
Czasopisma wyróŜnione w Journal Citation Reports (JCR):
Akram M, Dudek Wiesław, Intuitionistic fuzzy left k-ideals in semirings. Soft Computing: a Fusion of
Foundations, Methodologies and Applications. 2008 vol. 12, nr 9, s. 881-890,
Antoch Jaromir, Huskova Marie, Janic Alicja, Ledwina Teresa, Data driven rank test for the change
point problem. Metrika. 2008 vol. 68, nr 1, s. 1-15,
Balbus Łukasz, Nowak Andrzej S., Existence of perfect equilibria in a class of multigenerational
stochastic games of capital accumulation. Automatica. 2008 vol. 44, nr 6, s. 1471-1479,
Banuelos Rodrigo, Kulczycki Tadeusz, Trace estimates for stable processes. Probability Theory and
Related Fields. 2008 vol. 142, nr 3/4, s. 313-338,
Bienkowski Marcin, Brinkmann André, Korzeniowski Mirosław, Degree 3 suffices: a largescale overlay
for P2P networks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2008 vol. 5401, s. 184-196,
Bogdan Krzysztof, Hansen Wolfhard, Jakubowski Tomasz, Time-dependent Schrödinger perturbations
of transition densities. Studia Mathematica. 2008 t.189, fasc.3, s. 235-254,
Bogdan Krzysztof, Kulczycki Tadeusz, Kwaśnicki Mateusz, Estimates and structure of alpha-harmonic
functions. Probability Theory and Related Fields. 2008 vol. 140, nr 3/4, s. 345-381,
Bogdan Małgorzata, Ghosh Jayanta K, śak-Szatkowska Małgorzata, Selecting explanatory variables
with the modified version of the Bayesian Information Criterion. Quality and Reliability Engineering
International. 2008 vol. 24, nr 6 s. 627-641,
Bogdan Małgorzata, Frommlet F, Biecek Przemysław, Cheng R, Ghosh J K, Doerge R W, Extending
the modified Bayesian Information Criterion (mBIC) to dense markers and multiple interval mapping.
Biometrics. 2008 vol. 64, nr 4, s. 1162-1169,
Borgosz-Koczwara Magdalena, Weron Aleksander, Wyłomańska Agnieszka, Stochastic models for
bidding strategies on oligopoly electricity market. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research. 2008,
September 2008,
Broszkiewicz-Suwaj Ewa, Jurlewicz Agnieszka, Pricing on electricity market based on coupledcontinuous-time-random-walk concept. Physica. A, Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2008 vol.
387, nr 22, s. 5503-5510,
Burnecki Krzysztof, Klafter Joseph, Magdziarz Marcin, Weron Aleksander, From solar flare time
series to fractional dynamics. Physica. A, Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2008 vol. 387, nr 5/6,
s. 1077-1087,
Burnecki Krzysztof, Janczura Joanna, Magdziarz Marcin, Weron Aleksander, Can one see a
competition between subdiffusion and Levy flights? A case of geometric-stable noise. Acta Physica
Polonica. B. 2008 vol. 39, nr 5, s. 1043-1053,
Cichoń Jacek, Jasiński Andrzej, Kapelko Rafał, Zawada Marcin, How to improve the reliability of
Chord?. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2008 vol. 5333, s. 904-913,
Cichoń Jacek, Klonowski Marek, Kutyłowski Mirosław, Privacy protection for RFID with hidden subset
identifiers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2008 vol. 5013, s. 298-314,
Cichoń Jacek, Klonowski Marek, Kutyłowski Mirosław, Distributed verification of mixing-local forking
proofs model. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2008 vol. 5107, s. 128-140,
Cichoń Jacek, Kutyłowski Mirosław, Anonymity and k-choice identities. Information security and
cryptology. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2008, s. 283-297,
Cichoń Jacek, Kutyłowski Mirosław, Węglorz Bogdan, Short ballot assumption and threeballot voting
protocol. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2008 vol. 4910, s. 585-598,
Cichoń Jacek, Kutyłowski Mirosław, Zawada Marcin, Adaptive initialization algorithm for ad hoc radio
networks with carrier sensing. Theoretical Computer Science. 2008 vol. 402, nr. 1, s. 16-28,
Downarowicz Tomasz, Grzegorek Paulina, Epsilon-indepedence between two processes. Studia
Mathematica. 2008 t. 188, fasc. 1, s. 77-95,
Downarowicz Tomasz, Faces of simplexes of invariant measures. Israel Journal of Mathematics. 2008 vol.
165, nr 1, s. 189-210,
Downarowicz Tomasz, Maass Alejandro, Finite rank Bratteli-Vershik diagrams are expansive. Ergodic
Theory and Dynamical Systems. 2008 vol. 28, nr 3, s. 739-747,
Dudek Wiesław, Trokhimenko Valentin, Projection representable relations on Menger (2,n) – semigroups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal. 2008 vol. 58, s. 1015-1037,
Dudek Wiesław, Zhan Jianming, Davvaz Bijan, Intuitionistic (S,T)-fuzzy hyperquasigroups. Soft
Computing: a Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications. 2008 vol. 12, nr 12, s. 1229-1238,
Dudek Wiesław, Głazek Kazimierz, Around the Hosszu-Gluskin theorem for n-ary groups. Discrete
Mathematics. 2008 vol. 308, nr 21, s. 4861-4876,
26. Dudek Wiesław, Special types of intuitionistic fuzzy left h-ideals of hemirings. Soft Computing: a Fusion of
Foundations, Methodologies and Applications. 2008 vol. 12, nr 4, s. 359-364,
27. Georgiou Nicholas, Kuchta Małgorzata, Morayne Michał, Niemiec Jarosław, On a universal best choice
algorithm for partially ordered sets. Random Structures and Algorithms. 2008 vol. 32, nr 3, s. 263-273,
28. Graczyk Piotr, Jakubowski Tomasz, Exit times and Poisson kernels of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck diffusion.
Stochastic Models. 2008 vol. 24, nr 2, s. 314-337,
29. Grzywny Tomasz, Ryznar Michał, Two-sided optimal bounds for Green functions of half-spaces for
relativistic alpha-stable process. Potential Analysis. 2008 vol. 28, nr 3, s. 201-239,
30. Jacak Dorota, Geometrical model of multidimensional orbital motion. Physica Scripta. 2008 vol. 77, nr 5,
s. 104,
31. Jakubowski Tomasz, On Harnack inequality for alpha-stable Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes.
Mathematische Zeitschrift. 2008 vol. 258, nr 3, s. 609-628,
32. Jokiel-Rokita Alicja, Asymptotically pointwise optimal and asymptotically optimal stopping times in the
Bayesian inference. Statistical Papers. 2008 vol. 49, nr 2, s. 165-175,
33. Jokiel-Rokita Alicja, A sequential estimation procedure for the parameter of an exponential distribution
under asymmetric loss function. Statistics and Probability Letters. 2008 vol. 78, nr 17, s. 3091-3095,
34. Jaśkiewicz Anna, A note on negative dynamic programming for risk-sensitive control. Operations
Research Letters. 2008 vol. 36, nr 5, s. 531-534,
35. Jurlewicz Agnieszka, Wyłomańska Agnieszka, śebrowski Piotr, Financial data analysis by means of
coupled continuous-time random walk in Rachev-Ruschendorf model. Acta Physica Polonica. A. 2008 vol.
114, nr 3, s. 629-635,
36. Jurlewicz Agnieszka, Weron Karina, Continuous-time random walk approach to modeling of relaxation:
the role of compound counting processes. Acta Physica Polonica. B. 2008 vol. 39, nr 5, s. 1055-1066,
37. Jurlewicz Agnieszka, Weron Karina, Teuerle Marek, Generalized Mittag-Leffler relaxation: clusteringjump continuous-time random walk approach. Physical Review, E Statistical Nonlinear and Soft Matter
Physics. 2008 vol. 78, nr 1, s. 011103-1, - 011103-8,
38. Kasperski Adam, Zieliński Paweł, A 2-approximation algorithm for interval data minmax regret
sequencing problems with the total flow time criterion. Operations Research Letters. 2008 vol. 36, nr 3,
s. 343-344,
39. Kik Marcin, Ranking and sorting in unreliable single hop radio network. Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, 2008 vol. 5198, s. 333-344,
40. Klonowski Marek, Krzywiecki Łukasz, Kutyłowski Mirosław, Lauks Anna, Step-out ring signatures.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2008 vol. 5162, s. 431-442,
41. Klonowski Marek, Kutyłowski Mirosław, Lauks Anna, Repelling detour attack against onions with reencryption. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2008 vol. 5037, s. 296-308,
42. Klonowski Marek, Strumiński Tomasz, Proofs of communication and its application for fighting spam.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2008 vol. 4910, s. 720-730,
43. Klonowski Marek, Kubiak Przemysław, Kutyłowski Mirosław, Practical deniable encryption. Lecture
Notes in Computer Science. 2008 vol. 4910, s. 599-609,
44. Kołodziejczyk Krzysztof, Reay John, Polynomials and spatial Pick-type theorems. Expositiones
Mathematicae. 2008 vol. 26, nr. 1, s. 41-53,
45. Kondo Michiro, Dudek Wiesław, On bounded lattices satisfying Elkan's law. Soft Computing: a Fusion of
Foundations, Methodologies and Applications. 2008 vol. 12, nr 11, s. 1035-1037,
46. Kondo Michiro, Dudek Wiesław, Filter theory of BL algebras. Soft Computing: a Fusion of Foundations,
Methodologies and Applications. 2008 vol. 12, nr 5, s. 419-423,
47. Laszkiewicz Beata, Ziętak Krystyna, Numerical experiments with algorithms for the ADI optimum
parameters and Zolotarev's coefficients. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2008 vol. 206, s. 298-312,
48. Laszkiewicz Beata, Ziętak Krystyna, Approximation by matrices with restricted spectra. Linear Algebra
and its Applications. 2008 vol. 428, iss. 4, s. 1031-1040,
49. Lenczewski Romuald, Sałapata Rafał, Noncommutative Brownian motions associated with Kesten
distributions and related Poisson processes. Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and
Related Topics. 2008 vol. 11, nr 3, s. 351-375,
50. Lenczewski Romuald, Operators related to subordination for free multiplicative convolutions. Indiana
University Mathematics Journal. 2008 vol. 57, nr 3, s. 1055-1103,
51. Łuczyszyn Dorota, Olszak Zbigniew, On paraholomorphically pseudosymmetric para-Kaehlerian
manifolds. Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society. 2008 vol. 45, nr 4, s. 953-963,
52. Magdziarz Marcin, Fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes. Joseph effect in models with infinite
variance. Physica.A, Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2008 vol. 387, nr 1, s. 123-133,
53. Magdziarz Marcin, Weron Aleksander, Klafter J., Equivalence of the fractional Fokker-Planck and
subordinated Langevin equations. The case of time-dependent force. Physical Review Letters. 2008 vol. 101,
nr 21, s. 210601-1,-210601-4,
54. Małolepszy Tomasz, Okrasiński Wojciech, Blow-up conditions for nonlinear Volterra integral equations
with power nonlinearity. Applied Mathematics Letters. 2008 vol. 21, nr 3, s. 307-312,
55. Makagon Andrzej, Wyłomańska Agnieszka, On the support of the spectral measure of a harmonizable
sequence. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 2008 vol. 136, nr 7, s. 2609-2613,
56. Mierczyński Janusz, Shen Wenxian, Time averaging for nonautonomous/random linear parabolic
equations. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B. 2008 vol. 9, nr 3/4, s. 661-669,
57. Morayne Michał, Tabisz Krzysztof, Filtrations for which all H^2 martingales are of integrable variation;
distances between sigma-algebras. Journal of Theoretical Probability. 2008 vol. 21, nr 1, s. 1-13,
58. Nowak Adam, Sjogren Peter, Riesz transforms for Jacobi expansions. Journal d' Analyse Mathematique
(Jerusalem). 2008 vol. 104, s. 341-369,
59. Nowak Adam, Stempak Krzysztof, Relating multipliers for Dunkl and Hankel transforms. Mathematische
Nachrichten. 2008 vol. 281, nr 11, s. 1604-1611,
60. Nowicka-Zagrajek Joanna, Wyłomańska Agnieszka, Measures of dependence for stable AR(1) models
with time-varying coefficients. Stochastic Models. 2008 vol. 24, nr 1, s. 58-70,
61. Rałowski Robert, śeberski Szymon, Complete nonmeasurability in regular families. Houston Journal of
Mathematics. 2008 vol. 34, nr. 3, s. 773-780,
62. Ramsey David, Szajowski Krzysztof, Selection of a correlated equilibrium in Markov stopping games.
European Journal of Operational Research. 2008 vol. 184, nr 1, s. 185-206,
63. Stanislavsky Aleksander, Weron Karina, Weron Aleksander, Diffusion and relaxation controlled by
tempered alfa-stable processes. Physical Review, E Statistical Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics. 2008 vol.
78, nr 5, s. 051106-1, - 051106-6,
64. Sznajd-Weron Katarzyna, Weron Rafał, Włoszczowska Maja, Outflow dynamics in modeling oligopoly
markets: the case of the mobile telecommunications market in Poland. Journal of Statistical Mechanics:
Theory and Experiment. 2008 nr 11, s.,
65. Sarnowski Wojciech, Szajowski Krzysztof, On line detection of a part of a sequence with unspecified
distribution. Statistics and Probability Letters. 2008 vol. 78, nr 15, s. 2511-2516,
66. Weron Rafał, Market price of risk implied by Asian-style electricity options and futures. Energy
Economics. 2008 vol. 30, nr 3, s. 1098-1115,
67. Weron Rafał, Misiorek Adam, Forecasting spot electricity prices: a comparison of parametric and
semiparametric time series models. International Journal of Forecasting. 2008 vol. 24, nr 4, s. 744-763,
68. Weron Aleksander, Magdziarz Marcin, Weron Karina, Modeling of subdiffusion in space-timedependent force fields beyond the fractional Fokker-Planck equation. Physical Review, E Statistical
Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics. 2008 vol. 77, nr 3, s. 036704-1, - 036704-6,
69. Wilczyński Maciej, Minimax estimation over ellipsoids in l2. Statistics. 2008 vol. 42, nr 2, s. 95-100,
70. Wyłomańska Agnieszka, Spectral measures of PARMA sequences. Journal of Time Series Analysis. 2008
vol. 29, nr 1, s. 1-13,
Pozostałe publikacje:
Akram Muhammad, Dudek Wiesław, Generalized fuzzy subquasigroups. Quasigroups and Related
Systems. 2008 vol. 16, s. 133-146,
Balbus Łukasz, Nowak Andrzej S, Nash equilibria in unconstrained stochastic games of resource
extraction. International Game Theory Review. 2008 vol. 10, nr 1, s. 25-35,
Bergelson Vitaly, Downarowicz Tomasz, Large sets integers and hierarchy of mixing properties of
measure-preserving systems. Colloquium Mathematicum. 2008 vol. 110, nr 1, s. 117-150,
Borak Szymon, Weron Rafał, A semiparametric factor model for electricity forward curve dynamics.
Journal of Energy Markets., 2008 vol. 1, nr 3, s. 3-16,
Borgosz-Koczwara Magdalena, Wyłomańska Agnieszka, Modele gry producentów energii elektrycznej
na rynku sporowym. Systems (Wrocław). 2008 vol. 13, nr 1/2, spec.iss., s. 141-147,
Burnecki Maciej, An operator characterization of L^p-spaces in a class of Orlicz spaces. Banach Center
Publications. 2008 vol. 79, s. 53-55,
Deriyenko Ivan, Dudek Wiesław, On prolongations of quasigroups. Quasigroups and Related Systems.
2008 vol. 16, s. 187-198,
Dudek Wiesław, Jun Young Bae, Pseudo-BCI algebras. East Asian Mathematical Journal. 2008 vol. 24, nr
2, s. 187-190,
Frej Bartosz, Kwaśnicka Agata, Minimal models for Z^d-actions. Colloquium Mathematicum. 2008 vol.
110, nr 2, s. 461-476,
Goncerzewicz Jan, On the initial-boundary value problems for a degenerate parabolic equation. Banach
Center Publications. 2008 vol. 81, s. 197-211,
Graczyk Piotr, śak Tomasz, Fine structure of the complex hyperbolic Brownian motion and Rudin's
question. Probability and Mathematical Statistics. 2008 vol. 28, fasc. 2, s. 345-357,
Grzywny Tomasz, Intrinsic ultractivity for Levy processes. Probability and Mathematical Statistics. 2008
vol. 28, fasc. 1, s. 91-106,
Jasiulewicz Helena, Model zaufania Hachemeistera jako model rezerwy typu IBNR. Prace Naukowe
Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu. 2008 nr. 1, s. 119-133,
14. Kobylański Przemysław, Modeling fuzzy intervals with constraint logic programming. Elektronika. 2008
z. 165, s. 9-22,
15. Kwaśnicki Mateusz, Spectral gap estimate for stable processes on arbitrary bounded open sets. Probability
and Mathematical Statistics. 2008 vol. 28, fasc. 1, s. 163-167,
16. Marczak Adam, Płonka Jerzy, Unarily extended semilattices. Asian-European Journal of Mathematics.
2008 vol. 1, nr 1, s. 99-112,
17. Sarnowski Wojciech, On detection of homogeneous segments of observations in financial time series. Acta
Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica. 2008 vol. 216, s. 423-431,
18. Weron Rafał, Korporacyjne spojrzenie na zarządzanie ryzykiem. Energetyka Cieplna i Zawodowa.2008 nr.
4, s. 46-48,
Monografie oraz rozdziały w monografii:
Bogdan Małgorzata, Ghosh Jayanta K, Tokdar Surya T, A comparison of the Benjamini-Hochberg
procedure with some Bayesian rules for multiple testing. W: Beyond parametrics in interdisciplinary
research: Festschrift in Honor of professor Pranab K. N. Balakrishnan, Edsel A. Pena and Mervyn J.
Silvapulle, eds. Beachwood, Ohio : IMS, 2008. s. 211-230, 5 rys.,
Burnecki Krzysztof, Weron Rafał, Visualization tools for insurance risk processes. W: Handbook of data
visualization. Chun-houh Chen, Wolfgang Hardle, Antony Unwin (eds). Berlin; Heidelberg : Springer,
2008. s. 899-920, 16 rys.,
Jasiulewicz Helena, Zastosowanie uogólnionych modeli liniowych do problemów IBNR. W: Modelowanie
matematyczno-statystyczne w ubezpieczeniach. Praca zbiorowa pod red. Piotra Chrzana. Katowice: Wydaw.
AE, 2008. s. 53-61, 3 rys.,
Klonowski Marek, Ochrona prywatności w systemach RFID. W: Zagadnienia bezpieczeństwa w systemach
informacyjnych. Praca zbiorowa pod redakcją Zbigniewa Huzara i Zygmunta Mazura. Warszawa : WKŁ,
2008. s. 73-82,
Mierczyński Janusz, Shen Wenxian, Spectral theory for random and nonautonomous parabolic equations
and applications / Janusz Mierczyński, Wenxian Shen. Boca Raton : CRC Press/Tylor & Francis, cop. 2008.
317 s.,
Kaczała Michał, Kowalska Justyna, Macyna Wojciech, Porównanie wydajności baz danych
obsługujących format XML. W: Bazy danych : rozwój metod i technologii : praca zbiorowa. [1],
Architektura, metody formalne i zaawansowana analiza danych / pod red. Stanisława Kozielskiego [i in.].
Warszawa : Wydawnictwa Komunikacji i Łączności, 2008. s. 239-247,
Kajetanowicz Przemysław, Wierzejewski Jędrzej, Algebra z geometrią analityczną / Przemysław
Kajetanowicz, Jędrzej Wierzejewski. Warszawa : Wydaw. Nauk. PWN, 2008. 177 s. : rys.
* Sporządziła: mgr inŜ. Agnieszka Olejnik