Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster


Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster
Saint Joseph Basilica
Parish of the Third Millennium
Mission Statement
Saint Joseph Parish is committed to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus Christ
as a Catholic community of faith, by promoting a sense of commitment to the
Church, encouraging divine worship and prayer, fostering evangelization and
nurturing the spirit of service.
Within the context of our Polish - American religious and cultural
heritage, we foster our tradition and aspire to personal growth in faith. We are
determined to develop our vision for the future, to educate the children in
Christian values and to be receptive to the creative and saving grace of God.
53 Whitcomb Street, Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0467 • Fax: 508-943-0808
E-mail: [email protected]
Parish Website:
Sunday Vigil:
Holy Day Vigil:
Holy Day:
4:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.(Polish); 8:15 a.m.; 9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m. (Polish)
5:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.; 8:15 a.m.(Polish); 9:30 a.m.
7:00 p.m. (Bilingual)
6:30 a.m. (m-f); 7:00 a.m. (w, f, sat)
Saturday:........................................3 p.m.
Eve of Holy Days: .........................3 p.m.
Thurs. before First Friday: ............3 p.m
First Friday: ..................................6.30 p.m
Mon. - Fri.: 9 a.m. - 12 noon & 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Thursday - Office Is Closed!
Please call ahead for an appointment with a priest.
(508) 943-3752 * e-mail: [email protected]
Director …………………….Mary Jolda
Rector.............................. Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki
Associate Pastor.............. Rev. Grzegorz Chodkowski
Adm. Secretary ............... Terry Miller
Financial Secretary ......... Ewa Mamro
Organist .......................... Robert Wójcik
Sacristans ………………Al Richard & Joseph Ziak
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process
established by the Church for individuals to become Catholic
and receive the Sacraments of Initiation-Baptism,
Confirmation, and the Eucharist. If you wish to become
Catholic, or are a Baptized Catholic in need of making your
First Communion and/or Confirmation, please call the
Religious Education Office.
BAPTISM: On designated Sundays. Please call to make
arrangements. Parents are required to receive orientation.
MARRIAGE: Proper preparation for marriage requires one
year’s notice. Please contact the rectory for appointment.
MINISTRY TO THE SICK: For those of advanced age, ill or
hospitalized, call the rectory to arrange visitation.
PARISH MEMBERSHIP: If you would like to become part
of St. Joseph Parish Family, please call the rectory.
SAKRAMENT CHRZTU: W wyznaczone niedziele. Proszę
zadzwonić na plebanię, aby ustalić datę. Rodzice zobowiązani
są do krótkiej katechezy.
SAKRAMENT MAŁŻEŃSTWA: Narzeczeni powinni
zawiadomić kancelarię parafialną rok przed datą ślubu.
SAKRAMENT CHORYCH: Po sakramentalną posługę
księdza proszę dzwonić na plebanię.
ZAPISY DO PARAFII: Parafia św. Józefa serdecznie
zaprasza nowych członków. Zapisy przyjmujemy w kancelarii
47 Whitcomb Street, Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0378 Fax: 508-949-0581
Principal………………….Mr. Donald F. Cushing
Secretary………………….Mrs. Jennifer Mahlert
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December 11, 2011—11 grudnia 2011r.
Masses for the week—Msze Św. w Tygodniu
Sunday Vigil—December 10
4:00 r,s. Elizabeth Szymczak (9th anniv.) - int. children
Sunday—December 11
7:00 For the parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica
8:15 In thanksgiving to the Holy Rosary Society for all their
kindness & generosity to Sr. Jeanne Marie Akalski, Sr.
Mary Valenta Akalski & Sr. Mary Ann Papiez
9:30 r.s. Ann Knych - int. Gladys Przystas
11:00 s.p. Franciszek, Maria & Stanislaw Kurpiel
- int. grandson, Joseph & wife, Jennifer Kudron
Monday—December 12
6:30 r.s. Lucy S. Raszka
- int. Theresa M. Rohr & Charlotte Strzelewicz
2:00pm Oakwood Nursing Home
r.s. Gladys Borowski (5th anniv.)
- int. John & Joan Grey
Tuesday—December 13
6:30 r.s. Marlene Piskala—int. staff at Scanlon Funeral Svc.
7:00 Za wypominki
Wednesday—December 14
6:30 r.s. John S. Dziedzic
- int. Edward Sitkowski, Roland Malboeuf &
John Hickey
7:00 r.s. Henryk Morga—int. Aniela Jankowska
Thursday—December 15
6:30 r.s. Thomas Minarik - daughter, son & family
7:00 s.p. Weronika Maslon
- int. Kazimierz Zurowski z rodzina
Friday—December 16- Novena to the Infant Jesus
6:30 r.s. Anthony & Victoria Groh & Lymert & Stasia
Balcom—int. son, daughter & grandson
7:00 r.s. Charles McManus—int. Msgr. A. Czarnecki
Saturday—December 17
7:00 r.s. Elizabeth Brodeur - int. William Rewinski family
Sunday Vigil
4:00 r.s. Ronald Hanc (anniv.) - int. mother
Sunday—December 18
7:00 For the parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica
8:15 In thanksgiving to St. Anne Society for all their
kindness & generosity to Sr. Jeanne Marie Akalski,
Sr. Mary Valenta Akalski & Sr. Mary Ann Papiez
9:30 r.s. Mary Ann Marshalkowski, Roberta Brisbois,
Patricia Mahan (38th anniv.) - int. parents
11:00 r.s. Deceased members of the Spiewak family
- int. Bob & Lenny Jacob
I-25 Club Winner for 12th week—#35 Ed Babula
Captain Madge Gromelski
Weekly $6302 (incl. $372 in loose money); Diocesan Obligations
$709.25 (incl. $124.25 in loose money); Fuel $193;
Weekly Budget $7500
Stewardship Note. All of the people in today’s readings—the
prophet Isaiah, the Virgin Mary, St. Paul, St. John the Baptist—
seemed to understand clearly and rejoice in what God was calling them to be and to do. Do I?
Word of Life. A culture of life, not death. . . .This vision our
creator planted in the depth of every human person, as part of
our normative law: that life is sacred; that, once God breathes it
into us, it lasts forever; that to take innocent life is so inimical
to a righteous society that its protection is mandated in the very
middle of the ten commandments; that the more innocent and
fragile the more it begs protection; that, indeed, to protect life is
the most noble of vocations
Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing.
—1Thessalonians 5:16
At a school open house a woman could be overheard introducing her husband to some of the other parents. “Oh, Bill, I’d
like you to meet Johnny’s father. And over here, this is
Marie’s mom; you know, the little girl from our Ellen’s soccer
team.” With satisfied resignation Bill introduced himself not by
name: “I’m Ellen’s Dad.”
It’s good to know who you are. Be it someone’s father or
mother, son or daughter, husband or wife, it’s important to embrace the full meaning of our various roles.
John the Baptist knows who he is. And who he is not. He is
not the Christ. Nor Elijah. Nor like any other prophet God’s
people had ever seen.
John the Baptist knows his mission is divine. He’s more
than satisfied to be the one to announce the coming of God’s
reign. The Christ is near. Make straight your paths.
The second collection this weekend will be taken
for the Retirement Fund for the Religious.
The flowers in front of the Blessed Mother altar are given in
memory of Edward Kijek by his daughter, Diane Gajewski.
Opłatki are available in the sacristy—suggested offering $3.
First Prize- Shirley Sabaj, Webster; Second Prize- J.
Czernicki, Webster; Third Prize– Steve C., Webster; Fourth
Prize -Anita Socha, Dudley; Fifth Prize– Kathy Minarik,
We would like to express our deep gratitude to the committee: Clem Starosta, Chairman, Sheryl Bergeron, Jane Gaudreau,
Ewa Piwowarczyk and Jacqueline Skrocki. The profit from this
raffle is $3,850.08. We are most grateful to those parishioners
and friends who generously supported this fund raiser.
The Christmas tree has become a very popular symbol of our
Christmas season. St. Joseph Basilica parishioners and the
school children participated in the blessing and lighting of our
Christmas tree on Sat., Dec. 3rd after the 4:00pm Mass. The
imposing, over 20’ tall, tree was cut from the back yard of
Terry Miller as her personal donation to St. Joseph Basilica.
The parish and school children are very grateful for her generosity and kindness during this Christmas season. May this act
of charity to the Church be rewarded by God with the blessings
she needs most in her life.
December 11, 2011—11 grudnia 2011r.
On Friday, December 16th, we will begin the traditional nineday novena to the Infant Jesus. A novena means nine days of
interrupted prayers and therefore we will recite abbreviated
prayers following the 6:30 daily Mass as well as on the weekend to fulfill this requirement.
We encourage parishioners to attend this novena in the spirit
of gratitude to God either in Church or recite the prayer at
Reminder: On Monday, Dec. 19th at 6:00pm we will hold a
Reconciliation evening for all parishioners including young
people from the Religious Education program. Clergy from
various parishes will assist to facilitate reconciliation for your
convenience. It has been a tradition that we do not come to the
family table at the Christmas Vigil dinner and share the Oplatek
without words of apology, reconciliation, etc. to all family
members. Likewise, you cannot receive Holy Communion on
Christmas Day without going to confession.
We ask parishioners to encourage family members to take
advantage of this opportunity to receive forgiveness for sins
through God’s goodness and mercy.
Reminder-Hope to see everyone at the Christmas Pageant
on Sun., Dec. 11th at 2:00pm at the Bartlett High School
Children of Mary Sodality-Nicole Kulpa was accepted as a
new member of the Children of Mary Sodality at the 4:00pm
family Mass last Saturday. Officers of the Sodality for this
school year are: President, Olivia Mason; Vice President,
Jillian Recko; Secretary, Octavia Gielarowiec; Treasurer, Hannah Yash. Best wishes to Nicole and the new officers.
Our Lady of LaSalette Shrine-was visited by our students
and chaperones on Fri., Dec. 2nd. They took part in the Opening Ceremony and Blessing at the life-size outdoor crèche and
enjoyed viewing the Festival of Lights illuminating the grounds
of the Shrine. The students also toured the International Creche
Museum which displayed numerous crèches from around the
world. Thank you to the St. Joseph Polish Womens’ Club
for funding the trip.
Catholic Schools week will be from Sunday, Jan. 29-Feb. 5,
2012. The theme of this year’s Catholic Education marketing
event is “FAITH, ACADEMICS, SERVICE”. Plans include a
visit from Bishop McManus, a SJS Open House, spaghetti supper and a professional demonstration entitled “The Magic of
Communication” lasting 50 minutes and much more!
MathKangaroo Competition-to be held on March 15, 2012
at 6:00pm at St. Joseph School. Open to students in all grades
and all are encouraged to join. Please register as soon as possible. Registration fee is $20 per student and financial aid is
available thru MathKangaroo. For additional information contact Ewa Mamro at (508)943-0467 x 120.
Thank you-The students and staff of SJS would like to
thank Mr. Joseph Smith III for his generous donation of 1000
Campbell soup labels. These labels are used to purchase items
for school supplies and playground equipment. May Mr.
Smith, an alumnus of SJS, be blessed for his generosity. This
act of kindness sets a fine example for others to follow and
donate their Campbell soup labels for the benefit of our students.
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This is a special time of the year that provide us a beautiful
context to exercise the spirit of gratitude. We are living in a
society where an attitude of entitlement is dominant and even
promoted through entertainment, advertising, words, images,
music, etc. Children, youths and even adults feel that they are
entitled to everything. That cultural trend feeds a sense of ingratitude to God. Christmas is associated with gifts. A simple
definition of a gift is something received which we do not deserve. No gift received can make our life happier and permanently joyful. The gifts for Christmas are only powerful symbols of the gift of salvation offered to us by the incarnation of
the Son of God in human nature. In this scenario spiritual
preparation for Christmas by acts of kindness, charity, penance
and celebration by participation in Divine Worship is the proper
way to relive the spirit of the first Christmas.
Advent and the Christmas holy day is associated with charity. In fact, sharing and giving is at the very heart of Christmas.
All our good deeds revolve around Jesus who is born into the
world and who is a central figure of the Christmas story. All
giving and sharing among family members and friends is appropriate but we cannot forget that everything revolves around
Jesus as the Savior of the world. The Christmas collections
across this nation are very high because people are giving a
donation equal to one month of Sunday offerings.
Parishioners your help is needed! Catechists are needed.
If you are interested, please call the Religious Ed office. We
will provide training.
Echoes Course—Please note that we will be meeting on
Wed., Dec. 14th at 7:00pm.
Celebrating Advent - The Religious Education Department
invites everyone to join us during Advent for the following special events to be held in the school cafeteria after the 9:30am
Mass at 10:30am which includes video and activity:
Dec., 11th - “Christ the Savior is born” Making your own
special nativity set; Dec. 18th -“Follow that star” - Making
your very own Christmas Star for your Christmas tree.
St. Joseph School - Donation of $100 from an alumnus of
SJS who wishes to remain anonymous for the Scholarship
Fund. We are grateful for their concern and kindness.
We acknowledge the donation of $435 from St. Andrew
Bobola parishioners in support of our school. Bog Zaplac!
New Reading Series and Handbooks-An anonymous gift of
$5,000 from a Florida resident, who has never visited Webster,
yet is sensitive to the needs of students who strive for a Catholic school education. May God reward the generosity of this
individual for his benevolence in the spirit of gratitude to God
for all His blessings. Thank you and Merry Christmas to you!
St. Joseph Basilica-To help defray heating costs, we thank
Wojciech & Malgorzata Sudyka for their generous offering of
$1000. We appreciate their concern and thoughtfulness.
Cash calendars have become a favorite Christmas gift for
family and friends. Look for Patti and Dottie who will be selling the calendars after weekend Masses. Also available at the
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December 11, 2011—11 grudnia 2011r.
We are grateful to all those who have already responded to the giving tree located in the front of the Church. Attach the angel to the gift
and place under the tree in church by December 18. This will allow
the students time to distribute the gifts. Thank you and God bless
Ginger Bread Church Project Huge Success - Thank you to the 19
youths from the Webster Youth Group who worked together on the Ginger
Bread Church last Sunday for the Sacred Heart Church open house. The
church stands about 30” high, 30” long and 12” wide and was decorated with
tons of candy, cereal, pretzel sticks and frosting. The church is on display at
Sacred Heart Church for the Christmas season. Special thank you to Tessa
Mailloux and Ben Valcour for all their help!
Wii Bowling at Christopher Heights - The Jr. & Sr. Youth Groups will
have another Wii Bowling Contest with the residents of Christopher Heights
on Tues., Dec. 13th from 6-7:15pm. If you are interested in participating,
please call Mrs. Valcour.
Christmas Cookie Baking & Wii Night at Mrs. Valcour’s Home - Come
celebrate the Christmas season by making cookies at Mrs. Valcour’s home
while spending time with friends, play air hockey, Wii, board games and hang
out around the Christmas tree. Please let Mrs. Valcour know if you will be
attending. Sr. Group (9-12th grade) Cookie Night—Sat., Dec., 17th from
“Reflections on the Letters of Paul”-Session on Dec. 15th at
6:30pm at St. Louis Church Hall. There is no fee. Please bring a bible and a friend. Light refreshments will be available.
The Shepherd Hill Choirs will present A “Holiday Spectacular”
on Fri., Dec. 16th and Sat., Dec. 17th at 7:00pm. The Shepherd Hill
Auditorium will be transformed into a winter wonderland as we celebrate in song and dance with Rudolph, Frosty and friends. This will
be an evening of great family entertainment.
Tickets are reserved seating— or contacting Connie Galli at (508)943-6700 x182. All the boxes used as props
are actual gifts & with the Knights of Columbus will provide a Merry
Christmas for needy families in our area.
Bring your toys the night of the concert if you would like to help.
Carol Cooke, new owner of Peaceful Dove, Flowers and
Religious Gifts at 299 Main St., Webster (formally Cindy’s) invites
you to stop in to see their fine selection of gifts.
11 grudnia 2011
Św. Jan Chrzciciel miał dwojakie zadanie do spełnienia: najpierw
przygotować lud na przyjście Mesjasza przez wzywanie do nawrócenia i udzielanie chrztu pokuty, a następnie wskazać osobę Zbawiciela.
On sam miał przy tym pozostać w cieniu. Z ludzkiego punktu
widzenia Jan “nic z tego nie miał”. Nie odniósł żadnej widzialnej
korzyści ze swojej misji, nie było mu nawet dane wejść do grona uczniów Jezusa. Nasza misja jako chrześcijan przypomina pod pewnymi
względami misję Janową – mamy wskazywać całym naszym życiem
na Jezusa obecnego pośród nas, pozostając przy tym jakby w cieniu,
jak ten “nieużyteczny sługa”, który wykonuje swe zadanie, niczego
nie domagając się w zamian. Tak naprawdę samo spełnienie wyznaczonej misji już jest nagrodą aż nadto wielką.
December 11, 2011—11 grudnia 2011r.
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Druga kolekta dzisiejszej niedzieli jest przeznaczona na Fundusz
Emerytalny dla Osób Duchownych.
NOWENNA DO DZIECIĄTKA JEZUS rozpocznie się 16 grudnia.
Nowenna będzie odmawiana codziennie po Mszy o godz. 6:30. w
ciągu tygodnia i na Mszach niedzielnych. Zachęcamy wszystkich parafian do przyłączania się do tej wyjątkowej modlitwy w duchu przygotowania się do duchowego spotkania z Jezusem. Nowennę można
również odmawiać samodzielnie w domowym zaciszu.
SPOWIEDŹ ADWENTOWA w naszej parafii odbędzie się w poniedziałek 19 grudnia o godz. 18:00. Aby ułatwić dostęp do Sakramentu
Pokuty będzie zaproszonych kilku księży z sąsiednich parafii, którzy
będą posługiwać w konfesjonałach. Tradycją nakazuje, aby nie zasiadać do Wieczerzy Wigilijnej i łamać się opłatkiem, nie pojednawszy
się wcześniej z Bogiem i bliźnimi. Spowiedź jest również warunkiem
koniecznym do godnego przyjmowania Komunii św. Chcąc, zatem
godnie i w pełni przeżyć Święta Narodzenia Pańskiego postarajmy się
oto, by w przygotowaniach nie zabrakło nam czasu na sakramentalną
ŚWIĘTO DZIĘKCZYNIENIA, ADWENT I BOŻE NARODZENIE tworzą wspaniały kontekst do praktykowania ducha wdzięczności. Żyjemy w czasach, kiedy postawa życzeniowa jest bardzo powszechna i promowana poprzez reklamy, słowa, obrazy, muzykę…
Dzieci, młodzież, a nawet dorośli zdają się uważać, że mają prawo do
wszystkiego. Taki trend sprawia, że ludzie nie czują wdzięczności
wobec Boga.
CHOINKA jest bardzo popularnym symbolem Bożego Narodzenia.
Również i w naszej parafii w ubiegła sobotę wraz z parafianami i
dziećmi z naszej szkoły celebrowaliśmy poświęcenie choinki i uroczyste zapalenie świateł. W tym roku ponad dwudziestostopową choinkę zawdzięczamy wspaniałomyślności Terry Miller. Dziękujemy za
ten wspaniały dar na rzecz parafii, z którego cieszą się wszyscy, a
zwłaszcza dzieci zachwycone jej pięknem. Jako wyraz wdzięczności
obiecujemy modlitwę i nieustanną pamięć. Bóg zapłać!
WIADOMOŚCI SZKOLNE Tydzień Szkół Katolickich w tym
roku szkolnym odbędzie się w dniach: 29 stycznia – 5 lutego 2012r.
Tematem przewodnim będą słowa: „Wiara, Nauka, Służba”. W planach również wizyta biskupa McManus’a, „Open House”, prezentacja: „The Magic of Communication” i wiele innych. Serdecznie zapraszamy.
RELIGIA Potrzebni katecheci! Jeśli chciałbyś zostać katechetę
skontaktuj się z Biurem Edukacji Religijnej. Zapewniamy szkolenie!
Adwentowe spotkania dla wszystkich chętnych parafian będą się
odbywały w każdą niedzielę po Mszy św. 9:30 w szkolnej kafeterii.
W programie spotkań prezentacje video i różnorodne atrakcje.
Tematy spotkań są następujące:
11 grudnia: “Christ the Savior is born” – Making your own nativity
18 grudnia: “Follow the star” – Making your own Christmas Star for
your Christmas tree. Zapraszamy!
LOTERIA JUBILEUSZOWA ROZSTRZYGNIĘTA. Zwycięzcami są: Shirley Sabaj – pierwsza nagroda, J. Czernicki, Steve C., Anita
Socha, Kathy Minarik – pozostałe nagrody. Gratulujemy!