Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster


Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster
Saint Joseph Basilica
Parish of the Third Millennium
Mission Statement
Saint Joseph Parish is committed to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus Christ as a Catholic community of faith,
by promoting a sense of commitment to the Church, encouraging divine worship and prayer, fostering evangelization
and nurturing the spirit of service.
Within the context of our Polish - American religious and cultural heritage, we foster our tradition and aspire to personal
growth in faith. We are determined to develop our vision for the future, to educate the children in Christian values
and to be receptive to the creative and saving grace of God.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process established by the Church for
individuals to become Catholic and receive the Sacraments of Initiation-Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. If you wish to become Catholic, or are a Baptized Catholic in
need of making your First Communion and/or Confirmation, please call the Religious
Education Office.
BAPTISM. On designated Sundays. Please call
to make arrangements. Parents are required to
receive orientation.
Sunday Vigil:
4:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.(Bilingual); 9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m. (Polish), 6:30 p.m.
Holy Day Vigil:
5:00 p.m.
MARRIAGE. Proper preparation for marriage
requires one year’s notice. Please contact the
rectory for appointment.
Holy Day
6:30 a.m.; 8:30 a.m.;
7:00 p.m. (Polish)
MINISTRY TO THE SICK For those of advanced age, ill or hospitalized, call the rectory to
arrange visitation.
6:30 a.m. (mon-fri); 7:00 a.m. (tue, fri, sat)
PARISH MEMBERSHIP If you would like to
become part of St. Joseph Parish Family,
please call the rectory.
Eve of Holy Days:
Thurs. before First Friday
First Friday:
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
niedziele. Proszę zadzwonić na plebanię, aby
ustalić datę. Rodzice zobowiązani są do krótkiej
Mon. - Fri.: 9 a.m. - 12 noon & 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
powinni zawiadomić kancelarię parafialną rok
przed datą ślubu.
Thursday - Office Is Closed!
Please call ahead for an appointment with a priest.
Rector: .............. Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki
Associate Pastor .... Rev. Grzegorz Chodkowski
Weekend assistance…..Rev. Charles Borowski
Financial Secretary ........................ Ewa Mamro
Secretaries:Virginia Woznicki&Elizabeth Sabaj
Organist: ..................................... Robert Wójcik
Sacristan ........................................ Joseph Ziak
53 Whitcomb Street,
Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0467
Fax: 508-943-0808
e-mail: [email protected]
SAKRAMENT CHORYCH Po sakramentalną
posługę księdza proszę dzwonić na plebanię.
ZAPISY DO PARAFII Parafia św. Józefa serdecznie zaprasza nowych członków. Zapisy
przyjmujemy w kancelarii parafialnej.
47 Whitcomb Street, Webster
Phone: 508-943-0378
Fax: 508-949-0581
Principal ........... Mr. Donald F. Cushing
Secretary ...........Mrs. Cynthia Belanger
Phone: 508-943-0467 ext.: 115
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 508-943-2228
Page 2
June 21, 2015
Masses for the week—Msze Św. w Tygodniu
Sunday Vigil
4:00pm r.s. Raymond Noga - int. Wife and family
Sunday - June 21
7:00 Za wypominki
9:00 r.s. Adam Podskarbi and Marek Duszak
- int. Jola and Agnieszka and family
11:00 ś.p. Franciszek Turowski - int. córka Ewy
6:30pm r.s. Warren A. Rekowski - int. Warren and Dian
Monday - June 22
6:30 For the parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica
2:00pm Webster Manor
Tuesday– June 23
6:30 r.s. Stasia Nalepa - int. Mary Zoschak
7:00 sp. Edward Gawel - int. Halina Gawel
Wednesday - June 24
6:30 W intencji Katarzyny z dziękczynieniem za
odzyskanie wzroku oraz prośbą do św. Jozefa o Boże
błogosławieństwo dla calej jej rodziny
- int. Alfreda Kuczynska
7:00pm Proszac św. Josefa o błogosławieństwo Boże dla calej
rodziny Ptak - int. Cecilia Ptak
Thursday - Jume 25
6:30 r.s. Nora B. Coyle - int. Family
Friday - June 26
6:30 r.s. Emily P. Racicot - int. Edward Sitkowski, Roland
Malboeuf and John Hickey
7:00 r.s. Charles Lee Murphy - int. Elizabeth Fleming
Saturday – June 27
7:00 r.s. Emily Czyzewski
- int. Husband, Norman and sons John and Mark
Sunday Vigil
4:00 r.s. Cecilia and Stanley Majka
- int. Daughter, Jane, Linden, Katie & Tyler O’Leary
Sunday - June 28
7:00 Za wypominki
9:00 Annual Communion Mass for Sacred Heart Society
11:00 ś.p. Franciszek i Maria Kurpiel (15 r.śm.) i Stanislaw
Kurpiel (38 r. śm) - int. Edward i Anna Kudron
1:00pm Baptism Tyler Bushey
6:30pm r.s. Henryk Mietelski - int. Son and family
I-25 Club Winner for 13th week
#100—Jon Belanger
Weekly $4507.39 (including $559.39 in loose money);
Diocesan Obligations $244; Fuel $1695.15 (including $155.15
in loose money)
Weekly Budget $7000
21 czerwca - 2015r.
Stewardship Note: “He said to them, ‘Why are you afraid?
Have you no faith?’” Most of us like to be in control. Loss of
control makes us fearful. Try changing your perspective, let
God be the pilot! There’s an old saying “do you want to make
God laugh? Tell him your plans.” Put your trust in God, He
always has a better plan!
For the week of June 21 through June 27
In loving memory of Anthony and Helen Szymczak
on the remembrance of their 75 Wedding Anniversary.
Given by their sons and grandsons.
June 21, 2015
Whoever is in Christ is a new creation.
- 2 Corinthians 5:17
Living along the shores of Lake Superior—the
“big lake,” as the locals call it—you can often
hear the advice, “Respect the lake; don’t take it
for granted.” People who know Lake Superior
respect its power and watch out for its many
moods. Sunken ships and boats crushed into kindling are testimonies to what the lake can do.
The readings this Sunday evoke our memories of the lake, of
the mighty Mississippi River, or of the ocean itself. Who but
God can control these mighty waters and set limits to their advance? The lake described in today’s Gospel was a body of
water subject to sudden storms and churned into dangerous
waves by terrible winds.
But these mighty agents are subject to God. The sailor and
the fisher all respect the water. Even more, they respect the
awesome power of the Maker of wind and sea.
This week’s second collection is for the Catholic
Communication Campaign.
Next weekend’s second collection is designated for
Peter’s Pence Collection.
Join us for our Annual Festival on our school grounds and
enjoy the specialties of the kitchen—always a scrumptious
Visit the various booths including the Country Store, Special
Gifts, Pastry Booth, Polish Booth, Wheelbarrow of Cheer, etc.
Try your hand at games of chance and the opportunity to win
prizes in our money raffle (prizes total $5000). Live music for
dancing, Piast Group, student’s talent show and much, much
Bring family and friends for a day of lighthearted pleasure
and enjoyment.
Page 3
Today, Sunday, June 21 is Father’s Day and we honor father’s and celebrate fatherhood, paternal bonds and the influence of fathers in our society. They are remembered in our
prayers for all their goodness and love showered upon us.
This Sunday, June 21 after 9:00am Mass the Hospitality
Committee will serve refreshments in a tent set upon the rectory
lawn. We invite everyone to share our annual festival and welcome all who would like to grow in faith as part of our Basilica
- Sylwia Kohut—Chairperson
Our parish fiscal year will be ending on August 31st and our
budget for the coming year is being painstakingly scrutinized
for additional cuts in expenses. As reported weekly, the offertory collection continues to fall far below budget. A parish
should operate within its means. In an attempt to do so, expenses we have control over have already been reduced to a
bare minimum. In reality, our income must increase to meet
current expenses.
The seriousness of this issue generated discussion at the recent parish council meeting. Some parishes, mainly noncatholic, have an assessment policy. In other words, the budget
is divided by the number of families and each one is expected
to contribute a designated amount in order for the parish to be
financially solvent. We hope that we won’t have to come to this
Our Sunday collections are inadequate support our operational expenses. Additional income should come from different
venues such as, percentage from personal inheritance, sales of
property or any other financial blessings. Tithing has a long
tradition of being practiced, even in the Old Testament, and has
been adopted by many religions, including Catholics.
We would appreciate your suggestions, comments and other
initiatives which would help us to best serve our parishioners
and become an Evangelization Community.
We are pleased to announce the new slate of Officers for the
St. Joseph Polish Women’s Club, who were introduced at the
Annual Installation Mass last Sunday at our Basilica. President
- Jo-Ann Canty; Vice President - Zofia Walker; Recording Secretary - Cynthia Belanger; Treasurer - Jacqueline Skrocki; Financial Secretary - Sheri Bergeron; Publicity - Marlene Proulx.
Directors - Phyllis Scully, Joyce Dziedzic, Marilyn Bernier and
Patricia Williams.
Congratulations to all these dedicated members and with the
guidance of the Holy Spirit may this organization enjoy continued success for the benefit of our School and the Felician Sisters.
From June 21 through July 4, we will join Catholics in the
fourth annual Fortnight for Freedom, a 14-day period of
prayer, education and action to address the many current and
grave challenges to our religious liberty. This year’s theme is
Freedom to Bear Witness, emphasizing the link between religious freedom and bearing witness to the truth of the Gospel.
At this significant time in our nation’s history, with the institution of marriage before the United States Supreme Court, we
reaffirm our commitment to promote and defend marriage—the
union of one man and one woman. Marriage has been understood across various religions and cultures for millennia because it has a compelling interest in the well being of children.
Every child has a mother and a father and every child deserves
the opportunity whenever possible to be raised by his or her
own married mother and father in a stable and loving home. It
is in the interest of the state to encourage and uphold the family
founded on marriage to afford the union of husband and wife
you need legal protection and enforcement.
We ask all parishioners to pray for the guidance of the Holy
Spirit for the Supreme Court Justices. Next Friday, June 26
will be a day of fasting in our parish for that intention.
You are invited to join Bishop McManus on Friday, June
26th at 7:00pm at St. Paul’s Cathedral, Worcester, MA for a
special Mass. A light reception with a presentation by Sister
Constance Veit will follow in the Cenacle.
If you are planning to attend, please notify the rectory of
your intention.
Please join our Eucharistic Ministers for our weekly Novena
and Devotion to St. Joseph on Wednesday, June 24th at
7:00pm. During this hectic summer season we should pause
and take the opportunity through the intercession of our Patron
to turn our thoughts toward the joys of heaven and ask for his
help to live our lives in surrendering love to the gospel of Jesus
We kindly ask that you note your needs on the petition slips
available in the Chapel of Our Lady of Czestochowa. Your
requests will be read during the service. Thank you for your
We invite parishioners and friends to join us for Bingo on
Friday, June 26th at 6:45pm in our school cafeteria. Doors
open at 5:00pm which gives you time to enjoy a light snack
with pastries, free coffee and mingle with our avid players.
Members of the Parish Council will be on hand to assist our
guests. Proceeds benefit St. Joseph School.
Each year the Catholic Church invites parishioners to participate in the Peter’s Pence Collection in order to be “witnesses of
charity” to our brothers and sisters around the world. Gifts to
this annual collection help our Holy Father, Pope Francis, to
support victims of war and natural disasters and others most in
need of assistance.
We invite you to heed our Holy Father’s call and be generous
during our Peter’s Pence Collection next weekend.
Page 4
Consultative School Board –will meet on Wednesday, June
24th at 6:30pm at the rectory.
Knights of Columbus - Fourth Degree Dinner will be held
on Thursday, June 25th in the School Conference Room. We
ask all brother Knights to attend.
Sacred Heart Society – Annual Communion Mass and
Installation of Officers will take place on Sunday, June 28 at
the 9:00am Liturgy.
Annual meeting will follow at the school hall.
With solemn Mass on Friday, June 19th at 8:30am we ended
the academic school year 2014-2015. It was a rewarding and
successful year for all our SJS students. There were many
educational activities such as Science Fairs, Geography and
Spelling Bees, Essay competitions, stage presentations, etc.
All these activities expanded the students intellectual
Similarly many pastoral programs, devotional
services and outreach programs to the needy helped our
students to form their characters and establish a close
relationship with Jesus Christ.
The graduations of our 8th grade, Pre-K and Kindergarten
was enjoyed by parents and family members.
The presentation of Godspell, Jr. by our students last week at
the Town Hall displayed the talent and abilities of our students.
All the Webster schools were invited.
We wish our faculty, staff and students a joyful, restful and well
deserved summer vacation
July Cash calendars, with 31 opportunities to win are
available at the entrance of our Basilica this weekend. Pat
Parslow and Dottie Kasierski are ready to help you to complete
your summer gift giving list for that special someone’s
birthday, graduation, anniversary, etc. You may also contact
your favorite seller for a calendar. Proceeds benefit our parish.
St. Joseph School - we are grateful to the Sacred Heart
Society for their recent $1,000 donation to our school toward
our fuel and energy costs.
SJS Immediate Need Fund - donation of $25 in memory of
Phyllis Naramore, given by M/M Ronald Kokernak.
On behalf of our SJS students Thank You to our donors for
their benevolence and kindheartedness.
“Camp Catholic” Vacation Bible School” - June 22-26th
from 9am—12:00pm daily. Each day will have its own faith
based theme and will include music, a scripture story, crafts,
games and a snack. We welcome children in Pre-K and up.
Children in grades 6-12 are eligible to be camp counselors.
Adult volunteers are also needed to help during camp. Cost is
$30/week for campers. Sign-up sheets are available at the
entrances of Basilica.
Renew Group - July 7, 14, 21, 28, 6-7pm - discuss the upcoming Gospel and play games/hang our with friends
Annual YG Cook-out - July 12, grades 3-12
Douglas Water Slides - July 15, PP Cast & VBS counselors
Sports Spree Evening - July 17th, 5-8pm (rain date July
24th, same time). Join us for an evening of sports and fun.
Mass and Divine Mercy Devotions - Every Wednesday Evening - at St. Andrew Bobola Church, Dudley, MA at 6:30pm.
Retirement Open House Honoring Sr. Constance Bayeur
S.S.A. - on Sun., June 28th, 1:00—3:00pm at St. Anne Elementary
School as she retires after 42 years as principal.
Bernadette Circle #709, D. of I., - July 12 - Hukelau Dinner
Theatre-”Christmas in July” Delicious Cuisine/Show—Hawaii
Comes to Chicopee! Cost is $72. Bus leaves Webster at 8:30am.
Call Janet at (508) 887-2215 for more information.
“Polka Lovers” Appreciation Dance - July 5th, 2-6pm Dennis Polisky & The Maestro’s Men at the German American Cultural Society, Pawtucket, RI. Call (401)723-3549 for more information.
Pilgrimage to Greece - In the footsteps of St. Paul - September
7-18, 2015. Sponsored by Our Lady of Czestochowa Parish with
Fr. Peter Łabuda, Bible Study Professor from Tarnów. Few seats
available. For more information please call Christine Szymczak:
508-865-9390 or Fr. Richard Polek 508-410-8016 or check the
World Youth Day 2016 - Pilgrimage to Krakow, Poland July
19 - August 3, 2016. Every two years our young people gather
with the Holy Father in various locations. This tradition began
during the pontificate of Pope John Paul II and has grown in
popularity. The cost is $2500. More details forthcoming.
21 czerwca 2105
Jeżeli więc ktoś pozostaje w Chrystusie, jest nowym stworzeniem.
(2Kor 5, 17)
„Wołali w niedoli do Pana, a on uwolnił ich od
trwogi”. Dzisiejsze czytania prowadzą nas nad
brzeg życia i śmierci. Tam gdzie musimy
opowiedzieć się, czy słuchamy lęku i trwogi, czy
jesteśmy dziećmi odwagi płynącej z zaufania
Bogu. Jezus swoją śmiercią pokonał już
wszystko, co budzi w nas lęk. On nad wszystkim panuje.
Strach, oddany w Jego ręce, już nie paraliżuje w nas miłości,
która jest silniejsza od śmierci i która przynagla do ofiarowania
swego życia.
Dzisiejsza druga kolekta jest przeznaczona na Catholic
Communication Campain.
Druga kolekta w przyszłym tygodniu będzie przeznaczona na
Peter’s Pence Colletion.
Page 5
Tych, którzy jeszcze nie wzięli udziału w naszym
dorocznym Festiwalu, lub też korzystali z przygotowanych
atrakcji i nadal chcą mile spędzić czas, zapraszamy na
ostaniu festiwalowy dzień. Oprócz atrakcji w butikach, na
dzisiejszych uczestników czeka dobra muzyka, występy
Grupy Piast, Talent Show oraz losowanie Loterii Pieniężnej.
Do wygrania w sumie $5000.
Zapraszamy wszystkich parafian i przyjaciół wraz z
rodzinami do wspólnego spędzenia niedzielnego popołudnia.
Zjednoczonych Dzień Ojca. Pamiętajmy dziś o wdzięczności
dla naszych ojców za wszystko, co do naszego życia wnosi
ojcostwo i wieź jaką nasi ojcowie tworzą w rodzinach. Nie
zapomnijmy również o ojcach, którzy odeszli już do
wieczności. Niech nasza modlitwa ofiarowana w ich intencji
będzie odpłatą za ich trud i poświęcenie za życia.
Z radością informujemy, że ubiegłej niedzieli został
ustanowiony nowy zarząd. Oto nowi przedstawiciele St.
Joseph Polish Women’s Club: President - Jo-Ann Canty;
Vice President– Zofia Walker; Recording Secretary Cynthia Belanger; Treasurer - Jacqueline Skrocki; Financial
Secretary - Sheri Bergeron; Publicity - Marlene Proulx.
Directors - Phyllis Scully, Joyce Dziedzic, Marilyn Bernier
and Patricia Williams.
Serdecznie gratulujemy i życzymy wielu błogosławieństw
oraz światła Ducha Świętego w pracy dla dobra naszej
szkoły i dla wsparcia sióstr Felicjanek.
Przyłącz się do Szafarzy Eucharystii na cotygodniowej
Nowennie do św. Józefa w najbliższą środę, 24 czerwca.
W gorączkowym czasie letnich urlopów i wyjazdów warto
się zatrzymać i skorzystać z możliwości jakie wnosi
do naszego życia św. Józef, aby zwrócić nasze myśli
ku radościom nieba i poprosić naszego patrona o życie
w atmosferze ewangelicznej miłości.
Każdego roku Kościół Katolicki zaprasza wiernych do
uczestnictwa w Peter’s Pence Colletion, jako „światków
miłosierdzia” dla braci i sióstr na całym świecie. Ofiary
składane na ten cel wspierają Ojca Świętego w pomocy
ofiarom wojen i katastrof naturalnych oraz innych
potrzebujących wsparcia.
Zbiórka Peter’s Pence Colletion w naszej parafii odbędzie
się 28 czerwca. Prosimy o hojne wsparcie.
Rok finansowy niebawem się zakończy, a planowanie
budżetu na następny rok jest pieczołowicie badany
w poszukiwaniu możliwości oszczędności i cięć
w wydatkach. Jak to widać w cotygodniowych
raportach, niedzielna kolekta jest dużo niższa niż
tygodniowy budżet. Parafia powinna funkcjonować
w granicach swoich możliwości. Próbując to osiągnąć,
koszty, które są pod naszą kontrolą zostały
zredukowane już do minimum. Niemniej jednak,
przychód parafii musi wzrosnąć, aby można było
pokryć bieżące wydatki. Powaga tego problemu
sprowokowała dyskusję na ostatnim spotkaniu rady
parafialnej, która doszła do sugestii, że każdy
parafianin powinien rozważyć konkretną sumę,
w zależności od swoich dochodów, którą wesprze
parafię, tak by pozbyć się finansowych problemów.
Każdy z nas jest wezwany do udziału w finansowym
wsparciu swojej parafii. Pismo Święte wzywa nas, by
oddać Bogu część z tego, co On nam dał. Uprzejmie
prosimy przy tej okazji, by zastanowić się
i przewartościować swoje zobowiązanie finansowe
w zależności od możliwości ofiarowania. Możliwości
te prosimy rozważyć, nie tylko uwzględniając
regularny dochód ale również przychód ze sprzedaży
nieruchomości, spadków i innych wydarzeń, które
można uważać za oznakę Bożego błogosławieństwa.
Do każdej rodziny zostały wysłane specjalne koperty,
w których można przekazać swoją ofiarę. Jaki będzie
los tych koper? Zostaną one zwrócone do parafii z
ofiarą, w zależności od otrzymanych błogosławieństw?
Zakończyliśmy majową edycję Cach Calendar.
Następne losowania w lipcu. Już teraz można nabyć
kupony dla siebie lub bliskich i skorzystać z okazji do
wygrania od $50 do $500. Zainteresowanych prosimy o
kontakt z Pat Parslow lub Dottie Kasierski. Dochód z
loterii jest przeznaczony na wsparcie parafii.
W piątek, 26 czerwca zapraszamy na cotygodniowe
rozgrywki Bingo. Grę rozpoczynamy o godz. 6:45.
Drzwi otwieramy już o godz. 17:00. Dla wszystkich
uczestników przewidziany poczęstunek oraz darmowa
kawa. O pomoc w przygotowaniach prosimy Knights
of Colombos.
Dochody z Bingo zasilają budżet naszej szkoły.
St. Joseph Basilica #511990
53 Whitcomb Street
Webster, MA 01570
508 943-0467
Fr. Gregory Chodkowski
508 612 8526
EMAIL: [email protected]
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