Friday November 21st, 2008


Friday November 21st, 2008
Familias del coro:
El programa de los Días Festivos del Coro tomará parte el jueves, 17 de diciembre
en el Centro para las Artes en la Junior High, 655 N. Wood Dale Road. Todos los grupos del
coro del Distrito 7 van a cantar en este evento especial. El concierto se iniciará a las 7:00
p.m. y los miembros del coro del 4º y 5º grado necesitan llegar a las 6:15 p.m. Por favor
de dejar los niños enfrente de la puerta principal de la Junior High (cerca de la bandera)
y reunirse en la sala de coro donde yo voy a supervisarlos. Los miembros de la audiencia
entrarán por las puertas del Centro para las Artes.
Estoy pidiendo que los miembros del coro usen una camisa blanca y pantalones o
falda de color negro. La razón por la que deben de tratar de vestirse en blanco y negro es
para distinguirlos como parte de un club, ellos trabajan duro y practican mucho, y quiero
que se vean como un grupo unificado.
Si su hijo/a necesita transportación estoy segura que otra familia les puede hacer el
favor de manejarlos a este evento cual es para todas las cantantes del Distrito 7. Si tiene
algunas preguntas por favor póngase en contacto conmigo por correo electrónico a:
[email protected], o puede llamarme a la escuela de Westview al 766-8040.
Será una gran oportunidad para los cantantes más jóvenes al escuchar grupos mayor
de edad que ellos. Es la expectativita que todos los miembros se queden durante toda la
duración del concierto. El concierto finalizará con una pieza cantada por todos los
cantantes en cada conjunto. ¡El coro ha hecho un gran trabajo hasta ahora, espero en verlos
a todos el 17 de diciembre!
A few other notes…
 Chorus members have a field trip to the Jr. High for our dress rehearsal on
Wednesday, December 16 leaving Westview right after lunch and spending
the afternoon rehearsing with Ms Gruben and the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade
singers. We are singing some very difficult music as a large group and our
4th and 5th graders have been impressing me so much I look forward to this
chance for them to work with their future director polishing up our piece for
the big night!
 We are aware that the Fenton Choral Concert is the same night at ours; their
date was changed at a late date due to construction. As we know some of
our audience members may be split, we are accommodating by providing
one additional time for parents/family members to watch their students
perform. An encore performance will be put on Friday, December 18 at
9:30am in the WDJH Center for the Arts. 4th and 5th grade students will
immediately report to the music that morning before being bussed to the Jr.
High. We look forward to this special opportunity to perform again. White &
Black dress is requested this morning as well! Please contact me with
additional questions.
Ms. Donahoe
Chorus Families:
This school year has just flown by, and our first performance is right around the
corner. Thursday, December 17, is the Holiday Choral Program at the Wood Dale Jr. High
Center for the Arts, 655 N. Wood Dale Rd. All choral groups in District 7 will be featured at
this special event. The concert begins at 7:00pm and 4th & 5th grade chorus members are at
arrive at 6:15pm. They will enter the front door of the Jr. High and meet in the choir
room where I will be supervising. Audience members will enter through the doors by the
Center for the Arts.
I am asking that chorus members wear black and white. Try your best. There can be
a little bit of color, black/off-white, do what you can. The reason I request them to wear
matching colors is that they are a club, they work hard, and practice extra, and I want them
to look like a unified group.
If your child will need a ride I am sure there is another family that would be able to
car-pool as this is an all district choral event. If you have any questions please email me at
[email protected], or call Westview school 766-8040.
This is such a great opportunity for our younger singers to sing with and hear our
older groups. All members are expected to stay for the entire length of the performance.
The concert will conclude with a piece sung by all singers in each ensemble. Chorus has
done such a great job so far, I look forward to our performance on December 17th!!
A few other notes…
 Chorus members have a field trip to the Jr. High for our dress rehearsal on
Wednesday, December 16 leaving Westview right after lunch and spending
the afternoon rehearsing with Ms Gruben and the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade
singers. We are singing some very difficult music as a large group and our
4th and 5th graders have been impressing me so much I look forward to this
chance for them to work with their future director polishing up our piece for
the big night!
 We are aware that the Fenton Choral Concert is the same night at ours; their
date was changed at a late date due to construction. As we know some of
our audience members may be split, we are accommodating by providing
one additional time for parents/family members to watch their students
perform. An encore performance will be put on Friday, December 18 at
9:30am in the WDJH Center for the Arts. 4th and 5th grade students will
immediately report to the music that morning before being bussed to the Jr.
High. We look forward to this special opportunity to perform again. White &
Black dress is requested this morning as well! Please contact me with
additional questions.
Ms. Donahoe
Szanowni Rodzice chórzystów:
Pragnę Państwa powiadomić, że nasz pierwszy występ odbędzie się we czwartek,
17 grudnia w Wood Dale Jr. High Center for the Arts, 655 N. Wood Dale Rd. Wszystkie
grupy chóru naszego rejonu szkolnego będą występować razem tego dnia. Program
rozpocznie się o 7:00 wieczorem i uczniowie 4 & 5 klas muszą przybyć na miejsce o
godzinie 6:15 wieczorem. Uczniowie muszą wejść głównym wejściem do Jr.High i udać
się do pokój chór.
Rodzice powinni wejść przez drzwi do Center for the Arts.
Członkowie chóru powinni ubrać sie na biało i czarno. Dzięki temu będą wyglądać
profesjonalnie i jak jedna, zgrana grupa.
Jeśli Państwo nie mogą zawieźć dziecka do Junior High tego dnia, proszę
porozmawiać z inną rodziną o pomoc. Jest to program dla całego rejonu szkolnego i wiele
rodzin będzie w nim uczestniczyć. Jeśli mają Państwo jakiekolwiek pytania proszę się ze
mną kontaktować: [email protected] lub 766-8040.
Wszyscy członkowie chóru powinni zostać do końca przedstawienia, aby zobaczyć
wszystkie grupy. Koncert zostanie zakończony pieśnią śpiewaną przez wszystkie grupy
razem. Jestem dumna z ciężkiej i sumiennej pracy wszystkich chórzystów i nie moę się
doczekać ich występu 17 grudnia.
A few other notes…
 Chorus members have a field trip to the Jr. High for our dress rehearsal on
Wednesday, December 16 leaving Westview right after lunch and spending
the afternoon rehearsing with Ms Gruben and the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade
singers. We are singing some very difficult music as a large group and our
4th and 5th graders have been impressing me so much I look forward to this
chance for them to work with their future director polishing up our piece for
the big night!
 We are aware that the Fenton Choral Concert is the same night at ours; their
date was changed at a late date due to construction. As we know some of
our audience members may be split, we are accommodating by providing
one additional time for parents/family members to watch their students
perform. An encore performance will be put on Friday, December 18 at
9:30am in the WDJH Center for the Arts. 4th and 5th grade students will
immediately report to the music that morning before being bussed to the Jr.
High. We look forward to this special opportunity to perform again. White &
Black dress is requested this morning as well! Please contact me with
additional questions.
Z poważaniem,
Ms. Donahoe