
Czasopisma wyróŜnione w Journal Citation Reports (JCR):
Bañuelos Rodrigo, Kulczycki Tadeusz, Siudeja Bartłomiej, Neumann Bessel heat kernel monotonicity.
Potential Analysis. 2009 vol. 30, nr 1, s. 65-83,
Bañuelos Rodrigo, Kulczycki Tadeusz, Siudeja Bartłomiej, On the trace of symmetric stable processes
on Lipschitz domains. Journal of Functional Analysis. 2009 vol. 257, nr 10, s. 3329-3352,
Burnecki Krzysztof, Stanislavsky Aleksander, Weron Karina, Statistical analysis of the maximum
energy in solar X-ray flare activity. Acta Physica Polonica. B. 2009 vol. 40, nr 5, s. 1303-1313,
Byczkowski Tomasz, Małecki Jacek, Ryznar Michał, Bessel potentials, hitting distributions and Green
functions. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 2009 vol. 361, nr 9, s. 4871-4900,
Cichoń Jacek, Grząślewicz Jarosław, Kutyłowski Mirosław, Key levels and securing key predistribution
against node captures. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2009 vol. 5804, s. 64-75,
Czarnik Tomasz, Gawda Ryszard, Perkowski Tadeusz, Weron Rafał, Supraclavicular approach is an
easy and safe method of subclavian vein catheterization even in mechanically ventilated patients.
Anesthesiology (Philadelphia). 2009 vol. 111, nr 2, s. 334-339,
Czarnik Tomasz, Gawda Ryszard, Kolodziej Waldemar, Latka Dariusz, Sznajd-Weron Katarzyna,
Weron Rafał, Associations between intracranial pressure, intraocular pressure and mean arterial pressure in
patients with traumatic and non-traumatic brain injuries. Injury - International Journal of the Care of the
Injured. 2009 vol. 40, nr 1, s. 33-39,
Davvaz B., Dudek Wiesław, Mirvakili S., Neutral elements, fundamental relations and n-ary
hypersemigroups. International Journal of Algebra and Computation. 2009 vol. 19, nr 4, s. 567-583,
Davvaz Bijan, Dudek Wiesław, Vougiouklis Thomas, A generalization of n-ary algebraic systems.
Communications in Algebra. 2009 vol. 37, nr 4, s. 1248-1263,
Derdzinski Andrzej, Roter Witold, The local structure of conformally symmetric manifolds. Bulletin of
the Belgian Mathematical Society Simon Stevin. 2009 vol. 16, nr 1, s. 117-128,
Downarowicz Tomasz, Serafin Jacek, Phenomena in rank-one Z^2-actions. Studia Mathematica. 2009 t.
192, s. 281-294,
Dudek Wiesław, Shabir M., Irfan Ali M., (α, β)-fuzzy ideals of hemirings. Computers & Mathematics
with Applications. 2009 vol. 58, nr 2, s. 310-321,
Dudek Wiesław, Trokhimenko Valentin, Stabilizers of functional Menger systems. Communications in
Algebra. 2009 vol. 37, nr 3, s. 985-1000,
Fortin Jérôme, Kasperski Adam, Zieliński Paweł, Some methods for evaluating the optimality of
elements in matroids with ill-known weights. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 2009 vol. 160, nr 10, s. 1341-1354,
Gołębiewski Zbigniew, Klonowski Marek, Koza Michał, Kutyłowski Mirosław, Towards fair leader
election in wireless networks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2009 vol. 5793, s. 166-179,
Jakubowski Tomasz, On combinatorics of Schrödinger perturbations. Potential Analysis. 2009 vol. 31, nr
1, s. 45-55,
Janczura Joanna, Wyłomańska Agnieszka, Subdynamics of financial data from fractional Fokker-Planck
equation. Acta Physica Polonica. B. 2009 vol. 40, nr 5, s. 1341-1351,
Jaśkiewicz Anna, Zero-sum ergodic semi-Markov games with weakly continuous transition probabilities.
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. 2009 vol. 141, nr 2, s. 321-347,
Jiang Jifa, Mierczyński Janusz, Wang Yi, Smoothness of the carrying simplex for discrete-time
competitive dynamical systems : a characterization of neat embedding. Journal of Differential Equations.
2009 vol. 246, nr 4, s. 1623-1672,
Jokiel-Rokita Alicja, Stępień Agnieszka, Sequential estimation of a location parameter from delayed
observations. Statistical Papers. 2009 vol. 50, nr 2, s. 363-372,
Jokiel-Rokita Alicja, Magiera Ryszard, Minimax prediction of the empirical distribution function.
Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods. 2009 vol. 38, nr 11, s. 1776-1791,
Jurlewicz Agnieszka, Wyłomańska Agnieszka, śebrowski Piotr, Coupled continuous-time random walk
approach to the Rachev-Rüschendorf model for financial data. Physica. A, Statistical Mechanics and its
Applications. 2009 vol. 388, nr 4, s. 407-418,
Karpowicz Anna, Double optimal stopping in the fishing problem. Journal of Applied Probability. 2009
vol. 46, nr 2, s. 415-428,
Kasperski Adam, Zieliński Paweł, A randomized algorithm for the min-max selecting items problem with
uncertain weights. Annals of Operations Research. 2009 vol. 172, nr 1, s. 221-230,
Kasperski Adam, Zieliński Paweł, On the approximability of minmax (regret) network optimization
problems. Information Processing Letters. 2009 vol. 109, nr 5, s. 262-266,
Kik Marcin, Correcting sorted sequences in a single hop radio network. Lecture Notes in Computer
Science. 2009 vol. 5699, s. 230-241,
Klonowski Marek, Kutyłowski Mirosław, Zatopiański Jan, Energy efficient alert in single-hop networks
of extremely weak devices. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2009 vol. 5804, s. 139-150,
28. Klonowski Marek, Krzywiecki Łukasz, Kutyłowski Mirosław, Lauks Anna, Step-out group signatures.
Computing. 2009 vol. 85, nr 1/2, s. 137-151,
29. Klonowski Marek, Przykucki Michał, Strumiński Tomasz, Data deletion with provable security. Lecture
Notes in Computer Science. 2009 vol. 5379, s. 240-255,
30. Kołodziejczyk Krzysztof, Parity properties and terminal points for lattice walks with steps of equal length.
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 2009 vol. 356, nr 1, s. 363-368,
31. Kowalski Zbigniew S, Iterations of the Frobenius-Perron operator for parabolic random maps. Fundamenta
Mathematicae. 2009 vol. 202, nr 3, s. 241-250,
32. Kozłowski M, Rałowski Robert, The dielectric response with respect to the weight distribution of
relaxation times. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry. 2009 vol. 46, nr 4, s. 1087-1102,
33. Kuchta Małgorzata, Morayne Michał, Niemiec Jarosław, Counting embeddings of a chain into binary
tree. Ars Combinatoria. 2009 vol. 91, s. 97-111,
34. Kulczycki Tadeusz, Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions for stable processes. Lecture Notes in Mathematics.
2009 vol. 1980, s. 73-86,
35. Kulczycki Tadeusz, Kuznetsov Nikolay, "High spots" theorems for sloshing problems. Bulletin of the
London Mathematical Society. 2009 vol. 41, nr 3, s. 495-505,
36. Kwaśnicki Mateusz, Eigenvalues of the Cauchy process on an interval have at most double multiplicity.
Semigroup Forum. 2009 vol. 79, nr 1, s. 183-192,
37. Kwaśnicki Mateusz, Intrinsic ultracontractivity for stable semigroups on unbounded open sets. Potential
Analysis. 2009 vol. 31, nr 1, s. 57-77,
38. Laszkiewicz Beata, Ziętak Krystyna, A Pade family of iterations for the matrix sector function and the
matrix pth root. Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications. 2009 vol. 16, nr 11/12, s. 951-970,
39. Ma Xueling, Zhan Jianming, Dudek Wiesław, Some kinds of (not є, not є or not q)-fuzzy filters of BLalgebras. Computers & Mathematics with Applications. 2009 vol. 58, nr 2, s. 248-256,
40. Magdziarz Marcin, Weron Aleksander, Burnecki Krzysztof, Klafter Joseph, Fractional Brownian
motion versus the continuous-time random walk: a simple test for subdiffusive dynamics. Physical Review
Letters. 2009 vol. 103, nr 18, s. 180602-1 - 180602-4,
41. Magdziarz Marcin, Langevin picture of subdiffusion with infinitely divisible waiting times. Journal of
Statistical Physics. 2009 vol. 135, nr 4, s. 763-772,
42. Marczak Adam, Płonka Jerzy, Mapping extension of an algebra. Algebra Colloquium. 2009 vol. 16, nr 3,
s. 479-494,
43. Michalik Krzysztof, Ryznar Michał, Hardy spaces for α-harmonic functions in regular domains.
Mathematische Zeitschrift. 2009, s.,
44. Muszkieta Monika, Optimal edge detection by topological asymptotic analysis. Mathematical Models and
Methods in Applied Sciences. 2009 vol. 19, nr 11, s. 2127-2143,
45. Nowak Adam, Stempak Krzysztof, Riesz transforms for the Dunkl harmonic oscillator. Mathematische
Zeitschrift. 2009 vol. 262, nr 3, s. 539-556,
46. Nowak Adam, Sjögren Peter, The multi-dimensional pencil phenomenon for Laguerre heat-diffusion
maximal operators. Mathematische Annalen. 2009 vol. 344, nr 1, s. 213-248,
47. Paluszyński Maciej, Stempak Krzysztof, On quasi-metric and metric spaces. Proceedings of the American
Mathematical Society. 2009 vol. 137, nr 12, s. 4307-4312,
48. Pętela Joanna, Average conditions for Kolmogorov systems. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2009
vol. 215, s. 481-494,
49. Rałowski Robert, Remarks on nonmeasurable unions of big point families. Mathematical Logic Quarterly.
2009 vol. 55, nr 6, s. 659-665,
50. Stanislavsky Aleksander, Burnecki Krzysztof, Magdziarz Marcin, Weron Aleksander, Weron Karina,
Farima modeling of solar flare activity from empirical time series of soft x-ray solar emission. Astrophysical
Journal. 2009 vol. 693, nr 2, s. 1877-1882,
51. Sztonyk Paweł, Approximation of stable-dominated semigroups. Potential Analysis. 2009, s.,
52. Teuerle Marek, Jurlewicz Agnieszka, Random walks with bivariate Lévy-stable jumps in comparison with
Lévy flights. Acta Physica Polonica. B. 2009 vol. 40, nr 5, s. 1333-1340,
53. Trzmiel Justyna, Weron Karina, Janczura Joanna, Popko Ewa, Properties of the relaxation time
distribution underlying the Kohlrausch–Williams–Watts photoionization of the DX centers in Cd1−xMnxTe
mixed crystals. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter. 2009 vol. 21, nr 34, 8 s.,
54. Weron Aleksander, Magdziarz Marcin, Anomalous diffusion and semimartingales. Europhysics Letters.
2009 vol. 86, nr 6, s. 60010-p1 - 60010-p6,
55. Weron Rafał, Heavy-tails and regime-switching in electricity prices. Mathematical Methods of Operations
Research. 2009 vol. 69, nr 3, s. 457-473,
56. Więcek Piotr, Altman Eitan, Hayel Yezekael, An anonymous sequential game approach for battery state
dependent power control. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2009 vol. 5894, s. 121-136,
57. Więcek Piotr, Pure equilibria in a simple dynamic model of strategic market game. Mathematical Methods
of Operations Research. 2009 vol. 69, nr 1, s. 59-79,
58. Zhan Jianming, Dudek Wiesław, Jun Young Bae, Interval valued (є, є or q)-fuzzy filters of pseudo BLalgebras. Soft Computing: a Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications. 2009, vol. 13, nr 1, s.
Pozostałe publikacje:
Akram Muhammad, Dudek Wiesław, New fuzzy subquasigroups. Quasigroups and Related Systems.
2009 vol. 17, nr 2, s. 107-118,
Akram Muhammad, Dudek Wiesław, Interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy Lie ideals of Lie algebras.
World Applied Sciences Journal. 2009 vol. 7, nr 7, s. 812-819,
Deriyenko Andriy I, Deriyenko Ivan I, Dudek Wiesław, Rigid and super rigid quasigroups. Quasigroups
and Related Systems. 2009 vol. 17, s. 17-28,
Dudek Wiesław, Shchuchkin Nikolay A., Skew endomorphisms on some n-ary groups. Quasigroups and
Related Systems. 2009 vol. 17, nr 2, s. 205-228,
Dudek Wiesław, Zhang Xiaohong, Wang Yongquan, Ideals and atoms of BZ-algebras. Mathematica
Slovaca. 2009 vol. 59, nr 4, s. 387-404,
Dudek Wiesław, Jun Young Bae, N-quasigroups. Quasigroups and Related Systems. 2009 vol. 17, s. 2938,
Inglot Tadeusz, Janic Alicja, How powerful are data driven score tests for uniformity? Applicationes
Mathematicae. 2009 vol. 36, nr 4, s. 375-395,
Janic Alicja, Ledwina Teresa, Data-driven smooth tests for a location-scale family revisited. Journal of
Statistical Theory and Practice. 2009 vol. 3, nr 3, s. 646-664,
Jaśkiewicz Anna, Semi-Markov control processes with non-compact action spaces and discontinuous costs.
Applicationes Mathematicae. 2009 vol. 36, nr 1, s. 29-42,
Kapelko Aleksander, Kapelko Rafał, The properties of cement concretes modified with superplasticizers.
Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Budownictwo i InŜynieria Środowiska. 2009 s. 85-94,
Klonowski Marek, Koza Michał, Kutyłowski Mirosław, Security challenges for wireless sensor networks
– dynamic routing as a security paradigm. ERCIM News. 2009 s. 29-30,
Nowak Adam, Stempak Krzysztof, Imaginary powers of the Dunkl harmonic oscillator. Symmetry,
Integrability and Geometry. Methods and Applications. 2009 vol. 5, s.,
Olszak Zbigniew, On compact holomorphically pseudosymmetric Kählerian manifolds. Central European
Journal of Mathematics. 2009 vol. 7, nr 3, s. 442-451,
Szajowski Krzysztof: A rank-based selection with cardinal payoffs and a cost of choice. Scientiae
Mathematicae Japonicae. 2009 vol. 69, nr 2, s. 285-293,
Wełyczko Joanna M., On Legendre curves in 3-dimensional normal almost paracontact hyperbolic metric
manifolds. Results in Mathematics. 2009 vol. 54, nr 3/4, s. 377-387,
Zhang Xiaohong, Dudek Wiesław, Fuzzy BIK-logic and non-commutative fuzzy logics. Fuzzy Systems
and Mathematics. 2009 vol. 23, nr 4, s. 8-20,
Zielonka Piotr, Sawicki Przemysław, Weron Rafał, Rzecz o dyskontowaniu odroczonych wypłat.
Decyzje. 2009 nr 11, s. 49-70,
Monografie oraz rozdziały w monografii:
Kajetanowicz Przemysław, Salejda Włodzimierz, Wierzejewski Jędrzej, Internetowy kurs algebry z
geometrią analityczną. Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne. 2009, s. 196-205,
Kobylański Przemysław, Kulej Michał, Pieronek Jerzy, Evaluation of robustness of connectivity in the
large undirected networks. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej. 2009 s. 219-321,
Weron Rafał, Forecasting wholesale electricity prices: a rieview of time series models. W: Financial
markets : principles of modelling forecasting and decision-making / ed. by Władysław Milo, Grzegorz
Szafrański, Piotr Wdowiński. Łódź : Łódź University Press, 2009 s. 71-82,
Jacak Lucjan, Krasnyj Jurij, Jacak Dorota, Bujkiewicz Liliana, Patent. Polska, nr 203033. Urządzenie
na kropkach kwantowych do generacji koherentnego promieniowania w dalekiej podczerwieni i sposób
wytwarzania inwersji obsadzeń w matrycy kropek kwantowych zadawanych polem elektrycznym : Int. Cl.
H01S 5/343, H01L 31/00 Zgłosz. pat. nr 355071 z 17.07.2002. Opubl. 31.08.2009 / Politechnika
Wrocławska, Wrocław, PL ; Lucjan Jacak, Jurij Krasnyj, Dorota Jacak, Liliana Bujkiewicz. 10 s.,
Sporządziła: mgr inŜ. Agnieszka Olejnik