Warszawskie tabliczki-nekrologi umieszczone w 1945 r. w pobliżu


Warszawskie tabliczki-nekrologi umieszczone w 1945 r. w pobliżu
Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej 44 – Summaries
Aneta Czarnecka
Warszawskie tabliczki-nekrologi
umieszczone w 1945 r. w pobliżu Pawiaka
Warsaw plates-obituaries
placed after 1945 nearby the Pawiak
The article is a language and cultural analysis of 93 obituaries stored in
the archives of the Pawiak’s Museum in Warsaw. The plates nailed, just after
the war, to the tree growing in the vicinity of the ruined Pawiak are one of the
earliest post-war Warsaw obituaries.
Most important element of the material analyzed is the informative function. Authors of the obituaries were providing primarily name and surname
of the deceased person. Additional elements allowing for easier identification of the deceased was providing the following: nickname, father’s name or
woman’s maiden surname, functions within military, covert and other organizations, medal awarded, place of death, in addition to day, month and year
of death. Majority of that information occurs irregularly or in a brief form.
The symptomatic feature of the obituaries analyzed is their conciseness affecting their specific character and uniqueness.
Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej 44 – Summaries
Lu c y n a A g n i e s z k a Ja n k o w i a k
Z dziejów terminologii medycznej.
Słownictwo medyczne wieku XVI wobec
XVII w. oraz pierwszej połowy XVIII w.
The history of medical terminology. Medical
vocabulary of the 16th century in comparison with
the 17th century and the first half of the 18th century
The article compares and contrasts the scope of the medical lexis of the 16th,
17 and the first half of the 18th centuries on the basis of the Dictionary of the 16th
Century Polish Language and the Dictionary of the 17th and First Half of the 18th
Century Polish Language (entries beginning with the letter A). These differences
and similarities concern: 1) the number of entries (16th century – 80 entries, 17th
century and first half of the 18th century – 110 entries); 2) their definitions; 3) origin (both dictionaries include exclusively loanwords – mainly from Latin – and
derivatives from loanwords: the 16th century: 64 loanwords and 16 derivatives
from loanwords, the 17th century and first half of the 18th century: 79 loanwords
and 31 derivatives from loanwords); 4) vitality: a) 37.5% of the material from the
16th century does not enter the 17th and first half of the 18th century vocabulary,
b) 62.5% of entries from the 16th century is confirmed in the 17th century and
first half of the 18th century, c) per 110 entries from the 17th century and first half
of the 18th century 54.5% constitute new entries), 5) prevalence degree (entries
noted only by one author constitute over 40% in both dictionaries), 6) level of
terminological features (between the 16th century and the period of the 17th and
first half of the 18 century the exchange between the layers of various degree of
terminological features took place).
Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej 44 – Summaries
Lu c y n a A g n i e s z k a Ja n k o w i a k
Zielnik Stefana Falimirza a słownik
Bartłomieja z Bydgoszczy z 1544 roku
Stefan Falimirz’s herbarium and the dictionary
of Bartłomiej from Bydgoszcz from 1544
The article refutes the thesis of the authors of the new edition of the dictionaries of Bartłomiej from Bydgoszcz about his adopting vocabulary from
S. Falimirz’s herbarium. The comparison of materials from the Dictio­nary of
the 16th Century Polish Language (volumes I–XXXII) with the entries from the
dictionary of Bartłomiej from Bydgoszcz from 1544 indicates only 4 certain
common entries.
Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej 44 – Summaries
B eata Krokocka
Funkcjonowanie motywów roślinnych
i zwierzęcych w codziennym słowniku rodzinnym
mieszkańców dawnego Księstwa Łowickiego
Functioning of floral and animal patterns
in everyday family dictionary of inhabitants
of former Principality of Łowicz
The goal of the following work is to show variety, metaphorical nature and
multifunctionality of the world of nature in the language native to “Księżacy”.
The analysis concerns vocabulary connected with plants and animals that is
used presently in a “home” dictionary of the Region of Łowicz.
A family language is understood in the same way as it was presented by
Kwiryna Handke in her monography Polish Family Language (Polski język
familijny, Warszawa 1995).
As a result of direct observation of family circles as well as analysis of lingual data gathered during local exploration conducted in years 2005–2008, it
has been observed that in a home language lots of expressions including floral and animal elements in their structure are present. Such words are used
to great extend by a significant number of society of Łowicz in so‑called live
speech. This situation is a result of a fact that in a rural environment animals
and plants are an inherent element of reality surrounding a human. Observations of behaviour, growth, external characteristics (especially in case of crops
or plants grown around a house or domestic animals on a farm) incline a person to determine similarities between the world of the nature and humans.
Numerous epithets, abuses, comparisons, proverbs, sayings as well as superstitions are a result of such observations. To define designatum, the inhabitants of
the region of Łowicz first of all pay attention to these features of plants and animals, which are visible and well displayed (in the world of plants: smell, shape,
colour or sharpeness, stickiness, clinginess and healing properties, and in the
world of animals: temper, preferences, smartness, size, sounds produced).
Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej 44 – Summaries
B e a t a Ku b o k
Nazewnictwo obrządku zaślubin i wesela
w gwarach cieszyńskich dawniej i dziś
Vocabulary of engagement and wedding
in dialects of the Cieszyn region
(on the Polish‑Czech border)
(Summar y)
In my paper I am analyzing South Silesian vocabulary referring to names of
fiancées, brides, fiancés, grooms, and to expressions concerning period between
proposal and marriage like: to be affianced, betrothed, engaged to be married.
Some of those words are very old and archaic (for example snymby, wiesieli); other include semantic evolution or change. For example: the Polish archaic lexeme
niewiasta ‘women’ or ‘wife’ changed its meaning under the influence of the Czech
To a lesser extend the paper describes that period in its cultural, ethnic, religious and social context. I also touch upon superstitions, magical practices, wedding songs and ritual speeches related to it. I often refer to Lucjan Malinowski’s
research. He was probably the first Polish linguist and ethnographer, who described the Silesian wedding ceremonies (Wisła, 1859).
Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej 44 – Summaries
Ilona Generowicz
Kategoria MATKI
we współczesnym języku chorwackim
The cognitive category of MOTHER
in the Croatian language
(Summar y)
One of the most basic features of the cognitive category of MOTHER
in the Croatian language is giving birth to a child. Even a pregnant woman
is conceptualized as a mother. The profile, that speaks of creating new life,
allows for metaphorical description in terms of the mother of that which
is the beginning or the source of something (eg majka zemlja, majka svih
pogrešaka). Another important element is mother’s childcare, i.e. breastfeeding (dojilja), householding (majka kućanica), upbringing (majka odgojiteljica),
protection and assistance (majka domovina, majka siromaha, Majka Tereza,
Božja Majka). In addition, the lexical material indicates that a mother should
be referred to with respect. This is visible mainly in the construction of curses, whose vulgarity and strength come from breaking of that commandment
(jebem ti majku). The last feature, characterizing mother in the Croatian language, is her age. Most of the collocations show that mother is imagined as an
elderly person (stara majka, stara mama, starica majka, mama starica, stara,
starateljica, baba, babica, baka, stara mu je majka). It probably results from
the manner in which mother is represented in literature and folklore, as well
as from the conceptualization of her from the child’s point of view.
Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej 44 – Summaries
Jo l a n t a M i n d a k ‑ Z a w a d z k a
Balija czyli poturica – od piętna do stereotypu
(na podstawie dyskusji internetowych)
Balija i.e. poturica – from Stigma to Stereotype
(analyzing the Computer‑Mediated
Disscussions about Bosniaks)
The paper is focused on some linguistic exponents of social stigmatization of Bosniaks in the post­‑Yugoslavian cyberspace. It highlights the close
relationship between the identity devaluation of Bosniaks and the negative
stereotype of them. The Bosniaks’ stereotype confirmed by data from cyber­
discussions corresponds with the south Slavonic stereotype of Muslims,
composed from both traditional („Ottoman invaders”) and contemporary
(„Islamic terrorists”) elements.
Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej 44 – Summaries
Włodzimierz Pianka
Polskie wyrazy kobieta i mężczyzna
w aspekcie etymologicznym
i kulturoznawczym na tle słowiańskim
The Polish words kobieta and mężczyzna
in the aspect of etymology and cultural
studies against the slavic background
(Summar y)
The Indoeuropean words designing adults of both genders probably date
back to the polygamist times and their semantics refer to procreation capacities. The Proto­‑Slavic word *žena ‘woman’ (> Pol. żona ‘wife’) comes from the
root *gen‑ ‘to give birth’, which is known in Greek and Latin. The word *mžь
‘man’ (> Pol. mąż ‘husband’), coming from the root *men‑ ‘to protrude, project, protuberate, to tower’, has a parallel in Germanic languages (Eng. man)
and, with a different evolution of the meaning, in Latin (mons ‘mountain’). The
Balkan languages have conserved the primary meaning of the words *žena and
*mžь. In the Middle Ages, the words żeńszczyzna i mężczyzna were used in
Polish in reference to adults of respective genders. The former has disappeared
and has been replaced by the word kobieta, known only in Polish.
The dialectal form kobito (f), retained until today, indicates that in Old
Polish it was an adjective: *kobitā žona ‘clairvoyant (fortune telling) woman’, formed with the ‑ita(‑ja) suffix from the noun *kobь ‘prediction, augury,
good / bad fate’, whose Indo­‑European root *kob‑ has equivalents in many
languages, i. a. Eng. happy. In Polish, this word has disappeared, leaving only
one word derived from it: kobuz ‘Eurasian Hobby’ (Falco subbuteo L).
Even though around 30 different etymologies were created in the 20th
century, the origins of that word have never been fully proven. Some of the
theories were also referring to the *kob‑ root, but the authors didn’t take into
account the contemporary Balkan languages, where around 50 words derived
from this root exist. It was mainly basing on this material that the existing
hypothesis concerning the etymology of the word kobieta was confirmed.
Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej 44 – Summaries
Jo l a n t a R a j e w s k a
Andželina Džoli czy Anđelina Žoli?
O transkrypcji obcych nazw własnych
na przykładzie serbskiej prasy codziennej
Andželina Džoli or Anđelina Žoli?
Transcription of foreign proper names
based on examples from Serbian newspapers
The purpose of the article is to show practical realization of the rules of
the transcription of foreign proper names in modern Serbian. I intend not
only to illustrate rules which apply to transcription with appropriate examples
but also to demonstrate how often and common the mistakes and inconsistency in adaptation of phonetic spelling’s rules are. The paper presents results
of research based on articles with political, socio-cultural and sports topics
published in Serbian newspapers (Online Editions) from 2002 to 2009.
Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej 44 – Summaries
Ja n u s z S i a t k o w s k i
Słowiańskie nazwy ‘łydki’
w świetle materiałów gwarowych
i źródeł historycznych
Slavic names of ‘the calf ’ in the light
of dialect materials and historical sources
The names of ‘the calf’ are characterized by a very complex territorial
structure. Several names from the past set up quite wide and cohesive complexes. Besides, a few names of a limited range also occur, in addition, there
are a few rare or absolutely sporadic names of ‘the calf’.
Historical materials and materials from earlier studies show considerable
changes in ranges of specified names of ‘the calf’. In the past, the names of ‘the
calf’ were even more mixed than they are today, it took some time to create
more expressive divisions, mostly under the impact of literal languages.
Names of ‘the calf’, as a rule, have a clear-cut semantic motivation depicting ‘a bulge’, ‘a bump’, ‘a thickness’, ‘a swelling’, or ‘softness’. They also are
combined with specified names of the animals. Many of these ‘calf’ names
refer to other, neighboring parts of the body, such ‘a shin’, ‘a hip’, ‘a leg’,
‘a bone’, etc.
Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej 44 – Summaries
M a g d a l e n a Pa s t u c h o w a
Interdyscyplinarność w badaniach językoznawczych
Interdiscipline in linguistic research
(Summar y)
The paper examines the problem of interdiscipline in linguistic research.
To illustrate this the discussion concerns both metalinguistic interpretation
of the lexeme interdiscipline as well as the ways of dealing with interdiscipline
in the humanities.
The author takes into account the linguistic texts and discusses various
methods used in inter-discipline research in the humanities. Those methods
are used so as to complete linguistic research with the data taken from the
other scientific disciplines or in order to provide methodological inspiration
which comes from the theories formulated on the grounds of both social and
exact sciences.
The text is summed up with the opinion not only on positive aspects of interdiscipline problems in linguistics but also on danger which may appear in such
scientific research. Taking the latter into consideration, the author puts emphasis
on any groundless usage of terminology taken from the other disciplines as well as
superficiality emerging in treatment of scientific results in the other disciplines.
Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej 44 – Summaries
Tomasz Kwoka
Serbskie językoznawstwo diachroniczne
na początku XXI wieku
Serbian diachronic linguistics at the
beginning of the 21st century
The article provides information on bibliographical data illustrating the
condition of research in Serbian diachronic linguistics at the beginning of the
21st century.��������������������������������������������������������������
this period, three phenomena deserve particular attention.�����������������������������������������������������������������������
first one are re‑editions of fundamental theoretical works by Serbian linguists.�������������������������������������������������������������
second one involves the attempts to familiarize the Serbian reader with works by foreign authors which are usually hardly accessible
in Serbia (books by Nikita Tolstoy, Joseph Schütz, Emil�����������������������
Benveniste’s dictionary). Serbian translation of Ivan Popović’s Geschichte der Serbokroatischen
Sprache (The History of the Serbo­‑Croatian Language), originally written in
the German, gives readers a chance to get acquainted with this version of the
book which had previously been known only from a small paper published
in Novi Sad in 1955. The last important element of Serbian diachronic linguistics are two large lexicographic projects (etymological dictionary and the
dictionary of Serbian editing of the Church Slavonic language). The research
of Serbian linguists focuses primarily on the works from the period of Middle
Ages and the processes which accompanied the development of contemporary Serbian language at the turn of 18th and 19th centuries.