enzyme, y the end re not sta- in plasma s because crease in ration of


enzyme, y the end re not sta- in plasma s because crease in ration of
G. Raszewski and J. Latuszyńska
histological changes returned to the initial state during
the third week after application of the pesticides. In the
case of ALT, a slightly elevated level of the enzyme,
compared to the control group, was observed by the end
of the experiment, however, the differences were not statistically significant.
The increased activity of aminotransferase in plasma
may evidence the impairment of hepatic cells because
these are intracellular enzymes, whereas a decrease in
TP level and ALP activity suggests a disintegration of
metabolic processes in the body.
the decreased level of ALP activity persisted for a longer
period of time.
G. Raszewski, J. Latuszyńska
Badano wpływ naskórnego podania preparatu Nurelle D 550 EC
(500 g chlorpiryfosu i 50 g cypermetryny) na aktywność wy-
Histological studies
In the liver, changes affected a few small infiltrations
consisted of lymphocytes 3 weeks after the experiment.
In single hepatocytes, signs of parenchyma degeneration
were noted. On electron microscopic examination, an
increased number of peroxysomes and lipid-like bodies
were observed (figures not shown).
Previous studies showed that chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin applied on the rat tail skin in the form
of a mixture (200 mg/kg/day of chlorpiryfos plus
20 mg/kg/day of cypermethrin and 1 g/kg/day of chlorpiryfos plus 100 mg/kg/day of cypermethrin) for 4 weeks
resulted in slight histopathological changes in the liver,
manifested by a small infiltration and signs of parenchyma degeneration in single hepatocytes. On electron
microscopic examination, slight empty cytoplasm space
was also observed in the vascular pole of hepatocytes,
after administration of the mixture. In some cells an increased number of peroxysomes were observed [10].
In our study, the liver, taken 3 weeks after the experiment, showed a few small infiltrations consisting
of lymphocytes. In single hepatocytes, the signs of parenchyma degeneration were observed. The changes revealed in the electron microscopy were manifested by an
increased number of peroxysomes and lipid-like bodies.
Aldana et al. [16] reported the hepatotoxic effect (mitochondria damage, swelling of the endoplasmic reticulum) caused by cypermethrin in rats. The study by Shakoori et al. [6] showed hypertrophied hepatic cells and
nuclei in rats treated with cypermethrin for 6 months
at a dose of 420 mg/kg/day.
The present study showed that four weeks after dermal application of Nurelle D 550 EC, the activity of
aminotransferases and the level of TP in rats returned to
the initial state, whereas histopathological changes and
© Copyright by the Polish Society of Toxicology, 2006
branych enzymów wątrobowych i poziomu białka po 24 h, oraz
po 1, 2, 3 tygodniach od zaprzestania ekspozycji. Oceniano
również zmiany histopatologiczne w wątrobie szczurów po zakończeniu eksperymentu. Zwierzęta otrzymywały 27,8 mg/cm2
chlorpiryfosu i 2,7 mg/cm2 cypermetryny przez 4 tygodnie
(4 godziny dziennie).
Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że podwyższona aktywność aminotransferazy asparaginowej powraca do wartości kontrolnych po 3 tygodniach, poziom białka normuje się w 2. tygodniu, a obniżona aktywność fosfatazy alkaicznej utrzymuje się
przez 3 tygodnie po zaprzestaniu ekspozycji. Aktywność aminotransferazy alaninowej nie wykazuje statystycznie istotnych
różnic w stosunku do wartości kontrolnych. Po 3 tygodniach od
zaprzestania ekspozycji wykazano również nieznaczne zmiany
histopatologiczne w wątrobie szczurów.
Otrzymane wyniki biochemiczne i histopatologiczne mogą
świadczyć o stosunkowo długo utrzymujących się uszkodzeniach hepatocytów i zaburzeniach procesów metabolicznych
w wątrobie u szczurów w wyniku narażenia na preparat Nurelle
D 550 EC.
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Acta Toxicologica 2006;14(1–2):37–41