Przykładowy test kwalifikacyjny do klasy dwujęzycznej. Uwaga! Test


Przykładowy test kwalifikacyjny do klasy dwujęzycznej. Uwaga! Test
Przykładowy test kwalifikacyjny do klasy dwujęzycznej.
Uwaga! Test kwalifikacyjny obejmuje również ćwiczenie badające rozumienie ze słuchu, które
nie jest ujęte w teście przykładowym.
II. Przeczytaj poniższy tekst i uzupełnij luki wyrazami z ramki. Wpisz je na kartę
but do
every games
on out sports to use
Survey of 13-year-old students at Southlands School
Computers: The report shows that all of the 13-year-old students at Southlands School
have got a computer 1_______ home. They usually have their computer in their bedroom.
80 % of them 2_______ their computer for about an hour 3_________ evening. 90% of
students play computer 4_______ , 85% write e-mails 5________ their friends and 60 % use
the Internet. All the students use the computer to find 6________ information for their
school projects.
Reading: Reading magazines is popular with these students. 70 % of them buy and read
magazines 7_______ music, sport, fashion 8________ their hobbies. But these 13-year-olds
hardly 9________read a newspaper. Only 5 % of them read a newspaper every day. 60 % of
the students use the town library and they like reading 10_________ in the school holidays.
Weekend activities: What do these teenagers 11________ at weekends? All of them get up
late at the weekend. 56 % do 12________ - swimming, football and tennis are popular. 58 %
like dancing and go to discos. They usually go out 13_______ Saturdays 14________ their
friends. 60 % go to parties 15_________ 40 % hate parties.
III. Przeczytaj tekst z zadania nr I ponownie i wybierz odpowiedzi: prawda (True), fałsz
(False) czy nie wiadomo (Don’t know). Wpisz A, B lub C na karcie odpowiedzi.
16. 80 % of the students in the survey have got a computer at home.
A True
B False
C Don’t know
17. Computer games are very popular with the students.
A True
B False
C Don’t know
18. 70 % of the students buy music magazines.
A True
B False
C Don’t know
19. The students never read in the school holidays.
A True
B False
C Don’t know
20. The students don’t get up early on Saturday mornings.
A True
B False
C Don’t know
IV. Wybierz właściwy wyraz i wpisz go na kartę odpowiedzi
21. I think she dances very good/well.
22. Have you ever seen such a / such great actor ?
23. Could you move little / a little , please?
24. Let’s stop nowhere / somewhere, all right?
25. Can you play the / - guitar?
26. What is your lucky/happy number?
27. The first / First exercise is always difficult to do.
28. The journalists didn’t have some / any news from South Africa.
29. Our house is large, but their / theirs is simply huge.
30. My father’s hair is / are black.
V. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź: a, b, c lub d i wpisz na kartę odpowiedzi.
31. Tomek ………….. from Poland.
a) are
b) is
c) aren’t
d) am
32. Maria and Fernando ……….. Spanish.
a) is
b) isn’t
c) are
d) am
33. They’ve got three ………… .
a) child’s
b) childrens
c) children
d) child
34. There’s ……… pencil on the table.
a) a
b) two
c) some
d) an
35. My brother’s sixteen. ………… called Tom.
a) She’s
b) He’s
c) It’s
d) You’re
36. I’ve got two sisters. ……………… bedroom is very big.
a) His
b) Your
c) Their
d) Her
37. …………….. are you from?
a) Where
b) What
c) When
d) Who
38. ……………… are twenty students in my class.
a) They
b) There
c) We
d) It
39. My parents have got blue eyes but my ……………. hair is black.
a) father
b) fathers
c) fathers’
d) father’s
40. They speak English but they ……………. speak French.
a) don’t
b) do
c) does
d) doesn’t
41. …………. he play the guitar?
a) Do
b) Does
c) Is
d) Don’t
42. I ………. up at 7 o’clock.
a) usually get
b) get sometimes c) get often
d) get usually
43. She ……………. a black T-shirt today.
a) wears
b) doesn’t wear
c) is wearing
d) are wearing
44. I don’t like ………………. football.
a) play
b) playing
c) to playing
d) doing
45. My friend, Jack, ……………. at school yesterday because he was ill.
a) isn’t
b) was
c) were
d) wasn’t
46. Where ……………….. last night?
a) did you go
b) do you go
c) you go
d) does she go
47. We usually go to the disco on Saturdays but we ……………… today.
a) don’t go
b) doesn’t go
c) isn’t going
d) aren’t going
48. She’s more ……………………… than her sister.
a) big
b) taller
c) oldest
d) intelligent
49. We ………….. you next week.
a) see
b) will see
c) is seeing
d) is going to see
50. …………… you ever met a famous person?
a) Has
b) Do
c) Did
d) Have
51. You don’t ……………… go now. You can go tomorrow.
a) must
b) mustn’t
c) have to
d) have
52. At school last year I ………………. wear black shoes.
a) must
b) mustn’t
c) have to
d) had to
53. They come from Rome. They ……………….. be Italian.
a) could
b) can
c) must
d) can’t
54. I went to the supermarket ……………. some food.
a) for to buy
b) to buying
c) to buy
d) for buying
55. That’s Mr Brown. He’s the teacher ………………. gives us a lot of tests.
a) when
b) which
c) who
d) where
VI. Porównaj formy utworzone ze słów języka łacińskiego z ich polskim znaczeniem,
a następnie wybierz cztery słowa łacińskie i przyporządkuj je do odpowiednich słów
polskich. Wpisz w tabeli właściwą literę.
laudare – chwalić
laudatur – jest chwalony
słowo polskie
A. narraret
E. narrare
laudabam – chwaliłem
laudate – chwalcie
laudabit – pochwali
laudaret - pochwaliłby
odpowiednik łaciński
B. narrat
F. narrate
C. narratur
G. narrabam
D. narrantur
H. narrabit

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