Synonimia w polskiej terminologii medycznej przełomu XIX i XX


Synonimia w polskiej terminologii medycznej przełomu XIX i XX
Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej 46 – Summaries
Lu c y n a A . Ja n k o w i a k
Synonimia w polskiej terminologii medycznej
przełomu XIX i XX wieku. Rekonesans
Synonyms in Polish medical terminology at the
turn of the 20th century. Reconnaissance
The paper concerns the phenomenon of synonyms in the medical terminology. On the basis of Słownik terminologii lekarskiej polskiej (Dictionary of Polish Medical Terminology, 1881) and Słownik lekarski polski (Polish
Dictionary of Medicine, 1905) the author examines (in terms of a structure,
origin and chronology) 88 series of synonyms (regarding illnesses) present
in both dictionaries. From the examination it results that during a conscious
tiding up and shaping of Polish medical terminology it was impossible to
eliminate synonyms, a phenomenon undesired in every terminology. Admittedly, in the Słownik lekarski polski (Polish Dictionary of Medicine, 1905)
one may observe a tendency to reduce on the number of synonyms in the
series of synonyms and the general number of the series, however, scale of
this phenomena is still significant. Even if, till the half of twentieth century,
nearly half of series of synonyms did not survive, as it is proven by researches
conducted by K. Musiołek-Choinski, phenomena of synonyms could not be
eliminated. The old series of synonyms are replaced by new ones, and this
situation is greatly affected by English vocabulary.
Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej 46 – Summaries
Jo a n n a K a m p e r- Wa r e j k o
Poradnik Piotra Krescencjusza jako tekst użytkowy
Petrus Crescentius’ Guide-Book as a utilitarian text
The article is based on the materials constituting the second edition of
the Polish version of the Italian agronomist’s guide-book titled O pomnożeniu
i rozkrzewieniu wszelakich Pożytkow Kśiag Dwoienaście: Ludźiom Stanu
káżdego, ktorzyby śię uczciwym Gospodárstwem báwili, wielce potrzebne á
pożyteczne (About Multiplication and Distribution of all Benefits of Twelve
Books: For the People of Each Position Who Would Deal With Honest Economy, Very Necessary and Useful) dating back to the year 1571. The author made
an attempt to present the selected properties of the work, which compose a
specific style of the guide-book text. From the excerpted stylistic means –
of more than 700 columns – subordinated to the didactical purpose of the
guide-book, the lexical stylistic means, directive structures, modal verbs and
specific structures contained in the recipes of mixtures, infusions, and preserves were derived. Certain formulas are well known from other natural science texts, for example, herbariums. On the basis of the presented material,
the Polish translation of Petrus Crescentius’ Guide-Book was placed among
the works that were written in the didactic-scientific style.
Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej 46 – Summaries
Iw o n a K a p r o ń - C h a r z y ń s k a
Stylistyczna formantów słowotwórczych.
Zarys problematyki
Stylistic function of word-formation
formants. An outline
In the first part of the article, the functions of formants distinguished
in the selected structural and post-structural classification of derivatives are
presented. In connection with the description of the stylistic function of formal indices of the word-formation origin, the proposal made by S. Grabias
(1981) and A. Nagórko (2003c) is discussed in a more expanded aspect. The
both authors raise the issue of the stylistic differentiation of word-formation
means in the area of the pragmatic function of formants. Due to the fact that
the establishment whether the formant is fulfilling the stylistic function, is
connected, among others, with the knowledge about its stylistic value, the
second part of the article draws up attention to the interpretation differences,
which are frequent in the literature, which interpretation differences refer to
the stylistic value of certain word-formation formants and word-formation
types. The author makes an attempt to discover the reason for the said differences. At the end of the article, the methods, which may be used in the research of the stylistic properties of word-formation formants, are specified.
Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej 46 – Summaries
Ha n n a Po p o w s k a - Ta b o r s k a
Gdyby kiedykolwiek w przyszłości
miał powstać Słownik etymologiczny
kaszubskiego języka literackiego
If ever the Etymological dictionary of the Cassubian
literary language was to come into being
The currently emerging Cassubian literary language is characterized by
a considerable amount of artificially created neologisms. These neologisms
cause us to think about the types of linguistic mechanisms, which cause the
emergence of forms and meanings that do not occur in the living Cassubian
dialects. The solutions presented in the article refer to: 1. the distribution and
the change in the meaning of the Cassubian naparłęczyć się ‘to come across,
to turn up’, 2. the new functions of the dual pronominal form naju, 3. the
vague etymology of the neologism swiąda ‘consciousness; awareness’, 4. the
history of the emergence of the neologism spodle ‘back­ground; basis’.
Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej 46 – Summaries
B eata R aszewska-Żurek
Kobieca cnota. Próba zrozumienia ewolucji
znaczenia cnoty na przestrzeni wieków
Feminine virtue. An attempt at
understanding the evolution of the meaning
of cnota (virtue) over the centuries
The article is devoted to the evolution of the meaning of the Polish lexeme
cnota (virtue) starting from the Old Polish to the present time. The starting
point is the change in the meaning of the lexeme virtue from the ‘complex of
ethical qualities’ in the Old Polish language to the ‘hymen’ in the twentieth
century. From the beginning of the Polish language, the lexeme virtue contained a different catalogue of values in relation to men and women. Analysis
concerned these meanings which referred to a woman and were related to the
valuation not only of the virtue, but also of a woman in general, taking into
consideration non-linguistic, social and cultural determinants. The material
comes from historical and contemporary Polish language dictionaries. The
studies also included the use of lexemes related to the lexem cnota (virtue),
such as an adjective cnotliwy (virtuous) or a noun cnotka (would-be virgin,
goody-goody), if they concerned the woman‘s virtue. The meaning of the
lexeme virtue in relation to a woman was associated with virginity, chastity, considered as a key factor for determining the value of a woman. Such
meaning, associated with a positive valuation of virtue persisted until the
nineteenth century. In the twentieth century, the broad importance of the
lexeme virtue has fallen into disuse, the meaning has been narrowed to ‘virginity’. Following this, in connection with social and customary changes, the
virtue, already as ‘virginity’, lost its traditional high rating in the category of
moral values.
Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej 46 – Summaries
Ur s z u l a B a r a n
Transferencja italianizmów i wenecjanizmów
w chorwackich gwarach czakawskich Dalmacji
The borrowing process of Italianisms
and Venecianisms in Croatian Čakavian
local languages of Dalmatia
Italian and Venetian loanwords in the territory of Dalmatia were the
result of complex, lengthy and intensive contacts, first Croatian-Romanian
and later Croatian-Italian. In Dalmatia these are the Roman languages which
have clearly indicated their presence in vocabulary and numerous works of
linguists and dialectologists were devoted to this phenomenon. Apart from
linguistic sources, also the historical ones inform us about multiculturalism
and bilingualism, which developed in the Dalmatian cities. The outcomes
of language contacts are numerous linguistic borrowings from Italian and
Venetian dialect in Čakavian lexical system. The adaptation process of Venetian and Italian borrowings occurs at the phonological, morphological and
semantic level. This article describes only the adaptation at the morphological and linguistic level in the language system of Čakavian dialect. It should
be noted, however, that a linguistic borrowing is adapted at the phonological
level first. As it is clear from the material discussed, a linguistic borrowing
goes through three phases of transmorphemisation. At the formative level,
Čakavian lexical system was enriched by new suffixes. At the semantic level,
we can see that a borrowing in the recipient language retains the original
meaning, there is also an expansion or a narrowing of the meaning compared
to the one of the donor language. The most productive class of borrowed
words are nouns, verbs are more rarely borrowed, as well as adjectives, adverbs, prepositions and interjections. It seems that the cause of the advantage
of nouns borrowed over other parts of speech lies in their semantics.
Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej 46 – Summaries
Je r z y Mo l a s
Projekt języka czarnogórskiego
Draft of the Montenegrin language
The authors of the grammar of the Montenegrin language (Gramatika
crnogorskoga jezika, Podgorica 2010) have constructed a linguistic system
which definitely stands apart from other standards which grew out from the
Shtokavian dialects. Such elements as phonemes |ś| and |ź|, potencijal imperfekta, the negative form of the verb biti, the doublets of the forms of the verb
htjeti // šćeti, lexemes with results of iotacismes make up – against the Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian languages – a separate system both in terms of
quality and quantity: potentially they are so frequent that would radically
change the picture of Montenegrin texts with regard to the “classic” Shtokavian languages/dialects.
In addition, the authors have managed to not go too far and have avoided
a temptation to introduce into the system more specific characteristics, which
have not been used by the modern language for a long time, such as, for example, the expanded form of the adjectival conjugation of the Njegošowski
type: momci prsih vatrenijeh czy raniš od Vidova dana junačkijem i konjskijem mesom gavranove i mrke vukove! or phoneme |з|.
In addition, it would also be difficult to specify the elements, which would
prove unequivocally the tendency of the proposed Montenegrin standard becoming similar to one of the remaining Shtokavian languages.
The weakness of the project is its potential nature. In case of the Grammar, one cannot speak about the descriptive nature thereof. It is a proposal of
the norm and the standard, which can genuinely come into existence solely
given the support of the political elites and on the basis of their introduction
into the educational and administrative system, as well as – which is most
probably the most important and the most difficult aspect – given the goodwill of the decisive majority of the users of the Montenegrin language, which
at the current point is rather out of the question.
Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej 46 – Summaries
D a n u t a R o s z k o, R o m a n R o s z k o
Teoretyczne badania konfrontatywne
Theoretical contrastive studies
The contrastive studies criticism in the 60s – 70s of the 20th century was the
only basis for quite a few researchers to formulate their opinion on the studies.
Although the criticism is becoming out-of date, it has not lost its inertia to disapprovingly dispose to and discourage from contrastive studies. It should be emphasized that the contrastive studies have taken quite a different course since then.
The key charge of the lack of a solid basis for the combination of the languages is
no longer in effect. The contrastive studies guidelines formed from scratch by the
Semantics Research Team of the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy
of Science are evidence for it, successfully finding their application in previously
published multi-volume monographs (Koseska, Penčev 1988-2009), (Korytkowska,
Koseska, Roszko 2007), a number of works of the authorship of S. Karolak, M.
Korytkowska, V. Koseska, V. Maldjieva, D. Roszko, R. Roszko and others (compare the bibliography in Korytkowska, Koseska, Roszko 2007), as well as in the
Polish-Lithuanian Contrastive Grammar in preparation by D. Roszko, R. Roszko.
The fundamental principle of the contrastive studies is orienting the studies from
the semantic ground (the interlanguage) to the formal ground. Using the interlanguage as a semantic tertium comparationis creates a solid and explicit basis for the
combination of the languages. The bases for theoretical contrastive studies have
come into existence at the Institute of Slavic Studies. Therefore, the guidelines for
them were applied for the contrast of Slavonic languages (mainly Polish and Bulgarian). ­Afterwards, the Lithuanian language, belonging to the Baltic Languages,
was included among the languages being contrasted. It is noticeable that the studies
itself and the published works based on the criteria of theoretical contrastive studies refer to less popular and poorly spread languages, that is Polish, Bulgarian and
Lithuanian. Moreover, for quite a time the majority of these works were published
mainly in Polish and Bulgarian. Despite a few decades of the existence of the new
linguistic contrastive method, the above-mentioned facts caused that the method
isn’t well-known. The idea of this article is to make the researchers get interested
in the guidelines for theoretical contrastive studies and the results of some of the
linguistic contrasts carried out until now.
Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej 46 – Summaries
Z b i g n i e w Ru s e k
O instrumentach, narzędziach, przyrządach,
przyborach w językach słowiańskich
Names for instruments, tools, devices
and accessories in Slavonic languages
This article is devoted to the names for ‘instruments’, ‘tools’, ‘devices’
and ‘accessories’ in Slavonic languages. As it was described in this paper,
there is no common name, which is an equivalent of Latin ‘instrumentum’ in
Slavonic languages. The name, coming from Latin instrumentum, is known
in the majority of the languages (except Czech and Slovak), but its scope of
the meaning is not the same. In Polish it concerns only musical and medical (mainly surgical, dental, laryngological) instruments, but for instance in
Bulgarian and Macedonian it is also used in the meaning ‘tool’ (sometimes
also in Serbo-Croatian). In Slovenian it is used both in the meaning ‘musical instrument’, but also ‘special device, used in medical, scientific and measurement purpose’. This name has also a wide range of meaning in the EastSlavonic languages, especially in Russian (concerns not only to musical and
medical (surgical) instruments, but also to any tool, used by craftsmen).
The name, continuing *pri-bor ъ is known in the majority of Slavonic languages, but their semantic scope is different (the largest is in Serbo-Croatian).
An Old Slavonic word *orǫdьje in the majority of the Slavonic languages has
the meaning ‘tool, instrument’, in some languages means ‘canon’, but in Polish it has quite different meaning (for instance, Orędzie Prezydenta RP). The
noun, continuing *na-rędъ is present in each West-Slavonic language, and
– with a preffix – also in the East Slavonic. The noun, coming from the *prirędъ, exists only in Polish, but it has an equivalent *pri-ladъ in Ukrainian
and Byelorussian. The word, origins from Turkish alât is a lexical Balkanism, noticed only in the languages of Balkan Slaves (Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbo-Croatian). Other names for ‘instruments, tools, devices, accessories’, described in this article, are not common, and exist only in separate
Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej 46 – Summaries
Ja n u s z S i a t k o w s k i
Słowiańskie nazwy ‘brwi’ w świetle materiałów
gwarowych i źródeł historycznych
Slavic names for ‘eyebrows’ in light of
dialectal materials and historical sources
‘Eyebrows’ have in OLA only several more frequent names (that are
marked on the map by areas), the remaining ones occupy small areas or are
absolutely rare.
The most frequent names are those connected with the core *-br ъv-, that
are internally very different. There is an expressive contrast/opposition between the northern area with forms from *br ъv- and the large southern area
with the forms from prefixed *obr ъv-. The forms from the core *-br ъv- are
also divided into two areas due to the preservation of the indigenous [old
Slavonic semivowel] “jor/jer”: in the west, the forms with the disappeared
weak “jor” exist in the west, while in the each these forms show its secondary
vocalization. These macro-divisions also include the differentiations that are
the result of morphological transformations of primary forms *bry, *br ъve
and *obry, *obr ъve that show the early transition to -i stems with the accusative form in the nominative case, in turn the transition to former -a stems
or to former -ja stems, the emergence of the secondary form of the neuter
*obr ъvьje, and finally – most probably due to the treatment of the form of
the singular of the feminine gender *(o)br ъva as the plural form and its depluralization – the emergence of the singular of the neuter *(o)br ъvo.
Vast areas are formed by forms from *vědja (in pl *vědję or *vědji) in the
eastern part of the southern Slavic languages and by forms from the base
*ob-oč- (or most frequently *//obočьje) in the Czech Republic, Morava and
Slovakia and as the island-like presence can be found in Lusatia (Łużyce) and
in Hungary.
Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej 46 – Summaries
Maciej Czer wiński
Sens dziejów narodowych a struktura tekstu
historycznego. O niektórych mechanizmach
tekstotwórczych na przykładzie historii Polski
The understanding of national history
and the structure of historical text.
About some text-forming devices on the example
of Polish history
In the article some operational terms in historical text (here in the genre
of the popular-scientific synthesis of a national history) are taken into consideration, notably: final (term by Boris Uspienski) and narration/narrative. It is
demonstrated how the last link of a chain of events in historical representation – called by Uspienski the final – influences, and in fact enables, the very
construction of any story about the past. Moreover, the final makes it possible
to grasp all historical entities (protagonists, events, etc.) within a defined axiological sphere. Thus, some entities are considered to be good whereas some
other are bad. Their role in a narrative is determined in relation to the final
that affirms a teleology of a nation (here in the example of Polish nation). In
this context, the two concepts that of event and process, taken from narratology (Doležel and van Dijk), are elaborated.

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