Agnieszka Biały - store languages and travel 2015


Agnieszka Biały - store languages and travel 2015
Agnieszka Biały
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a
single step.”
–Laozi, Chinese philosopher
Challenge #1
30 days with English that will change your life!
This e-book was created following the Facebook event, in which over 220
thousand people took part. Learning English has never been more effective!
You can join the challenge whenever you wish. This e-book is designed for
30 days self study. How to use it? It’s very simple!
Print out the challenges calendar. Learn one word per day. After 30 days you
will master 30 new expressions and you will easily read an authentic article
from the BBC website!
At the end of this e-book you’ll find a link to the article.
Po polsku na następnej stronie! —>
Wyzwanie #1
30 dni z angielskim, które zmieni Twoje życie!
Ten e-book powstał po zakończeniu wydarzenia na Facebooku, w którym wzięło
udział 220 tysięcy osób. Nauka angielskiego jeszcze nigdy nie była tak skuteczna!
Do Wyzwania możesz przystąpić w dowolnym momencie. E-book jest
przeznaczony do nauki samodzielnej przez 30 dni. Jak z niego korzystać? To
bardzo proste!
Wydrukuj kalendarz wyzwań. Każdego dnia zajmij się jednym słówkiem, dzięki
czemu po 30 dniach poznasz 30 nowych zwrotów i spokojnie, bez żadnych
trudności przeczytasz autentyczny tekst z BBC po angielsku!
Link do artykułu znajdziesz na końcu tego e-booka.
I hope you will have a
pleasant month with English!
I also hope you will see for yourself that
learning English ON A REGULAR BASIS
can be really interesting. I am keeping my
fingers crossed for you! Have lots of fun!
Below you'll find a word of the day with its
English definition, translation into Polish, its
context and a link to correct pronunciation.
You’ll find correct example sentences with
the words. On top of that, you’ll be able to
do a simple exercise to test yourself!
Remember that how you are going to take
advantage of this Challenge depends on
you! The more you think about this word
(or words!) during the whole day, the
better! Practice makes perfect!
Quotes after each slide are taken from the
BBC article that we are working on, don’t
miss them!
Życzę Ci owocnego i przyjemnego miesiąca z
• Mam nadzieję, że dzięki temu wyzwaniu
przekonasz się, że REGULARNA nauka
angielskiego jest przyjemna i ciekawa.
Trzymam kciuki! :) Dobrej zabawy!
• Poniżej znajdziesz słówko dnia, jego
tłumaczenie, definicję angielską, kontekst
użycia oraz link do wymowy. Znajdziesz
także poprawne zdania przykładowe, a na
koniec będziesz mieć możliwość szybkiego
sprawdzenia się!
• Pamiętaj, że to od Ciebie zależy jak
wykorzystasz wyzwanie! Im więcej
będziesz myśleć o słówku/zwrocie w ciągu
całego dnia, tym lepiej! Praktyka czyni
• Po każdym slajdzie znajdziesz cytat z
artykułu z BBC, nad którym pracujemy. Nie
przegap go!
3... 2... 1... Let's get started!
Are you ready?
to sprout
DAY 1/30
to sprout - to begin to grow, give off buds
kiełkować, puszczać pędy
The trees will start to sprout leaves in spring.
Bonus meanings:
to emerge and develop rapidly wyrastać, pojawiać się
Lots of businesses sprouted along the highway.
to allow or cause to come forth and grow zapuścić
My Dad sprouted a mustache.
sprouts - the young shoots of plants such as soybean,
usually eaten raw kiełki
Sprouts are a good source of many nutrients.
Brussel sprout brukselka
I have eaten Brussel sprouts two or three times and
each time I felt this horrible aftertaste in my mouth.
Bonus sentences
I am a big fan of Harry Potter's books. There was a
teacher who taught her biology class. Her name
was professor Sprout. Now I understand why ;-)
Sprouts are a good source of many nutrients. I've
never eaten any, but you encouraged me to try it.
My father decided to sprout a mustache.
This webpage is a real example of how passion for
learning foreign languages sprouts from little things.
The interesting feature of the Japanese culture is
the observation of flowers sprouting in the temple's
When I travelled around the world I saw that in rich
countries skyscrapers sprout like mushrooms.
Let’s do some exercise!
skyscrapers sprout, flowers sprouting,
sprouts, sprout a mustache, sprouts
… are a good source of many nutrients. I've never
eaten any, but you encouraged me to try it.
My father decided to …
This webpage is a real example of how passion for
learning foreign languages … from little things.
The interesting feature of the Japanees culture is
the observation of … in the temple's garden.
When I travelled around the world I saw that in rich
countries … like mushrooms.
“It was sunny and the trees had just started to
sprout leaves the day I quit my job to travel.”
– taken from the BBC article you are going to read after the
to sow seeds
DAY 2/30
to sow the seeds
siać ziarna, dać początek
to sow - to place (seeds) in or on the ground for future
growth siać
- to do something that will cause a particular
result in the future dać początek
seed - a small hard fruit; a small round or oval object
produced by a plant that a new plant can grow
from nasienie, ziarno
- anything that provides inspiration for later work,
the beginning of sth - zalążek czegoś She sowed sunflower seeds.
Religious conflict sowed the seeds of the
government's downfall.
Bonus meanings
to sow rumours siać plotki
People in my village sow rumours that I'm a
gangster but this is not true.
to sow a doubt in someone’s mind
zasiać wątpliwości w czyimś umyśle
I was just about to set up my company but he
sowed a doubt in my mind.
Bonus sentences
The seeds of this decision were sown two
years earlier, in 2010, when I graduated college
and moved to Spain to teach English
Martin Luther King sowed the seeds of hope
for a better tomorrow for many Afro-americans.
Few months ago I sowed lemon seeds. Now
I'm drinking a delicious lemonade.
An excessive intake of caffeinated drinks may
sow the seeds for development of an
Let’s do some exercise!
lemon seeds, the seeds of this decision, sowed
the seeds of hope, the seeds for development
Few months ago I sowed … . Now I'm drinking
a delicious lemonade.
… were sown two years earlier, in 2010, when
I graduated college and moved to Spain to
teach English
An excessive intake of caffeinated drinks may
sow … of an addiction.
Martin Luther King … for a better tomorrow for
many Afro-americans.
“The seeds of this decision were sown two
years earlier, in 2010, when I graduated college
and moved to Spain to teach English.”
– taken from the BBC article you are going to read after the
to sustain
DAY 3/30
to sustain
utrzymywać, doznać
to keep in existence, maintain, continue, prolong
utrzymywać, podtrzymywać
The team may not be able to sustain this
level of performance.
to provide with necessities or nourishment,
provide for utrzymywać
Our small family business turned into a big
company which sustains our whole family
to experience or suffer doznać
He sustained minor injuries in the car
Bonus sentences
I had no idea that the blog would eventually turn
into a business that sustains me to this day. It was a miracle that he could walk after the
injuries he sustained in the accident.
I'm 18 and I'm going to move to a bigger city
soon, so I hope I'll find a job and finally be able
to sustain myself.
I try to sustain high level performance in my
work to avoid losing my job.
Let’s do some exercise!
to sustain myself, sustains me, to sustain
high level, injuries he sustained
It was a miracle that he could walk after the
… in the accident.
I had no idea that the blog would eventually
turn into a business that … to this day. I try … performance in my work to avoid
losing my job.
I'm 18 and I'm going to move to a bigger city
soon, so I hope I'll find a job and finally be
able … .
“I had no idea that the blog would eventually
turn into a business that sustains me to this
– taken from the BBC article you are going to read after the