OUR LITTLE LIBRARY Obszar grantowy


OUR LITTLE LIBRARY Obszar grantowy
Tytuł projektu: OUR LITTLE LIBRARY
Obszar grantowy: Projekty Współpracy Europejskiej (kategoria I –
granty na mniejszą skalę)
Polski beneficjent projektu: AGENCJA EDYTORSKA EZOP S.C.
Pozostali partnerzy projektu: UAB "NIEKO RIMTO" (LT)
Czas realizacji projektu: 15.09.2014 – 14.09.2016
Wysokość dofinansowania: 200 000 EUR
Całkowity koszt projektu: 333 333,34 EUR
Opis projektu:
The project Our Little Library aims to promote reading culture and new
European children’s authors and illustrators who are well known at home
but not necessarily in other European countries. KUD Sodobnost
International, as well as the publishing houses Ezop from Poland and
Nieko Rimto from Lithuania, are facing difficulties in bringing the work of
their best authors and illustrators to a wider European market. To expand
our literatures beyond our national borders we would like to use a model
that has been very successful in Slovenia for the last six years. The
project is going to promote reading among school children in an inventive
and amusing way. Each publishing house will participate with two of their
best children's books. This will result in six high quality books, presenting
10 authors (writers and illustrators) in all three languages. The chosen
works will be included in the activity book which will be printed in Slovene,
Polish and Lithuanian. Activity books (distributed free of charge) are the
most important means of involving a wider readership and getting school
children to participate in the reading of high quality books that will
increase their knowledge of other European countries and cultures. The
project will be enriched by different promotional and creative activities by
each partner. Ezop Publishing House will cooperate with Lalka
Theatre; Nieko Rimto will organize a presentation of the project to other
countries at the Vilnius Book Fair, as well as to Lithuanian readers. The
moving exhibition of illustrated suitcases is aimed at promoting the
illustrators who will be travelling in all three countries. The 3-day
International seminar in Ljubljana will be dedicated to the problems of
publishing industry in changing circumstances and to looking for new
exchange opportunities, together with a meeting of participating
illustrators, authors and publishers from Hungary, Estonia, Croatia, Turkey
and the three partners countries.