inTroDuCTion To CorPorATe governAnCe AnD DireCTor


inTroDuCTion To CorPorATe governAnCe AnD DireCTor
Introduction to Corporate Governance
and Director Responsibilities SEMINAR
Part 1
29-30 September 2015
David Buckle
DMB Law International
ncreased globalisation and information sharing
has resulted in increasing pressure on company
management teams to deliver against ever more
demanding targets. As the banking crisis showed,
without proper controls in place management may
take risks that may not be justified.
There have been many examples where the reputation of the
organisation and those responsible for it have suffered due, in
many cases, to the failure of the directors, for example Enron (USA),
Parmalat (Italy), Siemens (Germany), and more recently Tesco (UK).
Where investigations have been carried out, for example, the failure
of Royal Bank of Scotland and Lloyds in the UK, the competence
of the boards of directors have rightly been questioned.
Where a company is successful, shareholders, management and
board members may share in that success. Where the company fails, ultimately it is the board of directors who will be held to
Many board members lack a real understanding of their role. Some
are not aware of their legal duties and responsibilities and are
therefore not managing their potential personal exposure. Others
may not have sufficient skills to exercise their monitoring and
oversight roles adequately in key areas such as strategy, risk
management and the protection of the company’s assets.
Seminar organised in co-operation with:
David Buckle is a practising international commercial lawyer
and has been a member of the IoD’s board consultancy team
for more than 15 years. He has worked with boards of listed
as well as small-to-medium sized businesses in a range of
different industries and across Europe, the Middle East, the
Far East and Africa.
In association with the BPCC Academy David and his team
have designed a 2-day governance course for business leaders in Poland. During the course, delegates will learn:
What corporate governance means
for a business in Poland
The nature of the relationship between owners,
management and the board
How the board can add value to the business
The key skills and competencies
of an effective director
The delegates will receive
a full set of course documentation, a certificate of attendance issued by the BPCC Academy and the opportunity
to participate in the BPCC Directors Club which will enable
delegates to network together to share experiences and
obtain advice on board development issues.
[email protected]
David M. Buckle
Founder and senior partner
of DMB Law United Kingdom
+44 (0) 1732 228805
David Buckle is a practicing international corporate and commercial
lawyer, an expert in international corporate governance and corporate leadership, and also a corporate governance consultant with
the Institute of Directors in London (IoD) and the Independent Directors Association (IDA) in Russia.
David jest prawnikiem specjalizującym się w międzynarodowym
prawie handlowym i gospodarczym oraz międzynarodowym ekspertem w dziedzinie ładu gospodarczego (corporate governance) i naj­
lepszych praktyk korporacyjnych dla prezesów i kadry zarządzającej
(corporate leadership). Dodatkowo, David jest starszym konsultan­
tem i wykładowcą przy Instytucie Dyrektorów (Institute of Directors,
IoD) w Londynie i członkiem stowarzyszenia niezależnych dyrektorów w Rosji (IDA).
David has been a member of the IoD’s Board Consultancy Team for
more than 15 years delivering board consultancy as a combination
of law and best practice in corporate governance. He has over 15
years’ experience of designing and delivering high level development and other projects for corporate and non-corporate clients.
David’s specialist experience in managing complex corporate governance reform projects in Europe and other international markets
include his involvement in shaping and implementing methodologies for the design and delivery of corporate governance best
practice for governmental and regulatory agencies, state owned
enterprises, central banks, national banks, international financial
institutions, academia, airlines, public policy makers, listed companies and not-for-profit organisations at international level and other
enterprises in international markets, including Poland, Hungary,
Russia, Romania, Germany, Italy and the UK (Europe); Oman, Dubai,
Lebanon, Qatar, Bahrein (Middle East); Brunei, Hong Kong, India,
Pakistan and Taiwan (Far East); Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Namibia and
Morocco (Africa).
Some of the current projects David is involved in are: a project in
Brunei where David leads his team overviewing and advising government linked companies on their structures and their governance
including design and implementation of complex effective internal
control, best governance policies and board development programmes; a board development programme for an international
insurer operating in 23 countries, headquartered in Europe with
group assets valued at US$4,345m and annual turnover in excess
of US$599m; a board evaluation project for an international bank
with a balance sheet of USD 15.31 billion.
David also regularly designs and delivers mentoring programmes
for individual directors and senior management team members.
He is frequently invited to speak at international conferences and
business venues.
Prior to qualification as a lawyer David served as a Royal Air Force
officer where he was responsible for the selection and training of
officers and for the design and delivery of high level command
and control training exercises.
David od ponad 15 lat jest członkiem zespołu konsultantów przy
IoD, gdzie jego wiedza i ekspertyza w dziedzinie najlepszych praktyk międzynarodowych i ładu korporacyjnego jest wykorzystywana
podczas szkoleń i usług konsultingowych dla zarządów spółek handlowych i innych rządowych i pozarządowych organizacji.
Specjalistyczne doświadczenie Davida w kierowaniu i nadzorowaniu
złożonych reform w dziedzinie ładu korporacyjnego i najlepszych prak­
tyk zarządzania przedsiębiorstwami i innymi organizacjami z sek­tora
publicznego w Europie i innych rynkach międzynarodowych, obej­
muje, miedzy innymi przygotowanie i implementację programów
najlepszej międzynarodowej praktyki zarządzania i kierowania dla
agencji rządowych, placówek rządowych, przedsiębiorstw publicz­
nych, banków centralnych, krajowych banków, międzynarodowych
instytucji finansowych, uniwersytetów, linii lotniczych, spółek gieł­do­
wych i organizacji pozarządowych w państwach takich jak Polska,
Węgry, Rosja, Kazachstan, Rumunia, Niemcy, Włochy, Wielka Brytania (Europa); Oman, Dubaj, Liban, Katar, Pakistan, Bahrajn (Środkowy
Wschód); Hong Kong, Tajwan, Brunei (Daleki Wschód); Nigeria,
Ghana, Kenia, Namibia i Maroko (Afryka).
Obecnie, David, miedzy innymi, nadzoruje oraz jest zaangażowany
w następujące projekty: projekt w Brunei, gdzie David i jego zespół
odpowiedzialni są za przegląd struktur korporacyjnych i stałą ob­
sługę przedsiębiorstw publicznych, przygotowanie i implementację
polityki wewnętrznej kontroli i zarządzania ryzykiem w przed­się­bior­
stwach, przygotowanie i wprowadzenie kodów postępowania, wew­
nętrznych procedur i szkoleń z zakresu ładu korporacyjnego; projekt
szkoleniowy mający na celu podniesienie profesjonalności i efek­ty­
wności zarządu działającego w 23 krajach międzynarodowego za­
kładu ubezpieczeń z siedzibą w Europie, gdzie majątek grupy w 2015
grupa wyceniła na US$4,345m z rocznym przychodem w wysokości
US$599m; projekt formalnej oceny pracy członków zarządu dla mię­
dzynarodowego banku z Południowej Azji, którego kwota zestawienia bilansowego wynosi 15.31 billionów USD.
David regularnie – w zależności od potrzeb przedsiębiorstwa/organizacji – przygotowywuje oraz przeprowadza praktyczne szkolenia
dla indywidualnych dyrektorów, prezesów i kadry zarządzającej.
David również często jest zapraszany i przemawia na konferencjach
międzynarodowych i innych imprezach biznesowych.
Przed rozpoczęciem aplikacji adwokackiej David służył w Królewskich Służbach Lotniczych (Royal Air Force), gdzie, jako oficer odpowiedzialny był on za nabór i szkolenie oficerów oraz projektowanie
i implementację wysokiej rangi programów w dziedzinie dowodzenia i kierowania.
Introduction to Corporate Governance
and Director Responsibilities SEMINAR – Part 1
29-30 september 2015
warsaw, ul. Zielna 37 – Centrum Zielna
BPCC Academy and DMB law international
DMB law international
David M. Buckle, DMB Law International
09.00 - 09.30
Introduction and objectives
09.00 – 09.15
Review of Day 1
and introduction to Day 2
09.30 - 11.00
First Training Session
– Governance
09.15 - 10.45
Fifth training session
– The Role of the Board of Directors
What is corporate governance?
How can it be used to add value
to your business?
(a) Oversight
(b) Strategic delivery
(c) Risk management
Session led by David Buckle
11.00 - 11.20
Morning coffee break
11.20 - 11.35
Second training session
– Linguistic and conceptual differences
Session led by David Buckle
10.45 - 11.15
Morning Coffee Break
11.15 - 13.00
Sixth training session
– Composition of the Board
What are the differences in terminology
used in British, US and Polish corporate
governance systems
(a) Unitary and two-tier boards
(b) Role of the Chairman
(c) Role of the CEO
(d) Role of the executive, non-executive
and independent Director
Session led by Mel Jeczelewska
11.35 - 13.00
Third training session
– Corporate Structures
(a) Sources of law on Corporate
(b) Legal structure of a company
– comparison between Polish and British
legal forms
(c) Group company structures and
joint ventures
Session led by David Buckle
13.00 - 14.15
Networking Lunch.
Short presentation by Paweł Siwecki,
14.15 – 15.15
Seventh Training Session
– Duties and responsibilities of directors
A comparison between British
and Polish law
Session led by David Buckle
and Mel Jeczelewska
13.00 - 14.15
Networking Lunch
14.15 - 15.15
Fourth training session
– Understanding roles of shareholders,
board and managers in running a company
Session led by Mel Jeczelewska
15.15 - 15.45
Afternoon Coffee Break
15.45 - 16.30
Consolidation of Day 2 material
and case studies
(a) Compliance requirements
(b) The impact of best practice
Directors’ Dilemmas
Session led by David Buckle
and Mel Jeczelewska
Session led by David Buckle
15.15 - 15.45
Coffee break
15.45 - 17.00
Consolidation of Day 1 material
and Case Studies
(a) Developing a governance structure
in an entrepreneurial start up
(b) Developing a governance structure
for a small to medium size business
Session led by David Buckle
and Mel Jeczelewska
Seminar organised in co-operation with:
16.30 - 17.00
Course Review
Registration: [email protected]
I confirm my participation at the
Corporate Governance and Director Responsibilities seminar
on the 29-30 September 2015.
BPCC Members:
BPCC Non-members:
1550 Pln + vAT
1950 Pln + vAT
Price includes
participation in 2 days seminar,
coffee breaks, lunch
and seminar materials
Number of participants:
Company Name:
Delegate Name:
Job Title:
Name and Job Title of each additional delegate:
Correspondence Address:
Company Name for invoicing:
Address for invoicing:
Please invoice me for the sum of:
Terms and Conditions for the seminar ‘Corporate Governance and Director Responsibilities’
Date of the seminar: 29-30 September 2015
These terms and conditions are intended to be legally binding as between the person booking the
course (You), DMB Law International and the British Polish Chamber of Commerce (BPCC).
These terms and conditions apply to all bookings for the seminar which will be conducted by DMB
Law International on 29-30 September 2015. If you are completing a hard copy booking form these
terms and conditions are printed on the booking form.
Booking Procedure
1. A binding agreement subject to these terms and conditions will be made as between you, DMB
Law and the BPCC when BPCC receive a signed booking form by e-mail.
Registration Fee
Intellectual Property Rights
9. All intellectual property rights held in materials supplied by DMB Law International to participants in the seminar are and shall remain the property of DMB Law International and therefore
any exploitation, copying and/or distribution of the whole or any part of supplied materials is prohibited.
10.Any unauthorised or restricted act in relation to the materials referred to in paragraph 9 may
result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.
Data Protection Policy
11.BPCC will ensure that all reasonable and appropriate security measures are in place to protect
the personal data of delegates and will destroy or deliver up the personal data upon written
2. For registrations made by BPCC Members: 1550 PLN + VAT
3. For registrations made by BPCC Non-members: 1950 PLN + VAT
Payment Terms and Cancellation Policy
4. Payment is required after the registration process. It can be on receipt of pro-forma invoice
which will be issued by return. A standard invoice will be sent by post on receipt of full payment.
5. All payment costs must be borne by the sender and will not be refunded.
12.BPCC may process and release your personal data contained in this form to third parties at the
discretion of BPCC on behalf of Brytyjsko-Polskie Uslugi Sp. z o.o. based at Zielna 37, 00-108
Warsaw, Poland. Your data will be used solely for marketing purposes. Your agreement is voluntary
and you have the right to access or remove your data.
Please tick appropriate: Refunds
6. Payment is mandatory and refunds will not be issued for no-shows or cancellations made later
than 7 working days prior to the event.
Limit of Liability
7. BPCC and DMB Law International will not be liable for any breach of contract, negligence or
otherwise for any loss or consequential loss occasioned to any person acting, refraining to act, or
omitting to act, in reliance on the seminar material, or the presentation of the seminar, to the extent
permitted by law.
Registration: [email protected]
8. Consequential loss shall be deemed to include, but shall not be limited to: loss of profits or
anticipated profits; loss of business or anticipated business; damage to reputation or goodwill; and
any claim made by any third party for damages, costs or expenses.
13. This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Polish law.
Date: 11/11/1111
More information at:
tel: +48 604 16 01 16

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