Bulletin-JULY--14-2013 931.8 KB Pobrań


Bulletin-JULY--14-2013 931.8 KB Pobrań
Baltimore, MD
Archdiocesan Shrine of The Divine Mercy
July 14, 2013
Masses & Intentions
July 13 - Saturday (sobota)
8:30 a.m.
Summer Mass Sched.
O Boże błogosławieństwo i opekę Matki Boskiej
z ok. Urodzin dla Rafała
5:00 p.m.
Holy Rosary Parishioners
7:00 p.m
+ Joanne Sinak
Wakacyjny porządek
Mszy św.
(Leokadia Sobieski)
Saturday / sobota
Vigil Masses / Niedzielne Msze wigilijne:
July 14- Sunday (niedziela)
5:00 PM (English) in St. Faustina chapel
The Fifthtenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:30 a.m.
+ Fr. Leszek (Stefania Kuligowski)
10:30 a.m.
O Boże Błogosławieństwo i opiekę Matki Bożej
dla Damiana Michalaka z okazji urodzin (od synów)
12:30 p.m.
Steve Nagrabski (Nagrabski family)
7:00PM ( po polsku) w kaplicy św. Faustyny
Sunday / niedziela
8:30 AM (English) in the church
10:30 AM (po polsku) w kościele
12:30 PM (English) in the church
July 15-Monday (poniedziałek)
Saint Bonaventure, Bishop & Doctor of the Church
8:00 a.m. For living and deceased members of Majka and Twardowski
July 16-Tuesday (wtorek)
Prayers for Kathy Butler intention for Ariel & Jordon,
2 homeless 18 year olds in need of jobs & homes.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
8:00 a.m. Jane Kuehta (Bernadette Gietka)
July 17- Wednesday (środa)
7:00 p.m. + Vivian B. Picek (George Mikulski)
07/21 10:30am
for next Sunday
July 18- Thursday (czwartek)
Piotr Ryzner
Saint Camillus
8:00 a.m. Bryan Patrick Ruszala (Bernadette Gietka)
Jacek Domagala
July 19- Friday (piątek)
07/13 Sat 5:00pm
Luisa Di Iorio
7:00 p.m. + Zygmunt Paciorkiewicz (żona i dzieci)
07/14 Sun 8:30am
Maryann Chorabik
July 20 - Saturday (sobota)
Mass Attendance:
Saint Apollinaris, Bishop and Martyr
8:30 a.m.
+Władysław Czaczka (Maria Clarke)
5:00 p.m.
Lee Ratazak (Bernadette Gietka)
7:00 p.m
O zdrowie dla Stanislawy Skarpinski
July 21- Sunday (niedziela)
The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:30 a.m.
Anna Kim Dung for her intention (Vanessa Banh)
10:30 a.m.
++John Kopek & Ryszard Szymanski
12:30 p.m.
+Frank Szymanski (Kielek Family)
Last Week’s Offering
July 7, 2013
First Collection
Second Collection
( Mission Cooperative )
Poor Box
$ 2,520
$ 1,178
$ 3,880
Archdiocesan Shrine of The Divine Mercy
July 14, 2013
Baltimore, MD
Warm Welcome to all Visitors
For all visitors to Holy Rosary we extend
a very warm welcome. Please take away
great comfort and God’s Blessing for you
and your family.
This week’s Second Collection taken after Holy Communion will be for The Catholic Review. As always
we thank you for your generosity.
Serdecznie witamy wszystkich
odwiedzających nasz kościół.
Gościom i wyjeżdżającym parafianom
życzymy, aby wakacje, urlop, obojętnie
gdzie spędzany, był miłym
wypoczynkiem, ale też czasem pełnym
dobra i wzrostu duchowego.
Róże Różańcowe Rodziców
modlących się za dzieci i
dotychczasowe Róże zapraszają do
włączenia się do modlitwy
Osoby, które chciałyby włączyć się do
modlitwy różańcowej w ramach istniejącej
Róży lub Róż modlących się za dzieci, proszone są o kontakt z p.
Aliną Cymek, 443 540-4954. Więcej o Różach Różańcowych:
Votive Candles
The large Votive Lamps on the Main Altar or in the Divine
Mercy Shrine are for the convenience of those desiring to
have a Votive Lamp burning for their special intentions day
and night. Envelopes can be find in the pews or on the
table in the back of the church. Today the Candles are
burning for:
Our parish has formed a Rosary Group with Parents praying for their children. We invite you to join our parents in
saying the rosary for our children . For more information, you
can check our website .
If interested please contact: Alina Cymek, 443 540-4954.
1.To St. Jude (Catherine Gietka)
2. Kathy Butler Intentions
3. Sister Kay her good health & intentions
No matter where you go this summer, please
do not forget your parish back home. If you will
be out of town on a Sunday, please make your
weekly donation before you leave or when you
return. Holy Rosary depends on your help and
support to pay the bills even when you are not
God Bless you for understanding.
Wspierajmy swój kościół także w czasie wakacji.
Nieważne gdzie wybierasz się na wakacje, pamiętaj o o
swojej parafii. Potrzebujemy Twojej modlitwy i wsparcia.
Bóg zapłać za zrozumienie.
The Stations of
the Cross
Fr. Andrzej Totzke
SChr is extremely
pleased to announce The StaBefore
tions of the Cross have
been restored to their former glory. The
Stations are returned to their rightful place
of honor in the Church. A very special
thank you to Ms. Gietka for her generosity
and support in this holy project.
July 14, 2013
Archdiocesan Shrine of The Divine Mercy
Baltimore, MD
Thank you everyone! We have reached our First Goal for the
first Phase of our Stained Glass Windows restoration. We
completed 2 large windows to the left of the alter. Now our
Second Goal is to continue the project to the Second Phase.
We need sponsers for the Second Phase. The cost of renovating
the large windows is $12,000, and $1,000 for a small window. To
raise funds we invite you to sponsor the windows as parts. Large
windows are divided into twelve parts. Each of them will cost
$500. Once the renovation is complete, doners who contributed
$500 or more, will have their names inscribed on a plaque for
future generations. Thank you for for all of your help.
Al-Anon Meeting 7:30 pm
(Library Room in basement)
Every Friday:
Eucharistic Adoration
3pm-7 pm
First Fridays:
Mass and Healing service
in Polish 7 pm
Second/Fourth Friday:
Formacyjne spotkania dla
List of New Donors for 2nd Phase
Funds left from 1st phase $ 6,000, In Memory of Jane Saul $ 1,000, William
& Jeannette Krol $ 1,000, Zdzisław & Danuta Krajewski $500, Wanda
& Władysław Grzwinski & Wioletta Grabowski $500, Maria H Clark
$500, Geraline & Earl Koenig $500, Wanda Linhart $ 500, Ryszard &
Alina Cymek $500, Bożena & Damian Michalak $300, Jacek & Krystyna
Mamczarz $300, Sacred Heart Sodality $250, Harry King $220, Julia
Paciorkiewicz $200, Anna Potoniec $200, Lindsay E. Dierkes $100,
Joanna Jagielska $100, Janina Bednarek $100, John M. Stolka $50
2nd Collection
$ 2,490
1 sobota miesiąca 8.30
AM—Msza i formacyjne
spotkanie dla
Jasnogórskiej Rodziny
2nd Sunday of month:
Chaplet of Divine Mercy
after Mass
3rd Sunday 10:30 Msza z
kazaniem do dzieci (Mass
for Children)
TOTAL 2nd Phase :
$ 15,310
OUR GOAL: $17,500
The monthly pledge billings for the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal pledges have
been mailed. It is very important that these pledges be paid so that our parish will
reach and, hopefully, exceed our goal.
Please note that our parish receives
25% of all cash received until our goal is reached.
Once goal is reached, we receive 50% of all over goal cash received.
July 14, 2013
Archdiocesan Shrine of The Divine Mercy
Zapisy na katechezę i do polskiej
Baltimore, MD
We invite all those participants who regularly
share in the life of our Faith Community to
na następny rok szkolny.
register with Holy Rosary and to use the enJuż można zapisywać swoje dzieci do Polskiej
velopes. This will give a visible witness to
your sacrificial giving and will support your
Szkoły Sobotniej na przyszły rok szkolny.
parish, as well as giving you a record of your donations for tax
Zapisy u kierownik szkoły p. Marioli Sadowskiej lub na stronie
purposes. You will have a “hard copy” of your participation.
internetowej. Signups for Polish School (which is held on SatPlease know that those who wish to make Holy Rosary their
urdays) are now open. Please contact Mariola Sadowska:
parish with future plans to celebrate a baptism, a wedding or to
obtain a letter to be a godparent or sponsor, it is necessary
[email protected] or see website: http://
to be formally registered and actively participating on a
regular basis for at least three months before dates can be
set or letters be written. Registration forms can be found in the
b ack of th e ch u rch or register on lin e at
Our Food Pantry is
almost Empty!
Our Food Pantry is again getting low on
Food. As of July 10th we have helped
over 43 needy families. And in June we
have helped over 72 needy families . So
we are, again, reaching out to our
parishioners for assistance. Please, if you have any non
perishable canned goods, dry beans, boxed crackers or cookies
that you can donate, please drop it off at the rectory during
office hours. Every little bit helps, and we appreciate your
Please accept our Thank you on behalf of the less
Warm Welcome to our New Parishioners
The following have become Holy Rosary
Piotr & Elizabeth Iwanczuk & family
Marcin & Sylwia Michno & family
Bram & Lisa (Hammel) Crocker & family
Edward & Diana Kelch
Richard & Yasaman Warenda
Please introduce yourself and extend a warm welcome to our
new members.
Przerwa w peregrynacji Obrazu Jezusa Miłosiernego.
Pragnę serdecznie podziękować wszystkim, którzy przyjęli do swoich domów obraz Jezusa
Miłosiernego. Wierzę, że ten czas był błogosławionym czasem dla Waszych rodzin. Otrzymuje
świadectwa, że owoce tych odwiedzin już się pojawiają. Jeśli, ktoś pragnąłby podzielić się z
innymi, krótkim tekstem świadectwa, które będzie dla innych umocnieniem, proszony jest o
kontakt z ks. Proboszczem.
Na czas wakacji potrwa przerwa w peregrynacji Obrazu.
Jeśli będzie takie oczekiwanie wznowimy ją, w październiku.
Pause in peregrinations of the Holy Picture of the Merciful Jesus.
I wish to sincerely thank all those who brought the Holy Picture of the Merciful Jesus to their homes. I do believe
that this was a blessed time for your family and I expect that your family bore witness to the fruit of this visitation. If
you wish to share a brief text of your story with others who may benefit from your experience, please contact the
pastor. We will take a break during the summer months for the sharing of the Holy Picture.