
Czasopisma wyróŜnione w Journal Citation Reports (JCR):
Banuelos Rodrigo, Bogdan Krzysztof, Symmetric stable processes in parabola-shaped regions.
Proceeding of the American Mathematical Society. 2005 vol. 133, s. 3581-3587,
Bogdan Krzysztof, Sztonyk Paweł, Harnack's inequality for stable Levy processes. Potential
Analysis. 2005 vol. 22, s. 133-150,
Burnecki Krzysztof, Miśta Paweł, Weron Aleksander, A new gamma type approximation of
the ruin probability. Acta Phys. Pol., B 2005 vol. 36, nr 5, s. 1473-1483,
Ciaurri O, Stempak Krzysztof, Varona J L., Mean Cesaro-type summability of FourierNeumann series. Studia Scientiarum Math. Hungarica. 2005 vol. 42, nr 4, s. 413-430,
Downarowicz Tomasz, Entropy structure. Journal d’ Analyse Mathematique (Jerusalem). 2005
vol. 96, s. 57-116,
Downarowicz Tomasz, Frej Bartosz, Measure-theoretic and topological entropy of operators on
function spaces. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems. 2005 vol. 25, pt. 2, s. 455-481,
Downarowicz Tomasz, Mauldin Daniel R., Some remarks on output measures. Topology and its
Applications. 2005 vol. 152, s. 11-25,
Downarowicz Tomasz, Serafin Jacek, Semicocycle extensions and the stroboscopic property.
Topology and its Appicationsl. 2005 vol. 153, s. 97-106,
Dudek Wiesław, Davvaz Bijan, Jun Youbg Bae, On intuitionistic fuzzy sub-hyperquasigroups
of hyperquasigroups. Information Sciences. 2005 vol. 170, s. 251-262,
Fortin Jerome, Zieliński Paweł, Dubois Didier, Fargier Helene, Interval analysis in scheduling.
Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 2005 vol. 3709, s. 226-240,
Gogolewski Marcin, Klonowski Marek, Kutyłowski Mirosław: Local view attack on
anonymous communication. Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 2005 vol. 3679, s. 475-488,
Gogolewski Marcin, Kutyłowski Mirosław, Łuczak Tomasz, Mobile mixing. Lecture Notes in
Comput. Sci. 2005 vol. 3506, s. 380-393,
Gomułkiewicz Marcin, Klonowski Marek, Kutyłowski Mirosław, Onions based on universal
re-encryption - anonymous communication immune against repetitive attack. Lecture Notes in
Comput. Sci. 2005 vol. 3325, s. 400-410,
Gomułkiewicz Marcin, Kutyłowski Mirosław, Vierhaus Heinrich T., Wlaź Paweł,
Synchronization fault cryptanalysis for breaking A5/1. Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 2005 vol.
3503, s. 415-427,
Graczyk Piotr, Loeb Jean J., Lopez Iris A P., Nowak Adam, Urbina Wilfredo O R., Higher
order Riesz transforms, fractional derivatives, and Sobolev spaces for Laguerre expansions.
Journal Math. Pures et Appliquees. 2005 vol. 84, nr 3, s. 375-405,
Grząślewicz Ryszard, Kutyłowski Jarosław, Kutyłowski Mirosław, Pietkiewicz Wojciech,
Robust undetectable interference watermarks. Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 2005 vol. 3481, s.
Gudowska-Nowak Ewa, Bochenek Kinga, Jurlewicz Agnieszka, Weron Karina, Hopping
models of charge transfer in a complex environment: coupled memory continuous-time random
walk approach. Phys. Rev., E. 2005 vol. 72, s. 061101-1 - 061101-11,
Jacak Lucjan, Krasnyj J., Jacak Dorota, Gonczarek Ryszard, KrzyŜosiak Mateusz,
Machnikowski Paweł, Spin-based quantum information processing in magnetic quantum dots.
Open Syst. Inf. Dynamics. 2005 vol. 12, s. 133-141,
Klonowski Marek, Kutyłowski Mirosław, Provable anonymity for networks of mixes. Lecture
Notes in Comput. Sci. 2005 vol. 3727, s. 26-38,
Klonowski Marek, Kutyłowski Mirosław, Lauks Anna, Zagórski Filip, Conditional digital
signatures. Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 2005 vol. 3592, s. 206-215,
Klonowski Marek, Kutyłowski Mirosław, Lauks Anna, Zagórski Filip, A practical voting
scheme with receipts. Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 2005 vol. 3650, s. 490-497,
Klonowski Marek, Kutyłowski Mirosław, Zagórski Filip, Anonymous communication with online and off-line onion encoding. Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 2005 vol. 3381, s. 229-238,
23. Kubicki Grzegorz, Morayne Michał, Graph-theoretic generalization of the secretary problem:
the directed path case. SIAM Journal on Discrete Math. 2005 vol. 19, nr 3, s. 622-632,
24. Kuchta Małgorzata, Morayne Michał, Niemiec Jarosław, Counting embeddings of a chain into
a tree. Discrete Math. 2005 vol. 297, nr 1-3, s. 49-59,
25. Mierczyński Janusz, Shen Wenxian, The Faber-Krahn inequality for random/nonautonomous
parabolic equations. Communications on Pure Appl. Anal. 2005 vol. 4, nr 1, s. 101-114,
26. Mydlarczyk Wojciech, Okrasiński Wojciech, A nonlinear system of Volterra integral equations
with convolution kernels. Dynamic Systems and Applications. 2005 vol. 14, nr. 1, s. 111-120,
27. Mydlarczyk Wojciech, Okrasiński Wojciech, Roberts C A, Blow-up solutions to a system of
nonlinear Volterra equations. Journal of Math. Anal. and Appl. 2005 vol. 301, s. 208-218,
28. Nowak Andrzej S, Jaśkiewicz Anna, Nonzero-sum semi-Markov games with the expected
average payoffs. Math. Methods of Operations Research. 2005 vol. 62, s. 23-40,
Olszak Karina, On the curvature of Kaehler-Norden manifolds. Journal of Geometry and
Physics. 2005 vol. 54, s. 131-145,
Rałowski Robert, Kozłowski M, The Havriliak-Negami dielectric response in time domain.
Polish Journal of Chemistry. 2005 vol. 79, s. 1353-1356,
Stempak Krzysztof, Torrea J L, On g-functions for Hermite function expansions. Acta Math.
Hangar. 2005 vol. 109 nr ½, s. 99-125,
Stempak Krzysztof, Torrea Jose L, BMO results for operators associated to Hermite expansions.
Illinois Journal Math. 2005 vol. 49, nr 4, s. 1111-1131,
Szabat BoŜena, Jurlewicz Agnieszka, Temperature dependent cluster model of the ColeDavidson relaxation. Defect and Diffusion Forum. 2005 vol. 237-240, s. 762-767,
Weron Aleksander, Burnecki Krzysztof, Mercik Szymon, Weron Karina, Complete
description of all self-similar models driven by Levy stable noise. Phys. Rev., E. 2005 vol. 71, s.
016113-1 - 016113-10,
Weron Karina, Jurlewicz Agnieszka, Scaling properties of the diffusion process underlying the
Havriliak-Negami relaxation function. Defect and Diffusion Forum. 2005 vol. 237-240, s.10931100,
Weron Karina, Jurlewicz Agnieszka, Magdziarz Marcin, Havriliak-Negami response in the
framework of the continuous-time random walk. Acta Phys. Pol., B 2005 vol. 36, nr 5, s. 18551868,
Wilczyński Maciej, Minimax estimation on the linear model with a relative squared error.
Journal of Stat. Plan. Inference. 2005 vol. 127, s. 205-212,
Zieliński Paweł, On computing the latest starting times and floats of activities in a network with
imprecise durations. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 2005 vol. 150, s. 53-76,
Pozostałe publikacje:
1. Adamski Dariusz, Kutyłowski Mirosław, Prawne aspekty wykorzystania technologii cyfrowych
w komunikacji urząd-obywatel. Kwartalnik Prawa Publicznego. 2005 vol. 5, nr ½, s. 165-181,
2. Bogdan Krzysztof, Jakubowski Tomasz, Probleme de Dirichlet pour les fonctions alphaharmoniques sur les domaines coniques. Annales Math. Blaise Pascal. 2005 vol. 12, nr 2, s. 297308,
3. Bogdan Małgorzata, Doerge R., Biased estimators of quantitative trait locus heritability and
location in interval mapping. Heredity. 2005 vol. 95, s. 476-484,
4. Borak Szymon, Hardle Wolfgang, Weron Rafał, Stable distributions. Springer. 2005 s. 21-44,
5. Broszkiewicz-Suwaj Ewa, Makagon Andrzej, Weron Aleksander, Wycena opcji na energię
elektryczną. Model Blacka a model HJM. Energetyka. 2005 nr 12, s. 855-859,
6. Burnecki Krzysztof, Weron Rafał, Modeling of the risk process. Springer. 2005 s. 319-339,
7. Burnecki Krzysztof, Miśta Paweł, Weron Aleksander, What is the best approximation of ruin
probability in infinite time? Applicationes Math. 2005 vol. 32, nr 2, s. 155-176,
8. Burnecki Krzysztof, Miśta Paweł, Weron Aleksander, Ruin probabilities in finite and infinite
time. Springer. 2005 s. 341-379,
9. Burnecki Krzysztof, Nowicka-Zagrajek Joanna, Wyłomańska Agnieszka, Pure risk premiums
under deductibles. Springer. 2005 s. 427-452,
10. Burnecki Krzysztof, Misiorek Adam, Weron Rafał, Loss distributions. Springer. 2005 s. 289317,
11. Burnecki Krzysztof, kukla Grzegorz, Taylor David, Pricing of catastrophe bonds. Springer.
2005 s. 93-114,
12. Dacko Piotr, Olszak Zbigniew, On almost cosymplectic (kappa,mu,nu)-spaces. Banach Centre
Publications. 2005 vol. 69, s. 211-220,
13. Dacko Piotr, Olszak Zbigniew, On almost cosymplectic (-1,mu,0)-spaces. Central European
Journal of Mathematics. 2005 vol. 3, nr 2, s. 318-330,
14. Downarowicz Tomasz, Survey of odometers and Toeplitz flows. Contemporary Math. 2005 vol.
385, s. 7-37,
15. Dudek Wiesław, Intuitionistic fuzzy approach to n-ary systems. Quasigroups and Related
Systems. 2005 vol. 13, s. 213-228,
16. Dudek Wiesław, Jun Young Bae, On multiplicative fuzzy BCC-algebras. Journal of Fuzzy Math.
2005 nr. 4, 929-939,
17. Dudek Wiesław, Jun Young Bae, Rough subalgebras of some binary algebras connected with
logics. Int. Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences. 2005 vol. 3, s. 437-443,
18. Dudek Wiesław, Shcherbacov Victor, Remarks to the first publications of V. D. Belousov.
Quasigroups and Related Systems. 2005 vol. 13, s. 13-24,
19. Furrer Hansjorg, Michna Zbigniew, Weron Aleksander, Stable diffusion approximation of the
risk process. Springer. 2005 s. 381-393,
20. Grząślewicz Ryszard, Seredyński Witold, Stability of positive part of unit ball in Orlicz spaces.
Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae. 2005 vol. 46, nr 3, s. 413-424,
21. Inglot Tadeusz, Stawiarski Bartosz, Data-driven score test of fit for conditional distribution in
the GARCH(1,1) model. Probability and Mathematical Statistics. 2005 vol. 25, fasc. 2, s. 331362,
22. Iwanik Jan, Nowicka-Zagrajek Joanna, Premiums in the individual and collective risk models.
Springer. 2005 s. 407-426,
23. Iwanik Jan, Klonowski Marek, Kutyłowski Mirosław, Duo-onions and hydra-onions - failure
and adversary resistant onion protocols. New York: Springer. 2005 s. 1-15,
24. Ivanov M. A., Kozłowski M., Piesiewicz T., Stephanovich V. A., Weron Aleksander,
Wymysłowski Agnieszka, The lineshape of inelastic neuron scattering in the relaxor
ferroelectrics. Fiz. Tverd. Tela. 2005 t. 47, vol. 10, s. 1852-1860,
25. Jasiulewicz Helena, Teoria zaufania. Modele aktuarialne. Wrocław: Wydaw. AE. 2005 s. 195,
26. Janiszewska BoŜena, RóŜański Roman, Estimation of the hazard rate function with a reduction
of bias and variance at the boundary. Discuss. Math. Probab. Stat. 2005 vol. 25, s. 5-37,
27. Jokiel-Rokita Alicja, Magiera Ryszard, Modele i metody statystyki matematycznej w
zadaniach. Wrocław: Oficyna Wydaw.[Gewert i Skoczyłas]. 2005 s. 292,
28. Jurdziński Tomasz, Kutyłowski Mirosław, Zatopiański Jan, Efficient simulation of
synchronous systems by multi-speed systems. Theor. Inform. and Applications. 2005 vol. 39, s.
29. Jurlewicz Agnieszka, Limit theorems for randomly coarse grained continuous-time random
walks. Dissertationes Mathematicae. 2005 vol. 431, s. 5-45,
30. Kapelko Aleksander, Kapelko Rafał, Optimization of composite materials with cement-fly ash
matrix. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering. 2005 vol. 5, nr 2, s. 25-34,
31. Kasperski Adam, Kobylański Przemysław, Kulej Michał, Zieliński Paweł, Minimizing
maximal regret in discrete optimization problems with interval data. Warszawa: "Exit". 2005 s.
32. Kondo Michiro, Dudek Wieław, On the transfer principle in fuzzy theory. Mathw. Soft Comput.
2005 vol. 12, nr 1, s. 41-55,
33. Kowalski Zbigniew S., Smooth extensions of Bernoulli shifts. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of
Sciences Mathematics. 2005 vol. 53, nr 2, s. 157-168,
34. Kutyłowski Mirosław, Koncepcje uregulowań prawnych dotyczących bezpieczeństwa
technicznego banków elektronicznych a polski stan prawny. Warszawa: C.H. Beck, 2005 s. 47-51,
35. Lenczewski Romuald, On noncommutative independenc. World Scientific. 2005 s. 320-336,
36. Magdziarz Marcin, The dependence structure of the fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process.
Probability and Mathematical Statistics. 2005 vol. 25, fasc. 1, s. 97-104,
37. Magiera Ryszard, Modele i metody statystyki matematycznej. Wrocław: Oficyna Wydaw.
[Gewert i Skoczyłas]. 2005 s.240,
38. Miśta Paweł, Otto Wojciech, Premiums , investments and reinsurance. Springer. 2005 s. 453488,
39. Nowicka-Zagrajek J., Burnecki Krzysztof, Wybrane rodzaje składek w modelu ryzyka
kolektywnego. Wrocław: Wydaw. AE. 2005 s. 48-55,
40. Olszak Karina, On the Bochner conformal curvature of Kähler-Norden manifolds. Cent. Eur.
Journal Math. 2005 vol. 3, nr. 2, 309-317,
41. Olszak Zbigniew, On almost complex structures with Norden metrics on tangent bundles. Period.
Math. Hungarica. 2005 vol. 51, nr 2, s. 59-74,
42. Porosiński Zdzisław, Modified strategies in competitive best choice problem with random
priority. Birkhauser. 2005 vol. 7, s. 263-270,
43. Ramsey David, Szajowski Krzysztof, Bilateral approach to the secretary problem. Birkhauser.
2005 s. 271-284,
44. Schlade-Bartusiak K., Stembalska A., Ramsey David, Significant involvement of chromosome
13q deletions in progression of larynx cancer. Journal Appl. Genet. 2005 vol. 46, nr 4, s. 407-413,
45. Stojaković Zoran, Dudek Wiesław, Conjugate invariant quasigroups. Quasigroups Relat. Syst.
2005 vol. 13, s. 157-174,
46. Szajowski Krzysztof, Advances in dynamic games. Applications to economics, finance,
optimization, and stochastic control. Birkhauser. 2005 s. 679,
47. Weron Rafał, Heston’s model and the smile. Springer. 2005 s. 161-181,
48. Weron Rafał, Statistical tools for finance and insurance. Sprinter. 2005 s. 517,
49. Weron Rafał, Wójcik S., Analiza składowych głównych w modelowaniu powierzchni
implikowanej zmienności. Rynek Terminowy. 2005 nr 27/1, s. 103-108,
50. Więcek Piotr, Continuous convex stochastic games of capital accumulation. Birkhauser. 2005
vol. 7, s. 111-125,
51. Wójcik Michał R., Wójcik Michał S., Separately continuous functions with closed graphs. Real
Analysis Exchange. 2004-2005 vol. 30, nr. 1, s. 23-28,
52. Zagdański Adam, On the construction and properties of bootstrap-t prediction intervals for
stationary time series. Probab. Math. Statist. 2005 vol. 25, nr. 1, s. 133-153,