Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster


Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster
Saint Joseph Basilica
Parish of the Third Millennium
Mission Statement
Saint Joseph Parish is committed to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus Christ as a Catholic community of faith,
by promoting a sense of commitment to the Church, encouraging divine worship and prayer, fostering evangelization
and nurturing the spirit of service.
Within the context of our Polish - American religious and cultural heritage, we foster our tradition and aspire to personal
growth in faith. We are determined to develop our vision for the future, to educate the children in Christian values
and to be receptive to the creative and saving grace of God.
Sunday Vigil:
4:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.(Polish); 8:15 a.m.; 9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m. (Polish)
Holy Day Vigil:
5:00 p.m.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process established by the Church for
individuals to become Catholic and receive the Sacraments of Initiation-Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. If you wish to become Catholic, or are a Baptized Catholic in
need of making your First Communion and/or Confirmation, please call the Religious
Education Office.
BAPTISM. On designated Sundays. Please call
to make arrangements. Parents are required to
receive orientation.
MARRIAGE. Proper preparation for marriage
requires one year’s notice. Please contact the
rectory for appointment.
Holy Day
7:00 a.m.; 8:15 a.m.(Polish);
9:30 a.m., 7:00 p.m. (Bilingual)
MINISTRY TO THE SICK For those of advanced age, ill or hospitalized, call the rectory to
arrange visitation.
6:30 a.m. (m-f); 7:00 a.m. (w, f, sat)
PARISH MEMBERSHIP If you would like to
become part of St. Joseph Parish Family,
please call the rectory.
Eve of Holy Days:
Thurs. before First Friday
First Friday:
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
niedziele. Proszę zadzwonić na plebanię, aby
ustalić datę. Rodzice zobowiązani są do krótkiej
Mon. - Fri.: 9 a.m. - 12 noon & 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
powinni zawiadomić kancelarię parafialną rok
przed datą ślubu.
Thursday - Office Is Closed!
Please call ahead for an appointment with a priest.
Rector:.............. Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki
Associate Pastor.... Rev. Grzegorz Chodkowski
Financial Secretary.........................Ewa Mamro
Organist:..................................... Robert Wójcik
Sacristans................. Al Richard & Joseph Ziak
53 Whitcomb Street,
Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0467
Fax: 508-943-0808
e-mail: [email protected]
SAKRAMENT CHORYCH Po sakramentalną
posługę księdza proszę dzwonić na plebanię.
ZAPISY DO PARAFII Parafia św. Józefa serdecznie zaprasza nowych członków. Zapisy
przyjmujemy w kancelarii parafialnej.
47 Whitcomb Street, Webster
Phone: 508-943-0467 ext.: 3
Phone: 508-943-0378
e-mail: [email protected]
Fax: 508-949-0581
Principal ............Mr. Donald F. Cushing
Secretary ............Mrs. Jennifer Mahlert
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June 10, 2012
Masses for the week—Msze Św. w Tygodniu
Sunday Vigil - June 9
4:00 - r.s. Joseph L. Comeau (anniv.) & the deceased
members Comeau & Stefanik families
- int. wife, Joan A. Comeau
Sunday - June 10-Body and Blood of Christ/Corpus Christi
7:00 For the parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica
8:15 r.s. Edmund Sr., & Bessie Tremblay
- int. Eleanor, Edmund & Joseph
9:30 r.s. Helen & Stanislaw Kluza & Agnes Brzegowski
- int. Anna & Ed Kudron
11:00 s.p. Julia, Stanislaw i Czeslaw Zur
- int. corka, Maria z rodzina
Monday - June 11
6:30 r.s. Helen Baron - int. M/M Charles Baron
2:00 Oakwood Nursing Home
Tuesday - June 12
6:30 r.s. Theodore Kawiaka - int. Edward Sitkowski,
Roland Malboeuf & John Hickey
7:00 r.s. Terry Miller - int. Joseph & Carol Zdrok
Wednesday - June 13
6:30 r.s. Lorraine Brezniak - James & Lorraine Brezniak
7:00 r.s. Barbara Zdrok - int. Irene Sheehan
Thursday - June 14
r.s. Edward Hanc - int. wife and children
Friday - June 15
6:30 r.s. Deceased members of the Kulpan & Placzek
families - int. Charlotte
7:00 Za wypominki
Saturday - June 16
7:00 r.s. Tadeusz Jolda (anniv.) & deceased members of the
Jolda Family
Sunday Vigil
4:00 r.s. Raymond Noga - int. wife and family
Sunday - June 17
7:00 s.p. Adam Podskarbi i Marek Duszak - int. rodziny
8:15 r.s. Leo Gemme - int. Patricia Gemme family
9:30 r.s. Felix Moninski (7th anniv.) - int. family
11:00 s.p. Maria i Franciszek Szczepaniak
-int. Teresa Plewa z rodzina
I-25 Club Winner for 12th week—#104
Joan Czechowski
Captain - Connie Czechowski
Weekly $5337.75 (including $324.75 in loose money);
Diocesan Obligations $165; Catholic Communications $541.50
(including $87.50 in loose money; Fuel $138; Forty Hours $30;
125th Jubilee Collection $966
Weekly budget $7500
--10 czerwca 2012r.
Stewardship Note: “Then he took a cup, gave thanks, and
gave it to them and they all drank from it.” Jesus, the perfect
steward, gave thanks, just before He gave Himself to us completely for our salvation. He offered us the chance to drink
from His cup. In Eucharist we meet Christ personally and, if
we listen to Him, we will know what drinking from His cup
means for each of us. Often it means our own sacrifice—giving
up some of our time, talent and treasure to do His work on
June 10, 2012
The cup of salvation I will take up, and I will call upon the
name of the Lord.
-Psalm 116:13
Today the Church focuses on the Eucharist. Today’s readings remind us how connected to ancient blood sacrifices we are
when offering our unbloody sacrifice. The
reading from Exodus describes a solemn
ritual designed so the Israelites would never forget their covenant with God.
The reading from the Letter to the Hebrews turns us from
those ancient animal sacrifices, the first efforts to worship the
living God. Our sacrifice is the body and blood of the Son of
God. Because of Christ we have a new covenant.
The Gospel from Mark retells the establishment of that covenant, the familiar story of the Last Supper. Juxtaposed with the
story of animal sacrifice as it is here, we are challenged to listen with new attention, to remember the great price paid for our
salvation. Jesus gave his body and his blood for us.
This weeks second collection is for utilities and energy.
The second collection next week is designated for Diocesan
On Sunday, June 10, we will celebrate the Feast of the Holy
Body and Blood of Christ, also referred to as Corpus Christi.
This year the liturgy will begin at our Basilica at the 11:00am
Mass with Rev. Adam Reid as our celebrant and homilist followed by procession to four altars concluding at the Emmaus
Center. We ask you to please plan your day so as to take part in
this solemn procession. We ask all the parish organizations to
come with their banners and emblems. The banners should be
displayed during the Mass in the sanctuary. All Eucharistic
Ministers, First Communion children and altar servers in their
outfits should join us. After the procession, ice cream will be
served for the children at the Emmaus Center.
This Wednesday, June 13, at 7:00pm we will pray the rosary
during an outdoor procession in honor of Our Lady of Fatima.
As always, we invite parishioners, friends organizations and
especially the Children of Mary to take part in this beautiful
tribute to Our Lady.
The flowers in front of the Blessed Mother altar in honor of
Our Lady of Fatima are given in memory of Frank Kasierski.
by his wife Dottie.
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We are happy to announce that we have reached our
goal for Partners in Charity. Thank you to everyone who
contributed and supported this appeal which helps so
many in our diocese.
-Carolyn Swierzbin and Betty Sabaj
Today, Saturday, June 9 after 4:00pm Mass at St. Joseph
School cafeteria you will have the opportunity to review
the architectural plans for the Parish Center. This project
was the focus of many discussions and complaints over
half a century and finally we are on the threshold of its
success. We want to consult our parishioners on various
details, such as size and layout of the cooking and serving
areas. We also will discuss an endowment fund for the
Gym and Parish Center. In this Jubilee Year, as we redefine our future it would be a far-sighted decision to address this issue which will positively contribute to our
cultural, spiritual and social activities in a comfortable
facility for our parish community. It would help the elderly of the parish if we could at this time attach the parish
center to the gym which will soon become a reality.
The landing area in front of the Basilica between the
two sets of stairs has been completed. People are welcome to use these steps, but please be cautious, as the railings have not as yet been installed. The material for the
walls and pillars will be placed on the edge of the patio
and along the stairs and will arrive this week as we continue the next phase of this project. A simple rail will be
attached to the walls along the stairs, which will be useful
and practical without the cost of constructing an elaborate
railing. The color of stones will complement the surroundings of the environment.
We are extremely grateful for your support and contributions to this Jubilee project which is a sign of your
dedication, faith and pride in your parish property.
MONEY RAFFLE-Please return your money raffle
tickets for a chance to win 1st prize of $4,000, 2nd prize
of $1,000, 3rd prize of $500 or 4th prize of $100 as soon
as possible. We thank all who have already made their
returns for their support.
GARAGE SALE-Wanted unused and unwanted items
in good and clean condition-drop off time Sat., June 9th
4:00-7:00pm or Mon., June 11th 6:00-8:00pm. WE
WILL NOT accept any electronics.
GOLABKI MAKING– we need everyone’s help in
the preparation of golabki on Mon., June 11th- 6:00pm
until closing; Tues., Wed., & Thurs., June 12th, 13th &
14th beginning at 1:00pm and throughout the evening.
Please fill out sign up sheets available at the entrances
to our Basilica or just come to the cafeteria during the
above listed times.
FESTIVAL PASTRY BOOTH- We ask you to provide
homemade baked goods: cakes, pies, cookies, breads,
squares, fudge, etc. for our festival. Please write the
name of the pastry on the item and drop off your baked
goods to Donna Recko at the Pastry Booth at the following times: Fri., June 15th at 4:30pm; Sat., June 16th from
noon on; and Sun., Jun., 17th from noon. Your support is
Volunteers are needed for various tasks—setting up
the grounds, serving meals, manning booths, break
down and clean up. Please fill out sign up sheets.
Festival activities are listed in the printed brochure.
Installation Banquet-will be held on Tues., June 12th at
Point Breeze. Cocktail hour 5:30-6:00pm followed by
dinner. For more information, please contact Jane Place
at (508)943-0887.
It has been customary that various parishes celebrating their Jubilee Year make pilgrimages either overseas or inside
our country. Due to our economic constraints, and on the advice of our Parish Council we will make a pilgrimage to
Our Lady of Czestochowa Shrine in Doylestown, PA. on Sat., Aug., 25 & Sun., Aug., 26th. A pilgrimage is a journey
to a sacred place for a religious purpose. This could be in the spirit of gratitude to God for received graces or in the
spirit of petition for needed blessings. Throughout the history of the Church the pilgrimage was considered as a form of
prayer because it is associated with sacrifice and inconvenience of traveling to a shrine where the power of God manifests itself in a special way, e.g., healings, miracles,etc. The people are drawn to places where a particular icon of the
Blessed Mother attracts the faithful because of the frequency of receiving graces, such as Lourdes, Fatima and Czestochowa.
Our pilgrimage to Doylestown will be for two days and will incorporate one day of sightseeing in Amish country.
On Sunday we will participate in devotional services at the Shrine in Doylestown and pray for our personal intentions
and for our St. Joseph Basilica family. The cost is $230, which includes transportation, accommodations, dinner and
lunch. Please contact the rectory as soon as possible to reserve your place and make a deposit of $50. Msgr. Czarnecki
or Father Gregory will accompany the tour.
Page 4
Current 2nd, 5th and 8th Graders-Move up to New
Age Group– As of June 1st, current 2nd graders can start
attending 3rd-5th Grade Youth Group events, current 5th
graders can start attending Jr. High (6th-8th grade) Youth
Group events and current 8th graders can start attending
Sr. High (9th-12th grade or older) Youth Group events.
Fire pit & S’mores at Mrs. Valcour’s Home-To
honor the start of summer, the three different Youth
Groups are invited to Mrs. Valcour’s home (122 Sutton
Rd., Webster) for badminton, wiffle ball, basketball,
board games and S’mores by the fire. Rain or shine.
Please let Mrs. Valcour know if you will be attending so
she can plan accordingly or if you can chaperone.
—3rd-5th Grade Youth Group-Fri., June 29th from 4:306:30pm (chaperones needed) —Jr. Youth Group-Tues.
June 26th from 6:00-8:00pm—Sr. Youth Group-Fri., June
29th from 7:00-9:00pm.
ST. JOSEPH BASILICA - Donation of $140 in memory of Roman Rucinski from his family.
In honor of the baptism of William Antos, $150 from
Eric and Melanie Antos. We welcome William into our
parish family and may he continue to grow in the love of
Jesus and be a joy to his parents.
JPII Foundation of New England– contributed $200
toward expenses of the recent Blessed John Paul II Exhibit.
ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL-An alumnus of SJS has given
$200 as seed money to purchase software for our teachers. The cost of this program is $1750. We are grateful
to our former student for their concern, kindness and generosity.
The Class of 2012’s gift of $550 will be used toward
the Accelerated Reader Program for our students. We
thank our graduating class for thinking of the students
who will follow in their footsteps and who will benefit
from this program. God Bless all of our graduates!!
10 czerwca 2012
“Podniosę kielich zbawienia i wezwę imienia Pańskiego. “(Ps 116, 13)
Bóg daje się spożywać! Nie ma
już ludzkiego głodu ani pragnienia, którego nie byłby w stanie
zaspokoić. W odpowiedzi na
nasze niezliczone potrzeby materialne, psychiczne i duchowe,
Bóg przez swego Syna mówi do nas: bierzcie i jedzcie! Spożywajcie moją miłość, nasyćcie się moim
życiem. W każdej Eucharystii – sakramencie miłości
– karmi nas Ciałem i Krwią Chrystusa, abyśmy nie
musieli szukać pokarmu życia w jego namiastkach,
lecz nasycili się Nim samym.
W środę 13 czerwca o godz. 19:00 zapraszamy na
comiesięczne Nabożeństwo Fatimskie połączone z
Wystawieniem Najświętszego Sakramentu, Różańcem i Procesją.
Dzisiejszej niedzieli przeżywamy Uroczystość
Bożego Ciała znaną również jako Boże Ciało. Obchody rozpoczynamy Msza św. o godz. 11:00. Mszy
św. będzie przewodniczył ks. Adam Reid. Po Eucharystii procesja eucharystyczna do czterech ołtarzy.
Zakończenie obchodów w Centrum Emaus. Do
uczestnictwa w obchodach zapraszamy wszystkich
parafian, a w szczególności organizacje parafialne z
emblematami i sztandarami.
Z radością informujemy, że zakończyliśmy z sukcesem zbiórkę na akcję Charytatywną Partners in Charity. Zadanie nie było łatwe, gdyż diecezja poprosiła
nas o sumę 25 tyś. dolarów. Dzięki dobroduszności i
zaangażowaniu wielkiej liczby parafian udało nam
się sprostać temu zadaniu. Dziękujemy wszystkim,
Carolin Swierzbin, Betty Sabaj
Druga kolekta dzisiejszej niedzieli jest przeznaczona na pokrycie kosztów energii i utrzymania.
Druga kolekta w przyszłym tygodniu będzie przeznaczona na Zobowiązania diecezjalne.
Page 5
W sobotę 9 czerwca, po Mszy o godz. 16:00, odbyło
się spotkanie w sprawie centrum parafialnego, w
czasie którego zostały zaprezentowane plany budowy. Po wielu latach dyskusji i propozycji, jesteśmy
na progu realizacji tego celu. Chcieliśmy skonsultować z parafianami wiele szczegółów dotyczących
nowego projektu, takich jak rozmieszczenie poszczególnych pomieszczeń. Zależy nam na stworzeniu
komfortowego i odpowiedniego miejsca na różnorodna aktywność społeczną i kulturalną w naszej
Zakończone zostały prace przy schodach do naszej
świątyni. Teraz można juz z nich korzystać. Prosimy
jednak o ostrożność, gdyż jeszcze nie zostały zamontowane barierki. Następnym etapem prac przed bazyliką będzie aranżacja przestrzeni przed wejściem.
Powstanie niewysoki murek i słupki na pograniczy
wyłożonego kostką obszaru. Zostaną również zamontowane barierki na schodach i przy ścianach.
Jesteśmy niezmiernie wdzięczni wszystkim za pomoc i wsparcie jubileuszowych projektów.
Częścią obchodów jubileuszu naszej parafii będzie
pielgrzymka do sanktuarium Matki Bożej Częstochowskiej w Doylestown, która odbędzie się 25 i 26
sierpnia tego roku. Pielgrzymka to przede wszystkim
podróż do miejsca kultu w celach religijnych. Dla
nas to będzie okazja do okazania wdzięczności Bogu, za wszelkie łaski, które spłynęły na naszą parafię,
przez te wszystkie lata. Poprzez wieki pielgrzymki
były zawsze szczególną formą modlitwy ponieważ
są połączone z ofiarą i trudami dotarcia do sanktuarium, gdzie łaska Boża spywa na wiernych w sposób szczególny np. poprzez objawiania Matki Bożej
lub różnorodne cuda.
Nasza pielgrzymka będzie jednocześnie połączona
ze zwiedzaniem wspólnoty Amiszów. W niedzielę
będziemy uczestniczyli w nabożeństwach w sanktuarium zanosząc do Boga modlitwy w naszych osobistych intencjach i w intencjach naszej wspólnoty parafialnej.
Koszt pielgrzymki 230 dolarów zawiera opłatę za
przejazd, zakwaterowanie, obiad i kolację. W celu
zapisania się na pielgrzymkę prosimy o kontakt z
biurem parafialnym.
W tym tygodniu serdeczne podziękowania za
złożone ofiary kierujemy do następujących osób:
Rodzina i krewni ku pamięci Romama Rucińskiego
- 140 dolarów;
Eric i Melanie Antos za okazji chrztu Williama
Antos - 150 dolarów;
JPII Fundation of New England z okazji wystawy
na temat bł. Jana Pawła II - 200 dolarów;
Absolwent SJS na potrzeby zakupu programu
nauczania do naszej szkoły - 200 dolarów;
Absolwenci klasy 8 na potrzeby programu nauki
czytania - 550 dolarów.
Bóg zapłać wszystkim ofiarodawcom!
Loteria pieniężna
Prosimy o składanie kuponów na loterię festiwalową.
Jednocześnie przypominamy, że do wygrania są
następujące nagrody: 4000 dolarów - pierwsza
nagroda, 1000 dolarów - druga nagroda, 500 dolarów
- trzecia nagroda oraz 100 dolarów - czwarta
Wyprzedaż garażowa
Prosimy o ofiarowanie nowych lub używanych
rzeczy w dobrym stanie. Zbiórka w sobotę 9 czerwca
w godzinach od 16:00 do 19:00 oraz w poniedziałek
11 czerwca w godz. od 18:00 do 20:00. Prosimy o
nie przynoszenie sprzętu elektronicznego.
Potrzebna każda para rak do przygotowywania
gołąbków, które będziemy robić w następujących
dniach: poniedziałek 11 czerwca od godz. 18:00 oraz
od wtorku do czwartku od godz. 13:00.
Butik z pieczywem
Prosimy o przynoszenie wszelkiego rodzaju
domowych wypieków do butiku z ciastami. Ciasto
należy dostarczyć do butiku pani Reco w
następujących dniach i godzinach: piątek od godz.
16:30, sobota i niedziela od 12 w południe. Bardzo
liczymy na wsparcie!
Potrzebujemy wolontariuszy do różnorodnych praz
zarówno przed, w trakcie jak i po festiwalu.
Chętnych prosimy o wypełnienie formularza
zgłoszeniowego, który można znaleźć przy wejściu
do kościoła.