Test – I stopień - Gimnazjum Sierakowice


Test – I stopień - Gimnazjum Sierakowice
Test – I stopień
45 minut
26 października 2010 r.
Instrukcja dla ucznia:
1. Sprawdź, czy arkusz testu zawiera 3 strony czytelnie wydrukowane, a karta
odpowiedzi – 1 stronę; ewentualne braki zgłoś przewodniczącemu komisji.
2. Pisz czytelnie; uŜywaj długopisu/pióra z czarnym lub niebieskim
3. Zgodnie z decyzją przewodniczącego komisji wpisz na karcie odpowiedzi
swój kod lub imię i nazwisko.
4. Przeczytaj uwaŜnie polecenia i wykonaj ćwiczenia.
5. Nie uŜywaj korektora; błędny zapis wyraźnie przekreśl i obok napisz
właściwą odpowiedź.
6. Pamiętaj, Ŝe ocenie podlega wyłącznie karta odpowiedzi.
Powodzenia !
I. W kaŜdym z poniŜszych zdań z podanych moŜliwości wybierz właściwą odpowiedź tak,
aby powstało poprawne zdanie. Literę a, b, c lub d wpisz w karcie odpowiedzi. Za kaŜdą
poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1 punkt. (30p.)
1. A: Gosh! I’ve forgotten to lock the car! I must…
B: Wait! I _____ it. I’m going out anyway.
a) ‘m going to do
b) ’ll do
c) do
d) done
2. That’s the first time I _____ such a wonderful view. Thank you!
a) ‘ve seen
b) ‘ve looked
c) ‘m seeing
d) looked
3. Let’s go there together, _____?
a) will we
b) will you
d) won’t we
c) shall we
4. I don’t like rainy days. And _____ my little kitten.
a) neither does
b) either does
c) so does
d) or does
5.Hardly _____ solve that puzzle. It’s really difficult.
a) anyone can’t
b) someone can’t
c) someone can
d) anyone can
6. This photo _____ no resemblance to me! I don’t like it.
a) has
b) carries
c) bears
d) brings
7. This time next week we _____ somewhere in the mountains.
a) have been climbing
b) will be climbing
c) will be climbed
d) have climbed
8. The sky looks _____ it was going to rain really heavily.
a) if
b) like
c) as if
d) as well
9. I _____ him to leave my sister alone.
a) talked
b) told
d) spoke
10. He turned out to be a _____ his teacher.
a) better singer than
b) so good a singer as
c) said
c) as good a singer as
d) better singer from
11. A: What are Cezary Pazura, Tom Cruise and Bogusław Linda famous for?
B: _____ of them are very good actors.
a) Both
b) None
c) All
d) Neither
12. I have all the same mistakes again! I feel really ashamed _____ myself.
a) with
b) on
c) of
d) for
13. Children _____ parents are teachers must learn a lot.
a) who
b) which
c) whose
14. That man always comes to our café. He _____ it.
a) can’t like
b) must like
c) have to
d) that
d) doesn’t have to like
15. The rumours were _____ when photos were published.
a) convinced
b) confirmed
c) declared
d) disgraced
16. She accused me of lying and I had to _____ I was.
a) complain
b) tell
c) admit
d) discuss
17. She always brings lots of _____ such as mugs and T-shirts from holidays for her
a) memories
b) souvenirs
c) memoirs
d) remembrances
18. His behaviour _____ him a lot of trouble at school.
a) caused
b) resulted
c) made
d) happened
19. It was easy to _____ her to come with us.
a) propose
b) convinced
c) persuade
d) suggested
20. Steve is far _____ friendly than John.
a) less
b) least
c) lots
d) lot
21. Can you get me a _____ eggs from the supermarket?
a) dozen
b) box
c) carton
d) ten
22. The play was said to _____ cancelled.
a) been
b) have been
d) being
c) have
23. She is totally _____ . She doesn’t trust anything that doesn’t come from her own
a) prejudice
b) xenophobic
c) curious
d) aloof
24. Mr Brown was found guilty of _____ driving
a) negligent
b) careful
c) drink
d) speeding
25. The local people were very kind and _____ .
a) cultural
b) hospitable
c) smile
d) greeting
26. She rarely comes in a suit to work, she usually wears really _____ clothes.
a) casual
b) smart
c) formal
d) spruce
27. _____ the age of 5 Kate started school.
a) –
b) in
c) by
d) at
28. I go to the bakery every morning to buy fresh bread, as I don’t really like _____ bread!
a) stale
b) ripe
c) raw
d) sour
29. Speed up! The lesson starts _____ five minutes!
a) in
b) on
c) at
d) by
30. She never helps anybody so you can say that she is really _____ .
a) jealous
b) selfish
c) amusing
d) self-confident
II. Uzupełnij kaŜdą z luk odpowiednią cyfrą tak, aby powstały prawdziwe zdania.
Brakujące cyfry wpisz w karcie odpowiedzi. Za kaŜdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz
1 punkt. (4p.)
Battle of Hastings took place on 14 October_____ (year).
Kingdom of Great Britain was created in _____ (century).
American Civil War broke out in _____ (year).
Declaration of Independence was signed in _____ (year).
III. W kaŜdym z poniŜszych zdań z podanych moŜliwości wybierz właściwą odpowiedź tak,
aby powstało poprawne zdanie. Literę a, b, c lub d wpisz w karcie odpowiedzi.
Za kaŜdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1 punkt. (10p.)
1. Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in the United States on the _____ of November.
a) third Tuesday
c) fourth Tuesday
b) third Thursday
d) fourth Thursday
2. Washington is a state in the _____ of the U.S.
a) north west
b) north east
c) south west
d) south east
3. The capital of Northern Ireland is _____ .
a) Ulster
b) Belfast
d) Dublin
c) Cardiff
4. William Wallace was the 13th-century _____ hero.
a) Irish
b) English
c) Scottish
d) Welsh
5. The European equivalent of British inch is _____ .
a) 2.54 cm
b) 0.31 m
c) 0.91 m
d) 6.84 cm
6. The Statue of Liberty is _______ m high.
a) 93
b) 177
c) 250
d) 333
7. Henry VIII’s second wife was _____ .
a) Anne Boleyn
b) Katharine of Aragon
c) Jane Seymour
d) Anne of Cleves
8. The national Welsh sport is _____ .
a) snooker
b) baseball
c) cricket
9. Moby Dick was written by _____ .
a) Charles Dickens
b) Herman Melville
c) Ernest Hemingway
d) Jack London
d) rugby
10. _____ is Britain’s second largest city (considering population within official city
a) Birmingham
b) Liverpool
c) Manchester
d) Newcastle
IV. Przeczytaj poniŜszy tekst. Przyjrzyj się kaŜdej linijce: niektóre są poprawne, a inne
zawierają po jednym wyrazie, którego nie powinno tam być, aby zdanie było
poprawne. Na karcie odpowiedzi zaznacz linijki poprawne znakiem √, zaś w przypadku
linijek niepoprawnych – wpisz zbędny wyraz. Za kaŜdą poprawną odpowiedź
otrzymasz 1 punkt. JeŜeli zaznaczysz więcej niŜ osiem linijek jako poprawne, za zadanie
otrzymasz 0 p (16p.)
I had always been wanted a dog, but up until recently we had
lived in an apartment and so having a dog was out of the
question. However, when we moved into a detached house,
I had mentioned it to my parents. They were quite surprised,
to say the least. I didn’t think so they would object because
they both had dogs when they were growing up. They
immediately began to telling me of all the responsibilities I would
have them. My father stressed the fact that dogs require a lot of
attention. They have to be fed, taken for too long walks
every day and regular visits to the vet. My mother she told
me that all these things cost quite a bit of some money and
in apart from that, dogs need love and affection. She asked
me whether or I was prepared to do all these things.
After our talk, I realized that I really hadn’t thought
as seriously enough about the situation and that I
would have to rethink the whole my idea.
Adapted from “Enter the World of Grammar. Book 5”, MM Publications