
Międzypowiatowy Konkurs Języka Angielskiego Żarki 2011/2012
pod patronatem Burmistrza Miasta i Gminy Żarki
Klemensa Podlejskiego
Klasa IV
Zadanie 1
1. Where are Kasia and Ania from?/ Where are they from?
2. Who is that/it/she/?
3. What’s your address?
4. What colour are your books?
5. When is your German lesson?
6. How old is Marcin/he?
7. Who is your favourite teacher?
8. Where is your father?
9. When is his birthday?
10. What is your nationality? /What nationality are you?
Zadanie 2
1. No, it isn’t.
2. No, she isn’t. /Yes, she is.
3. No, they aren’t.
4. Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isn’t.
5. No, it isn’t.
6. Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.
7. Yes, they have./ No, they haven’t.
8. No, I’m not.
9. Yes, he/she has. / No, he/she hasn’t.
10. No, it isn’t.
Zadanie 3
From, am, student, school, class, colour, my, days, got, his, he, is, subjects, friend, are,
teacher, I‘ve, favourite, are, Melissa.
Zadanie 4
1. grandfather
2. Thursday
3. elephant
4. twelve
5. peach
Zadanie 5
1. Scottish
2. Ankle
3. England
4. Elbow
5. Pet
6. Poland
7. Tomato
8. Cherry
9. Belly
10. Painting
Zadanie 6
1. It’s twenty past eleven.
2. It’s half past ten./ It’s ten thirty.
3. It’s a quarter past three.
4. It’s twenty five to three.
5. It’s two to two.
1. Thirty four plus twenty is fifty four/ Thirty four added to twenty equals fifty four
2. Ninety seven minus sixty five is thirty two/ Ninety seven subtracted from sixty five
equals thirty two
3. Forty times two is eighty/ Forty multiplied by two equals eighty
4. Thirty nine (divided )by three is/ equals thirteen
5. One hundred minus seventy eight is twenty two / one hundred subtracted from
seventy eight equals twenty two
Klasa V
Zadanie 1
1. Where is Anna swimming?
2. Where do they live?
3. What do you usually eat for breakfast?
4. Are there any books on the table?
5. Is there any water in the fridge?
6. How many tomatoes have you got?
7. How much cheese has she got?
8. What time does Kate get up?
9. What are Sam and Dave doing?
10. Have you got any brothers or sisters?
Zadanie 2
1. Yes, it is/No, it isn’t
2. Yes, he does/ No, he doesn’t
3. Yes, they are/No, they aren’t
4. Yes, he/she is/ No, he/she isn’t
5. Yes, they do/ No they don’t
6. Yes, I have/ No, I haven’t
7. Yes, there are/ No, there aren’t
8. No, I’m not
9. Yes, I have/ No, I haven’t
10. No, they can’t
Zadanie 3
Oto przykładowe odpowiedzi:
is, kitchen, this, cook, big, are, and, next, to, is, room, posters, computer, clothes, any,
bathroom, at, in, have, Klara
Zadanie 4
1. Some
2. Ben’s got
3. There is
4. How much
5. Women
6. Anna is helping
7. Does
8. Wolves
9. I can
10. Sara doesn’t get up
Zadanie 5
1. Cooker
2. Tie
3. Peach
4. Info
5. Cambridge
6. Scotland
7. Garage
8. Mouse
9. Gold
10. Pond
Zadanie 6
Zaliczamy wszystkie poprawne odpowiedzi. Oto przykładowe odpowiedzi:
There is a boy. He is using a computer. He is in his room. In the room there is a computer and
a poster. The computer is on the desk.
Klasa VI
Zadanie 1
1. Where is Lucy walking?
2. Where do Greg and Anna live?
3. Where did you go yesterday?
4. Have you got any books on the shelf?
5. Does she help at home?
6. How many lemons have you got?
7. How many grapes has she got? / What has she got?
8. How often do you get up at six?
9. When did Sam and Dave check emails?
10. Are they twins?
Zadanie 2
1. We are painting that wall.
2. The children are playing in the water.
3. Yesterday I had fish and chips for dinner.
4. The train is leaving at five to ten.
5. Grandpa went to bed early because he was tired.
6. Martin spends a lot of money on CDs.
Zadanie 3
was, started, got up, had, got, wore, went, was, gave, was, broke, went, forgot
Zadanie 4
1. The twelfth of February two thousand and twelve
2. Two to two
3. Twenty-one dollars, forty-five
4. Sixteen pounds, ninety-nine
5. Forty-three euros, thirteen
6. Forty-eight by six is eight
Zadanie 5
1. sheep
2. tracksuit
3. camel
4. warm
5. dustbin
6. Scotland
7. cartoons
8. man
9. nice
10. carrot
11. lettuce
12. salad
13. food
14. see
15. sad
Zadanie 6
Zaliczamy wszystkie logiczne I poprawne odpowiedzi. Oto przykładowe odpowiedzi:
In picture A four people are running on the beach.
In picture B a boy is playing the drums at the concert.
In picture C three people are sitting. One man is using a computer. They are on a plane/ in a
In picture D three people are sitting in the park. They are happy.