Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster


Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster
Saint Joseph Basilica
Parish of the Third Millennium
Mission Statement
Saint Joseph Parish is committed to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus Christ as a Catholic community of faith,
by promoting a sense of commitment to the Church, encouraging divine worship and prayer, fostering evangelization
and nurturing the spirit of service.
Within the context of our Polish - American religious and cultural heritage, we foster our tradition and aspire to personal
growth in faith. We are determined to develop our vision for the future, to educate the children in Christian values
and to be receptive to the creative and saving grace of God.
Sunday Vigil:
4:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.(Polish); 8:15 a.m.; 9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m. (Polish)
Holy Day Vigil:
5:00 p.m.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process established by the Church for
individuals to become Catholic and receive the Sacraments of Initiation-Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. If you wish to become Catholic, or are a Baptized Catholic in
need of making your First Communion and/or Confirmation, please call the Religious
Education Office.
BAPTISM. On designated Sundays. Please call
to make arrangements. Parents are required to
receive orientation.
MARRIAGE. Proper preparation for marriage
requires one year’s notice. Please contact the
rectory for appointment.
Holy Day
6:30 a.m.; 8:30 a.m.;
5:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m. (Polish)
MINISTRY TO THE SICK For those of advanced age, ill or hospitalized, call the rectory to
arrange visitation.
6:30 a.m. (m-f); 7:00 a.m. (w, f, sat)
PARISH MEMBERSHIP If you would like to
become part of St. Joseph Parish Family,
please call the rectory.
Eve of Holy Days:
Thurs. before First Friday
First Friday:
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
niedziele. Proszę zadzwonić na plebanię, aby
ustalić datę. Rodzice zobowiązani są do krótkiej
Mon. - Fri.: 9 a.m. - 12 noon & 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
powinni zawiadomić kancelarię parafialną rok
przed datą ślubu.
Thursday - Office Is Closed!
Please call ahead for an appointment with a priest.
Rector: .............. Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki
Associate Pastor .... Rev. Grzegorz Chodkowski
Weekend assistance…..Rev. Charles Borowski
Financial Secretary ........................ Ewa Mamro
Secretaries:Virginia Woznicki&Elizabeth Sabaj
Organist: ..................................... Robert Wójcik
Sacristan ........................................ Joseph Ziak
53 Whitcomb Street,
Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0467
Fax: 508-943-0808
e-mail: [email protected]
SAKRAMENT CHORYCH Po sakramentalną
posługę księdza proszę dzwonić na plebanię.
ZAPISY DO PARAFII Parafia św. Józefa serdecznie zaprasza nowych członków. Zapisy
przyjmujemy w kancelarii parafialnej.
47 Whitcomb Street, Webster
Phone: 508-943-0378
Fax: 508-949-0581
Principal ........... Mr. Donald F. Cushing
Secretary ...........Mrs. Cynthia Belanger
Phone: 508-943-0467 ext.: 115
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 508-943-2228
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February 1, 2015
Masses for the week—Msze Św. w Tygodniu
Sunday Vigil
4:00pm r.s. Poswiatkowski family
- int. Dery & Konkel families
Sunday - February 1
7:00 ś.p. Andrzej Deryniowski - int. córka Jolanta
8:15 For the parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica
9:30 r.s. Rita Mały - int. Daughters and family
11:00 ś.p. Tadeusz i Zofia Tomos - int. córka
Monday - February 2
6:30 Za wypominki
2:00pm Christopher Heights
r.s. George and Mary Makara - int. Daughters
Tuesday– February 3
6:30 r.s. Theresa Przystas - int. Craig & Cathleen Holmberg
7:00 r.s. Kathleen Knurowski (15th anniv.) - int. Family
Wednesday - February 4
6:30 For personal intentions
7:00pm For all intentions placed in the petition box for needed
graces through the intercession of St. Joseph
Thursday - February 5
6:30 r.s. Jeanette Godzik - int. Msgr. A. Czarnecki
Friday - February 6—First Friday
6:30 r.s. Frank, Agnes & Donald Szymczak and Agnes
Walkowiak - int. Robert Walkowiak
7:00 Sacred Heart Society remembering living members
8:15 For the benefactors of St. Joseph School and Gym
7:00pm r.s. Inge Lilla - int. Michael & Frances Lilla
Saturday – February 7
7:00 r.s. Richard, Bruno & Parmelia Woznicki
and Joan Marier - int. Virginia Woznicki & family
Sunday Vigil
4:00 r.s. Jan Nagiel—int. Mrianna & Kazimierz Macko
Sunday - February 8
7:00 Za wypominki
8:15 For the parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica
9:30 r.s. Edward Dowgiewicz - Wife and sons
11:00 ś.p. zmarli z rodzin Kurpiel, Plewa i Kudron
- int. Edward i Anna Kudron
I-25 Club Winner for 19th week
#28 Patricia Mangen
Weekly $ 3964 (including $386 in loose money); Diocesan
Obligations $35; Fuel $20
1 luteg 2015r.
Stewardship Note: “Brothers and sisters: I should like you
to be free of anxieties”. How much anxiety do we bring upon
ourselves by constantly worrying about not having enough or
attaining more things? God won’ t necessarily give you everything you want, but He will provide everything you need.
Try this — use the word “pray” instead of the word “worry” in
the future..
February 1, 2015
Come, let us bow down in worship;
let us kneel before the LORD who made us. - Psalm 95:6
For the week of February 1 through February 6
Sacred Heart Altar - Candle I
In memory of Chester Ostrokolowicz (54th anniversary)
Given by Edward and Lorraine Ostrokolowicz
Blessed Mother Altar—Candle I
In loving memory of Richard, Bruno & Parmelia Woznicki
and Joan Marier on the anniversaries
of their entering eternity. Given by Virginia and family
According to Moses, the people decided they
didn’t want to hear God’s voice directly any more.
It was much too frightening. Why couldn’t God
send human teachers, prophets, instead? God
agreed, but with a warning. The people had better
listen to those teachers, because they spoke in God’s name.
That arrangement, though, had its own problems, for them
and for us. How do I know this teacher is truly from God?
And if the teacher is from God, are all parts of the teaching
meant for me? We have the Church and scripture to help us
with those questions, but still there are always a few loose
That is the powerful significance of the sentence in today’s
Gospel : “The people were astonished at his teaching, for he
taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes”.
The people knew that this Jesus was authentic—truly a teacher
sent by God. They knew it by hearing him.
The second collection this week
is for Parish Obligations to the Diocese.
Next weekend’s second collection
is designated for Higher Energy and Fuel Costs.
Weekly Budget $7000
The annual collection for the Catholic Home Missions will be
held at our Basilica on the weekend of Feb., 14--15. This appeal supports dioceses in the US and its territories that lack the
resources to provide basic pastoral ministry to their populations.
On Sunday, February 1 at 3:00pm we set aside an hour for
special devotions to the Divine Mercy. We ask parishioners
and friends to please make every effort to join us in the singing
of the Chaplet followed by Benediction.
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On Monday, February 2nd we will observe the Feast of the
Presentation of the Lord referred to as Candlemass Day. According to the prescription of the law on the 40th day the child
was presented to the Lord in the Temple. This very solemn day
dates back to the 4th century. From Jerusalem this festivity
spread around the Universal Church east and west. In the eastern tradition it was called the Feast of Visitation. When Jesus
was presented to God and Blessed Mother gave Baby Jesus to
Simeon he was presented to all humankind Reflecting on this
mystery the Church once again welcomes Christ as Lord and
Savior. This solemnity is accompanied by a procession and
candles so we can publicly proclaim our faith in Jesus as the
“Light of the World”.
The candle that we hold is a reminder of our own Baptism.
This Feast is surrounded by various devotional traditions in
many countries.
The blessing of candles, gromnice (available near the sanctuary stairs) will take place after the 6:30am Liturgy. You may
also bring your own candles to be blessed and then lit in your
homes as protection from harm.
FEAST OF ST. BLAISE -On Tuesday, February 3rd we will
celebrate the Feast of St. Blaise, bishop and martyr who is associated with the healing of throats. In honor of St. Blaise we at
our Basilica will hold the annual blessing at this weekend
Masses and on Tuesday after Masses to protect people against
adversity and heal individuals from throat ailments
Please join us on Wednesday evening, February 4th at
7:00pm for our continuing Novena and Devotions to our Patron. St. Joseph understood the worries and concerns that come
from parenting children. We may ask him for the gifts of wisdom and good counsel to assist us in our vocation as parents
and to protect our families.
This week members of the Holy Rosary Sodality will carry
the statue of St. Joseph into the sanctuary.
We ask that you
print your petitions legibly on the forms available in the Chapel
of Our Lady of Czestochowa to be read during devotions.
We are living in the era of instantaneous information. This
information could be right or wrong —no one checks and it
seems that very few people care. Nevertheless information
influences our lives for better or worse. The Catholic Free
Press provides the correct information, brings you the latest
news and gives an analysis of events that you cannot find in the
secular press.
In addition, The Catholic Free Press offers local coverage of
news and events throughout the Diocese, national and international issues, teachings of the Church on various topics, words
of wisdom of Pope Francis and faith related articles by local
and nationally acclaimed authors.
You may renew or subscribe to the CFP for only $30 by
using the envelope in your monthly packet and make this publication a weekly visitor to your home.
FIRST FRIDAY –we will observe First Friday of the
month on February 6th. Mass at 7:00am will be offered for the
living members of the Sacred Heart Society and we ask all
members and parishioners to take part in this traditional First
Friday service. Scheduled adorers are invited to participate at
their appointed time. Adoration will conclude at 3:00pm with
the Chaplet to the Divine Mercy and Benediction. Mass at
7:00pm will be celebrated in the Polish language.
Gymnasium - donation of $1,000 from a parishioner who
prefers anonymity.
Total of donations from the January
monthly envelopes is $4035. We are grateful to all of our parishioners for their generosity and support of this long awaited
addition for the school and parish.
The month of February, the shortest month of the year was
named for the Latin word februum which means purification.
Several special observances are celebrated in February including the 90’s birthdays of the following parishioners:
Rita Augustynski, Christine Charniak, Jane Sliwoski, Marion
Winters. Best wishes to all and may you enjoy a blessed day
with your loved ones. Congratulations!
We invite parishioners and friends to St. Joseph School cafeteria to join us for BINGO every Friday evening. Doors open at
5:00pm, games begin at 6:45PM. Door prizes-food available
and free coffee. On Friday, February 6th the Sacred Heart
Society members will assist the players in preparation for the
Many of our participants are from out of town and come
every Friday to experience meeting new friends and the anticipation of being a lucky winner. Proceeds benefit the parish and
Sports schedule : Fri., Feb. 6th away game vs Trinity
Catholic; JVG 5:30pm, JVB 6:30pm VB 7:30pm. Sat., Feb.
7th away game vs Trinity Catholic; intramural at 11:00am.
Sun., Feb., 8th away game vs St. Patrick’s JVG 1:00pm, JVB
2:00p , VG 3:00pm, VB 4:00pm. Sat., Feb. 14th home game
vs St. James, intramural 11:30am, JVG 1:00pm, JVB 2:00pm,
VG 3:00pm, VB 4:00pm. Support our school athletes!
Holy Rosary Sodality - Pierogi and Gołabki Sale - orders
taken until Feb. 2nd. Cheese, cabbage, cheese and potato,
spinach and cheese, blueberry, prune, cabbage and mushroom
are $9 per dozen. Package of 4 golabki for $7. Please use order form available at church entrances or call Pat Mangen at
(774) 289-7648 or Betty Sabaj at (508) 943-8570.
CARNIVAL PARTY– we invite you to join us on Sat., Feb.
7th from 6:30pm—12:30am for dinner, dessert and dancing to
the Windsor Band at the PACC Club to benefit the Polish Saturday School. Tickets are $35pp. Please call Ewa Mamro
(508) 943-8545, Marzena Kolinski (508) 949-0939, Bernadette
Rogalski (774) 280-6139 or Ola Gronek (508) 943-3120 to reserve a table.
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When you look around the world, and above all in our parish
family, you clearly recognize the need for evangelization. That
was the theme of the late John Paul II’s Pontificate. The
question is—who should be the evangelizer? Every person who
believes in God and Jesus Christ is charged through the virtue
of his own baptism to bring the Good News to others.
To bring a person to Christ is indeed missionary work. But
before you can do that, we have to evangelize ourselves.
Therefore, readings and self-study, reflections on the Holy
Scripture are beautiful ways to prepare for our mission in the
parish. Faith is a personal matter, but not private. The Good
News has to be shared with those who need it the most.
The Church gives our contemporary world, said John Paul II,
the most precious good which no one else can give which is
faith in Jesus Christ who is the only source of hope and will
never disappoint us. Our priests will be available to bless your
homes and families. Please call the rectory to set a time.
Festival Appreciation Evening-on Mon. Feb. 2nd for all
those who worked at the festival last year in the school
cafeteria at 6:30pm. Also we are now planning festival 2015 &
invite all former chairpersons and workers and all interested
parishioners to attend and share their ideas and suggestions for
the June 19-21, 2015 festival.
Jan. 25 - $100, Andri Fontaine (second time winner)
Southbridge; Jan. 26 - $75, Marian Jaskolski, Dudley; Jan. 27 $50, Joann L. Wagner, Webster; Jan. 28 - $50, Lorraine and
Dick Zawislak, Vero Beach, FL; Jan. 29 - $50, Kody Scully,
Worcester; Jan. 30 - $50, Joseph Knych, Webster; Jan. 31 $500, Sheri Bergeron, Webster.
Congratulations to all our January winners!
March Calendars - will be available soon from your
favorite sellers or from Pat Parslow and Dottie Kasierski at the
entrance to our Basilica.
Good idea to remember a loved one with a purchase of a
calendar for a special occasion. Tickets are only $10 and your
support benefits our parish.
St. Joseph Polish Women’s Club - Executive Board will
meet on Tuesday, Feb. 3rd at 6:30pm in the home of Cindi
Mark your calendar - The SJPW Annual Communion
Breakfast will be held at Point Breeze Restaurant on Sun.,
March 22nd following the 8:15am Mass. Breakfast will include
juice, coffee, pastries, eggs, bacon, sausage English muffins,
home fries and French toast. Tickets are $12—more details to
Knights of Columbus #12980 - monthly meeting to be held
on Wednesday, Feb. 4th in the school conference room.
Save the date—Parish Dinner to celebrate St. Valentine’s Day
will take place on Saturday, Feb., 14th following the 4:00pm
Mass. Menu will feature hors d’oeuvres and a complete roast
pork dinner, dessert and beverages. Tickets available at the
rectory — $10 adults, $5 for children under 10, toddlers are
free. Please join us.
VISITATION HOUSE– located in Worcester, MA would
like to thank the parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica for their
generosity in providing gifts from our “Giving Angel Tree”.
The women and babies are very grateful for your donations.
God Bless everyone for their support.
Classes will meet on Mon., Feb. 2 at 5:30pm in the school.
Confirmation Class - next session will be held on February 1 at
8:15am in the rectory.
R.C.I.A. program for those who wish to be baptized or return to the
communion of the Catholic Church will be held on Sundays. If interested, please call the rectory for details.
Feb. 11th—Wii Bowling at Christopher Heights 6:15-7:30pm
Feb., 13th & 14th: 30 Hour Famine at St. Louis Church
Feb. 27th at 6:30pm: Pizza & Movie/Game Night at Youth
Center (all ages welcome)
Have you thought of a vocation to the priesthood? - 24 hour
retreat directed by Bishop Robert McManus beginning on Friday, March 27 at 6:00pm & concluding Saturday, March 28 at
6:00pm in Immaculate Conception Retreat Center, Putnam, CT.
This retreat is for men high school age, college age and for men
in the working world. To register call Fr. Jim Mazzone at (508)
The Short Journey Through the Bible-a DVD course will be held
on Thurs., Feb. 5th at St. Anthony of Padua Church. This
course takes you from Adam & Eve to Jesus. The packet costs $20.
Call (508) 949-0335 for more information.
“Reflections on the Prophets” - is designed for adult discussion of
Holy Scripture. Free sessions will be held on Feb., 12th at St. Louis
Church Hall at 6:30pm. Bring a Bible and a friend. Light refreshments will be served.
Notre Dame Academy - invites all current 7th grade students and
transfer students to spend an academic day at NDA. If interested,
please contact the Office of Admissions at (508) 757-6200 ext. 229.
Kosciuszko Foundation - presents film screening of Irena
Sendler (in the name of their mothers) on Sunday, Feb., 1st 1-1:30pm
at Elms College Alumnae Library Theatre. Free admission open to the
Annual Co-Ed Valentine’s Day Rosary Breakfast - Sat., Feb.
14th 9-11:30am at St. Anne’s - Fr. Smith Center, 130 Boston Tpke
Rd., Shrewsbury. Men are welcome, reserve your seat and share in a
Gourmet Breakfast, Prayerful Rosary for Relationships, Fun Games
and Prizes. Registration Donation of $25 helps defray costs. Contact
Marge @ The Angel Connection (508) 320-3498.
Women’s Cursillo Weekend-will be held February 26—March 1 at
Prindle Pond Conference Center, Charlton, MA. The weekend is full
of laughter, prayer, great music, wonderful meals and so much more!
For more information contact Carolyn Galgano at (508) 847-7005.
Applications are available at the entrances of the Basilica.
15th Annual Diocesan Catholic Men’s Conference-will be held
on Saturday, Mar., 21st at Worcester’s DCU Center. Hear dynamic
talks from outstanding Catholic leaders; Bishops and religious priests
will hear confessions and Bishop McManus will offer Mass. Call
(508) 929-4345 for more information.
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1 lutego 2015
Wejdźcie, uwielbiajmy, padnijmy na twarze
i zegnijmy kolana przed Panem, który nas stworzył. (Ps 95, 6)
W Starym Testamencie lud Izraela lękał się
słuchać Boga na Horebie, dlatego Bóg powołał
proroków, aby głosili Jego słowo. W Nowym zaś
On sam przemawia do ludzkich serc przez swego
Syna – wcielone Słowo. Jest to „nowa nauka
z mocą”, głoszona przez Tego, „który ma władzę”, niosąca
światło i wolność uwięzionym w niewoli grzechu. Otwórzmy
dziś na nią nasze serca, abyśmy mogli doświadczyć zbawienia
od zła oraz nowego życia w wolności dzieci Bożych.
Dzisiejsza niedziela, jest pierwszą niedzielą miesiąca, a zatem jest
poświęcona w sposób szczególny Tajemnicy Bożego Miłosierdzia.
Zapraszamy wszystkich parafian na godz. 15:00 na Adorację
Najświętszego Sakramentu połączoną z Koronką do miłosierdzia Bożego.
Dołóżmy starań, aby spędzić ten czas w szczególnej obecności Boga
i otworzyć się na Jego Błogosławieństwo.
W poniedziałek, 2 lutego będziemy obchodzić Święto Ofiarowania
Pańskiego. Jest to święto chrześcijańskie, które skupia w sobie trzy
wydarzenia: ofiarowanie Dzieciątka Jezus w świątyni, pierwsze
nawiedziny świątyni przez Jezusa oraz oczyszczenie Najświętszej
Dziewicy Maryi. Poświęcenie świec odbędzie się po wszystkich Mszach
św. Świece będą znajdowały się przy prezbiterium. Można również
przynieść własną świecę gromniczną.
Gromnice zapalamy w czasie niebezpieczeństwa i zagrożenia, prosząc
Boga za przyczyna Maryi o opiekę i ratunek z opresji.
We wtorek, 3 lutego będziemy obchodzić Święto św. Błażeja, biskupa
i męczennika, który jest patronem w chorobach gardła. To coroczne
błogosławieństwo przypada w zimowe miesiące, kiedy często dokucza
nam kaszel i przeziębienie. Specjalne błogosławieństwo gardeł odbędzie
się po Mszach św. porannych.
Dołącz do nas w środę wieczorem, 4 lutego o 19:00 na Nowennie do
naszego Patrona. Józef rozumie obawy i wątpliwości, które towarzyszą
wysiłkowi wychowania dzieci i tworzenia dobrej rodziny. Możemy
poprosić go o dary mądrości i dobrej rady, aby wspomagał nas
w powołaniu rodzicielskim i małżeńskim oraz chronił nasze rodziny.
W tym tygodniu członkowie Holi Rosary Sodality są proszeni o udział
w procesji z figurą św. Józefa.
ZABAWA KARNAWAŁOWA Na pożegnanie karnawału Polska
Szkoła Sobotnia w Webster serdecznie zaprasza na zabawę w sobotę,
7 lutego, 2015 r. od 6:30 pm do 12:30am w PACC przy 37 Harris St.
w Webster. Do tańca grał zespół Windstar Band. W cenę biletu $35 od
osoby wliczony jest obiad, deser i super zabawa. Rezerwacje stolików
można robić u Ewy Mamro 508-943-8545, Marzeny Kolinski 508-9490939, Bernadety Rogalskiej 774-280-6139 i Oli Gronek 508-949-3120.
Dochód przeznaczony na Polską Szkołę. Przy okazji dziękujemy za ofiary
złożone po Jasełkach i wspieranie naszej działalności krzewienia języka
i kultury polskiej na obczyźnie. Bez Was, nasza działalność nie byłaby
możliwa! Ten weekend to ostatnia szansa zakupu biletów. Do zobaczenia
na zabawie!
W tym tygodniu przypada pierwszy piątek miesiąca. Msza o godz. 7:00
będzie ofiarowana za żyjących członków Towarzystwa Najświętszego
Serca Pana Jezusa. Do udziału w Mszach świętych i adoracji
Najświętszego Sakramenty zapraszamy również wszystkich parafian.
Adoracja zakończy się o godz. 15:00 Koronką do Miłosierdzia Bożego
i błogosławieństwem Najświętszym Sakramentem.
Ta coroczna zbiórka odbędzie się w naszej parafii w weekend 14 – 15
lutego. Fundusz ten wspiera diecezje w USA, które nie mają środków, aby
zapewnić podstawową posługę duszpasterską dla swoich wiernych.
Dołącz do nas na BINGO w każdy piątek w kafeteria szkoły św. Józefa.
Drzwi otwarte już o 17:00, gra rozpoczyna się o 18:45. Możliwość
wygrania Door Prize oraz darmowa kawa dla wszystkich. W piątek, 30
stycznia prosimy członkinie St. Ann Society o pomoc w przygotowaniach
do gry. Jest to okazja, aby poznać nowych ludzi, zrelaksować się a także
przy odrobinie szczęścia zostać szczęśliwym zwycięzcą. Dochód jest
przeznaczony na potrzeby szkoły i parafii.
Początek roku to czas, na odnowę prenumeraty naszego czasopisma
katolickiego „Catholic Free Press” lub rozpoczęcie nowej. Roczna
prenumerata to tylko $30. Prenumerując katolicka prasę pomagamy
katolickim mediom rosnąć w siłę i przez to przyczyniamy się również do
dzieła ewangelizacji, które w we współczesnym świecie nie może obejść
się bez środków masowego przekazu. Nie do przecenienia jest również
fakt, że treści jakie znajdziemy w prasie katolickiej pogłębiają naszą
osobistą duchowość, pozwalają nam bardziej zbliżyć się do Boga i dają
nam możliwość spoglądania na świat nie tylko poprzez pryzmat mediów
„głównego nurtu” ale również pod kontem wiary katolickiej.
W zestawach kopert na styczeń znajdują się specjalne koperty służące
odnowieniu lub założeniu prenumeraty.
Holy Rosary Sodality organizuje wyprzedaż gołąbków i pierogów z
serem, kapustą, jagodami, śliwkami oraz kapustą z grzybami. Zamówienia
można składać do 2 lutego. Cena jednego tuzina pierogów: $9, paczka
4 gołąbków: $7. Zamówienia można dokonać na specjalnych formularzach
znajdujących się przy wejściach do bazyliki lub dzwoniąc do Pat Mangen:
508 461 6236 lub Betty Sabaj: 508 943 8570.
Zarówno w wymierzę ogólnoświatowym jak i naszym lokalnym
odczuwalna jest ogromna potrzeba ewangelizacji. Nowa Ewangelizacja
była jednym z zadań, którymi szczególnie zajmował się św. Jan Paweł II
w czasie swojego pontyfikatu. Jednym z głównych problemów tego
zagadnienia jest to, kto powinien być Ewangelizatorem? Najprostsza
odpowiedz na to pytanie to: każdy, kto wierzy w Boga i Jezusa Chrystusa,
na mocy przyjętego Sakramentu Chrztu, aby nieść Dobrą Nowinę innym,
którzy jej nie znają.
Doprowadzenie człowieka do Chrystusa to rzeczywista praca misyjna.
Ewangelizowanie innych zawsze jednak musi rozpoczynać się od
ewangelizowania samego siebie. Jednym z najlepszych sposobów
ewangelizacji jest dawane świadectwo własnej wiary.
Katecheza - Poniedziałek, 2 lutego, katecheza o godz. 17:30 w szkole.
Bierzmowanie – Najbliższe spotkanie odbędzie dzisiejszej niedzieli,
1 lutego, na plebanii o 8:15.
Boskiej Częstochowskiej w Worcester organizuje pielgrzymkę do Grecji w
dniach 7-18 września 2015 z przewodnikiem w j. polskim, którym będzie
ks. dr hab. Piotr Łabuda, wykładowca Pisma Świętego. Cena pielgrzymki z
pełnym wyżywieniem (3 posiłki dziennie) i wszystkimi kosztami (w tym
transport na lotnisko do Bostonu) wynosi na dzień dzisiejszy tylko
$2,990.00. Szczegółowe informacje można znaleźć na stronie internetowej, lub kontaktując się z
Krystyną Szymczak 508-865-9390 lub ks. Ryszardem 508-410-8016.
Dzisiejsza druga kolekta jest przeznaczona na Zobowiązania Diecezjalne.
Druga kolekta w następną niedzielę będzie przeznaczona na pokrycie kosztów utrzymania i energii.
St. Joseph Basilica #511990
53 Whitcomb Street
Webster, MA 01570
508 943-0467
Fr. Gregory Chodkowski
508 612 8526
EMAIL: [email protected]
MSPublisher 2003
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Wednesday 11:00
November 13, 2011
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