
Czasopisma wyróŜnione w Journal Citation Reports (JCR):
Accardi L., Lenczewski Romuald, Salapata Rafał, Decompositions of the free product of graphs. Infinite
Dimensional Analysis Quantum Probability and Related Topics. 2007, vol.10, nr 3, s.303-334,
Baierl Andreas, Futschik Andreas, Bogdan Małgorzata, Biecek Przemysław, Locating multiple interacting
quantitative trait loci using robust model selection. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. 2007 vol. 51, nr
12, s. 6423-6434,
Bañuelos Rodrigo, Bogdan Krzysztof, Lévy processes and Fourier multipliers. Journal of Functional Analysis.
2007 vol. 250, nr 1, s. 197-213,
Bogdan Krzysztof, Jakubowski Tomasz, Estimates of heat kernel of fractional laplacian perturbed by gradient
operators. Communications in Mathematical Physics. 2007 vol. 271, nr 1, s. 179-198,
Bogdan Krzysztof, Sztonyk Paweł, Estimates of the potential kernel and Harnack's inequality for the
anisotropic fractional Laplacian. Studia Mathematica. 2007 t. 181, fasc. 2, s. 101-123,
Bogdan Małgorzata, Ghosh Jayanta K, Ochman Aleksandra, Tokdar Surya T, On the empirical Bayes
approach to the problem of multiple testing. Quality and Reliability Engineering International. 2007 vol. 23, s.
Byczkowski Tomasz, Graczyk Piotr, Stós Andrzej, Poisson kernels of half-spaces in real hyperbolic spaces.
Revista Matematica Iberoamericana. 2007 vol. 23, nr 1, s. 85-126,
Byczkowski Tomasz, Małecki Jacek, Poisson kernel and Green function of the ball in real hyperbolic spaces.
Potential Analysis. 2007 vol. 27, nr 1, s. 1-26,
Ciaurri Oscar, Nowak Adam, Stempak Krzysztof, Jacobi transplantation revisitet. Mathematische Zeitschrift.
2007 vol. 257, nr 2, s. 355-380,
Cichoń Jacek, Klonowski Marek, Krzywiecki Łukasz, RóŜański Bartłomiej, Zieliński Paweł, Random
subsets of the interval and P2P protocols. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2007 vol. 4627, s. 409-421,
Cichoń Jacek, Kutyłowski Mirosław, Anonymity and k-choice Identities. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
2007, s. 283-297,
Cichoń Jacek, Mitchell J. D., Morayne Michał, Generating continuous mappings with Lipschitz mappings.
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 2007 vol. 359, nr 5, s. 2059-2074,
Jacek Cichoń, Morayne Michał, Rałowski Robert, Ryll-Nardzewski Czesław, śeberski Szymon, On
nonmeasurable unions. Topology and its Applications. 2007 vol. 154, nr 4, s. 884-893,
Curgus Branko, Kołodziejczyk Krzysztof, On a convex operator for finite sets. Discrete Applied Mathematics.
2007 vol. 155, nr 13, s. 1774-1792,
Czarnik Tomasz, Gawda Ryszard, Latka Dariusz, Kołodziej Waldemar, Sznajd-Weron Katarzyna,
Weron Rafał, Noninvasive measurement of intracranial pressure is it possible ?
Journal of Trauma. 2007 vol. 62, nr 1, s. 207-211,
Dacko Piotr, Olszak Zbigniew, On weakly para-cosymplectic manifolds of dimension 3. Journal of Geometry
and Physics. 2007 vol. 57, nr 7, s. 561-570,
Dudek Wiesław, Trokhimenko Valentin S, Representations of (2,n)-semigroups by multiplace functions.
Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica. 2007 vol. 44, nr 1, s. 131-146,
Dyda Bartłomiej, Kulczycki Tadeusz, Spectral gap for stable process on convex planar double symmetric
domains. Potential Analysis. 2007 vol. 27, nr 2, s. 101-132,
Gębala Maciej, Kik Marcin, Counting-sort and routing in a single hop radio network. Lecture Notes in
Computer Science. 2007 vol. 4837, s. 138-149,
Gilding B H, Goncerzewicz Jan, Large-time behaviour of solutions of the exterior-domain Cauchy-Dirichlet
problem for the porous media equation with homogeneous boundary data. Monatshefte für Mathematik. 2007 Bd
150, H. 1, s. 11-39,
Grzywny Tomasz, Ryznar Michał, Estimates of Green functions for some perturbations of fractional
Laplacian. Illinois Journal of Mathematics. 2007 vol. 51, nr 4, s. 1409-1438,
Jakubowski Tomasz, The estimates of the mean first exit time from a ball for the alpha-stable OrnsteinUhlenbeck processes. Stochastic Processes and their Applications. 2007 vol. 117, nr 10, s. 1540-1560,
Jaśkiewicz Anna, A fixed point approach to solve the average cost optimality equation for semi-Markov
decision processes with Feller transition probabilities. Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods. 2007
vol. 36, nr 14, s. 2559-2575,
Jaśkiewicz Anna, A note on risk-sensitive control of invariant models. Systems and Control Letters. 2007 vol.
56, s. 663-668,
Jaśkiewicz Anna, Average optimality for risk-sensitive control with general state space. Annals of Applied
Probability. 2007 vol. 17, nr 2, s. 654-675,
26. Jokiel-Rokita Alicja, Magiera Ryszard, Minimax estimation of a cumulative distribution function by
converting to a parametric problem. Metrika. 2007 vol. 66, nr 1, s. 61-73,
27. Jokiel-Rokita Alicja, Magiera Ryszard, Minimax estimation of a probability of success under LINEX loss.
Statistics and Computing. 2007 vol. 17, s. 281-291,
28. Karpowicz Anna, Szajowski Krzysztof, Double optimal stopping times and dynamic pricing problem
description of the mathematical model. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research. 2007 vol. 66, s. 235253,
29. Kasperski Adam, Zieliński Paweł, On combinatorial optimization problems on matroids with uncertain
weights. European Journal of Operational Research. 2007 vol. 177, s. 851-864,
30. Kasperski Adam, Zieliński Paweł, On the existence of an FPTAS for minmax regret combinatorial
optimization problems with interval data. Operations Research Letters. 2007 vol. 35, nr 4, s. 525-532,
31. Kasperski Adam, Zieliński Paweł, Using gradual numbers for solving fuzzy-valued combinatorial
optimization problems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2007 vol. 4529, s. 656-665,
32. Kearnes Keith A, Marczak Adam, P_N-Sequences of algebras with one fundamental operation. Algebra
Universalis. 2007 vol. 56, s. 69-75,
33. Klonowski Marek, Kutyłowski Mirosław, Ren Michał, Rybarczyk Katarzyna, Forward-secure key
evolution in wireless sensor networks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2007 vol. 4856, s. 102-120,
34. Kobylański Przemysław, Kuchta Dorota, A note on the paper by M. A. Al-Fawzan and M. Haouari about a
bi-objective problem for robust resource-constrained project scheduling. International Journal of Production
Economics. 2007 vol. 107, s. 496-501,
35. Kołodziejczyk Krzysztof, Olszewska Daria, A proof of Coleman's conjecture. Discrete Mathematics. 2007
vol. 307, s. 1865-1872,
36. Kołodziejczyk Krzysztof, Realizable quadruples for hex-polygons. Graphs and Combinatorics. 2007 vol. 23, s.
37. Koren Tal, Klafter Joseph, Magdziarz Marcin, First passage times of Levy flights coexisting with
subdiffusion. Physical Review, E Statistical Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics. 2007 vol. 76, s. 031129-1, 031129-5,
38. Kutyłowski Mirosław, Zagórski Filip, Verifiable internet voting solving secure platform problem. Lecture
Notes in Computer Science. 2007 vol. 4752, s. 199-213,
39. Lenczewski Romuald, Decompositions of the free additive convolution. Journal of Functional Analysis. 2007
vol. 246, s. 330-365,
40. Łebek Daniel, Szajowski Krzysztof, Optimal strategies in high risk investments. Bulletin of the Belgian
Mathematical Society Simon Stevin. 2007 vol. 14, s. 143-155,
41. Magdziarz Marcin, Miśta Paweł, Weron Aleksander, Anomalous diffusion approximation of risk processes
in operational risk of non-financial corporations. Acta Physica Polonica. B. 2007 vol. 38, nr 5, s. 1647-1656,
42. Magdziarz Marcin, Weron Aleksander, Weron Karina, Fractional Fokker-Planck dynamics stochastic
representation and computer simulation. Physical Review, E Statistical Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics. 2007
vol. 75, nr 1, s. 016708-1, - 016708-6,
43. Magdziarz Marcin, Weron Aleksander, Competition between subdiffusion and Levy flights A Monte Carlo
approach. Physical Review, E Statistical Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics. 2007 vol. 75, s. 056702-1, 056702-6,
44. Magdziarz Marcin, Weron Aleksander, Fractional Langevin equation with alpha-stable noise. A link to
fractional ARIMA time series. Studia Mathematica. 2007 t. 181, s. 47-60,
45. Magdziarz Marcin, Fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes. Joseph effect in models with infinite variance.
Physica. A, Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2007 vol. 387, s. 123-133,
46. Magdziarz Marcin, Short and long memory fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck alpha-stable processes. Stochastic
Models. 2007 vol. 23, nr 3, s. 451-473,
47. Marczak Adam, Płonka Jerzy, On nilpotent extensions of algebras. Algebra Colloquium. 2007 vol. 14, nr 4, s.
48. Nowak Adam, Sjogren Peter, Weak type (1,1) estimates for maximal operators associated with various multidimensional systems of Laguerre functions. Indiana University Mathematics Journal. 2007 vol. 56, nr 1, s. 417436,
49. Nowak Adam, Stempak Krzysztof, Riesz transforms and conjugacy for Laguerre function expansions of
Hermite type. Journal of Functional Analysis. 2007 vol. 244, s. 399-443,
50. Nowak Adam, Stempak Krzysztof, Riesz transforms for multi-dimensional Laguerre function expansions.
Advances in Mathematics (New York). 2007 vol. 215, nr 2, s. 642-678,
51. Nowak Andrzej S, Więcek Piotr, On Nikaido-Isoda type theorems for discounted stochastic games. Journal of
Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 2007 vol. 332, s. 1109-1118,
52. Połowczuk Wojciech, Więcek Piotr, Radzik Tadeusz, On the existence of almost-pure-strategy Nash
equilibrium in n-person finite games. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research. 2007 vol. 65, s. 141-152,
53. Rymaszewska J, Jarosz-Nowak Joanna, Kiejna A, Kallert T, Schutzwohl M, Priebe S, Wright D, Nawka
P, Raboch J, Social disability in different mental disorders. European Psychiatry. 2007 vol. 22, s. 160-166,
54. Stempak Krzysztof, Jacobi conjugate expansions. Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica. 2007 vol.
44, nr 1, s. 117-130,
55. Szajowski Krzysztof, A Game version of the Cowan-Zabczyk-Bruss' problem. Statistics and Probability
Letters. 2007 vol. 77, nr 17, s. 1683-1689,
56. Trusz-Zdybek Agnieszka, Kamińska Agnieszka, Traczewska Teodora, Piekarska Katarzyna, Methods
applied in assessment of drinking water mutagenicity results. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. 2007
vol. 16, nr 2A pt. 2, s. 227-233,
57. Wilczyński Maciej, Minimax estimation in linear regression with ellipsoidal constraints. Journal of Statistical
Planning and Inference. 2007 vol. 137, s. 79-86,
58. Wójcik Michał R, Wójcik Michał S, Characterization of continuity for real-valued functions in terms of
connectedness. Houston Journal of Mathematics. 2007 vol. 33, nr 4, s. 1027-1031,
59. Zawada Marcin, Analysis of the bounded-hops converge-cast distributed protocol in ad-hoc networks. Lecture
Notes in Computer Science. 2007 vol. 4837, s. 71-82,
60. Zhan Jianming, Dudek Wiesław, Fuzzy h-ideals of hemirings. Information Sciences. 2007 vol. 177, s. 876886,
61. Zhang Xiaohong, Qin Keyun, Dudek Wiesław, Ultra LI-ideals in lattice implication algebras and MTLalgebras. Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal. 2007 vol. 57, s. 591-605,
62. śak Małgorzata, Baierl Andreas, Bogdan Małgorzata, Futschik Andreas, Lokating multiple interacting
quantitative trait loci using rank-based model selection. Genetics. 2007 vol. 176, s. 1845-1854,
63. śak Tomasz, Poisson kernel and Green function of balls for complex hyperbolic Brownian motion. Studia
Mathematica. 2007 t. 183, fasc. 2, s. 161-193,
Pozostałe publikacje:
Cichoń Jacek, Klonowski Marek, Kutyłowski Mirosław, Privacy protection in dynamic systems based on
RFID tags. W: Fifth Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications.
IEEE Computer Society. 2007 s. 235-240,
2. Dudek Wiesław, Remarks to Głazek's results on n-ary groups. Discussiones Mathematicae. General Algebra
and Applications. 2007 vol. 27, nr 2, s. 199-233,
3. Grząślewicz Ryszard, Seredyński Witold, Locally nonconical unit balls in Orlicz spaces. Annales Societatis
Mathematicae Polonae. Seria 1, Commentationes Mathematicae. 2007 t. 47, s. 85-107,
4. Jarosz-Nowak Joanna, Modele oceny stopnia zgody pomiędzy dwoma ekspertami z wykorzystaniem
współczynników kappa. Matematyka Stosowana. 2007 nr 8, s. 126-154,
5. Jaśkiewicz Anna, Nowak Andrzej S, Average optimality for semi-Markov control processes. Morfismos. 2007
vol. 11, s. 15-36,
6. Karpowicz Anna, Szajowski Krzysztof, Double optimal stopping of a risk process. Stochastics. 2007 vol. 79,
nr 1/2, s. 155-167,
7. Kutyłowski Mirosław, BezdroŜa koncepcji prawnych podpisu elektronicznego. Prawo Teleinformatyczne. 2007
nr 2, s. 4-8,
8. Kutyłowski Mirosław, Powyborcze pytanie o e-voting. Prawo Teleinformatyczne. 2007 nr 1, s. 4-11,
9. Kutyłowski Mirosław, Prawo i informatyka. Prawo Teleinformatyczne. 2007 nr 3, s. 50-54,
10. Muciek Bogdan, Szajowski Krzysztof, Optimal stopping of a risk process when claims are covered
immediately. RIMS Kokyuroku. Mathematical Economics. 2007 nr 1557, s. 132-139,
11. Ramsey David, Correlated equilibria in n-player stopping games. Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae. 2007 vol.
66, nr 1, s. 1-16,
12. Wełyczko Joanna, On Legendre curves in 3-dimensional normal almost contact metric manifolds. Soochow
Journal of Mathematical and Natural Sciences. 2007 vol. 33, nr 4, s. 929-937,
Monografie oraz rozdziały w monografii:
Kapelko Aleksander, Kapelko Rafał, The optimization of hydrotechnical concretes composition. W: Teorija i
praktika budovnictva. Lviv: Vidav. Nacional. Univ.” Lviv Politech.”. 2007 s. 422-426,
Kowalska Justyna, Macyna Wojciech, Zastosowanie zaawansowanych aspektów eksploracji danych w
systemach ERP. W: Bazy danych. Nowe technologie. Bezpieczeństwo, wybrane technologie zastosowania.
Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Komunikacji i Łączności. 2007 s. 279-288,
Nowicka ElŜbieta, Zawada Marcin, An interval temporal logic-based matching framework for finding
occurrences of multi-event attack signatures. W: Computer network security.Berlin Springer. 2007 s. 272-285,
Weron Rafał, Misiorek Adam, Heavy tails and electricity prices: Do time series models with non-Gaussian
noise forecast better than their Gaussian counterparts?. W: Inwestycje finansowe i ubezpieczenia - tendencje
światowe a polski rynek. Prace Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej im. Oskara Langego we Wrocławiu. 2007 s.
Wyłomańska Agnieszka, Stable CARMA processes as a tool for stochastic volatility modelling. W: Inwestycje
finansowe i ubezpieczenia - tendencje światowe a polski rynek. Prace Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej im.
Oskara Langego we Wrocławiu. 2007 s. 541-548,
Więcek Piotr, Radzik Tadeusz, On a continuous dynamic strategic market game. W: Game theory and
applications. Nova Science Publ. 2007 s. 187-195,
Magiera Ryszard, Modele i metody statystyki matematycznej. Oficyna Wydawnicza. 2007 s. 496,
* Sporządziła: mgr inŜ. Agnieszka Olejnik