie zaczął zerówkę. Często można mnie zauważyć z dużą grupka dzieci lub
podwójnym wózkiem, ponieważ jestem też opiekunką do dzieci. Jestem więc bardzo zajęta! Pomagam w
„Friends” odkąd moja córka dołączyła do szkoły Holy Rosary czyli od poprzedniego września i była to wspaniała
możliwość spotkania nowych ludzi w tej społeczności.
W imieniu „Friends” chciałabym przywitać wszystkie dzieci i rodziców w naszej szkole Holy Rosary. Szczególnie
witamy wszystkich nowych rodziców i dzieci, którzy dołączyli do zerówki i przedszkola. Mam nadzieję, że
wszystkim udało się mieć wspaniałe wakacje podczas pięknego lata. A teraz czas na przyzwyczajanie się na nowo
do szkolnej rutyny.
„Friends” i ja mamy zaplanowanych kilka fantastycznych imprez w nadchodzącym roku szkolnym w celu
zbierania funduszy, które przeznaczone będą dla dzieci w naszej szkole. Jak wspomnieliśmy w poprzednich
newsleterach „Friends”pomogło zebrać 5000 - co jest wspaniałe. Nie udałoby się to bez wspólnego wysiłku i
wsparcia. Tak więc dziekujemy jeszcze raz.
Korzystająć z okazji chciałabym zaprosić rodziców i dziadków do pomocy i współpracy z nami. Nie ważne mała
czy duża pomoc – każda jest doceniona. Jak wspomniałam jest to dobra droga do poznania nowych rodziców.
Jeśli chcielibyście być częścią tej wspaniałej wspólnoty rodziców, nawet jeśli możecie zaoferować minimum
wolnego czasu proszę podejdź do mnie i przywitaj się lub wypełnij formularz poniżej i oddaj go do sekretariatu.
Friends w Holy Rosary
Chciałabym zaoferować moją pomoc i współpracować z grupą „Friends”
Imię _______________________________________________________________________

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